923 resultados para Newborn Eeg
Se propone investigar la utilidad de la técnica EEG cuantificada o QEEG para el estudio y diagnóstico del TDAH (Trastono de Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad). En particular, se estudia la capacidad para diferenciar población con TDAH de sujetos de controles sin diagnóstico y con otros diagnósticos psicopatológicos. La muestra esta compuesta por niños y niñas de cuatro a diecisiete años remitidos para estudio a la Unidad de Salud Mental-Infanto Juvenil del Servicio de Psiquiatría de Burgos. Se forman tres grupos experimentales, de al menos cuarenta niños y niñas cada uno, un grupo de control, otro con TDAH y el último con otros diagnósticos psicopatológicos. Cada sujeto es valorado de modo independiente en los servicios de Neurofisiología y Psiquiatría del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Burgos. Cada diagnóstico se establece por procedimientos clínicos y psicométricos usuales en la unidad de Salud Mental Infanto-Juvenil. Para concluir lo expuesto en el proyecto de investigación, se deja abierta la investigación, para continuar con un posterior análisis de la técnica EGG cuantificada o QEEG para el estudio y diagnóstico del TDAH.
Conocer las epilépsias desde la ciencia médica ya que ésta, ha hecho importantes avances en el tratamiento satisfactorio, por medio de fármacos para la disminución y en algunos casos, incluso la eliminación de los ataques. Conocer pues a través del aspecto médico qué es una epilepsia, la clasificación clínica y electroencefalográfica de las crisis epilépticas, su etiología y las diversas manifestaciones psiquiátricas, posteriormente ver el tratamiento psicopedagógico del niño epiléptico viendo posibles técnicas generales de tratamiento psicopedagógico para el niño epiléptico. En cuanto a técnicas desde el punto de vista clínico: están las medidas higiénico dietéticas y tratamiento farmacológico basándose en antiepilépticos (fenitoina, carbamacepina, ácido valproica, fenobarbital, primidona, benzodiacepina, etosuximida). En cuanto al tratamiento psicopedagógico del niño epileptico con una gran ayuda que aporta la actividad del profesor. La epilepsia puede ser definida como un trastorno paroxístico recurrente de la función cerebral caracterizado por ataques súbitos breves de conciencia alterada, actividad motora, fenómenos sensoriales o conducta inapropiada. Puede ser clasificada como sintomática o idiopática. La edad de comienzo en la epilepsia idiopática se fija entre los dos y los catorce años y suelen relacionarse con defectos del desarrollo, lesiones durante el nacimiento o una enfermedad metabólica que afecte al cerebro, las que comienzan después de los veinticinco años de edad, suelen ser sintomáticas, y secundarias a traumatismos cerebrales tumores u otra enfermedad cerebral orgánica. Sin embargo las enfermedades focales del cerebro pueden causar epilepsia a cualquier edad. Los ataques convulsivos pueden asociarse a diversos trastornos cerebrales o generales, como resultado de una alteración focal o generalizada de la función cortical, y se puede demostrar generalmente por EGG. Ninguna etiología única tiene un apoyo definitivo. La historia y la exploración neurológica dan una información rápida y exacta, sobre el estado del cerebro. Otros estudios complementarios deben incluir una historia familiar detallada, una exploración física general y un estado neurológico. Igualmente son necesarios análisis de glucosa y calcio en suero, radiología de craneo y EEG. La terapeútica farmacológica puede controlar los ataques de gran mal en un cincuenta por ciento de los casos y reducir mucho la frecuencia de los ataques en otro treinta y cinco por ciento, controlar los ataques de petit mal en un treinta y tres por ciento controlar los ataques psicomotores en un veintiocho por ciento y reducir la frecuencia en un cincuenta por ciento. El pronóstico del epiléptico puede ser variable.
A pele infantil apresenta diferentes características quando comparada com a dos adultos, apresenta-se mais fina, permeável e delicada devido à imaturidade das suas estruturas. Desta forma, as crianças são mais susceptíveis ao desenvolvimento de várias afecções cutâneas, as dermatoses, tais como a dermatite das fraldas, dermatite atópica, miliária, psoríase, entre outras. Actualmente existe uma grande variedade de produtos cosméticos que se destinam a serem utilizados em crianças e até mesmo em recém-nascidos, estes são desenvolvidos a pensar nas características próprias da pele infantil. Todos os produtos que entram em contacto com a pele do bebé devem ser rigorosamente seleccionados. Com este trabalho pretende-se abordar as diversas dermatoses que afectam as crianças tais com as opções cosmetológicas existentes para o tratamento das mesmas.
This paper discusses the results of a study to determine a relationship between the EEG pattern and autonomic conditioning.
A new control paradigm for Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) is proposed. BCIs provide a means of communication direct from the brain to a computer that allows individuals with motor disabilities an additional channel of communication and control of their external environment. Traditional BCI control paradigms use motor imagery, frequency rhythm modification or the Event Related Potential (ERP) as a means of extracting a control signal. A new control paradigm for BCIs based on speech imagery is initially proposed. Further to this a unique system for identifying correlations between components of the EEG and target events is proposed and introduced.
Increasing recognition of the importance of the long-chain n-3 PUFA, EPA and DHA, to cardiovascular health, and in the case of DHA to normal neurological development in the fetus and the newborn, has focused greater attention on the dietary supply of these fatty acids. The reason for low intakes of EPA and DHA in most developed countries (0 center dot 1-0 center dot 5hairspg/d) is the low consumption of oily fish, the richest dietary source of these fatty acids. An important question is whether dietary intake of the precursor n-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (alpha LNA), can provide sufficient amounts of tissue EPA and DHA by conversion through the n-3 PUFA elongation-desaturation pathway. alpha LNA is present in marked amounts in plant sources, including green leafy vegetables and commonly-consumed oils such as rape-seed and soyabean oils, so that increased intake of this fatty acid would be easier to achieve than via increased fish consumption. However, alpha LNA-feeding studies and stable-isotope studies using alpha LNA, which have addressed the question of bioconversion of alpha LNA to EPA and DHA, have concluded that in adult men conversion to EPA is limited (approximately 8%) and conversion to DHA is extremely low (< 0 center dot 1%). In women fractional conversion to DHA appears to be greater (9%), which may partly be a result of a lower rate of utilisation of alpha LNA for beta-oxidation in women. However, up-regulation of the conversion of EPA to DHA has also been suggested, as a result of the actions of oestrogen on Delta 6-desaturase, and may be of particular importance in maintaining adequate provision of DHA in pregnancy. The effect of oestrogen on DHA concentration in pregnant and lactating women awaits confirmation.
The impact that “Romanization” and the development of urban centers had on the health of the Romano-British population is little understood. A re-examination of the skeletal remains of 364 nonadults from the civitas capital at Roman Dorchester (Durnovaria) in Dorset was carried out to measure the health of the children living in this small urban area. The cemetery population was divided into two groups; the first buried their dead organized within an east–west alignment with possible Christian-style graves, and the second with more varied “pagan” graves, aligned north–south. A higher prevalence of malnutrition and trauma was evident in the children from Dorchester than in any other published Romano-British group, with levels similar to those seen in postmedieval industrial communities. Cribra orbitalia was present in 38.5% of the children, with rickets and/or scurvy at 11.2%. Twelve children displayed fractures of the ribs, with 50% of cases associated with rickets and/or scurvy, suggesting that rib fractures should be considered during the diagnosis of these conditions. The high prevalence of anemia, rickets, and scurvy in the Poundbury children, and especially the infants, indicates that this community may have adopted child-rearing practices that involved fasting the newborn, a poor quality weaning diet, and swaddling, leading to general malnutrition and inadequate exposure to sunlight. The Pagan group showed no evidence of scurvy or rib fractures, indicating difference in religious and child-rearing practices but that both burial groups were equally susceptible to rickets and anemia suggests a shared poor standard of living in this urban environment.
Numerous linguistic operations have been assigned to cortical brain areas, but the contributions of subcortical structures to human language processing are still being discussed. Using simultaneous EEG recordings directly from deep brain structures and the scalp, we show that the human thalamus systematically reacts to syntactic and semantic parameters of auditorily presented language in a temporally interleaved manner in coordination with cortical regions. In contrast, two key structures of the basal ganglia, the globus pallidus internus and the subthalamic nucleus, were not found to be engaged in these processes. We therefore propose that syntactic and semantic language analysis is primarily realized within cortico-thalamic networks, whereas a cohesive basal ganglia network is not involved in these essential operations of language analysis.
The human electroencephalogram (EEG) is globally characterized by a 1/f power spectrum superimposed with certain peaks, whereby the "alpha peak" in a frequency range of 8-14 Hz is the most prominent one for relaxed states of wakefulness. We present simulations of a minimal dynamical network model of leaky integrator neurons attached to the nodes of an evolving directed and weighted random graph (an Erdos-Renyi graph). We derive a model of the dendritic field potential (DFP) for the neurons leading to a simulated EEG that describes the global activity of the network. Depending on the network size, we find an oscillatory transition of the simulated EEG when the network reaches a critical connectivity. This transition, indicated by a suitably defined order parameter, is reflected by a sudden change of the network's topology when super-cycles are formed from merging isolated loops. After the oscillatory transition, the power spectra of simulated EEG time series exhibit a 1/f continuum superimposed with certain peaks. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BCI systems require correct classification of signals interpreted from the brain for useful operation. To this end this paper investigates a method proposed in [1] to correctly classify a series of images presented to a group of subjects in [2]. We show that it is possible to use the proposed methods to correctly recognise the original stimuli presented to a subject from analysis of their EEG. Additionally we use a verification set to show that the trained classification method can be applied to a different set of data. We go on to investigate the issue of invariance in EEG signals. That is, the brain representation of similar stimuli is recognisable across different subjects. Finally we consider the usefulness of the methods investigated towards an improved BCI system and discuss how it could potentially lead to great improvements in the ease of use for the end user by offering an alternative, more intuitive control based mode of operation.
The paper describes the implementation of an offline, low-cost Brain Computer Interface (BCI) alternative to more expensive commercial models. Using inexpensive general purpose clinical EEG acquisition hardware (Truscan32, Deymed Diagnostic) as the base unit, a synchronisation module was constructed to allow the EEG hardware to be operated precisely in time to allow for recording of automatically time stamped EEG signals. The synchronising module allows the EEG recordings to be aligned in stimulus time locked fashion for further processing by the classifier to establish the class of the stimulus, sample by sample. This allows for the acquisition of signals from the subject’s brain for the goal oriented BCI application based on the oddball paradigm. An appropriate graphical user interface (GUI) was constructed and implemented as the method to elicit the required responses (in this case Event Related Potentials or ERPs) from the subject.
Abstract. Different types of mental activity are utilised as an input in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems. One such activity type is based on Event-Related Potentials (ERPs). The characteristics of ERPs are not visible in single-trials, thus averaging over a number of trials is necessary before the signals become usable. An improvement in ERP-based BCI operation and system usability could be obtained if the use of single-trial ERP data was possible. The method of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) can be utilised to separate single-trial recordings of ERP data into components that correspond to ERP characteristics, background electroencephalogram (EEG) activity and other components with non- cerebral origin. Choice of specific components and their use to reconstruct “denoised” single-trial data could improve the signal quality, thus allowing the successful use of single-trial data without the need for averaging. This paper assesses single-trial ERP signals reconstructed using a selection of estimated components from the application of ICA on the raw ERP data. Signal improvement is measured using Contrast-To-Noise measures. It was found that such analysis improves the signal quality in all single-trials.
We agree with Duckrow and Albano [Phys. Rev. E 67, 063901 (2003)] and Quian Quiroga et al. [Phys. Rev. E 67, 063902 (2003)] that mutual information (MI) is a useful measure of dependence for electroencephalogram (EEG) data, but we show that the improvement seen in the performance of MI on extracting dependence trends from EEG is more dependent on the type of MI estimator rather than any embedding technique used. In an independent study we conducted in search for an optimal MI estimator, and in particular for EEG applications, we examined the performance of a number of MI estimators on the data set used by Quian Quiroga et al. in their original study, where the performance of different dependence measures on real data was investigated [Phys. Rev. E 65, 041903 (2002)]. We show that for EEG applications the best performance among the investigated estimators is achieved by k-nearest neighbors, which supports the conjecture by Quian Quiroga et al. in Phys. Rev. E 67, 063902 (2003) that the nearest neighbor estimator is the most precise method for estimating MI.
We agree with Duckrow and Albano [Phys. Rev. E 67, 063901 (2003)] and Quian Quiroga [Phys. Rev. E 67, 063902 (2003)] that mutual information (MI) is a useful measure of dependence for electroencephalogram (EEG) data, but we show that the improvement seen in the performance of MI on extracting dependence trends from EEG is more dependent on the type of MI estimator rather than any embedding technique used. In an independent study we conducted in search for an optimal MI estimator, and in particular for EEG applications, we examined the performance of a number of MI estimators on the data set used by Quian Quiroga in their original study, where the performance of different dependence measures on real data was investigated [Phys. Rev. E 65, 041903 (2002)]. We show that for EEG applications the best performance among the investigated estimators is achieved by k-nearest neighbors, which supports the conjecture by Quian Quiroga in Phys. Rev. E 67, 063902 (2003) that the nearest neighbor estimator is the most precise method for estimating MI.
Transient episodes of synchronisation of neuronal activity in particular frequency ranges are thought to underlie cognition. Empirical mode decomposition phase locking (EMDPL) analysis is a method for determining the frequency and timing of phase synchrony that is adaptive to intrinsic oscillations within data, alleviating the need for arbitrary bandpass filter cut-off selection. It is extended here to address the choice of reference electrode and removal of spurious synchrony resulting from volume conduction. Spline Laplacian transformation and independent component analysis (ICA) are performed as pre-processing steps, and preservation of phase synchrony between synthetic signals. combined using a simple forward model, is demonstrated. The method is contrasted with use of bandpass filtering following the same preprocessing steps, and filter cut-offs are shown to influence synchrony detection markedly. Furthermore, an approach to the assessment of multiple EEG trials using the method is introduced, and the assessment of statistical significance of phase locking episodes is extended to render it adaptive to local phase synchrony levels. EMDPL is validated in the analysis of real EEG data, during finger tapping. The time course of event-related (de)synchronisation (ERD/ERS) is shown to differ from that of longer range phase locking episodes, implying different roles for these different types of synchronisation. It is suggested that the increase in phase locking which occurs just prior to movement, coinciding with a reduction in power (or ERD) may result from selection of the neural assembly relevant to the particular movement. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.