997 resultados para Neotropical horseflies
This study investigates the Drosophilidae species associated to fruiting bodies of fungi in forested and anthropized environments of the Atlantic Rain Forest Biome, in south and southeastern Brazil. We collected samples of imagoes flying over and emerging from fruiting bodies of species of five fungi families, in six collection sites. We obtained 18 samples, from which emerged 910 drosophilids of 31 species from the genera Drosophila Fallen, 1823, Hirtodrosophila Duda, 1923, Leucophenga Mik, 1886, Mycodrosophila Oldenberg, 1914, Scaptomyza Hardy, 1849, Zaprionus Coquillett, 1901 and Zygothrica Wiedemann, 1830. The Drosophila species collected on fungi, as well as Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970, had previously been recorded colonizing fruits, demonstrating their versatility in resource use. Most of these species belong to the immigrans-tripunctata radiation of Drosophila. Our records expands the mycophagous habit (feeding or breeding on fungi) to almost all species groups of this radiation in the Neotropical region, even those supposed to be exclusively frugivorous. Assemblages associated to fungi of forested areas were more heterogeneous in terms of species composition, while those associated to fungi of anthropized areas were more homogeneous. The drosophilids from anthropized areas were also more versatile in resource use.
Descreve-se um novo gênero (Chorisomaculata), similar a Chorisoneura Brunner, 1865 e uma nova espécie (Chorisomaculata manauensis) do estado do Amazonas. A genitália do macho é ilustrada.
Brazilian fauna of drosophilids has been researched in various ecosystems, but those in mangrove forests remain overlooked in Brazil and elsewhere. The present study attempts to characterise the assemblages of drosophilids of this environment, based on 28 collections taken in three mangrove areas in Santa Catarina Island, southern Brazil. The three mangroves surveyed were different in their surroundings, which varied from highly urbanised areas to conservation areas with natural vegetation. Overall, 69 species were collected, and no remarkable difference was detected in species composition and abundances or in the richness, evenness and heterogeneity between sites. The species abundance distribution observed fitted to a theoretical lognormal distribution in the three mangroves. The species richness scored and the performance of the species richness estimators showed an unexpectedly high diversity, considering the very low floristic diversity and the harsh conditions of the environment. Regarding species composition and abundances, the drosophilid mangrove assemblages were shown to be more similar to those found in open environments, with a marked dominance of exotic species. Finally, considering the apparent lack of feeding and breeding sites, we suggest that mangrove forests are acting as sink habitats for the drosophilids populations.
Eustala levii sp. nov. e E. palmares sp. nov. são descritas do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, com base em ambos os sexos. Os machos de E. albiventer (Keyserling, 1884), E. taquara (Keyserling, 1892) e E. photographica Mello-Leitão, 1944, são descritos pela primeira vez e as fêmeas são redescritas. Eustala sanguinosa (Keyserling, 1893) é considerada sinônimo de E. albiventer. Eustala photographica, descrita da Argentina, é registrada pela primeira vez para o Brasil. Novas ocorrências ampliam a distribuição geográfica de E. minuscula (Keyserling, 1892) e E. saga (Keyserling, 1893).
O gênero Diaspidistis Hempel, 1900 foi estudado. Foram redescritas Diaspidistis multilobis Hempel, 1900 e D. squamosa Hempel, 1937. Novas combinações são propostas: D. gomescostai (Lepage & Giannotti, 1946), D. memorabilis (Ferris, 1941), D. multipunctata (Lepage & Giannotti, 1946) e D. petasata (Ferris, 1942). São descritas e ilustradas duas espécies novas: Diaspidistis fonsecai sp. nov. e Diaspidistis tucumanensis sp. nov. Uma chave para identificação das espécies é apresentada baseada em fêmeas adultas.
Se describe a Cheiropteronema striatum sp. nov. parásita del murciélago Artibeus planirostris (Spix, 1823). Se caracteriza por presentar vesícula cefálica estriada, superficie de los huevos con puntuaciones, espículas iguales, nacimiento simétrico del ala espicular, particular disposición y número de crestas del synlophe y por carecer de diente esofágico. Es la segunda especie del género y la primera que se registra en quirópteros frugívoros de la Argentina.
Phoroncidia piratini sp. nov. do estado do Rio Grande do Sul é descrita e ilustrada, com base em espécimes de ambos os sexos. O macho de P. reimoseri Levi, 1964 é descrito e ilustrado pela primeira vez e novos registros são fornecidos. Dados ecológicos de ambas as espécies são apresentados.
Duas espécies de Eustala Simon, 1895 são descritas do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: Eustala belissima sp. nov. e Eustala crista sp. nov., representadas por ambos os sexos. A fêmea de E. itapocuensis Strand, 1916 e os machos de E. nasuta Mello-Leitão, 1939, E. perfida Mello-Leitão, 1947 e E. secta Mello-Leitão, 1945, são descritos pela primeira vez. Novas ocorrências do Brasil são listadas para Eustala illicita (O. P.-Cambridge, 1889) e E. sagana (Keyserling, 1893).
Três espécies novas de Cryptachaea Archer, 1946 são descritas e ilustradas, com base em ambos os sexos: Cryptachaea brescoviti sp. nov. de Beni, Bolívia e Bahia e Espírito Santo, Brasil; C. bonaldoi sp. nov. de Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul e Paraná e C. lisei sp. nov. de São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Sinonímias novas são propostas: Chrysso ribeirao Levi, 1962 e C. caraca Levi, 1962 com Chrysso arops Levi, 1962; Cryptachaea diamantina (Levi, 1963) com C. hirta (Taczanowski, 1873) e Cryptachaea maxima (Keyserling, 1884) com C. altiventer (Keyserling, 1884). Theridion altum Levi, 1963 é sinônimo júnior de Theridion soaresi Levi, 1963. Theridion melanosternum Mello-Leitão, 1947 é sinonimizada com Oedothorax bisignatus Mello-Leitão, 1944 e esta última espécie é removida da sinonímia de Theridion calcynatum Holmberg, 1876 e transferida para Theridion Walckenaer, 1805. Theridion tungurahua Levi, 1963 é a fêmea de Theridion fungosum Keyserling, 1884 e a espécie é transferida para Exalbidion Wunderlich, 1995. Theridion antron Levi, 1963 é a fêmea de Theridion filum Levi, 1963. Theridion nesticum Levi, 1963 é sinonimizada com Theridion teresae Levi, 1963. Theridion olaup Levi, 1963 é transferida para Kockiura Archer, 1950 e a fêmea é descrita e ilustrada pela primeira vez. Novas combinações são estabelecidas: Cryptachaea dalana (Buckup & Marques, 1991), C. triguttata (Keyserling, 1891), C. dea (Buckup & Marques, 2006), C. digitus (Buckup & Marques, 2006), C. taim (Buckup & Marques, 2006) e Parasteatoda nigrovittata (Keyserling, 1884), todas são transferidas de Achaearanea Strand, 1929. Cryptachaea rafaeli (Buckup & Marques, 1991) é transferida para Henziectypus Archer, 1946.
The genus Sporophila (Cabanis, 1844) unites about 30 species of small seedeaters that predominantly inhabit open or semi-open areas in the Neotropical region. The taxonomy of this group is based on morphological studies from collected male specimens. The dynamic spatial and temporal variation in the male plumage and lack of knowledge of their vocalizations make it difficult to properly diagnose some species even today, so these two aspects account for the existing taxonomic dilemmas involving Sporophila. During a four-year field study, we investigated the natural history of a breeding population of Sporophila melanogaster (Pelzeln, 1870). This is an endemic species in Brazil, which reproduces in the high-altitude grasslands of the Atlantic Forest biome. We found four male specimens with clearly diagnosable plumage, distinct from the typical form of the species. Here we describe this previously unreported plumage form. Based on the evaluation of habitat use, vocalization, and reproductive behavior, we tested two hypotheses regarding its taxonomic status. We concluded that this is another case of an intra-specific color morph within the seedeaters of the "capuchinos" group.
Dosilia plumosa (Carter, 1849), type species of the genus, and D. brouni (Kirkpatrick, 1906), with distribution respectively in the Oriental and Ethiopic regions, are revised based on a SEM analysis of spicules, gemmules and skeletal structure. The lectotype here designated for D. plumosa is illustrated as well as the holotype by monotypy determined for D. brouni. Dosilia palmeri (Potts, 1885) and D. radiospiculata (Mills, 1888) distributed in the Nearctic and Neotropical regions and D. pydanieli Volkmer-Ribeiro, 1992, found in the Neotropical region, are revised based on a SEM analysis of spicules, gemules and skeletal structure. The holotype by monotypy is determined for D. radiospiculata. Heteromeyenia plumosa Weltner,1895 is synonymyzed with D. radiospiculata. Upon the revision of its five species, the genus is redefined and a key presented.
In this study, I investigated the reproductive biology of fish species from the family Characidae of the order Characiformes. I also investigated the relationship between reproductive biology and body weight and interpreted this relationship in a phylogenetic context. The results of the present study contribute to the understanding of the evolution of the reproductive strategies present in the species of this family. Most larger characid species and other characiforms exhibit a reproductive pattern that is generally characterized by a short seasonal reproductive period that lasts one to three months, between September and April. This is accompanied by total spawning, an extremely high fecundity, and, in many species, a reproductive migration. Many species with lower fecundity exhibit some form of parental care. Although reduction in body size may represent an adaptive advantage, it may also require evolutionary responses to new biological problems that arise. In terms of reproduction, smaller species have a tendency to reduce the number of oocytes that they produce. Many small characids have a reproductive pattern similar to that of larger characiforms. On the other hand they may also exhibit a range of modifications that possibly relate to the decrease in body size and the consequent reduction in fecundity. Examples of changes in the general reproductive pattern include the following: reduction in the size of mature oocytes; increase in fecundity; production of several batches of oocytes; an extended reproductive period or even continuous reproduction that allows individuals to reproduce more than once a year; high growth rates; rapid recruitment of juveniles; presence of more than one reproductive cohort that increases the sexually active population; and multiple independent development of insemination as a reproductive strategy. These changes are possibly associated with adaptive pressures that are related to the reduction in body size. In addition, such reproductive characteristics or novelties may reflect the phylogenetic history of a given species.
É apresentada uma lista de 808 espécies de aranhas, incluídas em 51 famílias ocorrentes no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. São indicados localidade-tipo, municípios de ocorrência e a bibliografia taxonômica de cada espécie.
Six new species of Dasyhelea Kieffer, 1911 from Argentinean and Chilean Patagonia are described and illustrated based on adults. Five of these species do not belong to any of the recognized groups found in the Americas. The remaining one, Dasyhelea pabloi sp. nov. is a typical member of the leptobranchia group and is the first record of a species from this group found in the Neotropical region.
Two new species and a new genus of gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) are described and illustrated. Both species induce leaf galls on Myrtaceae, the former on Eugenia uniflora and the latter on Psidium cattleianum.