999 resultados para Neodymium


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We report an optimized method for extracting neodymium (Nd) from fossil fish teeth with a single-stage column (125 µl stem volume; LN Resin, Eichrom Industries, Darien Illinois) for isotopic analysis by multi-collector inductively coupled mass spectrometry (MC-ICMPS). Three reference materials (basalt: BCR-2, BHVO-2; phosphate: fossil bone composite) and splits of fossil fish teeth samples previously processed with existing two-stage column methods were processed using the single-stage column method. 143Nd/144Nd values of reference materials agree within error with published values, and the values for fish teeth correspond with sample splits processed with two-stage columns. Precision to ± ~0.23 epsilon-Nd was achieved for 30 ng Nd samples of reference materials, and Nd isotope measurements of fossil fish tooth sample replicates as small as 7 ng Nd were reproducible within long term instrumental uncertainty. We demonstrate the utility of the new method with the first high resolution Nd isotope record spanning the ~40.0 Ma middle Eocene Climatic Optimum, which shows an excursion of 0.65 epsilon-Nd during the peak warming at the study site (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 119, Site 738; 30 kyr sample spacing from 40.3 to 39.6 Ma). LN Resin is already used in standard methods for separating Nd, and Nd isotopes are routinely measured by MC-ICPMS with high efficiency inlet systems. Our innovation is a single, small volume LN Resin column for Nd separation. The streamlined approach results in a 10X increase in sample throughput.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126, six sites were cored in a young backarc rift basin and its flanks (rift onset 1.1-3.56 Ma) and in the forearc basin of the Izu-Bonin Arc. In the backarc area, strata are younger than about 4.5 Ma, whereas in the forearc, ages are about 0-31 Ma in sections punctuated by important Miocene unconformities. Bulk chemical analyses of volcaniclastic turbidite sands and sandstones, derived directly from the arc, were obtained from 271 atomic absorption analyses (major elements), 253 XRF analyses (trace elements) and 16 ICP-MS analyses (trace and rare-earth elements). Of the 271 samples, 78 come from the backarc area and the remainder from the forearc. The sands and sandstones reflect the igneous compositions of their sources. Most are formed of materials derived from subalkaline, low-K andesites, and dacites, although compositions range from basalt to rhyolite. Basic and acid andesites are predominant in Oligocene rocks; in contrast, Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments were derived from acid andesitic to rhyolitic sources. The oldest sandstones, estimated to have an age of about 31 Ma, were derived from an arc tholeiitic, not boninitic, source. The 26-31 Ma sandstones furthest to the north, at Sites 787 and 792, have higher relative concentrations of Ti, Zr, and Y than do those at southern Site 793. Data from younger samples indicate that, for more than 30 m.y., the average composition of volcaniclastic sediments and volcanism near Aoga Shima was more basic than to the south, near Sumisu Jima. Using the sandstones as igneous proxies, we conclude that magmas erupted along the arc have become more depleted in light-rare-earth elements (LREE) with time. There was a major change in rare-earth-element (REE) concentrations in the late Oligocene, from essentially flat patterns (normalized La/Yb about 1-1.5) to LREE-depleted patterns (normalized La/Yb about 0.5). At the same time, Zr/Y ratios decreased from about 2-4 to about 1.5-2.5. These changes may reflect a shift in provenance, or changes in the composition of the mantle wedge beneath the arc. In the backarc area, lithic clasts and glass shards of rift-facies basalt are present in sediments as old as 2.35-3.15 Ma. Two samples of mafic sand from the backarc basin have flat REE patterns (normalized La/Yb about 1.0), like some of the <1-Ma rift lavas and unlike pre-rift sand and sandstone samples. These possibly represent the local effects of sedimentary mixing of detritus from arc and backarc eruptions because no evidence from the arc itself exists to suggest a recent change in the REE content of magmas.


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Recent phosphorites from the Namibian shelf are characterized by low REE contents, depletion in REE compared to host sediments and sharp deficiency of lanthanum and europium. In Late Quaternary and Pre-Quaternary phosphorites from ocean shelves REE contents and patterns in general are the same as in host sediments. Phosphorites from seamounts are enriched in REE compared to shelf phosphorites and their patterns are close to one of seawater. Behavior of REE in shelf phosphorites is determined by the fact that in early stages of phosphorite formation REE are associated not primarily with phosphate, but with organic matter and terrigenous impurities. Only in the later stages of diagenesis phosphate begins to play a leading role in concentration of REE. In metasomatic phosphorites on seamounts concentration of REE depends on age and depth of these rocks, i.e. it is determined by duration and conditions of contact with sea water.


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Pb, Nd, and Sr isotopic results for lavas of the Cretaceous Ontong Java and Manihiki oceanic plateaus fall well within the modern-day oceanic island or hot pot field. The data provide no evidence of old continental basements but indicate a major involvement of 'Kerguelen-type' or 'EM-I'-like mantle in the sources of both plateaus, which appear to have probably been formed, at least in part, by hotspots. However, the presently active hotspots that Pacific plate reconstructions suggest might have been possible plateau sources lack Kerguelen-type isotopic compositions. Either these hotspots did not participate in the formation of the two plateaus, or if they did, Kerguelen-type material must have been volumetrically much more important early in their existence. Two hypotheses for the origins of these plateaus which involve hotspot sources are consistent with the sparse available geochemical, geochronological and geophysical data. The first holds that the plateaus formed cataclysmically in association with surfacing plume heads; the second posits a relatively steady but robust hotspot at or near a ridge crest and requires a much longer period of formation. A near-ridge origin appears to be indicated by evidence that most of the Pacific plateaus were built largely on relatively young ocean crust. However, we suggest that a near-ridge origin is also compatible with the plume head concept in that plume heads appear very likely to become associated with spreading axes through their influence on rift propagation, which should be substantially greater than for ordinary hotspots. In either case, the lack of hotspot tracks (seamount chains) attached to the two plateaus would be a consequence of ridge migration or rift propagation in a near-ridge setting.


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The thick oceanic crust of the Caribbean plate appears to be the tectonized remnant of an eastern Pacific oceanic plateau that has been inserted between North and South America. The emplacement of the plateau into its present position has resulted in the obduction and exposure of its margins, providing an opportunity to study the age relations, internal structure and compositional features of the plateau. We present the results of 40Ar-39Ar radiometric dating, major-, trace-element, and isotopic compositions of basalts from some of the exposed sections as well as drill core basalt samples from Leg 15 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Five widely spaced, margin sections yielded ages ranging from 91 to 88 Ma. Less well-constrained radiometric ages from the drill cores, combined with the biostratigraphic age of surrounding sediments indicate a minimum crystallization age of ~90 Ma in the Venezuelan Basin. The synchroneity of ages across the region is consistent with a flood basalt origin for the bulk of the Caribbean plateau i.e., large volume, rapidly erupted, regionally extensive volcanism.. The ages and compositions are also consistent with plate reconstructions that place the Caribbean plateau in the vicinity of the Galápagos hotspot at its inception. The trace-element and isotopic compositions of the ~90 Ma rocks indicate a depleted mantle and an enriched, plume-like mantle were involved in melting to varying degrees across the plateau. Within the same region, a volumetrically secondary, but widespread magmatic event occurred at 76 Ma, as is evident in Curacao, western Colombia, Haiti, and at DSDP Site 152/ODP Site 1001 near the Hess Escarpment. Limited trace-element data indicate that this phase of magmatism was generally more depleted than the first. We speculate that magmatism may have resulted from upwelling of mantle, still hot from the 90 Ma event, during lithospheric extension attending gravitational collapse of the plateau, andror tectonic emplacement of the plateau between North and South America. Still younger volcanics are found in the Dominican Republic (69 Ma) and the Quepos Peninsula of Costa Rica (63 Ma). The latter occurrence conceivably formed over the Galápagos hotspot and subsequently accreted to the western edge of the plateau during subduction of the Farallon plate.


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Secular variations in geochemistry and Nd isotopic data have been documented in sediment samples at ODP Site 1148 in the South China Sea. Major and trace elements show significant changes at ca. 29.5 Ma and 26-23 Ma, whereas epsilon-Nd values show a single change at ca. 26-23 Ma. Increases in Al/Ti, Al/K, Rb/Sr, and La/Lu ratios and a decrease in the Th/La ratio of the sediments beginning at 29.5 Ma are consistent with more intense chemical weathering in the source region. The abrupt change in Nd isotopes and geochemistry at ca. 26-23 Ma coincides with a major discontinuity in the sedimentology and physical properties of the sediments, implying a drastic change in sedimentary provenance and environment at the drill site. Comparison of the Nd isotopes of sediments from major rivers flowing into the South China Sea suggests that pre-27 Ma sediments were dominantly derived from a southwestern provenance (Indochina-Sunda Shelf and possibly northwestern Borneo), whereas post-23 Ma sediments were derived from a northern provenance (South China). This change in provenance from southwest to north was largely caused by ridge jumping during seafloor spreading of the South China Sea, associated with a southwestward expansion of the ocean basin crust and a global rise in sea level. Thus, the geochemical and Nd isotopic changes in the sediments at ODP Site 1148 are interpreted as a response to a major plate reorganization in SE Asia at ca. 25 Ma.