993 resultados para Nelson, Ted
This report intends to give a detailed notion about the entire project development from its publications to communications; from the workshops to the software and BridgingBook patent. To make it clear we followed the Tasks timeline as presented in our proposal, adjusting dates, when they were changed. Because we followed a double take in prototyping/software development, we will also repeat some of the tasks in order to give information about each different phase and its dimensions, in an autonomous way.
OBJECTIVE: To compare inverted-L mini-sternotomy performed above the sternal furcula with conventional sternotomy in patients with aortic valve diseases who undergo surgical treatment. METHODS: We operated upon 30 patients who had aortic valve lesions that had clinical and hemodynamic findings. All patients underwent inverted-L sternotomy, which extended from above the manubrium of the sternum to the 3rd right intercostal space, without opening the pleural cavity. Their ages ranged from 32 to 76 years, and 18 were males and 12 were females. We used negative pressure in a venous ¼-inch cannula, and the patients were maintained in Trendelemburg's position. Twenty-seven patients received bioprostheses with diameters ranging from 23 to 29mm. Three patients underwent only removal of the calcifications of the aortic valve leaflets and aortic commissurotomy. RESULTS: The mean duration of anoxic cardiac arrest was 63.11min. Access was considered good in all patients. One death was due to pulmonary and renal problems not related to the incision. All patients had a better recovery in the intensive care unit, got out of bed sooner, coughed more easily, and performed prophylactic physiotherapeutic maneuvers for respiratory problems more easily and with less pain in the incision. Early ambulation was more easily carried out by all patients. CONCLUSION: Mini-sternotomy proved to be better than the conventional sternotomy because it provided morecomfort for the patients in the early postoperative period, with less pain and greater desire for early ambulation and all its inherent advantages.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the results of surgical myocardial revascularization in renal transplant patients. METHODS: From 1991 to 2000, 11 renal transplant patients, whose ages ranged from 36 to 59 (47.5±8) years, 8 males and 3 females, underwent myocardial revascularization. The time interval between renal transplantation and myocardial revascularization ranged from 25 to 120 (mean of 63.8±32.7) months. RESULTS: The in-hospital mortality rate was 9%. One patient died on the 4th postoperative day from septicemia and respiratory failure. The mean graft/patient ratio was 2.7±0.8. Only 1 patient required slow hemodialysis during 24 hours in the postoperative period, and no patient had a definitive renal lesion or lost the transplanted kidney. The actuarial survival curves after 1, 2, and 3 years were, respectively, 90.9%, 56.8%, and 56.8%. CONCLUSION: Renal transplant patients may undergo myocardial revascularization with no lesion in or loss of the transplanted kidney.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relation between P-wave and QT dispersions in elderly patients with heart failure. METHODS: Forty-seven elderly patients (75.6±6 years) with stable heart failure in NYHA functional classes II or III and with ejection fractions of 37±6% underwent body surface mapping to analyze P-wave and QT dispersions. The degree of correlation between P-wave and QT dispersions was assessed, and P-wave dispersion values in patients with QT dispersion greater than and smaller than 100 ms were compared. RESULTS: The mean values of P-wave and QT dispersions were 54±14 ms and 68±27 ms, respectively. The correlation between the 2 variables was R=0.41 (p=0.04). In patients with QT dispersion values > 100 ms, P-wave dispersion was significantly greater than in those with QT dispersion values < 100 ms (58±16 vs 53±12 ms, p=0.04 ). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that, in elderly patients with heart failure, a correlation between the values of P-wave and QT dispersions exists. These findings may have etiopathogenic, pathophysiologic, prognostic, and therapeutic implications, which should be investigated in other studies.
OBJECTIVE: The present study aims to evaluate the environmental role in the distribution of hypertension, obesity, and smoking and spousal concordance for the presence/absence of these 3 cardiovascular risk factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The households were randomly selected. Odds ratios were estimated to measure spousal concordance, across socioeconomic levels.. RESULTS: Overall a significant aggregation of all 3 risk factors was present. The crude odds ratio for hypertension was 1.78 (95%CI=1.02-3.08); for obesity, it was 1.80 (95%CI=1.09-2.96); and for smoking, it was 3.40 (95% CI=2.07-5.61). The spousal concordance for hypertension decreased significantly (p<0.001) from the lower to the higher educational level. In the case of obesity and smoking, the opposite was observed, although p-values for the linear trend were 0.10 and 0.08, respectively. CONCLUSION: In lower socioeconomic levels, couples are more concordant for hypertension and discordant for smoking. For hypertension and smoking, education seems to be a discriminant stronger than income, but for obesity the 2 socioeconomic indicators seem to represent different aspects of the environmental determinants of risk factor distribution.
OBJECTIVE: To assess right ventricular diastolic function in the intermediate postoperative period of repair of tetralogy of Fallot. METHODS: We carried out a case-control study with 60 patients divided into 2 groups as follows: 1) group I - 30 patients who had undergone repair of tetralogy of Fallot and 2) group II - 30 healthy children. The 2 groups were paired for age, sex, and body surface. The flows in the pulmonary and tricuspid valves were analyzed with Doppler echocardiography. The presence of anterograde flow at the end of diastole in the pulmonary artery defined restrictive right ventricular physiology. Surgical, radiological, electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic variables were analized in the group I. RESULTS: The velocity of the A wave and the E/A ratio for the tricuspid valve showed significant differences between the groups. Cases with E/A < 1.30 predominated in inspiration (group I - 19/30, and group II - 5/30). The duration of the QRS complex on the electrocardiogram was significantly increased in patients with E/A <1.30. Nineteen (63.3%) patients had restrictive right ventricular physiology, which had a longer postoperative period, longer duration of the QRS complex, and a lower E/A ratio in inspiration. The surgical and radiological variables showed no statistical difference. CONCLUSION: Restrictive right ventricular physiology was detected on the intermediate follow-up of most patients undergoing repair of tetralogy of Fallot. The postoperative period and QRS duration were increased in patients with impairment in diastolic function.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the frequency and prevalence of congenital heart defects in a tertiary care center for children with heart diseases. METHODS: We carried out an epidemiological assessment of the first medical visit of 4,538 children in a pediatric hospital from January 1995 to December 1997. All patients with congenital heart defects had their diagnoses confirmed at least on echocardiography. The frequency and prevalence of the anomalies were computed according to the classification of sequential analysis. Age, weight, and sex were compared between the groups of healthy individuals and those with congenital heart defects after distribution according to the age group. RESULTS: Of all the children assessed, 2,017 (44.4%) were diagnosed with congenital heart disease, 201 (4.4%) with acquired heart disease, 52 (1.2%) with arrhythmias, and 2,268 (50%) were healthy children. Congenital heart diseases predominated in neonates and infants, corresponding to 71.5% of the cases. Weight and age were significantly lower in children with congenital heart defects. Ventricular septal defect was the most frequent acyanotic anomaly, and tetralogy of Fallot was the most frequent cyanotic anomaly. CONCLUSION: Children with congenital heart defects are mainly referred during the neonatal period and infancy with impairment in gaining weight. Ventricular septal defect is the most frequent heart defect.
OBJECTIVE: To study the distribution and inter-relationship among constitutional and biochemical variables with blood pressure (BP) in an population of Yanomami indians. To compare these findings with those of other populations. METHODS: The Yanomami indians were part of the INTERSALT, a study comprising 10,079 males and females, aged from 20 to 59 years, belonging to 52 populations in 32 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Each of the 52 centers was required to accrue 200 individuals, 25 participants in each age group. The variables analyzed were as follows: age, sex, arterial BP, urinary sodium and potassium excretion (24-hour urine), body mass index, and alcohol ingestion. RESULTS: The findings in the Yanomami population were as follows: a very low urinary sodium excretion (0.9 mmol/24h); mean systolic and diastolic BP levels of 95.4 mmHg and 61.4 mmHg, respectively; no cases of hypertension or obesity; and they have no knowledge of alcoholic beverages. Their BP levels do not elevate with age. The urinary sodium excretion relates positively and the urinary potassium excretion relates negatively to systolic BP. This correlation was maintained even when controlled for age and body mass index. CONCLUSION: A positive relation between salt intake and blood pressure was detected in the analysis of a set of diverse populations participating in the INTERSALT Study, including populations such as the Yanomami Indians. The qualitative observation of their lifestyle provided additional information.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the risk factors, lipid and apolipoprotein profile, hemostasis variables, and polymorphisms of the apolipoprotein AI-CIII gene in early coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: Case-control study with 112 patients in each group controlled by sex and age. After clinical evaluation and nutritional instruction, blood samples were collected for biochemical assays and genetic study. RESULTS: Familial history of early CAD (64 vs 39%), arterial hypertension (69 vs 36%), diabetes mellitus (25 vs 3%), and previous smoking (71 vs 46%) were more prevalent in the case group (p<0.001). Hypertension and diabetes were independent risk factors. Early CAD was characterized by higher serum levels of total cholesterol (235 ± 6 vs 209 ± 4 mg/dL), of LDL-c (154 ± 5 vs 135 ± 4 mg/dL), triglycerides (205 ± 12 vs 143 ± 9 mg/dL), and apolipoprotein B (129 ± 3 vs 105 ± 3 mg/dL), and lower serum levels of HDL-c (40 ± 1 vs 46 ± 1 mg/dL) and apolipoprotein AI (134 ± 2 vs 146 ± 2mg/dL) [p<0.01], in addition to an elevation in fibrinogen and D-dimer (p<0.02). The simultaneous presence of the rare alleles of the APO AI-CIII genes in early CAD are associated with hypertriglyceridemia (p=0.03). CONCLUSION: Of the classical risk factors, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were independently associated with early CAD. In addition to an unfavorable lipid profile, an increase in the thrombotic risk was identified in this population. An additive effect of the APO AI-CIII genes was observed in triglyceride levels.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular em funcionários do Centro de Pesquisas da Petrobras. MÉTODOS: Em estudo descritivo transversal, foram avaliados clínica e laboratorialmente, de março de 2000 e fevereiro de 2001, empregados do Centro de Pesquisas da Petrobras, tendo sido excluídos os que não compareceram à realização do exame médico periódico anual de 2000. Calculados o percentual da ocorrência dos fatores de risco e a média e o desvio padrão das variáveis bioquímicas, da pressão arterial e do índice de massa corpórea. RESULTADOS: De um total de 1.191 empregados, foram estudados 970, sendo 75,4% homens e 24,6% mulheres, com idade média de 42,2 anos. A prevalência de fatores de risco foi o sedentarismo (67,3%), o colesterol > 200 mg/dl (56,6%), o sobrepeso (42%), a obesidade (17%), a hipertensão arterial (18,2%), o tabagismo (12,4%) e o diabetes mellitus (2,5%). CONCLUSÃO: A elevada prevalência de fatores de risco para doença cardiovascular, em indivíduos jovens, alerta para a necessidade de adoção de programas de promoção de saúde e prevenção de doenças no ambiente de trabalho.
OBJETIVO: Comparar a pressão arterial, o perfil lipídico, o consumo alimentar e dados antropométricos em adolescentes com ou sem antecedente familiar de hipertensão arterial. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 43 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária entre 11 a 18 anos, sendo 20 filhos de hipertensos e 23 de normotensos e examinados: a pressão arterial, o consumo alimentar, dados antropométricos, o perfil lipídico e o resultado da orientação dietética (American Heart Association). RESULTADOS: Os filhos dos hipertensos mostraram maiores valores basais de pressão arterial sistólica (109 ± 3 vs. 99 ± 2 mm Hg, p=0,01) e diastólica (68 ± 2 vs. 62 ± 2 mm Hg, p=0,04), da relação CT/HDL-c (4,1 ± 0,3 vs. 3,2 ± 0,2, p<0.01) e de LDL-c/HDL-c (2,7 ± 0,2 vs. 1,9 ± 0,1, p<0,01) e menores valores de HDL-c (43 ± 2 vs. 53 ± 2 mg/dL, p<0,005). O consumo alimentar e medidas antropométricas analisadas não diferiram entre os grupos. A intervenção dietética, embora tenha resultado em reduções no índice de massa corpórea (21,0± 1,2 vs. 20,1 ± 1,1 kg/m², p<0,01), não modificou a dislipidemia presente nos filhos de hipertensos. CONCLUSÃO: Encontraram-se maiores níveis de pressão arterial e perfil lipídico mais desfavorável entre filhos de hipertensos, onde os níveis baixos de HDL-c foram o achado mais relevante e independente de variáveis antropométricas ou nutricionais.
OBJETIVO: Estudar prospectivamente os resultados obtidos com o tratamento cirúrgico de portadores de claudicação intermitente que não obtiveram melhora clínica com o tratamento conservador, acompanhados, em média, por 6 anos. MÉTODOS: De janeiro/1992 a janeiro/2002 foram acompanhados 26 pacientes tratados cirurgicamente de um grupo de 1380 portadores de claudicação intermitente, admitidos num ambulatório de doença arterial obstrutiva periférica e claudicação intermitente, representando 1,88% do total. RESULTADOS: Não referiam limitação para deambular após a cirurgia 16 pacientes. Experimentaram melhora nove, porém com algum grau de limitação, e dois, pequena melhora na distância máxima de marcha. Não houve mortalidade intra-operatória. Três pacientes apresentaram trombose da artéria tratada 6,48 e 60 meses após o procedimento e passaram a apresentar claudicação intermitente para as distâncias prévias à cirurgia. Durante o seguimento a longo prazo observamos uma mortalidade de 23,0% devido a infarto agudo do miocárdio (4 casos), insuficiência renal (um) e acidente vascular cerebral (um). Dois pacientes foram submetidos a revascularização do miocárdio 2 e 4 anos após a reconstrução arterial e um ainda necessitou angioplastia coronariana com 3 anos de seguimento. O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 73 meses. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento cirúrgico diminuiu sintomas isquêmicos da claudicação intermitente em muitos pacientes, com excelente taxa de patência (88,4%) dos enxertos, tornando-se em pacientes que não apresentam melhora com tratamento clínico, boa alternativa com baixas taxas de complicações e bons resultados a longo prazo.
OBJETIVO: A terapia celular no miocárdio tem sido realizada fundamentalmente com dois tipos celulares: as células mioblásticas esqueléticas (miogênicas) e as mesenquimais (angiogênicas) com resultados satisfatórios. Foi analisado o resultado do transplante em conjunto destas células (CEM) em ratos infartados. MÉTODOS: Foram induzidos ao infarto do miocárdio, por meio de ligadura da coronária esquerda 26 ratos Wistar. Após uma semana, os animais foram submetidos à ecocardiografia para avaliação da fração de ejeção (FE,%) e dos volumes diastólico e sistólico finais do ventrículo esquerdo (VDF, VSF,ml). Após dois dias os animais foram reoperados e divididos em dois grupos: 1) controle (n=10) que recebeu 0,15 ml de meio de cultura e 2) CEM (n=16) que recebeu 7.5x106 células mioblásticas esqueléticas e mesenquimais, heterólogas, na região do infarto. As células foram obtidas a partir da punção da crista ilíaca e da biópsia do músculo esquelético, ambas submetidas à cultura celular in vitro. Após um mês, os animais foram submetidos a nova ecocardiografia. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre os dois grupos quanto a FE, VDF e VSF nos valores ecocardiográficos de base. Um mês após o transplante, foram observados diminuição da FE no grupo controle (29.31 ± 5.6% para 23.54 ± 6.51% p=0.048) e acréscimo da FE no grupo CEM (24.03 ± 8.68% para 31.77 ± 9.06%, p=0.011). Identificou-se a presença de neovasos e fibras musculares, nas regiões de fibrose miocárdica no grupo CEM. CONCLUSÃO: O cocultivo das células mioblásticas esqueléticas e das células mesenquimais é funcionalmente efetivo.