908 resultados para Nellore steer


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess prevalence and risk factors for mild/high-frequency bilateral sensorineural hearing loss within a UK population of children at age 11 years. DESIGN: Prospective birth cohort study. STUDY SAMPLE: Repeat hearing thresholds were measured in 5032 children, as part of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) at age 7, 9, and 11 years. Pregnancy, birth, and early medical history were obtained prospectively through parental questionnaires and medical records. RESULTS: Twenty children had mild and seven had high-frequency bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, giving a combined prevalence of 0.5% (95% CI 0.4-0.8%). These children were more likely than the rest of the study sample to have been admitted to hospital at 6-18 months (OR 2.7, 95% CI 1.00-7.30). Parents of these children were more likely to have suspected a hearing problem when the children were 3 years old (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.05-5.60). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first UK prospective cohort study to investigate the prevalence of mild and high-frequency hearing loss. This study, which has the advantage of a large sample size and repeat hearing measures over a four year period, reports lower prevalence values than US cross-sectional studies.


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OBJECTIVE: To record with video-otoscopy the appearance of the tympanic membranes of a cross section of children aged 9 to 10 years. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study nested within an established longitudinal study of childhood development, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. SETTING: South West England, U.K. PARTICIPANTS: Approximately 6908 of 7261 children with ages ranging from 105 to 140 months born between April 1, 1991, and December 31, 1992, were examined by trained technicians with video-otoscopy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Two photographs were taken of each child's tympanic membranes to show the features of the pars tensa and the pars flaccida. RESULTS: In just less than three quarters of the children, both ears were normal. Retraction of the pars flaccida was present in 9.6% of children, and that of the pars tensa was present in 7.9%. Most of these changes were mild with few severe retractions. There were 15 cases of overt or suspected cholesteatoma. CONCLUSION: The tympanic membrane changes reflect most of the middle ear disease seen in 9- to 10-year-old children. The prevalence is low, and few children have serious disease at this stage.


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Es ist ein lang gehegter Traum in der Chemie, den Ablauf einer chemischen Reaktion zu kontrollieren und das Aufbrechen und Bilden chemischer Bindungen zu steuern. Diesem Ziel verschreibt sich auch das Forschungsgebiet der Femtochemie. Hier werden Femtosekunden Laserpulse eingesetzt um auf dem Quantenlevel molekulare Dynamiken auf ihren intrinsischen Zeitskalen zu kontrollieren und das System selektiv und effizient von einem Anfangs- in einen Zielzustand zu überführen. Der Wunsch, mit geformten Femtosekunden Laserpulsen Kontrolle über transiente Dynamiken und finale Populationen auszuüben, zu beobachten und zu verstehen, bildet auch die Motivation für diese Arbeit. Hierzu wurden mit Hilfe der Photoelektronenspektroskopie Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung atomarer und molekularer Prototypsysteme mit intensiven, geformten Femtosekunden Laserpulsen durchgeführt. Die Verwendung von Modelsystemen ermöglicht es, grundlegende Mechanismen der kohärenten Kontrolle in intensiven Laserfeldern zu analysieren, ohne dass sie durch komplexe Wechselwirkungen verschleiert werden. Zunächst wurde die Wechselwirkung von Kaliumatomen mit gechirpten Femtosekunden Laserpulsen untersucht. In den Experimenten wurden sowohl transiente Dynamiken als auch die Endbesetzungen der elektronischen Zustände abgebildet. In den folgenden Experimenten wurde das Quantenkontrollszenario SPODS auf die gekoppelte Elektronen-Kern-Dynamik in Molekülen übertragen. Die Kontrolle basiert auf der Erzeugung und Manipulation von Ladungsoszillationen durch Pulssequenzen. Der letzte Teil widmet sich der Entwicklung adiabatischer Kontrollmechanismen in Molekülen. Bei den Experimenten wurden gechirpte Airypulse eingesetzt um robuste Starkfeldanregung in molekularen Systemen zu induzieren. In Zukunft wird die Erforschung immer komplexerer Moleküle im Rahmen der transienten Kontrolle im Fokus stehen. Dabei werden nicht nur die effiziente Besetzung gebundener Zustände von Interesse sein, sondern auch die gezielte Dissoziation in spezifische Fragmente, photoinduzierte Isomerisierungsreaktionen oder die Kontrolle über transiente Dynamiken, die Einfluss auf andere molekulare Eigenschaften haben. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses übergeordneten Wunsches, photochemische Reaktionen immer komplexerer Moleküle, bis hin zu großen, biologisch relevanten Molekülen, zu kontrollieren, ist es umso wichtiger, die zugrundeliegenden Anregungsmechanismen in einfachen Systemen nachzuvollziehen. In den hier präsentierten Experimenten wurde gezeigt, wie die simultane Beobachtung der bekleideten und der stationären Zustände in atomaren Systemen zu einem umfassenden Bild der lichtinduzierte Dynamiken führen kann. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können auf die Steuerung gekoppelter Dynamiken übertragen werden, durch die Kontrolle auch in molekularen Systemen möglich wird.


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Nos últimos anos um grande número de estudos utilizando a análise de imagens termográficas de animais na faixa do infravermelho vem sendo realizado. Além dos avanços tecnológicos que tornaram os sensores mais acessíveis, a preocupação com o bem estar e ambiência das instalações animais tem fomentado a utilização desse método não invasivo e de fácil execução. Neste trabalho foram utilizados 20 bovinos das raças Nelore e Pantaneiro. Após tricotomia de uma área sobre o músculo Longissimus dorsi próximo da 13ª costela, seguida de repouso por 24 horas, os animais foram avaliados por três dias consecutivos, seis vezes por dia. Foram aferidas as temperaturas em áreas com e sem pelos com uso de câmera termográfica. O experimento foi realizado em um Delineamento Inteiramente Casualizado (DIC), considerando o efeito de raça. As variáveis temperatura sem pelo (TSP) e a diferença de temperatura entre áreas com e sem pelo (DIF) não apresentaram efeito significativo para raça. Por outro lado, para a temperatura em áreas com pelos(TCP) o efeito de raça foi significativo, com os pantaneiros apresentando as maiores médias. Animais de ambas as raças encontravam-se em condições de conforto térmico durante o experimento. Os resultados mostram a necessidade de se olhar com cautela para trabalhos envolvendo imagens termográficas capturadas em superfícies recobertas por pelos em animais. Como as avaliações foram feitas na sombra e só houve diferença significativa entre áreas com pelos, é possível que as temperaturas registradas com termografia infra vermelha na superfície da pelagem dos animais representem, pelo menos em parte, características termofísicas dos pelos que as compõem (como a capacidade térmica, por exemplo), sendo tais temperaturas pouco representativas para a superfície do corpo dos indivíduos propriamente, como é comum se considerar.


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Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of seasons under a tropical climate on forage quality, aswell the effect of an Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu grazing system on enteric methane (CH4) emissions fromNellore cattle in the Southeast region of Brazil. Sixteen Nellore steers (18 months old and initial weight 318.0 ± 116.59 kg of LW; final weight 469 ± 98.50 kg of LW) were used for a trial period of 10 months, with four collection periods in winter (August), spring (December), summer (February) and autumn (May). Each collection period consisted of 28 days, corresponding to the representative month of each season where the last six days were designed for methane data collection. Animals were randomly distributed within 16 experimental plots, distributed in four random blocks over four trial periods. CH4 emissions were determined using the sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer gas technique measured by gas chromatography and fluxes of CH4 calculated. The forage quality was characterized by higher CP and IVDMD and lower lignin contents in spring, differing specially from winter forage. Average CH4 emissions were between 102.49 and 220.91 g d-1 (37.4 to 80.6 kg ani-1 yr-1); 16.89 and 30.20 g kg-1 DMI; 1.35 and 2.90 Mcal ani-1 d-1; 0.18 and 0.57 g kg-1 ADG-1 and 5.05 and 8.76% of GE. Emissions in terms of CO2 equivalents were between 4.68 and 14.22 g CO2-eq-1 g-1 ADG. Variations in CH4 emissions were related to seasonal effect on the forage quality and variations in dry matter intake.


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The myogenic differentiation 1 gene (MYOD1) has a key role in skeletal muscle differentiation and composition through its regulation of the expression of several muscle-specific genes. We first used a general linear mixed model approach to evaluate the association of MYOD1 expression levels on individual beef tenderness phenotypes. MYOD1 mRNA levels measured by quantitative polymerase chain reactions in 136 Nelore steers were significantly associated (P ? 0.01) with Warner?Bratzler shear force, measured on the longissimus dorsi muscle after 7 and 14 days of beef aging. Transcript abundance for the muscle regulatory gene MYOD1 was lower in animals with more tender beef. We also performed a coexpression network analysis using whole transcriptome sequence data generated from 30 samples of longissimus muscle tissue to identify genes that are potentially regulated by MYOD1. The effect of MYOD1 gene expression on beef tenderness may emerge from its function as an activator of muscle-specific gene transcription such as for the serum response factor (C-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor) gene (SRF), which determines muscle tissue development, composition, growth and maturation.


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Iron (Fe) is an essential mineral for metabolism and plays a central role in a range of biochemical processes. Therefore, this study aimed to identify differentially expressed (DE) genes and metabolic pathways in Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle from cattle with divergent iron content, as well as to investigate the likely role of these DE genes in biological processes underlying beef quality parameters. Samples for RNA extraction for sequencing and iron, copper, manganese, and zinc determination were collected from LD muscles at slaughter. Eight Nelore steers, with extreme genomic estimated breeding values for iron content (Fe-GEBV), were selected from a reference population of 373 animals. From the 49 annotated DE genes (FDR<0.05) found between the two groups, 18 were upregulated and 31 down-regulated for the animals in the low Fe-GEBV group. The functional enrichment analyses identified several biological processes, such as lipid transport and metabolism, and cell growth. Lipid metabolism was the main pathway observed in the analysis of metabolic and canonical signaling pathways for the genes identified as DE, including the genes FASN, FABP4, and THRSP, which are functional candidates for beef quality, suggesting reduced lipogenic activities with lower iron content. Our results indicate metabolic pathways that are partially influenced by iron, contributing to a better understanding of its participation in skeletal muscle physiology.