997 resultados para Nares Strait


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We prospectively studied the course of colonization and sepsis with Staphylococcus epidermidis among 29 very low birth weight neonates undergoing prolonged umbilical catheterization. S. epidermidis bacteremia occurred in 7 patients. In 6 bacteremia was preceded by positive colonization cultures. Isolates obtained from nares, base of umbilicus, umbilical catheter entry sites, catheter tips and blood were examined for plasmid DNA profiles. In 4 patients the plasmid profiles of the catheter entry site isolates were identical with those of the blood isolates. In the other 3 bacteremic patients plasmid profiles of the catheter entry site and blood isolates were different. No correlation was observed in the plasmid DNA patterns of isolates obtained from catheter tip cultures as compared to the corresponding blood cultures. The blood isolates from bacteremic patients had different plasmid profiles.


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The influence of bottom topography on the distribution of temperature and salinity in the Indonesian seas region has been studied with a high-resolution model based on the Princeton Ocean Model. One of the distinctive properties of the model is an adequate reproduction of all major topographic features in the region by the model bottom relief. The three major routes of flow of Pacific water through the region have been identified. The western route follows the flow of North Pacific Water through the Sulawesi Sea, Makassar Strait, Flores Sea, and Banda Sea. This is the main branch of the Indonesian Throughflow. The eastern routes follow the flow of South Pacific water through the eastern Indonesian seas. This water enters the region either through the Halmahera Sea or by flowing to the north around Halmahera Island into the Morotai Basin and then into the Maluku Sea. A deep southward flow of South Pacific Water fills the Seram Sea below 1200 m through the Lifamatola Passage. As it enters the Seram Sea, this overflow turns eastward at depths greater than 2000 m, then upwells in the eastern part of the Seram Sea before returning westward at ~1500-2000 m. The flow continues westward across the Seram Sea, spreading to greater depths before entering the Banda Sea at the Buru-Mangole passage. It is this water that shapes the temperature and salinity of the deep Banda Sea. Topographic elevations break the Indonesian seas region down into separate basins. The difference in the distributions of potential temperature, ?, and salinity, S, in adjacent basins is primarily due to specific properties of advection of ? and S across a topographic rise. By and large, the topographic rise blocks deep flow between basins whereas water shallower than the depth of the rise is free to flow between basins. To understand this process, the structure of simulated fields of temperature and salinity has been analyzed. To identify a range of advected ? or S, special sections over the sills with isotherms or isohalines and isotachs of normal velocity have been considered. Following this approach the impact of various topographic rises on the distribution of ? and S has been identified. There are no substantial structural changes of potential temperature and salinity distributions between seasons, though values of some parameters of temperature and salinity distributions, e.g., magnitudes of maxima and minima, can change. It is shown that the main structure of the observed distributions of temperature and salinity is satisfactorily reproduced by the model throughout the entire domain.


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The International Nusantara Stratification and Transport (INSTANT) program measured currents through multiple Indonesian Seas passages simultaneously over a three-year period (from January 2004 to December 2006). The Indonesian Seas region has presented numerous challenges for numerical modelers - the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) must pass over shallow sills, into deep basins, and through narrow constrictions on its way from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. As an important region in the global climate puzzle, a number of models have been used to try and best simulate this throughflow. In an attempt to validate our model, we present a comparison between the transports calculated from our model and those calculated from the INSTANT in situ measurements at five passages within the Indonesian Seas (Labani Channel, Lifamatola Passage, Lombok Strait, Ornbai Strait, and Timor Passage). Our Princeton Ocean Model (POM) based regional Indonesian Seas model was originally developed to analyze the influence of bottom topography on the temperature and salinity distributions in the Indonesian seas region, to disclose the path of the South Pacific Water from the continuation of the New Guinea Coastal Current entering the region of interest up to the Lifamatola Passage, and to assess the role of the pressure head in driving the ITF and in determining its total transport. Previous studies found that this model reasonably represents the general long-term flow (seasons) through this region. The INSTANT transports were compared to the results of this regional model over multiple timescales. Overall trends are somewhat represented but changes on timescales shorter than seasonal (three months) and longer than annual were not considered in our model. Normal velocities through each passage during every season are plotted. Daily volume transports and transport-weighted temperature and salinity are plotted and seasonal averages are tabulated.


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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a group of flame retardants that have been in use since the 1970s. They are included in the list of hazardous substances known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) because they are extremely hazardous to the environment and human health. PBDEs have been extensively used in industry and manufacturing in Taiwan, thus its citizens are at high risk of exposure to these chemicals.
An assessment of the environmental fate of these compounds in the Zhuoshui river and Changhua County regions of western Taiwan, and also including the adjacent area of the Taiwan Strait, was conducted for three high risk congeners, BDE-47, -99 and -209, to obtain information regarding the partitioning, advection, transfer and long range transport potential of the PBDEs in order to identify the level of risk posed by the pollutants in this region.
The results indicate that large amounts of PBDEs presently reside in all model compartments – air, soil, water, and sediment – with particularly high levels found in air and especially in sediment. The high levels found in sediment, particularly for BDE-209, are significant, since there is the threat of these pollutants entering the food chain, either directly through benthic feeding, or through resuspension and subsequent feeding in the pelagic region of the water column which is a distinct possibility in the strong currents found within the Taiwan Strait. Another important result is that a substantial portion of emissions leave the model domain directly through advection, particularly for BDE-47 (58%) and BDE-209 (75%), thus posing a risk to adjacent communities.
Model results were generally in reasonable agreement with available measured concentrations. In air, model concentrations are in reasonably good agreement with available measured values. For both BDE-47 and -99, model concentrations are a factor of 2-3 higher and BDE-209 within the range of measured values. In soil, model results are somewhat less than measured values. In sediment, model results are at the high end of measured values.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univerdade do Algarve, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Oceanografia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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[author abstract] The field of hydrographic surveying is inherently important to achieving a true understanding of the world that underlies the vast bodies of water that cover the earth. In this study I will determine the uncertainties of depth estimates of the seafloor that relate to the survey design and sound velocity. The survey design and collection of sound velocity were all conducted of the coast of Vancouver Island, B.C. near the entrance of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The assessment will show how the change in sound velocity over time will influence the bathymetric reading, if not corrected for. The differences in bathymetric depth readings will show a correlation to the changes in sound velocity.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a PhD degree in Biology/ Molecular Biology by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica


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Avec prologues et arguments. Ezechiel (1), etc. — Macchab. I-II, avec prologues de RABAN MAUR (114). — Evang. Matthaei (140v), etc. — XIV Epist. Pauli cum glossa Odonis de Castro Radulphi (260) ; Actus Apost. (354v) ; VII Epist. canon. (379) ; Apocalypsis (407). — Interpretationes nominum hebraicorum : « Aaz, apprehendens... — ... consiliatores eorum. » (439). — Interprétations de mots bibliques, classés par livres : « Osee. Comaticus... — ... Apocalypsis... Gurgula... nares contendit. » (464). — Règle pour lire la Bible : « Multi multa sciunt... » ; — Préface du Correctorium d'HUGUES DE SAINT-CHER : « Quoniam super omnes... » (Denifle, dans Archiv für Lit. und Kirchengesch., IV, 1888, 293) (467).


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Ce mémoire consiste en une analyse zooarchéologique d’un assemblage faunique provenant d’un site Dorsétien des Îles Nuvuk dans l’Arctique canadien. Les données fauniques ont été analysées statistiquement en appliquant des indices d’utilité économique et des indices de densité des os. Une étude concernant le niveau de conservation de l’assemblage a révélé peu d’évidence de modification taphonomique des spécimens. Les analyses fauniques ont permis d’identifier une stratégie de subsistance de type généraliste et basée sur l’exploitation de mammifères marins, surtout des phoques annelés, pratiquée par les occupants du site de KcFs-2. Une prédominance d’individus immatures (phoques annelés) dans l’assemblage indique une abondance de ressources marines dans les régions du nord de la Baie d’Hudson et du détroit d’Hudson au moment de l’occupation, ce qui est aussi manifeste dans des études antérieures concernant les économies des peuples du Paléoesquimau tardif pour la période donnée. L’occupation du site de KcFs-2 s’est produite durant la période du Dorsétien récent au Nunavik (1500-800 B.P.), et la séquence est définie comme ayant été multi-saisonnière (de l’hiver à l’été). L’analyse des produits de l’industrie osseuse (têtes de harpons et sculptures en ivoire) a permis de confirmer l’affiliation culturelle des occupants.


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Le Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méthicilline (SARM) est un pathogène important qui a été identifié comme agent d‟infection chez les animaux d‟élevage et les travailleurs exposés à ces animaux. Au Canada, très peu d‟informations sont disponibles concernant les SARMs d‟origine porcine. L‟objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence des SARMs provenant de porcs à l‟abattoir, de caractériser leur résistance aux antibiotiques ainsi que d‟évaluer le niveau de séroconversion des porcs envers le S. aureus chez les animaux porteurs ou non du SARM. Un total de 107 isolats ont été identifiés positifs aux SARMs sur 660 échantillons. La prévalence de SARMs à l‟abattoir A était de 30,8% et de 23,8% à l‟abattoir B. La susceptibilité aux antibiotiques a été déterminée en utilisant la méthode de micro-dilution de Sensititre. Tous les isolats ont démontré une sensibilité envers la ciprofloxacine, la gatifloxacine, la gentamicine, la lévofloxacine, le linézolide, la quinupristine/dalfopristine, la rifampicine, la streptomycine, le triméthoprime/sulfaméthoxazole et la vancomycine. De la résistance a été observée envers la daptomycine (0,93%), l‟érythromycine (29%), la clindamycine (29%), la tétracycline (98,1%). De plus, 30% des SARMs isolés étaient résistants à plus de deux antibiotiques autres que les β-lactamines. Par typage, deux clones prédominants ont été obtenus ainsi que deux types de SCCmec (type V et possiblement un nouveau type comprenant les cassettes III et IVb). 15 clones ont été identifiés par typage MLVA, comprenant les clones prédominants VI (40.1%; 43/107) et XI (17.7%; 19/107). Deux souches de SARMs ont été caractérisées par biopuce à ADN et des gènes d‟antibiorésistance, de typage (SCCmec et MLST) et de virulence ont été identifiés. Sans considération pour le site de colonisation, les porcs SA-/MRSA- (n=34) et les porcs SA+ (n=194) montrent, respectivement, des taux de séroconversion de 20.6% et 32.5%. Les porcs colonisés par un SARM à un site de iv prélèvement et non colonisés par un SA à l‟autre site (n=18) montrent une séroconversion (5.6%) significativement (P < 0.05) plus faible comparativement aux porcs colonisés par SA à un ou deux sites de prélèvement et n‟ayant pas de SARM. Nos résultats démontrent que les porcs provenant d‟abattoir peuvent être colonisés par des SARMs multi-résistants aux antibiotiques. De plus, ces SARMs sont possiblement capable de coloniser leurs hôtes sans stimuler la production d‟anticorps et ce par l‟atténuation de la réponse immunitaire ou par la colonisation de porcs qui sont moins immunocompétents.


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This work aims to study the variation in subduction zone geometry along and across the arc and the fault pattern within the subducting plate. Depth of penetration as well as the dip of the Benioff zone varies considerably along the arc which corresponds to the curvature of the fold- thrust belt which varies from concave to convex in different sectors of the arc. The entire arc is divided into 27 segments and depth sections thus prepared are utilized to investigate the average dip of the Benioff zone in the different parts of the entire arc, penetration depth of the subducting lithosphere, the subduction zone geometry underlying the trench, the arctrench gap, etc.The study also describes how different seismogenic sources are identified in the region, estimation of moment release rate and deformation pattern. The region is divided into broad seismogenic belts. Based on these previous studies and seismicity Pattern, we identified several broad distinct seismogenic belts/sources. These are l) the Outer arc region consisting of Andaman-Nicobar islands 2) the back-arc Andaman Sea 3)The Sumatran fault zone(SFZ)4)Java onshore region termed as Jave Fault Zone(JFZ)5)Sumatran fore arc silver plate consisting of Mentawai fault(MFZ)6) The offshore java fore arc region 7)The Sunda Strait region.As the Seismicity is variable,it is difficult to demarcate individual seismogenic sources.Hence, we employed a moving window method having a window length of 3—4° and with 50% overlapping starting from one end to the other. We succeeded in defining 4 sources each in the Andaman fore arc and Back arc region, 9 such sources (moving windows) in the Sumatran Fault zone (SFZ), 9 sources in the offshore SFZ region and 7 sources in the offshore Java region. Because of the low seismicity along JFZ, it is separated into three seismogenic sources namely West Java, Central Java and East Java. The Sunda strait is considered as a single seismogenic source.The deformation rates for each of the seismogenic zones have been computed. A detailed error analysis of velocity tensors using Monte—Carlo simulation method has been carried out in order to obtain uncertainties. The eigen values and the respective eigen vectors of the velocity tensor are computed to analyze the actual deformation pattem for different zones. The results obtained have been discussed in the light of regional tectonics, and their implications in terms of geodynamics have been enumerated.ln the light of recent major earthquakes (26th December 2004 and 28th March 2005 events) and the ongoing seismic activity, we have recalculated the variation in the crustal deformation rates prior and after these earthquakes in Andaman—Sumatra region including the data up to 2005 and the significant results has been presented.ln this chapter, the down going lithosphere along the subduction zone is modeled using the free air gravity data by taking into consideration the thickness of the crustal layer, the thickness of the subducting slab, sediment thickness, presence of volcanism, the proximity of the continental crust etc. Here a systematic and detailed gravity interpretation constrained by seismicity and seismic data in the Andaman arc and the Andaman Sea region in order to delineate the crustal structure and density heterogeneities a Io nagnd across the arc and its correlation with the seismogenic behaviour is presented.


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Contexto histórico-político y socio-cultural en el que se produce la creación y desarrollo de los centros de formación del profesorado de Educación Física. Descripción de instituciones que se consideran antecedentes, y estudio de las que se han dedicado a esta formación desde 1805. Análisis de la incorporación de los currícula a la escuela. Análisis y valoración de la legislación referida a la formación del profesorado de Educación Física. Consideración de las expectativas de futuro y propuesta de modelo. En la investigación histórica se ha utilizado el método analítico y el método dialéctico, también se ha utilizado la investigación descriptiva, y métodos de análisis de documentos. Se ha recurrido a fuentes primarias, secundarias y archivos. Técnicas de análisis de contenido con unidades de base no gramáticas y análisis por documentos íntegros. La formación del profesorado se plantea en España en el primer tercio del siglo XIX. Desde el principio la formación de profesores se ha realizado: Escuela Primaria en las Escuelas Normales y Escuela Secundaria y Superior en Facultades Superiores. La formación del profesorado en Educación Física se institucionaliza en 1883 con la apertura de la 'Escuela Central de Gimnástica'. La Educación Física aparece de modo irregular e intermitente en los planes de estudios del siglo XIX y, siempre en la Segunda Enseñanza. Hasta avanzado el siglo XX no se incluirá en la Secundaria. En la universidad se ha primado. La situación académica, profesional y laboral del profesorado de Educación Física comienza a resolverse con la convocatoria de oposiciones al cuerpo de profesores agregados de instituto y profesores numerarios de Formación Profesional, 1985. Debe tenderse a que el profesorado realice estudios superiores. El profesor de Educación Física debe recibir una profunda formación psicopedagógica.


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El objeto de investigación geográficamente se circunscribe a España y Marruecos, bajo el análisis conceptual de la soberanía pretendida por ambos países de los territorios en disputa ubicados en el Mar Mediterráneo desde el Estrecho de Gibraltar hacia el este.