971 resultados para Narcotic Antagonists


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The molecular mechanisms that mediate endometrial cancer invasion and metastasis remain poorly understood. This is a significant clinical problem, as there is no definitive cure for metastatic disease. The purinergic pathway’s generation of adenosine and its activation of the adenosine receptor A2B (A2BR) induces cell-cell adhesion to promote barrier function. This barrier function is known to be important in maintaining homeostasis during hypoxia, trauma, and sepsis. Loss of this epithelial barrier function provides a considerable advantage for carcinoma progression, as loss of cell-cell adhesions supports proliferation, aberrant signaling, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, invasion, and metastasis. The present work provides strong evidence that CD73-generated adenosine actively promotes cell-cell adhesion in carcinoma cells by filopodia-induced zippering. Adenosine-generating ecto-enzyme, CD73, was down-regulated in moderately- and poorly-differentiated, invasive, and metastatic endometrial carcinomas. CD73 expression and enzyme activity in normal endometrium and endometrial carcinomas was significantly correlated to the epithelial phenotype. Barrier function in normal epithelial cells of the endometrium was dependent on stress-induced generation of adenosine by CD73 and adenosine’s activation of A2BR. This same mechanism inhibited endometrial carcinoma cell migration and invasion. Finally, adenosine’s activation of A2BR induced the formation of filopodia that promoted the re-forming of cell-cell adhesions in carcinoma cells. Overall, these studies identified purinergic pathway-induced filopodia to be a novel mechanism of adenosine’s barrier function and a mechanism that has to be avoided/down-regulated by endometrial carcinoma cells attempting to lose attachment with their neighboring cells. These results provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of endometrial cancer invasion. In addition, because loss of cell-cell adhesions has been closely linked to therapy resistance in cancer, these results provide a rational clinical strategy for the re-establishment of cell-cell adhesions to potentially increase therapeutic sensitivity. In contrast to other molecular mechanisms regulating cell-cell adhesions, the purinergic pathway is clinically druggable, with agonists and antagonists currently being tested in clinical trials of various diseases.


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The retinal circuitry underlying the release of dopamine was examined in the turtle, Pseudemys scripta elegans, using neurochemical release studies, anatomical techniques, and biochemistry. There was a dose- and calcium-dependent release of dopamine from turtle retinas incubated in $\sp3$H-dopamine after perfusion of the GABA antagonist bicuculline. This indicated that dopamine release was tonically inhibited by GABA. Other putative retinal transmitters were examined. Glutamate antagonists selective for hyperpolarizing bipolar cells, such as 2,3-piperidine dicarboxylic acid (PDA), caused dose- and calcium-dependent release of dopamine from the retina. In contrast, release was not observed after perfusion with 4-aminophosphonobutyric acid, a specific antagonist of depolarizing bipolar cells. This indicated that depolarizing bipolar cells were not involved in retinal circuitry underlying the release of dopamine in the turtle retina. The release produced by PDA was blocked by bicuculline, indicating a polysynaptic mechanism of release. None of the other agents tested, which included carbachol, strychnine, dopamine uptake inhibitors, serotonin, tryptamine, muscimol, melatonin, or dopamine itself produced release.^ The cells capable of the release of dopamine were identified using both uptake autoradiography and immunocytochemical localization with dopamine antisera. The simplest circuitry based on these findings is signal transmission from photoreceptors to hyperpolarizing bipolar cells then to GABAergic cells, and finally to dopaminergic amacrine cells. ^


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Morphological analysis of neonatal rabbit retina suggests that the type-A horizontal cell acts as the pioneer cell for development of the OPL. It is the first mature element of the OPL, and it forms the infrastructure upon which the OPL accrues. The role of type-A horizontal cells in influencing postnatal development of the OPL was examined.^ GABAergic characteristics of the type-A horizontal cell were defined. The type-A horizontal cell was found to possess two more GABAergic characteristics in addition to those previously demonstrated, during a short period in early postnatal development: endogenous stores of GABA and the GABA precursor, glutamate. Lesioning the type-A horizontal cell resulted in their permanent loss in addition to the disappearance of cone terminals and a dramatic increase in rod terminals within the OPL. Thus the type-A cells are not a necessary prerequisite for positioning the OPL in postnatal development, but may be necessary for establishment of the normal photoreceptor mosaic.^ Since type-A horizontal cells possess a number of GABAergic qualities during the period of cone photoreceptor cell differentiation, and there are reports of GABA's trophic action in other developing neuronal systems; the role that GABAergic type-A horizontal cells play in directing photoreceptor differentiation was examined.^ Disrupting effects of GABA-A receptor antagonists indicate that type-A horizontal cells act as postsynaptic targets for the growing cone terminals of photoreceptor cells. These trophic or synaptic interactions may involve GABA-A receptors activated by GABA released from horizontal cells. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that type-A horizontal cells act as pioneering cells in directing the postnatal development of the OPL.^ These studies offer an in depth analysis of the structural and chemical relationship between type-A horizontal cells and other elements of the OPL from which the roles of type-A horizontal cells and the GABA system in development can be defined. They contribute to our knowledge of both structural and GABAergic mechanisms involved in central nervous system development. ^


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The cholinergic amacrine cells of the rabbit retinal are the only neurons which accumulate choline and also synthesize acetylcholine (ACh). It is widely accepted that the physiologically evoked release of acetylcholine can be taken as a measure of the activity of the entire cholinergic population. Initially, we examined the possibility that these cells receive excitatory input via glutamate receptors from glutamatergic neurons. Glutamate analogs were found to cause massive ACh release from the rabbit retina. Glutamate was found to activate several different receptor subtypes. Selective glutamate antagonists were used to separate the responses evoked by the different glutamate receptor subtypes. The kainate receptor was determined pharmacologically to be the subtype activated physiologically. Since bipolar cells make direct contact with cholinergic amacrine cells, our results support the hypothesis the bipolar cell neurotransmitter is glutamate. Although NMDA receptors can be activated by NMDA analogs, they are not activated during the physiologically evoked release of ACh. A separate study examined the possibility that L-homocysteate could be the bipolar cell neurotransmitter and the results placed serious constraints on this possibility.^ GABA$\sb{\rm A}$ agonists and antagonists are known to have powerful effects on ACh release from the rabbit retina. By pharmacologically blocking the excitatory input from bipolar cells, we attempted to determine the site of GABA$\sb{\rm A}$ input. Our results suggest that the predominant site of GABA$\sb{\rm A}$ input is onto the bipolar cells presynaptic to cholinergic amacrine cells. In a separate study, we found SR-95531 to be a potent and selective GABA$\sb{\rm A}$ receptor antagonist. In addition, GABA$\sb{\rm B}$ agonists and antagonists were found to have minor or no effects on ACh release. Glycine was also examined, its inhibitory effects were found to be very similar to GABA$\sb{\rm A}$ agonists. In contrast, strychnine was found to increase basal but inhibit light evoked ACh release. Additional results indicated that the predominant site of glycinergic input is onto the presynaptic bipolar cells. Our results suggest a different role for glycine compared to GABA in shaping the light evoked release of ACh from the rabbit retina. ^


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Since the anthrone chrysarobin oxidizes and generates free radicals, investigations were conducted to assess a possible role for free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skin tumor promotion by chrysarobin. Epidermal glutathione levels were not noticeably altered by chrysarobin, nor did a glutathione-depleting agent enhance promotion by chrysarobin. Multiple applications of chrysarobin increased lipid peroxide levels in mouse epidermis two-fold as compared with controls. The antioxidant $\alpha$-tocopherol and the lipoxygenase inhibitor nordihydroguaiaretic acid both inhibited production of lipid peroxides by chrysarobin. The antioxidants $\alpha$-tocopherol acetate and ascorbyl palmitate effectively inhibited promotion and promoter-related effects induced by chrysarobin. Since prooxidant states can lead to increases in intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$, the effect of two Ca$\sp{2+}$ antagonists, verapamil and TMB-8, on chrysarobin-induced promotion and promoter-related effects were investigated. Both Ca$\sp{2+}$ antagonists inhibited promotion and promoter-related effects induced by chrysarobin, suggesting a possible role for intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$ alterations in chrysarobin-tumor promotion. Since radical generating compounds are reported to possess the ability to enhance progression of papillomas to squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), the effects of chrysarobin on papilloma development were tested. Growth kinetics and regression of papillomas generated with limited promotion with chrysarobin were similar to what was reported for the nonradical generating promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) (Aldaz et al., 1991). To test the chrysarobin's ability to enhance progression of pre-existing papillomas to SCCs, tumors were generated by initiation with dimethylbenz (a) anthracene and promotion with TPA. Then mice were treated with chrysarobin, TPA or acetone for 45 weeks. When mice treated with chrysarobin were compared to mice treated continually with TPA with similar numbers of papillomas, the number of papillomas that progressed to SCCs was similar, suggesting that papilloma burden influences the progression of papillomas to SCCs, rather than radical production. In summary, the present study suggests that chrysarobin produces oxidative stress in mouse epidermis as indicated by the generation of lipid peroxides. Antioxidants inhibited production of lipid peroxides and tumor promotion by chrysarobin. Collectively, these data suggest a role for free radicals or ROS in tumor promotion by chrysarobin. ^


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced apoptosis is important in immunologic cytotoxicity, autoimmunity, sepsis, normal embryonic development, and wound healing. TNF exerts cytotoxicity on many types of tumor cells but not on normal cells. The molecular events leading to cell death triggered by TNF are still poorly understood. We found that enforced expression of an activated H-ras oncogene converted the non-tumorigenic TNF-resistant C3H 10T1/2 fibroblasts into tumorigenic cells (10TEJ) that also became very sensitive to TNF-induced apoptosis. This finding suggested that the oncogenic form of H-Ras, in which the p21 is locked in the GTP-bound form, could play a role in TNF-induced apoptosis of these cells. To investigate whether Ras activation is an obligatory step in TNF-induced apoptosis, we introduced two different molecular antagonists of Ras, namely the Rap1A tumor suppressor gene or the dominant-negative rasN17 gene, into H-ras transformed 10TEJ cells. Expression of either Rap1A or RasN17 in 10TEJ cells resulted in abrogation of TNF-induced apoptosis. Similar results were obtained by expression of either Ras antagonist in L929 cells, a fibroblast cell line that is sensitive to TNF-induced apoptosis but does not have a ras mutation. The effects of Rap-1A and RasN17 appear to be specific to TNF, since cytotoxicity induced by doxorubicin and thapsigargin are unaffected. Additionally, constitutive apoptosis sensitivity in isolated nuclei, as measured by activation of Ca$\sp{2+}$-dependent endogenous endonuclease, is not affected by Rap-1A or RasN17. Moreover, TNF treatment of L929 cells increased Ras-bound GTP, indicating that Ras activation is triggered by TNF. Thus, Ras activation is required for TNF-induced apoptosis in mouse cells. ^


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Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retina and serves as the synaptic messenger for the three classes of neurons which constitute the vertical pathway--the photoreceptors, bipolar cells and ganglion cells. In addition, the glutamate system has been localized morphologically, pharmacologically as well as molecularly during the first postnatal week of development before synaptogenesis occurs. The role which glutamate plays in the maturing visual system is complex but ranges from mediating developmental neurotoxicity to inducing neurite outgrowth.^ Nitric oxide/cGMP is a novel intercellular messenger which is thought to act in concert with the glutamate system in regulating a variety of cellular processes in the brain as well as retina, most notably neurotoxicity. Several developmental activities including programmed cell death, synapse elimination and synaptic reorganization are possible functions of cellular regulation modulated by nitric oxide as well as glutamate.^ The purpose of this thesis is to (1) biochemically characterize the endogenous pools of glutamate and determine what fraction exists extracellularly; (2) examine the morphological expression of NO producing cells in developing retina; (3) test the functional coupling of the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor to the NO system by examining neurotoxicity which has roles in both the maturing and adult retina.^ Biochemical sampling of perfusates collected from the photoreceptor surface of ex vivo retina demonstrated that although the total pool of glutamate present at birth is relatively modest, a high percentage resides in extracellular pools. As a result, immature neurons without significant synaptic connections survive and develop in a highly glutamatergic environment which has been shown to be toxic in the adult retina.^ The interaction of the glutamate system with the NO system has been postulated to regulate neuronal survival. We therefore examined the developmental expression of the enzyme responsible for producing NO, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), using an antibody to the constitutive form of NOS found in the brain. The neurons thought to produce the majority of NO in the adult retina, a subpopulation of widefield amacrine cells, were not immunoreactive until the end of the second postnatal week. However, a unique developmental expression was observed in the ganglion cell layer and developing outer nuclear layer of the retina during the first postnatal week. We postulate NO producing neurons may not be present in a mature configuration therefore permitting neuronal survival in a highly glutamatergic microenvironment and allowing NO to play a development-specific role at this time.^ The next set of experiments constituted a functional test of the hypothesis that the absence of the prototypic NO producing cells in developing retina protects immature neurons against glutamate toxicity. An explant culture system developed in order to examine cellular responses of immature and adult neurons to glutamate toxicity showed that immature neurons were affected by NMDA but were less responsive to NMDA and NO mediated toxicity. In contrast, adult explants exhibited significant NMDA toxicity which was attenuated by NMDA antagonists, 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV), dextromethorphan (Dex) and N$\rm\sp{G}$-D-methyl arginine (metARG). These results indicated that pan-retinal neurotoxicity via the NMDA receptor and/or NO activation occurred in the adult retina but was not significant in the neonate. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Despite much attention, the function of oligosaccharide chains of glycoproteins remains largely unknown. Our understanding of oligosaccharide function in vivo has been limited to the use of reagents and targeted mutations that eliminate entire oligosaccharide chains. However, most, if not all biological functions for oligosaccharides have been attributed to specific terminal sequences on these oligosaccharides, yet there have been few studies to examine the consequences of modifying terminal oligosaccharide structures in vivo. To address this issue, mice were created bearing a targeted mutation in $\beta$1,4-galactosyltransferase, an enzyme responsible for elaboration of many of the proposed biologically-active carbohydrate epitopes. Most galactosyltransferase-null mice died within the first few weeks after birth and were characterized by stunted growth, thin skin, sparse hair, and dehydration. In addition, the adrenal cortices were poorly stratified and spermatogenesis was delayed. The few surviving adults had puffy skin (myxedema), difficulty delivering pups at birth (dystocia), and failed to lactate (agalactosis). All of these defects are consistant with endocrine insufficiency, which was confirmed by markedly decreased levels of serum thyroxine. The anterior pituitary gland appeared functionally delayed in newborn mutant mice, since the constituent cells were quiescent and nonsecretory, unlike that of control littermates. However, the anterior pituitary acquired a normal secretory phenotype during neonatal development, although it remained abnormally small and its glycoprotein hormones were devoid of $\beta$1,4-galactosyl residues. These results support in vitro studies suggesting that incomplete glycosylation of pituitary hormones leads to the creation of hormone antagonists that down regulate subsequent endocrine function producing polyglandular endocrine insufficiency. More surprisingly, the fact that some mice survive this neonatal period indicates the presence of a previously unrecognized compensatory pathway for glycoprotein hormone glycosylation and/or action.^ In addition to its well-studied biosynthetic function in the Golgi complex, a GalTase isoform is also expressed on the sperm surface where it functions as a gamete receptor during fertilization by binding to its oligosaccharide ligand on the egg coat glycoprotein, ZP3. Aggregation of GalTase by multivalent ZP3 oligosaccharides activates a G-protein cascade leading to the acrosome reaction. Although GalTase-null males are fertile, the mutant sperm bind less ZP3 than wild-type sperm, and are unable to undergo the acrosome reaction in response to either zona pellucida glycoproteins or to anti-GalTase anti-serum, as do wild-type sperm. However, mutant and wild-type sperm undergo the acrosome reaction normally in response to calcium ionophore which bypasses the requirement for ZP3 binding. Interestingly, the phenotype of the GalTase-null sperm is reciprocal to that of sperm that overexpress surface GalTAse and which bind more ZP3 leading to precocious acrosome reactions. These results confirm that GalTase functions as at least one of the sperm receptors for ZP3, and that GalTase participates in the ZP3-induced signal transduction pathway during zona pellucida-induced acrosome reactions. ^


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The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that partial agonists produce less desensitization because they generate less of the active conformation of the $\beta\sb2$-adrenergic receptor ($\beta$AR) (R*) and in turn cause less $\beta$AR phosphorylation by beta adrenergic receptor kinase ($\beta$ARK) and less $\beta$AR internalization. In the present work, rates of desensitization, internalization, and phosphorylation caused by a series of $\beta$AR agonists were correlated with a quantitative measure, defined as coupling efficiency, of agonist-dependent $\beta$AR activation of adenylyl cyclase. These studies were preformed in HEK-293 cells overexpressing the $\beta$AR with hemagglutinin (HA) and 6-histidine (6HIS) epitopes introduced into the N- and C-termini respectively. Agonists chosen provided a 95-fold range of coupling efficiencies, and, relative to epinephrine, the best agonist, (100%) were fenoterol (42%), albuterol (4.9%), dobutamine (2.5%) and ephedrine (1.1%). At concentrations of these agonists yielding $>$90% receptor occupancy, the rate and extent of the rapid phase (0-30 min) of agonist induced desensitization of adenylyl cyclase followed the same order as coupling efficiency, that is, epinephrine $\ge$ fitnoterol $>$ albuterol $>$ dobutamine $>$ ephedrine. The rate of internalization, measured by a loss of surface receptors during desensitization, with respect to these agonists also followed the same order as the desensitization and exhibited a slight lag. Like desensitization and internalization, $\beta$AR phosphorylation exhibited a dependency on agonist strength. The two strongest agonists epinephrine and fenoterol provoked 11 to 13 fold increases in the level of $\beta$AR phosphorylation after just 1 min, whereas the weakest agonists dobutamine and ephedrine caused only 3 to 4 fold increases in phosphorylation. With longer treatment times, the level of $\beta$AR phosphorylation declined with the strong agonists, but progressively increased with the weaker partial agonists. The major conclusion drawn from this study is that the occupancy-dependent rate of receptor phosphorylation increases with agonist coupling efficiencies and that this is sufficient to explain the desensitization, internalization, and phosphorylation data obtained.^ The mechanism of activation and desensitization by the partial $\beta$AR agonist salmeterol was also examined in this study. This drug is extremely hydrophobic and its study presents possibly unique problems. To determine whether salmeterol induces desensitization of the $\beta$AR its action has been studied using our system. Employing the use of reversible antagonists it was found that salmeterol, which has an estimated coupling efficiency near that of albuterol caused $\beta$AR desensitization. This desensitization was much reduced relative to epinephrine. Consistent with its coupling efficiency, it was found to be similar to albuterol in its ability to induce internalization and phosphorylation of the $\beta$AR. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Reelin is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein expressed in different nerve cell populations in the developing, early postnatal and adult central nervous system. During histogenesis of the neocortex and hippocampus, reelin is present in Cajal-Retzius cells and other early neurons and contributes to correct layering of these regions. During early postnatal life, pioneer neurons disappear and reelin expression establishes in a subpopulation of cortical and hippocampal GABAergic interneurons, where it is maintained throughout adult life. We studied the developmental distribution pattern of reelin in dissociated cultures obtained from the early postnatal hippocampus to verify whether or not such a maturation phenomenon is maintained in vitro. Reelin is expressed both in Cajal-Retzius cells and multipolar and pyramidal neurons in younger cultures. The density of reelin-positive Cajal-Retzius cells dropped drastically by about 84% in 4-week-old cultures. Multipolar and pyramidal neurons containing reelin represented 12% of the total cell population in younger cultures and decreased by about 25% after 3 to 4 weeks of cultivation. Their density was significantly lower in cultures of the same age treated with glutamate receptor antagonists. These reelin-positive multipolar and pyramidal neurons were heterogeneous, including a larger amount of non-GABAergic, and 30-40% of GABAergic neurons. Cells double labeled for reelin and the GABA synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase represented about 4% of the total neuron population in culture and their density remained constant with age. It is thus possible that the decrease in the total reelin population may selectively be of importance to the larger non-GABAergic fraction of reelin cells. This study shows that reelin-expressing neurons are maintained in dissociated cultures of the neonatal hippocampus and their distribution and age-dependent changes in density resemble those of the early postnatal hippocampus in vivo.


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The pharmacological characterization of ligands depends upon the ability to accurately measure their binding properties. Fluorescence provides an alternative to more traditional approaches such as radioligand binding. Here we describe the binding and spectroscopic properties of eight fluorescent 5-HT3 receptor ligands. These were tested on purified receptors, expressed receptors on live cells, or in vivo. All compounds had nanomolar affinities with fluorescent properties extending from blue to near infra-red emission. A fluorescein-derivative had the highest affinity as measured by fluorescence polarization (FP; 1.14 nM), flow cytometry (FC; 3.23 nM) and radioligand binding (RB; 1.90 nM). Competition binding with unlabeled 5-HT3 receptor agonists (5-HT, mCPBG, quipazine) and antagonists (granisetron, palonosetron, tropisetron) yielded similar affinities in all three assays. When cysteine substitutions were introduced into the 5-HT3 receptor binding site the same changes in binding affinity were seen for both granisetron and the fluorescein-derivative, suggesting that they both adopt orientations that are consistent with co-crystal structures of granisetron with a homologous protein (5HTBP). As expected, in vivo live imaging in anaesthetized mice revealed staining in the abdominal cavity in intestines, but also in salivary glands. The unexpected presence of 5-HT3 receptors in mouse salivary glands was confirmed by Western blots. Overall, these results demonstrate the wide utility of our new high-affinity fluorescently-labeled 5-HT3 receptor probes, ranging from in vitro receptor pharmacology, including FC and FP ligand competition, to live imaging of 5-HT3 expressing tissues.


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Several polyamine derivatives were synthesized in order to produce novel antagonists of muscular nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Their affinities were compared with those of philanthotoxin PhTX-343.


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BACKGROUND Polypharmacy, defined as the concomitant use of multiple medications, is very common in the elderly and may trigger drug-drug interactions and increase the risk of falls in patients receiving vitamin K antagonists. OBJECTIVE To examine whether polypharmacy increases the risk of bleeding in elderly patients who receive vitamin K antagonists for acute venous thromboembolism (VTE). DESIGN We used a prospective cohort study. PARTICIPANTS In a multicenter Swiss cohort, we studied 830 patients aged ≥ 65 years with VTE. MAIN MEASURES We defined polypharmacy as the prescription of more than four different drugs. We assessed the association between polypharmacy and the time to a first major and clinically relevant non-major bleeding, accounting for the competing risk of death. We adjusted for known bleeding risk factors (age, gender, pulmonary embolism, active cancer, arterial hypertension, cardiac disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic liver and renal disease, diabetes mellitus, history of major bleeding, recent surgery, anemia, thrombocytopenia) and periods of vitamin K antagonist treatment as a time-varying covariate. KEY RESULTS Overall, 413 (49.8 %) patients had polypharmacy. The mean follow-up duration was 17.8 months. Patients with polypharmacy had a significantly higher incidence of major (9.0 vs. 4.1 events/100 patient-years; incidence rate ratio [IRR] 2.18, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.32-3.68) and clinically relevant non-major bleeding (14.8 vs. 8.0 events/100 patient-years; IRR 1.85, 95 % CI 1.27-2.71) than patients without polypharmacy. After adjustment, polypharmacy was significantly associated with major (sub-hazard ratio [SHR] 1.83, 95 % CI 1.03-3.25) and clinically relevant non-major bleeding (SHR 1.60, 95 % CI 1.06-2.42). CONCLUSIONS Polypharmacy is associated with an increased risk of both major and clinically relevant non-major bleeding in elderly patients receiving vitamin K antagonists for VTE.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS Limited data from large cohorts are available on tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists (infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab pegol) switch over time. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of switching from one TNF antagonist to another and to identify associated risk factors. METHODS Data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Cohort Study (SIBDCS) were analyzed. RESULTS Of 1731 patients included into the SIBDCS (956 with Crohn's disease [CD] and 775 with ulcerative colitis [UC]), 347 CD patients (36.3%) and 129 UC patients (16.6%) were treated with at least one TNF antagonist. A total of 53/347 (15.3%) CD patients (median disease duration 9 years) and 20/129 (15.5%) of UC patients (median disease duration 7 years) needed to switch to a second and/or a third TNF antagonist, respectively. Median treatment duration was longest for the first TNF antagonist used (CD 25 months; UC 14 months), followed by the second (CD 13 months; UC 4 months) and third TNF antagonist (CD 11 months; UC 15 months). Primary nonresponse, loss of response and side effects were the major reasons to stop and/or switch TNF antagonist therapy. A low body mass index, a short diagnostic delay and extraintestinal manifestations at inclusion were identified as risk factors for a switch of the first used TNF antagonist within 24 months of its use in CD patients. CONCLUSION Switching of the TNF antagonist over time is a common issue. The median treatment duration with a specific TNF antagonist is diminishing with an increasing number of TNF antagonists being used.


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In early pregnancy, abortion can be induced by blocking the actions of progesterone receptors (PR). However, the PR antagonist, mifepristone (RU38486), is rather unselective in clinical use because it also cross-reacts with other nuclear receptors. Since the ligand-binding domain of human progesterone receptor (hPR) and androgen receptor (hAR) share 54% identity, we hypothesized that derivatives of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the cognate ligand for hAR, might also regulate the hPR. Compounds designed and synthesized in our laboratory were investigated for their affinities for hPRB, hAR, glucocorticoid receptor (hGRα) and mineralocorticoid receptor (hMR), using whole cell receptor competitive binding assays. Agonistic and antagonistic activities were characterized by reporter assays. Nuclear translocation was monitored using cherry-hPRB and GFP-hAR chimeric receptors. Cytostatic properties and apoptosis were tested on breast cancer cells (MCF7, T-47D). One compound presented a favorable profile with an apparent neutral hPRB antagonistic function, a selective cherry-hPRB nuclear translocation and a cytostatic effect. 3D models of human PR and AR with this ligand were constructed to investigate the molecular basis of selectivity. Our data suggest that these novel DHT-derivatives provide suitable templates for the development of new selective steroidal hPR antagonists.