932 resultados para NETTRA-P1.


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dall'Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - IAMC-CNR (Bénéficiaire) UOS di Capo Granitola e coinvolge l' Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse – IBBR (P1) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), il Centro di Biotecnologie di Borj - Cedria - CBBC (P2) L'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie – INRAT (P3), La Direction Générale de la Production Agricole – DGPA (P4) e L’Associazione “Strada del vino Alcamo Doc” (P5). Il finanziamento complessivo è stato pari a € 674.107,06 e le attività si sono svolte a partire da novembre 2013 per concludersi a luglio 2016. Si è trattato di una prodigiosa opportunità per potenziare e valorizzare le eccellenze scientifiche in campo vitivinicolo e per consolidare la collaborazione tra Italia e Tunisia sulla produzione di vini di qualità e sul lancio di itinerari enoturistici che mettano in dialogo permanente le due sponde del mediterraneo. Il progetto, ha avuto la durata di 31 mesi e ha investito sullo sviluppo di ricerche e soluzioni tecnologiche per prevenire e curare le patologie della vite e per certificare e tracciare la qualità del vino prodotto in Italia e in Tunisia. I benefici del progetto hanno avuto ricadute anche su tutti i territori dell'area di cooperazione in quanto, nella parte finale del progetto, si sono sviluppate azioni di marketing congiunte per la creazione di un marchio d'area e l'ampliamento delle esperienze delle "strade del vino" per creare itinerari turistici tematici che colleghino le zone di produzione siciliane e quelle tunisine.


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Il progetto DIVIN, finanziato dal Programma di Cooperazione Transfrontaliera Italia Tunisia, è coordinato dall'Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - IAMC-CNR (Bénéficiaire) UOS di Capo Granitola e coinvolge l' Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse – IBBR (P1) del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), il Centro di Biotecnologie di Borj - Cedria - CBBC (P2) L'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie – INRAT (P3), La Direction Générale de la Production Agricole – DGPA (P4) e L’Associazione “Strada del vino Alcamo Doc” (P5). Il finanziamento complessivo è stato pari a € 674.107,06 e le attività si sono svolte a partire da novembre 2013 per concludersi a luglio 2016. Si è trattato di una prodigiosa opportunità per potenziare e valorizzare le eccellenze scientifiche in campo vitivinicolo e per consolidare la collaborazione tra Italia e Tunisia sulla produzione di vini di qualità e sul lancio di itinerari enoturistici che mettano in dialogo permanente le due sponde del mediterraneo. Il progetto, ha avuto la durata di 31 mesi e ha investito sullo sviluppo di ricerche e soluzioni tecnologiche per prevenire e curare le patologie della vite e per certificare e tracciare la qualità del vino prodotto in Italia e in Tunisia. I benefici del progetto hanno avuto ricadute anche su tutti i territori dell'area di cooperazione in quanto, nella parte finale del progetto, si sono sviluppate azioni di marketing congiunte per la creazione di un marchio d'area e l'ampliamento delle esperienze delle "strade del vino" per creare itinerari turistici tematici che colleghino le zone di produzione siciliane e quelle tunisine.


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La détermination de la structure d’une molécule dans une cellule est souvent la première étape à la compréhension de son mode d’action. Un exemple flagrant est le riborégulateur, qui est un ARN hautement structuré capable de lier un ligand et de modifier la régulation génique chez les bactéries. Cette étude se penche sur la structure de l’aptamère d’un riborégulateur pouvant se lier au métabolite S-adénosylméthionine (SAM), qui est impliqué dans des réactions de méthylations essentielles dans une cellule. Plus précisément, le modèle sélectionné pour ces travaux provient de la famille SAM-I et est composé de quatre tiges (P1 à P4). En utilisant des techniques biophysiques telles le FRET et le single-molecule FRET (sm-FRET), nous pouvons comprendre plus en détails le dynamisme structural du repliement de l’aptamère qui se passe en deux étapes. La première étape de repliement de l’aptamère est constituée par la formation de l’état intermédiaire induite par la liaison du magnésium. Cet état a été caractérisé grâce à des mutations nucléotidiques bloquant des changements conformationnels spécifiques. Aussi, cette étude a permis d’ajouter des détails biophysiques sur la dernière étape de repliement de l’aptamère induite par la liaison de SAM. La réorganisation finale du site de liaison implique une rotation de la tige P1. D’ailleurs, la formation de la tige P1 permet le contrôle direct de l’expression génétique. Ces deux étapes permettent à l’aptamère du riborégulateur SAM d’adopter sa structure native essentielle à l’arrêt de transcription. En bref, nous décrivons en détail les mécanismes structuraux expliquant le fonctionnement du riborégulateur SAM. Certains de ces mécanismes pourraient être communs à plusieurs classes de riborégulateurs, d’où l’intérêt de prospecter d’autres cibles.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Air pollution can threat the environment and public health, and is assess by pollutant ́s concentration measurements in order to verify whether the limits set by environmental agencies are being respected. However, these measures do not indicate immediately the impacts to living beings. To faced this problem, plants are been investigated as potential bioindicators of air pollution and, among them, stand out bromeliads Tillandsia genus which colonize various substrates,. obtaining water and nutrients from the atmosphere directly. In this context, this research assessed the potential of epiphytic bromeliad Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L. found in urbanized areas of the city of Curitiba - PR as a bioindicator of urban air pollution. According to vehicle traffic, five sample points were selected and classified. Points P1 and P2 were classified as high-traffic vehicle due presenting trucks and urban transport; point P3 was classified as moderate traffic due the predominance of private vehicles and urban transport; and points P4 and P5 were classified as low-traffic, presenting circulation of private vehicles only. There were analyzed the abundance of T. recurvata, morphophysiological parameters (leaf area, leaf specific area, sclerophylly index, percentage dry weight / fresh weight, chlorophyll (a + b), analysis of structural mesophyll organization) and the heavy metals accumulation (Fe, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn). The abundance analysis and the results obtained for metals analysis were correlated with the intensity of vehicular traffic, directing the sampling points P1 > P2 = P3 > P4 = P5. This result demonstrate that the abundance of T. recurvata is greater in urban air pollution impacted areas, thus indicating that T. recurvata absorbs and accumulates metals and can be used in biomonitoring of urban air pollution in areas impacted by vehicular traffic. Morphophysiological parameters analyzed shows that the internal plant ́s structure is not significantly impacted by urban air pollution due plant ́s adptations. The presence of absorbing scales, the CAM metabolism pathway and it ́s store water ability, among other features, demonstrate their potential as bio-indicator in urban areas, especially regarding heavy metals accumulation .


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Recent research on affective processing has suggested that low spatial frequency information of fearful faces provide rapid emotional cues to the amygdala, whereas high spatial frequencies convey fine-grained information to the fusiform gyrus, regardless of emotional expression. In the present experiment, we examined the effects of low (LSF, <15 cycles/image width) and high spatial frequency filtering (HSF, >25 cycles/image width) on brain processing of complex pictures depicting pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral scenes. Event-related potentials (ERP), percentage of recognized stimuli and response times were recorded in 19 healthy volunteers. Behavioral results indicated faster reaction times in response to unpleasant LSF than to unpleasant HSF pictures. Unpleasant LSF pictures and pleasant unfiltered pictures also elicited significant enhancements of P1 amplitudes at occipital electrodes as compared to neutral LSF and unfiltered pictures, respectively; whereas no significant effects of affective modulation were found for HSF pictures. Moreover, mean ERP amplitudes in the time between 200 and 500ms post-stimulus were significantly greater for affective (pleasant and unpleasant) than for neutral unfiltered pictures; whereas no significant affective modulation was found for HSF or LSF pictures at those latencies. The fact that affective LSF pictures elicited an enhancement of brain responses at early, but not at later latencies, suggests the existence of a rapid and preattentive neural mechanism for the processing of motivationally relevant stimuli, which could be driven by LSF cues. Our findings confirm thus previous results showing differences on brain processing of affective LSF and HSF faces, and extend these results to more complex and social affective pictures.


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Groundnut rosette disease (GRD) is the most destructive virus disease of Valencia groundnuts ( Arachis hypogaea L.) in sub-Saharan Africa. Cultural, biological and chemical control measures have received limited success due to small scale farmers’ inability to use them. Use of host plant resistance provides the most effective and economically viable management option for the resource poor farmers. This study was conducted to determine heritability for resistance to GRD in Valencia groundnuts. Six crosses; Valencia C (P1) × ICGV-SM 90704 (P2), Valencia C (P1) × ICGV-SM 96801(P2), Valencia C (P1) × ICGV-SM 99566 (P2), NuMex-M3 (P1) × ICGV-SM 90704 (P2), NuMex-M3 × ICGV-SM 96801 (P2), and NuMex-M3 (P1) × ICGV-SM 99566 (P2), were made to generate F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2 populations. Data on GRD severity were collected on a 1-9 score scale. Genetic Advance as a percentage of the mean (GAM) and heritability were estimated using variance components. Phenotypic Coefficient of Variation (PCV) and Genotypic Coefficient of Variation (GCV) estimates were high (20.04-70.1%) in the six crosses, except for Valencia C × ICGV-SM 96801(18.1%) and NuMex-M3 × ICGV-SM 96801(17.1%), which exhibited moderate GCV values. Broad and narrow sense heritability estimates for GRD disease score ranged from 64.1 to 73.7% and 31 to 41.9%, respectively, in all the crosses. GAM was high in all the crosses (21-50.7%), except for Valencia C x ICGV-SM 96801 (14.67), M3 x ICGV-SM 99566 (18%) and NuMex-M3 x ICGV-SM 96801 (13.5%) crosses that exhibited moderate GAM. The study revealed the presence of variability of GRD resistance, implying that genetic improvement of these exotic materials is possible.


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Con el objetivo de contribuir al conocimiento sobre la composición y abundancia del zooplancton marino en El Salvador, se realizó un estudio en el área Los Remos, Bahía de Jiquilisco, Usulután, entre los meses de Septiembre –Diciembre de 2013 y Enero-Febrero de 2014. Determinándose la composición de los taxones, la diversidad, equidad y abundancia de los diferentes grupos en relación a los puntos de muestreo, describiendo su variación espacial así como también su relación con las variables de Temperatura, pH, Salinidad, Oxígeno Disuelto y Transparencia del agua. Se encontraron 27 grupos zooplanctónicos diferentes pertenecientes a 29 familias, dentro de los cuales se identificó a 37 organismos, 11 a nivel de familia, 13 a nivel de género y 13 a nivel de especie. La diversidad y equidad de cada punto de muestreo fue determinado por medio de los índices de Shannon-Winner y Pielou respectivamente, encontrándose que el Punto 4 (P4) fue el que presento la mayor diversidad con 1.14 y el menos diverso fue el Punto 1 (P1) con 0.95. En cuanto a los valores de equidad, ninguno de los puntos alcanzó la equidad media (0.5) por lo cual se considera que todos los puntos de muestreo son poco equitativos. El grupo de los copépodos fue el más abundante con un total de 785, 907 organismos / 1000 m3 , seguido por el grupo del estadío nauplio con una cantidad de 61,408 organismos / 1000 m3 y en tercer lugar el grupo de los gastrópodos con 37,854 organismos / 1000 m3 (fórmula para estimar abundancia de Harris et al. 2000) . La variación espacial de los grupos fue determinada por medio del índice de similitud de Bray-Crutis el cual mostró mayor similitud entre los puntos P1, P2 y P6 por un lado y los puntos P3, P4 y P5 por otro. Para determinar si existía una relación entre las abundancias de los diferentes grupos y los parámetros físico-químicos del agua, lo que pudiera influir en la distribución de los mismos en los puntos de muestreo, se aplicó el análisis de Escalamiento Multidimensional (MDS) encontrando que existe relación entre los parámetros físico-químicos del agua con las abundancias de los organismos según el punto de muestreo.


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In this paper, we show that if X is a smooth variety of general type of dimension m≥3 for which the canonical map induces a triple cover onto Y, where Y is a projective bundle over P1 or onto a projective space or onto a quadric hypersurface, embedded by a complete linear series (except Q3 embedded in P4), then the general deformation of the canonical morphism of X is again canonical and induces a triple cover. The extremal case when Y is embedded as a variety of minimal degree is of interest, due to its appearance in numerous situations. For instance, by looking at threefolds Y of minimal degree we find components of the moduli of threefolds X of general type with KX3=3pg−9,KX3≠6, whose general members correspond to canonical triple covers. Our results are especially interesting as well because they have no lower dimensional analogues.


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In this paper we show that if X is a smooth variety of general type of dimension m≥2 for which its canonical map induces a double cover onto Y, where Y is the projective space, a smooth quadric hypersurface or a smooth projective bundle over P1, embedded by a complete linear series, then the general deformation of the canonical morphism of X is again canonical and induces a double cover. The second part of the article proves the non-existence of canonical double structures on the rational varieties above mentioned. Our results have consequences for the moduli of varieties of general type of arbitrary dimension, since they show that infinitely many moduli spaces of higher dimensional varieties of general type have an entire “hyperelliptic” component. This is in sharp contrast with the case of curves or surfaces of lower Kodaira dimension.


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L’objectif principal de cette thèse était d’obtenir, via l’électrophysiologie cognitive, des indices de fonctionnement post-traumatisme craniocérébral léger (TCCL) pour différents niveaux de traitement de l’information, soit l’attention sélective, les processus décisionnels visuoattentionnels et les processus associés à l’exécution d’une réponse volontaire. L’hypothèse centrale était que les mécanismes de production des lésions de même que la pathophysiologie caractérisant le TCCL engendrent des dysfonctions visuoattentionnelles, du moins pendant la période aiguë suivant le TCCL (i.e. entre 1 et 3 mois post-accident), telles que mesurées à l’aide d’un nouveau paradigme électrophysiologique conçu à cet effet. Cette thèse présente deux articles qui décrivent le travail effectué afin de rencontrer ces objectifs et ainsi vérifier les hypothèses émises. Le premier article présente la démarche réalisée afin de créer une nouvelle tâche d’attention visuospatiale permettant d’obtenir les indices électrophysiologiques (amplitude, latence) et comportementaux (temps de réaction) liés aux processus de traitement visuel et attentionnel précoce (P1, N1, N2-nogo, P2, Ptc) à l’attention visuelle sélective (N2pc, SPCN) et aux processus décisionnels (P3b, P3a) chez un groupe de participants sains (i.e. sans atteinte neurologique). Le deuxième article présente l’étude des effets persistants d’un TCCL sur les fonctions visuoattentionelles via l’obtention des indices électrophysiologiques ciblés (amplitude, latence) et de données comportementales (temps de réaction à la tâche et résultats aux tests neuropsychologiques) chez deux cohortes d’individus TCCL symptomatiques, l’une en phase subaigüe (3 premiers mois post-accident), l’autre en phase chronique (6 mois à 1 an post-accident), en comparaison à un groupe de participants témoins sains. Les résultats des articles présentés dans cette thèse montrent qu’il a été possible de créer une tâche simple qui permet d’étudier de façon rapide et peu coûteuse les différents niveaux de traitement de l’information impliqués dans le déploiement de l’attention visuospatiale. Par la suite, l’utilisation de cette tâche auprès d’individus atteints d’un TCCL testés en phase sub-aiguë ou en phase chronique a permis d’objectiver des profils d’atteintes et de récupération différentiels pour chacune des composantes étudiées. En effet, alors que les composantes associées au traitement précoce de l’information visuelle (P1, N1, N2) étaient intactes, certaines composantes attentionnelles (P2) et cognitivo-attentionnelles (P3a, P3b) étaient altérées, suggérant une dysfonction au niveau des dynamiques spatio-temporelles de l’attention, de l’orientation de l’attention et de la mémoire de travail, à court et/ou à long terme après le TCCL, ceci en présence de déficits neuropsychologiques en phase subaiguë surtout et d’une symptomatologie post-TCCL persistante. Cette thèse souligne l’importance de développer des outils diagnostics sensibles et exhaustifs permettant d’objectiver les divers processus et sous-processus cognitifs susceptible d’être atteints après un TCCL.


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Vaccinum myrtillus L. pertence à família Ericaceae, sendo comumente conhecida pelos seus pequenos frutos e doces: os mirtilos. Largamente consumidos em fresco, estes frutos também são usados em compotas e marmeladas, devido à suas propriedades digestivas e hipoglicémicas bem como, devido à presença de vários compostos bioativos [1]. Portanto, tornou-se uma matriz muito apelativa para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos funcionais que, para além das suas propriedades nutricionais, adicionam um efeito benéfico fisiológico e para a saúde de longo prazo [2]. No presente trabalho, três novos produtos desenvolvidos pela RBR Foods Company (Portugal) tendo como base o mirtilo, foram caracterizados pelas suas propriedades nutricionais e químicas: hidratos de carbono, cinzas, proteínas, gordura e valor energético (seguindo métodos oficiais de análise de alimentos AOAC), perfil de ácidos gordos (por GC-FID), açúcares solúveis (por HPLC-RI), ácidos orgânicos (por HPLC-DAD) e tocoferóis (por HPLC de fluorescência). Os produtos resultam de uma mistura dos frutos com pétalas de rosa (P1), pétalas de calêndula (P2) e bagas goji e maçã (P3). Os frutos de mirtilo foram utilizados como amostra de controlo. O perfil nutricional dos novos produtos mostrou-se muito semelhante ao da amostra controlo: os hidratos de carbono foram os macronutrientes mais abundantes, seguido de proteínas e de gordura total. Em relação aos açúcares, frutose, glucose e sacarose foram identificados em todas as amostras. P1 e P2 não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação ao controlo, no entanto, P3 revelou uma menor concentração de açúcares. Em termos de composição de ácidos gordos, todas as amostras estudadas apresentaram maiores teores em ácidos gordos polinsaturados, especialmente devido à contribuição dos ácidos linoléico e alfa-linolénico. Os resultados de tocoferóis revelaram que a amostra controlo apresentou apenas duas isoformas de tocoferóis, α- e γ-tocoferol, sendo a mesmo observado em P3. No entanto, P1 revelou a presença de todas as isoformas de tocoferóis, enquanto P2 não apresentaou δ-tocoferol; Estes resultados estão relacionados com a contribuição das pétalas de rosa e calêndula, respetivamente. A isoforma α-tocoferol foi a mais abundante em todas as amostras estudadas. Em geral, este trabalho contribuiu para a caracterização de novos produtos nutricionais com base de mirtilo sendo parte de um projecto mais abrangente que tem por objetivo o estudo detalhado destes produtos, para serem utilizados como alimentos funcionais.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização de variações anátomo-fisiológicas que decorrem do processo de aclimatação sazonal em bovinos leiteiros com alto (Altas) e baixo (Baixas) potencial leiteiro, com vista a selecionar animais que conciliem bons desempenhos produtivos e índices de adaptabilidade que possibilitem a mudança de homeostase face às condições climáticas presentes no clima mediterrânico. O estudo foi realizado numa herdade comercial, situada no Alentejo, utilizando 13 vacas multíparas (6 Baixas e 7 Altas), durante três períodos: P1 (animais aclimatados ao verão; presença de stresse térmico); P2 (animais aclimatados ao verão; termoneutralidade); P3 (animais aclimatados ao inverno; termoneutralidade). Em stresse térmico (P1), verificaram-se maiores esforços termolíticos e maiores armazenamentos de calor no grupo das Altas. Observou-se também que a produção de leite das Altas foi afetada pelo stresse térmico, evidênciando uma redução 24-48h após os valores de temperatura retal mais elevados. Nesta situação, as Baixas apresentaram uma variação na produção oposta à das Altas. Em P1, os valores de proteína e de gordura no leite foram significativamente mais baixos que em P3, em ambos os grupos. A ureia no leite foi significativamente mais elevada nas Altas durante o P1, revelando potencial como biomarcador de stresse térmico. Do P1 para o P3 obser-vou-se uma redução gradual do hematócrito, da hemoglobina e da triiodotironina (T3). As Altas apresentaram uma maior redução de triiodotironina (T3) que as Baixas, como consequência de uma maior intensidade de aclimatação. Nos pelos não se registaram diferenças entre os períodos, o que contrasta com alguma bibliografia. Porém, a ausência da insolação direta poderá ter sido um fator determinante; ABSTRACT: The main objective of the present study was the characterization of anatomical and physiological variations that occur in the seasonal acclimatization process of dairy cows with high (Altas) and low (Baixas) milk yield potential. In this way it should be possible to do a selection of animals with good productive traits and also with adaptability indexes that allow a change in homeostasis to cope with the climatic conditions of the mediterranean climate. Meteorological, clinical, productive, physiological and anatomical data were collected. The study was conducted in an Alentejo's dairy farm, using 13 multiparous cows (6 with low milk yield and 7 with high milk yield), during three periods: P1 (animals acclimated to summer, in heat stress); P2 (animals acclimated to summer, thermoneutrality); P3 (animals acclimated to winter; thermoneutrality). In thermal stress (P1), the high milk yield group (Altas) shown greater thermolytic efforts and also higher heat storage. The milk yield in this group was also affected by heat stress, showing a decrease in production when the rectal temperature increased, with a delay of 24-42 hours. In this situation the Baixas group showed an opposite milk production variation. In P1, the protein and fat milk content was lower than in P3, in both groups. Milk urea levels were significantly higher during P1 in the Altas group, revealing potential as an heat stress biomarker. Hematocrit, hemoglobin and triiodothyronine (T3) values gradualy decreased from P1 to P3. T3 values were lower in Altas than in Baixas group, as a consequence of a more intense acclimatization. The hair analysis didn’t show the standard seasonal acclimatization process, indicating the absence of direct solar radiation as a determinant factor.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2015.


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Background: Long-term exposure to infrasound and low frequency noise (ILFN <500 Hz, including infrasound) can lead to the development of vibroacoustic disease (VAD). VAD is a systemic pathology characterized by the abnormal growth of extracellular matrices in the absence of inflammatory processes, namely of collagen and elastin, both of which are abundant in the basement membrane zone of the vocal folds. ILFN-exposed workers include pilots, cabin crewmembers, restaurant workers, ship machinists and, in previous studies, even though they did not present vocal symptoms, ILFN-exposed workers had significant different voice acoustic patterns (perturbation and temporal measures) when compared with normative population. Study Aims: The present study investigates the effects of age and years of occupational ILFN-exposure on voice acoustic parameters of 37 cabin crewmembers: 12 males and 25 females. Specifically, the goals of this study are to: 1) Verify if acoustic parameters change over the age and years of ILFN-exposure and 2) Determine if there is any interaction between age and years of ILFNexposure on voice acoustic parameters of crewmembers. Materials and Methods: Spoken phonatory tasks were recorded with a C420III PP AKG head-worn microphone and a DA-P1 Tascam DAT. Acoustic analyses were performed using KayPENTAX Computer Speech Lab and Multi-Dimensional Voice Program. Acoustic parameters included speaking fundamental frequency, perturbation measures (jitter, shimmer and harmonicto- noise ratio), temporal measures (maximum phonation time and s/z ratio) and voice tremor frequency. Results: One-way ANOVA analysis revealed that as the number of ILFN-exposure years increased male cabin crewmembers presented significant different shimmer values of /i/ as well as tremor frequency of /u/. Females presented significantly different jitter % of /i, a, O/ (p <0.05). Lastly, Two-way ANOVA analysis revealed that for females, there was a significant interaction between age and occupational ILFN-exposure for voice acoustic parameters, namely for jitter’s mean for /a, O/ and shimmer’s (%) mean for /a, i/ (p <0.05). Discussion and Conclusion: These perturbation measure patterns may be indicative of histological changes within the vocal folds as a result of ILFN-exposure. The results of this study suggest that voice acoustic analysis may be an important tool for confirming ILFN-induced health effects.