976 resultados para NASAL POLYPS


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Os estudos das secreções traqueobrônquicas são amplamente utilizados nas pesquisas de doenças pulmonares nas diversas espécies animais, inclusive no homem. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram a viabilização da técnica de colheita de lavado traqueobrônquico na espécie ovina e o estudo da relação clínico-citológica do lavado de ovinos portadores de broncopneumonia e sadios. Foram utilizados 33 ovinos, 18 sadios e 15 portadores de enfermidade respiratória com sinais clínicos de envolvimento das vias aéreas, divididos nos respectivos grupos, GS e GD. Após o exame físico foi realizado o lavado traqueobrônquico por via nasotraqueal. A colheita do lavado foi feita com a inoculação e aspiração de solução fisiológica estéril. As amostras foram processadas citologicamente através de citocentrifugação e coradas pelos métodos Wright-Giemsa e Shorr. Tanto a contagem total de células epiteliais quanto o número de hemácias por mililitro foi maior no grupo de animais com broncopneumonia. Nos animais sadios notou-se predomínio de macrófagos, seguido por células epiteliais cilíndricas, neutrófilos e linfócitos. No grupo de animais doentes havia menor número de macrófagos, e predomínio da população de neutrófilos. Por ser de fácil realização, pouco dispendiosa e pela obtenção representativa de material, a técnica estudada mostrou-se eficaz na obtenção de fluidos traqueobrônquicos e, portanto um bom método de colheita de células para uso nas pesquisas de vias aéreas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study was carried out to clarify the real role that was played by the budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) in the epidemiological plan, under the perspective of its being an infection source of the Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). For this, the study used Specific-Pathogen-Free chicks (SPF) that were housed with budgerigars that were inoculated with a pathogenic strain (velogenic viscerotropic) of NDV (EID5o =10815/0.1 mL) pathogenic to chickens, by the ocular-nasal via. Each group was composed by 10 SPF chicks and 5 budgerigars. After 5 days of the inoculation of the budgerigars with NDV, SPF chicks were put together with each group of budgerigars, so that there was a direct contact between both species. Cloaca) swabs and blood samples were collected in both species (budgerigars and SPF chicks) after 13 and 19 days post-challenge, respectively, for genome viral excretion by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR) and antibody's search by the inhibition of hemmaglutination test (HI). Budgerigars did not demonstrate any clinical signs of Newcastle Disease (ND). They were refractory to the clinical disease with the NDV. However, antibody titres from inhibition of Hemagglutination (HI) test were detected 9 and 21 days after challenge. Therefore, it was demonstrated the state of carrier of NDV in this species. In SPF chicks allocated with infected budgerigars, NDV genome was detected 13 and 19 days after challenge. Thus, the transmission of the pathogenic virus from the budgerigars to SPF chicks that were housed together was evident until 19 days of the experimental infection with this pathogen. This reveals the importance of the budgerigars from the epidemiological point of view as a potential source of infection of the NDV to commercial chickens that could be raised near this species.


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The objectives of this study were to do a survey of the autoimmune skin diseases and update the records regarding the occurrence of discoid lupus erythematosus in canine and feline populations attended at the Dermatology Service of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of UNESP - Botucatu, including species, gender, breed, age, location and characteristic of the lesions. Results have shown that the order of occurrence, regarding the number of cases of autoimmune skin diseases in the animals attended by the Dermatology Service in the period from 1988 to 2007 was: discoid lupus erythematosus, pemphigus folliaceus, uveo-dermatologic syndrome, pemphigus vulgaris, systemic lupus erythematosus, necrolytic migratory erythema, multiforme erythema and plasmacytic pododermatitis. All the animals with discoid lupus erythematosus were dogs and most of them were mongrel females. More frequently breeds affected by discoid lupus erythematosus were german shepherd and akita and the mean age was 56 months. Most lesions were located in nasal planum, narines and periocular area and were characterized by crusting, depigmentation and erythema.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Lesões do tecido ósseo podem ser causadas por fatores congênitos e adquiridos e resultar em deformidade nasal com repercussão estética e funcional. O tratamento cirúrgico desses casos requer reconstruções complexas e frequentemente o uso de biomateriais. O poliuretano derivado do óleo da mamona apresenta uma fórmula com aspectos favoráveis de processabilidade, flexibilidade de formulação, ausência de emissão de vapores tóxicos e baixo custo. Entretanto, a despeito dos resultados favoráveis, estudos referentes ao uso do polímero de mamona, avaliando a reação tecidual no dorso nasal, ainda não foram realizados. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar histologicamente a biocompatibilidade do implante do polímero de mamona no dorso nasal. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Experimental. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram utilizados quatro macacos-pregos da espécie Cebus apella. Um defeito ósseo foi realizado no osso nasal em todos os animais e colocado um implante de polímero de mamona. A eutanásia foi realizada com 270 dias de pós-operatório, e as amostras foram submetidas a estudo histológico. RESULTADOS: Na análise histológica não foi observada a presença de granuloma de corpo estranho ou células fagocitárias. Progressiva formação óssea e maturação foram observadas. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados macroscópicos e microscópicos mostraram que o implante de polímero de mamona foi biocompatível.


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Modern techniques for surgical treatment of midfacial and panfacial fractures in maxillofacial trauma lead to special problems for airway management. Usually, in perioperative management of panfacial fractures, the surgeon needs to control the dental occlusion and nasal pyramid assessment. For these reasons, oral and nasal endotracheal intubations are contraindicated for the management of panfacial fractures. Tracheotomy is considered by many as the preferred route for airway management in patients with severe maxillofacial fractures, but there are often perioperative and postoperative complications concerning this technique. The submental route for endotracheal intubation has been proposed as an alternative to tracheotomy in the surgical management of patients with panfacial fractures, besides it is accompanied by low morbidity. Thus, this paper aimed to describe the submental endotracheal intubation technique in a patient experiencing panfacial fracture. The subject was well treated using the submental endotracheal intubation to get good reconstruction of the fractures because the authors obtained free access of all facial fractures.


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Traumatic injuries treatment of the fronto-naso-orbito-ethmoidal region has been one of the most challenging treatments within maxillofacial surgery, particularly of extensive orbital defects, very common in this type of pathologic condition. A 48-year-old man involved in a car collision presented an extensive bilateral fracture of the orbit medial wall, nasal bones, the nasal septum, and the frontal anterior table. The clinical and tomographic findings concluded the diagnosis of a maxilla and fronto-naso-orbito-ethmoidal fracture. Among the variety of biomaterials, the titanium mesh was elected because of the extension and magnitude of the bone defect, obtaining this way esthetic and functional results with better prognosis.


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Introduction: Computer software can be used to predict orthognathic surgery outcomes. The aim of this study was to subjectively compare the soft-tissue surgical simulations of 2 software programs. Methods: Standard profile pictures were taken of 10 patients with a Class III malocclusion and a concave facial profile who were scheduled for double-jaw orthognathic surgery. The patients had horizontal maxillary deficiency or horizontal mandibular excess. Two software programs (Dentofacial Planner Plus [Dentofacial Software, Toronto, Ontario, Canada] and Dolphin Imaging [version 9.0, Dolphin Imaging Software, Canoga Park, Calif]) were used to predict the postsurgical profiles. The predictive images were compared with the actual final photographs. One hundred one orthodontists, oral-maxillofacial surgeons, and general dentists evaluated the images and were asked whether they would use either software program to plan treatment for, or to educate, their patients. Results: Statistical analyses showed differences between the groups when each point was judged. Dolphin Imaging software had better prediction of nasal tip, chin, and submandibular area. Dentofacial Planner Plus software was better in predicting nasolabial angle, and upper and lower lips. The total profile comparison showed no statistical difference between the softwares. Conclusions: The 2 types of software are similar for obtaining 2-dimensional predictive profile images of patients with Class III malocclusion treated with orthognathic surgery. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010; 137: 452.e1-452.e5)


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Complete and partial loss of maxillary bone may jeopardize oral physiology and generate complications as oral-sinus-nasal communication. Palatal obturator prostheses are a treatment alternative for rehabilitation of these patients. The aim of this study was to assess stress distribution, through photoelasticity, on palatal obturator prostheses associated with different attachment systems (o'ring, bar clip, and o'ring/bar clip) of implants and submitted to relining. Two photoelastic models were fabricated according to an experimental maxillary model with oral-sinus-nasal communication. One model did not present implants, whereas the other included 2 implants with 13.0 mm in length in the left ridge. Four colorless maxillary obturator prostheses were fabricated and relined with soft silicone. One of these prostheses presented no attachment system, whereas the remaining prostheses included attachment systems adapted to the implants. The assembly (model/attachment system/prosthesis) was positioned in a circular polariscope during loading with 100 N at 10 mm/s. The results were based on observation during the experiment and photographic records of stress on the photoelastic model. The bar clip system exhibited the highest stress concentration followed by o'ring/bar clip and o'ring systems. The attachment systems presented different stress distribution with greater concentration surrounding the implants and homogenous stress distribution on the photoelastic model without implants. The highest concentration of fringes occurred, in ascending order, with o'ring, o'ring/bar clip, and bar clip systems.


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The use of craniofacial implants is an effective treatment for patients with deformities, burns, and cancer sequelae. The sites with the most successful implants are the auricular, nasal, and orbital regions. Furthermore, other factors can affect the implant longevity such as irradiated area, surgical technique, bone quality and quantity, macrostructure and microstructure of the implant, maintenance, and systemic factors.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: o presente estudo, de caráter prospectivo, objetivou avaliar a imagem da sutura palatina mediana em crianças submetidas à expansão rápida da maxila por meio de tomografia computadorizada, após a fase de contenção. METODOLOGIA: a amostra constou de 17 crianças de ambos os gêneros, na faixa etária compreendida entre 5 anos e 2 meses e 10 anos e 5 meses no início do tratamento, provenientes da Clínica de Ortodontia Interceptiva da Sociedade de Promoção Social do Fissurado Lábio-Palatal da Universidade de São Paulo (PROFIS-USP), Bauru/SP. Tomografias computadorizadas foram implementadas para avaliar o comportamento da sutura palatina mediana em diferentes momentos do tratamento. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: constatou-se que, após um período médio de 8 a 9 meses de contenção com o aparelho expansor, a sutura palatina mediana mostrou-se completamente ossificada, desde a região da espinha nasal anterior até a espinha nasal posterior. Tal informação esclarece o comportamento da sutura palatina mediana frente à expansão rápida da maxila e reitera o senso comum quanto ao caráter biológico do procedimento.


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A finalidade deste artigo é avaliar o efeito da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) no padrão respiratório. Por intermédio de um caso clínico, será relatado como indivíduos com atresia da maxila e problemas respiratórios podem se beneficiar com a expansão rápida da maxila. Outro aspecto que deve-se salientar é como profissionais da área da saúde, principalmente ortodontistas e otorrinolaringologistas, têm à sua disposição exames complementares para o diagnóstico do paciente com Respiração Bucal


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OBJETIVO: na presente pesquisa utilizou-se o aparelho Hyrax tendo como objetivo avaliar as alterações transversais e verticais da maxila. Foram selecionados 20 pacientes de ambos os gêneros, entre 7 e 11 anos de idade, que apresentavam mordida cruzada posterior uni ou bilateral. METODOLOGIA: foram realizadas telerradiografias em norma frontal (PA) antes e após a expansão. A fim de evitar que a falta de padronização dessas radiografias pudesse influenciar nos resultados, idealizou-se um método de padronização para tais radiografias. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os resultados mostraram que a correção da mordida cruzada posterior com o aparelho Hyrax, que ocorreu em todos os casos, foi em função tanto da abertura da sutura palatina mediana como também da inclinação dos molares. A medida JgE-JgD relacionada com a expansão maxilar aumentou significantemente em todos os casos tratados. Nas avaliações dentárias, as medidas verticais não apresentaram diferenças significantes, ao contrário das medidas transversais (FTE-FTD; FBE-FBD; LO.BTE; LO.BTD; BTE.BTD). A largura da cavidade nasal também aumentou significantemente (CNE-CND). O método de padronização proposto permite, portanto, utilizar as medidas que avaliam a expansão rápida da maxila, através das radiografias póstero-anteriores, com segurança, também no sentido vertical.