996 resultados para Mulheres Saúde e Higiene


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Apesar das campanhas de combate violncia de gnero e a legislao elaborada para promover o aumento da segurana de mulheres envolvidas pelo fenmeno, trabalhos realizados demonstram que muitas mulheres agredidas por seus companheiros, mesmo aps tentativa de separao, retornam a conviver com os agressores. Com base nessas informaes, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a estrutura e a dinmica do funcionamento psquico de cinco mulheres envolvidas em violncia conjugal reiterada. Trata-se de um estudo clnico-qualitativo, cujas participantes foram selecionadas por convenincia e fazem parte de um grupo de mulheres vtimas de violncia conjugal, atendidas por uma organizao no governamental, com processos em trmite numa Vara Criminal da Grande So Paulo. Utilizou-se como instrumentos de investigao um Roteiro de Entrevista semiestruturado; a Escala da Associao Brasileira de Institutos de Pesquisa de Mercado (ABIPEME); e o Teste de Relaes Objetais de Phillipson (TRO). Os resultados apontam que as participantes apresentam ego fragilizado, pouco integrado e superego rgido, pouco indistinguvel de seus impulsos destrutivos e de seus perseguidores internos, resultado de introjees e deflexes para o exterior carentes. Essa dinmica mental se desenvolveu a partir de processos primrios de ciso muito violentos, com predominncia de impulsos destrutivos e da pulso de morte sobre a pulso de vida. Ademais, percebeu-se que as participantes se mantm predominantemente na fase esquizo-paranide do desenvolvimento, sem conseguir alcanar de forma adequada a posio depressiva de reparao, assim, elas utilizam de mecanismos primitivos de defesa para manterem o equilbrio psquico como: a identificao projetiva, a negao, a idealizao e a paralizao. Espera-se que os resultados desta pesquisa possam auxiliam na elaborao de propostas de atendimento a mulheres em situao de violncia conjugal reiterada.


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O linfedema no membro superior uma complicao inerente ao tratamento de cncer de mama. Caracterizado pelo aumento do volume do membro, leva s limitaes fsicas e funcionais, e impacto negativo no mbito psicolgico e social. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a qualidade de vida e seus domnios, as estratgias de enfrentamento frente ao cncer de mama, e a correlao entre essas variveis. Este estudo foi realizado em um centro de saúde dedicado s mulheres, por quatro meses. Os instrumentos de avaliao foram: questionrio de caracterizao geral e especfico do cncer de mama, perimetria dos membros superiores; questionrios de qualidade de vida da Organizao Europia de Pesquisa e Tratamento do Cncer, EORTC QLQ-30 e BR-23; e Inventrio de Estratgias de Coping. Foram entrevistadas 82 mulheres, idade mdia de 57,4 anos (DV12,3), submetidas a tratamento cirrgico de mama unilateral e esvaziamento axilar, sem metstase. O linfedema apresentou-se em 39,03% (32) e parece no interferir muito na qualidade de vida das mulheres ps-cncer de mama, sendo a funo social a mais prejudicada. Sintomas relacionados quimioterapia e a mama incomodam as mulheres de ambos grupos, porm os sintomas relacionados aos braos foram estatisticamente maiores nas portadoras de linfedema. As estratgias mais utilizadas pelas entrevistadas para enfrentar o cncer foram a reavaliao, resoluo de problemas, fuga, suporte social e autocontrole, somente o autocontrole foi estatisticamente maior nas mulheres com linfedema. As estratgias de resoluo de problemas, autocontrole e baixo suporte social podem ter colaborado para o desencadeamento do linfedema. Conclui-se que o uso de estratgias ativas e positivas para enfrentar o cncer de mama parece resultar na boa adaptao psicossocial


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O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi investigar eficcia adaptativa de mulheres que vivenciaram abortamento e freqentam um Ambulatrio de Reproduo Humana. Os objetivos especficos foram: avaliar a eficcia adaptativa; identificar as repercusses psicolgicas destes abortamentos. O instrumento utilizado foi a entrevista clnica preventiva- EDAO (Escala Diagnstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada). Participaram do estudo 10 mulheres que freqentavam um Ambulatrio especializado em Reproduo Assistida. Os resultados deste trabalho revelaram que o abortamento teve uma repercusso importante no mundo interno e externo das mulheres que participaram desta pesquisa. Os abortamentos provocados e espontneos so relatados com intensa angstia, tristeza, culpa e sentimentos de inferioridade. No caso do abortamento espontneo predomina o medo de perder novamente, e no caso de aborto provocado, predominam sentimentos de culpa. As pacientes, de forma geral, apresentam intensa angstia e expectativa em relao ao tratamento; porm a experincia do tratamento para engravidar, somado experincia anterior de abortamento, intensificou as angstias dessas mulheres. A psicoterapia breve operacionalizada pode auxiliar a paciente a lidar de forma mais adequada com os conflitos vividos no tratamento. E no caso especfico deste estudo, auxiliar tambm a elaborao das perdas anteriores. Este estudo trouxe questionamentos relevantes sobre a vivncia emocional de mulheres que buscam tratamento para engravidar e j sofreram abortamento espontneo ou provocado. A realizao de outros estudos fundamental para maior compreenso do tema.(AU)


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Este estudo teve como objetivos: caracterizar uma amostra de pacientes inseridos num programa de fertilizao in vitro; avaliar a eficcia adaptativa de homens e mulheres inseridos neste programa; analisar dois casos clnicos representativos da amostra, quanto aos micro e macro fatores indicadores de adaptao psicolgica. Os dados foram coletados num Centro de Reproduo Humana, tendo sido selecionados 65 homens e 65 mulheres, num perodo de maro a outubro de 2002 e caracterizados segundo dados scio-econmico-culturais. Foram extrados 57 pares, sendo 57 homens e 57 mulheres diagnosticados pela Escala Diagnstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada representando a maior concentrao de casos com diagnstico mdico de mulheres infrteis e homens frteis, dos quais foram realizados os diagnsticos adaptativos. Depois, foram selecionados dois casos um homem e uma mulher, representativos deste grupo, que foram estudados em anlise qualitativa, clnica, seguindo-se os pressupostos da teoria da adaptao. Os homens encontravam-se em faixa etria de 23 a 56 anos e as mulheres de 23 a 45 anos. Em relao ao diagnstico, houve as seguintes concentraes: os homens (64,9 %) foram classificados no Grupo 2 Adaptao Ineficaz Leve e as mulheres (52,6 %) no Grupo 4 Adaptao Ineficaz Severa. Durante o diagnstico, verificou-se que 20,2 % dos sujeitos estavam em crise, sendo 8,8 % dos homens e 31,6 % das mulheres. No estudo de caso representativo sendo H = Grupo 2 em condio adaptativa melhor do que a sua parceira que se encontrava no Grupo 4, verificou-se, que neste homem sua adequao nos setores era: Afetivo-Relacional - resposta pouco adequada; Produtividade - resposta adequada; Scio-Cultural - resposta adequada, e Orgnico - resposta adequada. Sua parceira, entretanto, com diagnstico do Grupo 4 Adaptao Ineficaz Severa sem crise, apresentou resposta pouqussima adequada no setor Afetivo-Relacional, resposta pouco adequada no setor Produtividade, resposta pouco adequada no Scio-Cultural e resposta pouco adequada no Orgnico. Conclumos que os homens desta amostra possuam melhor eficcia adaptativa em relao s mulheres durante o processo de fertilizao in vitro. Levantamos a necessidade de acompanhamento psicolgico preventivo ante possvel entrada em crise e de intervenes especficas para o momento de crise.


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Nas dcadas de 60 e 70, os olhares de muitos estudiosos se voltaram para os aspectos positivos da vida. Diversos autores ofereceram sustentao para fortalecer uma nova perspectiva de campo cientfico, a Psicologia Positiva. Tendo como base terica o conhecimento de Psicologia Positiva e Psicologia da Saúde, pesquisas esto sendo desenvolvidas para investigar simultaneamente variveis oriundas destes domnios. Um dos temas colocado sob analise so as emoes, investigadas em diferentes contextos e no ambiente organizacional. Importante salientar a existncia de outras variveis no contexto organizacional que tm sido investigadas luz da Psicologia Positiva, tais como otimismo, percepes de suporte social no trabalho e percepes de suporte organizacional, algumas delas reunidas para compor modelos preditivos de bem-estar no trabalho (BET), construto multidimensional composto por dois vnculos afetivos positivos com o trabalho (satisfao no trabalho e envolvimento com o trabalho) e um com a organizao (comprometimento organizacional afetivo). O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a capacidade de predio do balano emocional (afetos positivos/negativos), do otimismo e de percepes de suporte (social no trabalho e organizacional) sobre as trs dimenses de BET. Participaram do estudo 110 agentes comunitrios de saúde (ACS), prestadores de servio de uma prefeitura municipal paulista, com idade mdia de 38,84 anos, sendo o grupo constitudo, em sua maioria, por mulheres e por pessoas casadas. Para a coleta de dados, foi aplicado um questionrio contendo sete escalas autoaplicveis que aferiram as variveis do estudo. A anlise dos dados, todos de natureza numrica, foi desenvolvida utilizando-se subprogramas do SPSS, verso 17.0 para Windows, para clculos de estatsticas descritivas (mdias, desvios padro e correlaes) e estatsticas multivariadas (anlises de regresso linear mltipla stepwise). Os resultados do estudo, no que concerne ao seu objetivo principal, que consistiu em submeter a anlise um modelo preditivo para BET, demonstraram que os nveis das trs dimenses de BET poderiam variar sob o impacto de trs preditores: percepo de suporte organizacional, afetos positivos e percepo de suporte instrumental. Como anlise geral dos trs modelos de regresso calculados, seria possvel afirmar que o estado geral de bem-estar dos ACS no contexto de trabalho pode ser fortalecido ou enfraquecido pela atuao de fatores cognitivos que se desenvolvem a partir de percepes da dinmica social presente no ambiente de trabalho (percepes de suporte social e organizacional) e de um fator de cunho estritamente pessoal contido na estrutura emocional do indivduo sob a forma de experincias afetivas e aqui referidas com afetos positivos.(AU)


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ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the quality of prenatal Primary Care in Rio G rande do Norte, Brazil in 2012 under the program Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care. The study was cross - sectional, quantitative. Included 156 mothers of children under 2 years who received prenatal care at the health evaluated. We applied a ques tionnaire on profile, minimum queries, regularity of attendance, laboratory tests, vaccination, participation in educational activities, guidance received, clinical and obstetric procedures and prescription Ferrous sulphate and folic acid. The descriptive analysis of the criteria used Humanization Program Prenatal and Birth. The results showed that 92% of mothers had six or more visits; 85% with the same care was professional; 94% subsequent appointments scheduled. As for tests and procedures the percentage s were: Urine 98%; HIV - 96%; VDRL and 88%; 91% glucose; tetanus vaccination 93%; educational groups 56% with 36% participation, knowledge of the delivery location and 59% achievement breast exam 65%, 33% and preventive gynecological 43%; 98% supplemented wi th 96% Ferrous Sulfate and Folic Acid. It was concluded that there were advances in Rio Grande do Norte concerning assistance and there are weaknesses in the educational practices and conducting some minimal clinical examinations.


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OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar o efeito da cinesioterapia na qualidade de vida, funo sexual e sintomas climatricos em mulheres climatricas com e sem fibromialgia. MTODOS: Participaram do estudo 90 mulheres na fase do climatrio, as quais foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo fibromialgia (47) e grupo controle (43). Todas as pacientes foram avaliadas com relao s seguintes variveis pr e ps-interveno: qualidade de vida (Utian Quality of Life - UQOL), funo sexual (questionrio do Quociente sexual/verso feminina - QS-F) e intensidade dos sintomas climatricos (ndice Menopausal de Blatt-Kupperman - IMBK). Ambos grupos foram submetidos a programa de cinesioterapia composto de 20 sesses consecutivas, realizada duas vezes por semana com tcnicas para percepo, contrao voluntria, dissociao e automatizao do assoalho plvico, mobilizao de pelve e treino respiratrio. Anlise estatstica foi realizada por meio dos testes t-Student pareado, anlise de varincia de delineamento misto e Kappa de Cohens, adotando-se nvel de significncia de 5%. RESULTADOS: Em relao qualidade de vida, foi observada melhora estatisticamente significante no perodo ps-interveno em ambos os grupos para todos os domnios avaliados. Entretanto, na anlise intergrupo foi evidenciado diferena estatisticamente significante nos domnios emocional (p=0,01), saúde (0,03) e sexual (p=0,001) com ganhos mais expressivos para o grupo controle. Quanto funo sexual, foi verificada elevao significativa dos escores em ambos os grupos, aps a interveno; na anlise intergrupo as mulheres com fibromialgia apresentaram escores inferiores ao grupo controle (p<0,001). Em relao aos sintomas climatricos no houve diferena estatisticamente significante na analise intergrupo ps-interveno (p=0,73), entretanto, ambos os grupos apresentaram reduo significativa da sintomatologia aps a interveno (p<0,001). CONCLUSES: A cinesioterapia do assoalho plvico exerce efeito benfico sobre os domnios da qualidade de vida, funo sexual e sintomatologia climatrica em mulheres com e sem fibromialgia na fase do climatrio, entretanto a fibromialgia parece ser fator limitante para melhores resultados em alguns aspectos avaliados.


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This study aimed to analyze the perception of home caregivers of children from zero to five years-old on child domestic accidents and their influence in preventing these events. Exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach, conducted with 20 caregivers attended at the Family Health Unit of Cidade Nova in Natal/Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The participants should have age less than 18 years-old, being a caregiver of at least a five year-old child and living in the area ascribed of Family Health Unit in the neighborhood Cidade Nova. Data collection occurred between March and April 2013 and a semistructured interview script was used. This stage was preceded by the acquiescence of the director of health institution where the research was developed, the Health Department of the Municipality of Natal as well as the Ethics Committee in Research of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte under Opinion n 219 872 and CAAE n 12236013.7.0000.5537. It is noted that respondents were asked to formal authorization by the Term of Consent. The data were treated according to the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse and analyzed based on three dimensions of the Health Belief Model, relating to perceptions of susceptibility to infant domestic accidents, self-efficacy to prevent infant and indicia domestic accidents for action of preventing domestic accidents in childhood. The results revealed that all the respondents were women, who, in their majority, they are mothers of the children they care, and predominantly they are aged between 18 and 30 years-old, full high school education and unemployed. Concerning the perception of susceptibility, it was unveiled understanding of deponents on various types of accidents, which are considered preventable. For this purpose, it was highlighted that the constant surveillance of the children is essential, keeping in view their high degree of curiosity and immaturity. On the perceived selfefficacy, the participants reported adopting preventive measures; however, they reported experiencing falls, burns, electric shocks and dog bites. In regard to the meaning attributed to experienced accidents they highlighted their feelings of guilt and despair, particularly about the cases understood as serious. Regarding the last dimension analyzed, related to indications for action, family, friends and television were the main source of information about household accidents and their prevention methods; however, health professionals were rarely cited as issuers of such knowledge. It is concluded that there is a widespread perception of women about prevention of domestic accidents and the weakness in the view of health professionals, including nurses, as disseminators of this information. This suggests the need to strengthen the dialogue on the issue and encouraging the participation of caregivers actively in the prevention of child domestic accidents


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In recent decades, the debate surrounding the consequences of the HIV has passed by great changes. Earlier, prevention campaigns focused risk groups then risk behaviors and ultimately vulnerability. Furthermore, over the years, the dimensions of HIV that emerged in the social environment are these: internalization, heterosexualization, impoverishment and feminization. Based on these contexts, the composition of this study comprises two papers: the former has the overall objective to analyze the epidemiology and incidence of HIV in Brazilian regions in the period from 1980 to 2012; the latter, it aims to find out whether there is the relationship among safe practices, knowledge and perception of women residents in Manaus and Boa Vista cities on the infection by HIV. In paper 1, it was used information from the Health Ministry, as a data source. Besides, it was developed an exploratory and spatial analysis of incidence rates and relative proportion of notified cases. In paper 2, was used as a source of data, the research "Evaluating the process of spatial and epidemic diffusion of HIV in the federal units of Brazil-Northern Region" in 2008. Furthermore, Statistical Techniques of Cluster Analysis, Analysis of Variance, Chi-Square and Logistic Regression were applied. In this paper, it was found that, in Brazilian Regions, the prevalence of reported cases occurred among heterosexuals in men 20-40 year age group and residing in metropolitan areas. It was observed a significant spatial correlation of the incidence rate of reported cases of HIV. It was also noted by the results that have good knowledge and awareness about HIV does not imply, essentially, in a safe sexual intercourse. These results have shown the need public policies geared to the guiding of society, based in educational strategies aiming both information about the virus and its prevention, as well as public awareness for safe sex practices or in stable or not intercourses


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Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) whose classic features (menstrual irregularity of oligo/ amenorrhea type, chronic anovulation, infertility and hyperandrogenism clinical and/ or biochemical), is associated with aspects of metabolic syndrome (MS), as obesity and insulin resistance. The level of obesity determines different levels of inflammation, increasing cytokines participants of metabolic and endocrine functions, beyond modulate the immune response. Metabolic changes, added to the imbalance of sex hormones underlying irregular menstruation observed in (PCOS) can trigger allergic processes and elevation of total and specific IgE antibodies indicate that a sensitization process was started. Objective: To evaluate the influence of PCOS on biochemical parameters and levels of total and specific IgE to aeroallergens in obese women. Methods: After approval by the Committee of Ethics in Research, were recruited 80 volunteers with BMI 30 kg/m2 and age between 18 and 45 years. Among these, 40 with PCOS according to the Rotterdam criteria and 40 women without PCOS (control group). All participants were analysed with regard to anthropometric, clinical, gynecological parameters, interviewed using a questionnaire, and underwent blood sampling for realization of laboratory tests of clinical biochemistry: Total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL- cholesterol, Triglycerides, Fasting glucose, Urea, Creatinine, Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and immunological: total and specific IgE to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Blomia tropicalis, Dermatophagoides farinae and Dermatophagoides microceras.Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 15.0 software through the chi-square tests, Fisher, Student t test and binary logistic regression, with significance level (p <0.05). Results: It was observed in the group of obese women with PCOS that 29 (72.5%) had menstrual cycle variable and 27 (67.5%) had difficulty getting pregnant. According to waist-hip ratio, higher average was also observed in obese PCOS (0.87). Blood level of HDL (36.9 mg/dL) and ALT (29.3 U/L) were above normal levels in obese women with PCOS, with statistically significant relationship. In the analysis of total and specific IgE to D. pteronyssinus high results were also prevalent in obese PCOS, with blood level (365,22 IU/mL) and (6.83 kU/L), respectively, also statistically significant. Conclusions: Observed predominance of cases with high levels of total IgE in the group of obese women with PCOS, 28 (70%) of the participants, whose mean blood concentration of the group was 365.22 IU/mL. In the analysis of Specific IgE between the groups, the allergen Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus showed greater dispersion and average the results of sensitization in the group of obese PCOS, whose mean blood concentration was 6.83 kU/l. Keywords: Obesity, Allergens and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome


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OBJETIVO: analisar o impacto da fibromialgia sobre os sinais e sintomas climatricos, qualidade de vida, funo sexual em mulheres na fase do climatrio. MTODOS: Foi realizado estudo observacional analtico de corte transversal, envolvendo 161 mulheres na fase do climatrio. As participantes foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo sem fibromialgia (83) e grupo com fibromialgia (78). As variveis investigadas foram: Qualidade de vida medida atravs do questionrio UQOL (Utian Quality of Life), Funo sexual analisada atravs do questionrio Quociente Sexual - verso feminina (QS-F) e sinais e sintomas climatricos avaliados pelo ndice menopausal de Blatt & Kupperman (IMBK). No estudo estatstico, foi realizada anlise inferencial atravs do mtodo de modelos lineares generalizados. Para anlise do UQOL e seus domnios assim como o QS-F e IMBK, foi utilizado uma funo de ligao linear de Log Poisson com exposio de contrastes para os nveis dos fatores de exposio. O nvel de significncia adotado foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: No grupo fibromialgia foram observados escores significativamente inferiores para o domnio ocupacional UQOL (p 0,01) e UQOL total (p = 0,02), em comparao ao grupo sem fibromialgia. O grupo de mulheres com fibromialgia apresentou escores superiores em relao intensidade dos sinais e sintomas climatricos (p 0,01) e escores inferiores na avaliao da funo sexual pelo QS-F (p = 0,01), quando comparado ao grupo sem fibromialgia. As mulheres mais jovens, com trabalhos extra domiclio, maior renda e maior grau de escolaridade apresentaram melhores escores na qualidade de vida em todos os domnios. Quanto aos sinais e sintomas climatricos, a renda mais alta e maior tempo de escolaridade exerceram associao direta com sinais e sintomas mais leves, entretanto, quanto mais jovens, maior relao com sintomatologia mais intensa. Em relao funo sexual, melhores escores estiveram associados com idade entre 45 a 49 anos e trabalho extra domiclio. CONCLUSO: Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo permitem concluir que o diagnstico de fibromialgia na fase do climatrio apresentase como influncia negativa no domnio ocupao da qualidade de vida, sinais e sintomas climatricos e funo sexual, sendo esta associao influenciada significativamente por diversos fatores scio demogrficos


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The study aimed to understand the concept of women with physical disabilities about their ability to gestate, give birth or care a child. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with qualitative approach developed in three non-governmental organizations in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data collection occurred in the period from April to June, 2014, through semi-structured interviews, using a script composed by sociodemographic questions and a guiding one. It was obtained a priori the permission from the associations directors, the approval from the Research Ethics Committee, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE n 27442814.7.0000.5537 and the assent n 618.045, as well as the participants formal authorization by signing the Informed Consent Statement. Participated in the study 12 women, selected according to the following inclusion criteria: to have physical disability, to be aged 18 to 49 years old, and to affirm the existence of limiting characteristics from early childhood (0-3 years). The information obtained in the interviews were subjected to the precepts of Content Analysis according to Bardin, under the thematic analysis technique. From this process, three categories emerged: Conceiving motherhood in front of disability; Conceiving the capacity to be mother with disability; and Conceiving the support during pregnancy and puerperium period. As the theoretical framework we adopted the principles of symbolic interactionism proposed by Blumer. The discussion was supported by literature findings on women's health care in the context of reproduction. The interviewees conceive motherhood as an accomplishment and believe in their own ability to gestate, give birth and care a child. However, the desire for the maternal role tends to be influenced by adverse feelings and limitations raised by disability, social barriers and prejudices. They also referred the importance of support from partner, family and health professionals in the care of child. Upon these findings, it is understood that although there are barriers to the realization of their desire, these barriers were not enough to make them give up on becoming a mother. Therefore, it is necessary that health professionals, highlighted the nurse, be trained to care for women with disabilities in the context of reproductive health care in order to offer adequate support to their needs


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Objetivos: Estimar a prevalncia de alteraes do filme lacrimal e da doena do olho seco (DOS), comparar as mudanas na presso intraocular (PIO) e comparar as espessuras macular e da camada de fibras nervosas da retina (CFNR), entre mulheres com sndrome dos ovrios policsticos (SOP) e mulheres saudveis, estratificando-as em condies clnicas, metablicas e inflamatrias. Metodologia: O estudo incluiu 45 mulheres com SOP e 47 mulheres saudveis ovulatrias submetidas a avaliaes clnico-ginecolgicas e oftalmolgicas, incluindo propeduticas para a avaliao do filme lacrimal e medida da PIO, e medio da espessura macular, da CFNR e parmetros do disco ptico usando tomografia de coerncia ptica. Resultados: Tempo de ruptura do filme lacrimal (TRFL; p=0.001) e impregnao por fluorescena (p=0.006) apresentaram diferenas estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos estudados. A prevalncia de DOS foi de 44,4% nas portadoras de SOP. Houve reduo estatisticamente significativa do TRFL na presena de SOP (p=0.001). Alm disso, houve efeito estatisticamente significativo de intolerncia glicose e sndrome metablica/inflamao na impregnao por fluoresceina (p=0.004; p=0.015, respectivamente). A PIO encontrou-se estatisticamente mais elevada no grupo SOP que no grupo controle (p=0.011). Houve um aumento na mdia do IPC (ndice presso-crnea) com a associao entre SOP e da sndrome metablica (p = 0.005); A mdia da espessura da CNFR superior ao redor do nervo ptico foi estatisticamente mais espessa nas voluntrias com SOP que nas voluntrias saudveis (p=0.036); Aps estratificao pela presena de resistncia insulnica, as mdias dos subcampos das espessuras maculares macular interno temporal, macular interno inferior, macular interno nasal e macular externo nasal, foram mais espessas no grupo SOP que no grupo controle (p<0.05); Houve associao significativa entre obesidade e resistncia insulnica (p=0.037), e intolerncia glicose (p=0.001), com aumento mdio do componente principal 1 (CP1), e, na presena de sndrome metablica (p<0.0001), com aumento mdio do componente principal 2 (CP2), respectivamente, em relao espessura macular total. Na presena de obesidade e inflamao, houve reduo no escore mdio da CP2 (p=0.034), em relao espessura da CFNR na mcula. xviii Concluses: H uma associao da SOP, suas alteraes metablicas e inflamatrias com alteraes do filme lacrimal e com mudanas na PIO. A diminuio na espessura da CFNR macular e aumento da espessura total macular esto possivelmente associadas s alteraes metablicas, e, o aumento na espessura da CFNR ao redor do nervo ptico esto provavelmente associadas s alteraes hormonais, inerentes SOP.


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INTRODUCTION: Human sexuality is recognized as one of the pillars of quality of life. In women, sexual function is influenced throughout life by many factors that can lead to the appearance of changes in the cycle of sexual response, and hence the quality of life (QOL). Pregnancy is a period of change, leaving them physically and mentally vulnerable, which may affect sexual function and quality of life during pregnancy. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between sexual function, presence of depressive symptoms and quality of life in pregnant women. METHODS: The study included 207 pregnant women attending prenatal examination of the Maternity Divine Love, Parnamirim / RN and the participants of the Course for Pregnant Women of the Department of Physical Therapy at UFRN (central campus). Initially it was applied, a questionnaire containing questions about sociodemographic, gynecological and obstetric data, as well as body and sexual self-knowledge. Sexual function was assessed using the Sexual Function Index Female (Female Sexual Function Index - FSFI). To assess the quality of life, we used the Quality Index Ferrans Life & Powers mom. The presence of depressive symptoms was verified by applying the Beck Depression Inventory. The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality was carried variables, Mann-Whitney test for carrying out the comparisons and the Wilcoxon test for comparing the monthly sexual frequency before and during pregnancy. Multiple linear regression was used to verify the relationship between sexual function, depressive symptoms and quality of life. We used the Spearman correlation to check correlation between the variables. Ap value <0.05 was adopted. RESULTS: Sexual function and depressive symptoms were related quality of life (R2 = 0.30, p <0.001). Depression had a moderate negative correlation with quality of life (0.53; p <0.001), whereas sexual function showed a positive correlation with low quality of life (0.22; p = 0.001). The planning of pregnancy, education and income shown to influence depression scores. With respect to sexual function, it was seen that during pregnancy, a reduction in the monthly frequency of sexual partner (Z = -10.56; p <0.001). Among the sexual domain, just the pain, showed a statistically significant difference compared between the second and third quarter (Z = -1.91, p <0.05). The score of the quality of life of women with sexual dysfunction was xvii significantly lower than that pregnant women without dysfunction (Z = -2.87, p = 0.004). Conclusion: Sexual function and the presence of depressive symptoms are related to the quality of life of pregnant women.


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INTRODUCTION: The pregnancy and childbirth cause many changes in a woman's life, whether physical, hormonal, emotional or social. Such changes may affect the postural balance and the quality of life of women in pregnancy and may persist after delivery. To analyze changes in postural balance and quality of life in women in pregnancy and postpartum. METHODS: This study consisted of 47 women participants of the Course for Pregnant Women of the Department of Physical Therapy at UFRN, evaluated during pregnancy (2 or 3 trimester) and in the period 1-8 months postpartum. In all participants was evaluated the postural balance, the Balance Master in five specific tests: (1) Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance-MCTSIB; (2) Rhythmic Weight Shift Test - RWS (3) unilateral stance - US, (4) Sit to Stand - STS, and (5) Walk Across - WA. The quality of life (QoL) was assessed by applying the Quality Score of life Ferrans & Powers (IQVFP), both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. For statistical analysis we used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software for Personal Computer- SPSS (version 20.0), applying the tests: Shapiro-Wilk to assess the normality of the data; Chi-square to analyze the frequency of postural balance changes in the two groups of pregnancy and postpartum in both groups; McNemar test to analyze balance disorders frequency of related samples in the two time points; to compare the behavior of postural balance during pregnancy and postpartum, and to compare the QoL between the periods, we used the Wilcoxon test; and yet, the MannWhitney test to compare the QoL scores in the two groups of pregnancy and postpartum in both groups. We adopted p-value <0.05. RESULTS: Comparing the postural balance during pregnancy and postpartum in MSTSIB test has statistical difference in unstable surface with closed eyes (p=0.001) and in the US test, the speed of oscillation with right leg with eyes closed (p=0,03). Quality of life, there was statistical difference between the scores only among postpartum groups, the family domain (p=0.03); and to comparing pregnancy and postpartum in domain health and operation (p=0.02) and the Socioeconomic domain (p=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: It was observed that the balance changes present during pregnancy persist postpartum, and the quality of life is considered good by women, both during pregnancy and postpartum.