976 resultados para Montaland, Céline (1843-1891)


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A ciento veintidós años de las primeras menciones realizadas por Perugia en 1891 sobre peces del Canal Beagle, editamos la presente iconografía que incluye alrededor de treinta especies de las mencionadas por López et al., en 1996. Este trabajo, desarrollado en el CADIC dentro del proyecto Biología de los recursos ictícos del Canal de Beagle financiado por el CONICET, junto al publicado por Lloris y Rucabado (1991), proveyeron elementos de base para tener una visión más profunda del componente ictiofaunistíco de la región. En la presente publicación se destaca la magnífica obra del maestro Miguel Barbagallo, quién vuelca su capacidad y espíritu en estas láminas, las que además de su valor artístico son un aporte más a la consolidación del conocimiento de los recursos naturales de nuestro país.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a movimentação de imigrantes no Porto do Rio de Janeiro e na Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores entre os anos de 1883 e 1907, procurando relacioná-la com as políticas públicas de incentivo ao fluxo migratório e as mudanças na dinâmica organizacional da referida hospedaria. A ideia é demonstrar através dos relatórios do Ministério da Agricultura, Comércio e Obras Públicas e, posteriormente da Indústria, Viação e Obras Públicas que as oscilações no número de entrada de imigrantes no território brasileiro acompanharam as políticas imigratórias favoráveis ou desfavoráveis a vinda de trabalhadores estrangeiros. Assim, pretende-se demonstrar que a Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores foi uma construção integrada à estrutura dos movimentos imigratórios e que, portanto, sua manutenção esteve sujeita a agenda política do governo imperial e republicano. Nesse sentido, em 1891, após a adoção do sistema federalista, transferiu-se para os estados a responsabilidade pelos serviços referentes à imigração e à colonização, o que reduziu gradativamente o fluxo de imigrantes na Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores, fazendo com que a instituição perdesse a importância que tinha na década anterior. Somente em 1907, diante da dificuldade dos estados em promover a imigração, o poder central retomou as políticas imigratórias e a Hospedaria da Ilha das Flores tornou a florescer.


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花是被子植物特有的繁殖器官。花的发育取决于一个复杂的涉及到多个基因和过程的调控体系,因此花的起源和多样化过程实际上可以理解为这个调控体系的进化过程。所以,要全面地理解花和被子植物的起源和多样化,就必须研究花发育基因的功能和进化。 金粟兰科(Chloranthaceae)是基部被子植物的代表类群之一。与研究得比较深入的模式植物(如真双子叶植物中的拟南芥、金鱼草和矮牵牛等,和单子叶植物中的水稻和玉米等)相比,该科植物的花比较简单。花被以及雄蕊或雌蕊的丢失使得该科一些类群(如草珊瑚属Sarcandra和金粟兰属Chloranthus)具有被子植物中最简单的两性花(仅含一枚雄蕊和一枚雌蕊),而另一些类群(如Ascarina和雪香兰属Hedyosmum)具有了被子植物中最简单的单性花(雄花仅由一枚雄蕊、雌花由一枚雌蕊构成)。因此,对金粟兰科植物中花发育基因的研究不仅有助于理解花的起源和早期分化机制,还将为认识花部构造简单化的机制提供资料。 本研究以金粟兰(Chloranthus spicatus)为研究材料,从它的花和花序中分离得到了六个可能与花被的发生和发育有关的MADS-box基因,分析了它们的序列结构、系统发育关系、表达式样和进化中所受到的选择压力,探讨了金粟兰花发育和花被缺失的分子机理。主要研究结果包括: 1. 构建了金粟兰的花和花序的cDNA文库。构建工作使用了Clontech公司的SMART试剂盒,并采用其中的LD PCR方法,还使用了Stratagene公司的包装蛋白。该文库的初始滴度大约为5 × 106 pfu,重组率大约是90%, 插入片断几乎均大于0.5 kb。因此该文库质量优良,为以后的研究工作奠定了基础。 2. 从金粟兰的花中分离出了CsAP1、CsAP1a、CsAP1b、CsAP1c、CsAP3和CsSEP3基因。氨基酸序列分析结果表明它们都是MIKCc型MADS-box基因。系统发育分析结果表明CsAP1、CsAP1a、CsAP1b和CsAP1c与AP1/SQUA类基因聚在一起,而CsAP3和CsSEP3分别与AP3/DEF类和SEP1/2/3/4类基因聚在一起。CsAP1b和CsAP1c可能与CsAP1a互为复制本。但是二者在序列上有异常之处,因此可能只有CsAP1a具有功能。从序列上看CsAP1和CsSEP3能够正常行使功能。CsAP3的C末端出现了一个由鸟嘌呤到胸腺嘧啶的点突变,因此paleoAP3基序不完整,这可能影响了它的功能。 3. 用原位杂交的方法分析了CsAP1、CsAP3和CsSEP3的表达式样。CsAP1在穗状花序分生组织(包括苞片原基)、花原基、雄蕊和心皮原基、雄蕊裂片、花粉囊、胚珠、珠被和胚囊中表达。CsAP3在穗状花序分生组织中不表达,在花原基上发生雄蕊的位置开始表达,进而在雄蕊原基、雄蕊药隔裂片和花粉囊中表达,却不在心皮原基和心皮上表达。CsSEP3在穗状花序分生组织中也不表达,而在花原基、雄蕊原基、药隔裂片、花粉囊、心皮原基和胚珠中表达。CsAP1的表达模式反映了A功能基因决定花分生组织特性的原始作用;CsAP3的表达模式体现了B功能基因在雄性器官中的固有表达,反映了该类基因在两性器官分化中的原始作用;CsSEP3的表达模式反映了E功能基因提供成花背景(floral context)的作用。 4. 分析了已知的金粟兰的花发育相关基因受到的选择压力。同大多数近缘同源基因相比,CsAP1、CsAP3、CsPI、CsAG1受到负选择并且其强度没有明显差异;CsAG2和CsSEP3受到了更强的负选择;CsAP1a则受到减轻了的负选择。该结果表明除了CsAP1a之外,其它基因的功能可能没有改变。 5. 综上所述,在无花被的金粟兰中,仍然存在着与花被发育相关的基因,并且它们的功能没有改变,这充分反映了花发育ABC模型的保守性。金粟兰中花被的缺失可能与这些基因的下游基因有关,也可能与其它途径相关。CsAP1的复制以及CsAP3的末端突变可能是花被缺失之后的结果,而不是花被缺失的原因。


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芍药属Paeonia是芍药科Paeoniacea内唯一的一个属。包括大约35个种,间断性的分布于北温带地区。其内三个组分别是牡丹组(sect. Moutan)、北美芍药组(sect. Onaepia)和芍药组(sect. Paeonia)。芍药组是芍药属中最大,也是唯一具有染色体倍性变化的一个组,现有大约25个种。其中,大约半数的种是四倍体(2n=20),主要分布于地中海地区。虽然有证据表明四倍体类群大多为异源起源,但芍药属内一致的核型、相似的形态和重叠的地理分布使得它们的起源和分类一直存在很大的争议。本研究利用了4个细胞核DNA片段(乙醇脱氢酶基因-Adh1和 Adh2;nrDNA的内转录间隔区-ITS;甘油-3磷酸乙酰转移酶基因-GPAT)和4个叶绿体DNA片段(matK基因;基因间隔区trnL-trnF、psbA-trnH和rps16-trnQ)对芍药组的网状进化进行部分重建。并在此基础上,对推测为杂交起源的P. anomala进行了形态学和细胞发生的研究。主要研究结果如下: 1. 芍药组的系统学 利用多个DNA分子标记(cpDNA: matK, rps16-trnQ; nrDNA: ITS, Adh1, Adh2),芍药组的二倍体和四倍体类群的系统发育被部分重建。基于最大简约法、贝叶斯法和最大似然法的系统发育分析表明: (a) 除P. tenuifolia之外,所有地中海地区分布的二倍体类群构成一个单系分支。该支与亚洲分布的二倍体类群以及P. tenuifolia成并系关系。 (b) 核和叶绿体DNA系统发育树的不一致,以及ITS、Adh基因的多态性的分析,表明部分二倍体类群间和四倍体类群间都存在杂交事件。这些类群包括:中国新疆阿勒泰地区分布的二倍体种P. anomala和P. intermedia(杂种个体XJ053);高加索地区分布的二倍体种P. tenuifolia和P. daurica(杂种个体H9933);土耳其分布的四倍体种P. mascula和P. kesrouanensis(杂交个体在两个居群中检测到)。 (c) 不一致的核和叶绿体DNA系统发育树,以及Adh基因表现出的相同多态性模式进一步支持早先的推测,即四倍体类群P. arietina是异源四倍体。同时扩大的数据分析显示P. obovata近缘类群为其母系亲本,P. tenuifolia近缘类群为其父系亲本。此外,形态上具有一定分化的两个亚种P. arietina ssp. arietina和P. arietina ssp. parnassica是多次起源。 (d) 现今地中海分布类群的近缘种参与了四倍体种P. kesrouanensis 和P. coriacea,以及P. wittmanniana和P. mascula的物种形成。依据Adh序列种内的多态性,初步推测P. kesrouanensis 和P. coriacea可能是异源四倍体,其另一个亲本与P. arietina母系亲本近源。而P. wittmanniana和P. mascula可能是同源四倍体。 (e) P. saueri和P. peregrina的两个亲本类群分别与P. tenuifolia和现今地中海分布二倍体种的近缘类群。 (f) Adh1基因序列中近缘的重组类型暗示:四倍体种P. macrophylla和P. banatica很可能是同倍性杂种。 2. P. anomala的杂交起源和细胞发生 P. anomala新疆阿勒泰地区分布的居群核型第一次被报道。该地区分布的类群核型为2A型(核型公式:2n = 2x = 10 = 6m+2sm+2st)。减数分裂的观察统计显示:阿勒泰地区所有检测个体都是臂内倒位杂合子。基于断片大小以及不同个体染色体桥和/或断片出现率的差异,我们发现该类群臂内倒位存在多态性。荧光原位杂交(FISH)证实P. anomala共有8个18S rDNA位点,并且定位了一个倒位片段在3号染色体的短臂上。此外,高频率的棒状二价体和单价体,以及低的同源染色体的配对系数说明该类群同源染色体间存在分化。染色体结构杂合能够导致部分花粉败育,所有被检测个体的花粉败育率约为8.8 – 29.4%。 扩大的居群取样以及多基因(cpDNA: matK, psbA-trnH, rps16-trnQ, trnL-trnF; nrDNA: ITS, Adh1, Adh2, Gpat)的系统发育分析,进一步支持P. anomala杂交起源于P. veitchii 和P. lactiflora的近缘类群。cpDNA片段和核DNA片段(ITS、GPAT)基因树间的不一致,以及P. anomala Adh1和Adh2序列表现出的多态性都支持该类群杂交起源的推测。不过,表型分析显示P. anomala在形态上偏向于P. veitchii。 3. P. obovata Maxim.四倍体类群的起源 与原先基于形态性状的认识不同,P. obovata 四倍体类群并不是一个严格意义上的同源四倍体。它起源于二倍体P. obovata中国和日本分布的两个地理亚种之间的杂交。Adh2基因仅在中国分布二倍体居群的扩增失败支持这一推测。此外,Adh基因系统发育分析显示:间断性分布于中国中部和中国东北部的四倍体类群是独立起源。


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The effect of decreasing frost frequency on desert vegetation was documented in Grand Canyon by replication of historical photographs. Although views by numerous photographers of Grand Canyon have been examined, 400 Robert Brewster Stanton and Franklin A. Nims views taken in the winter of 1889-1890 provide the best information on recent plant distribution. In Grand Canyon, where grazing is limited by the rugged topography, vegetation dynamics are controlled by climate and by demographic processes such as seed productivity, recruitment, longevity and mortality. The replicated photographs show distribution and abundance of several species were limited by severe frost before 1889. Two of these, brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) and barrel cactus (Ferocactus cylindraceus), have clearly expanded their ranges up-canyon and have increased their densities at sites where they were present in 1890. In 1890, brittlebush was present in warm microhabitats that provided refugia from frost damage. Views showing desert vegetation in 1923 indicate that Encelia expanded rapidly to near its current distribution between 1890 and 1923, whereas the expansion of Ferocactus occurred more slowly. The higher frequency of frost was probably related to an anomalous increase in winter storms between 1878 (and possibly 1862) and 1891 in the southwestern United States.


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Powai Lake, an impoundment, came into existence in 1891 when the riverlet Dhanisar was dammed to conserve rainwater for drinking purpose. However, the water was found to be unpotable and the lake was leased out to the Angling Association, Bombay, exclusively for angling and sports. The lake is located about 27 km in the northeast of Bombay city at a height of 55m above MSL. It is rainfed with an average rainfall of 2,400 mm. The maximum waterspread area is 220 ha with a maximum capacity of 8.11 million m super(3) in the peak monsoon period when the water overflows the dam. There is no drawdown from the lake. Fluctuation in the water level is mainly due to evaporation and percolation. Transparency is low mainly due to suspended organic particles. There is hardly any difference in the water temperatures of surface and bottom, hence the annual heat budget is low at 2,818 cal m super(-2).


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The regional distribution of an ancient Y-chromosome haplogroup C-M130 (Hg C) in Asia provides an ideal tool of dissecting prehistoric migration events. We identified 465 Hg C individuals out of 4284 males from 140 East and Southeast Asian populations. We genotyped these Hg C individuals using 12 Y-chromosome biallelic markers and 8 commonly used Y-short tandem repeats (Y-STRs), and performed phylogeographic analysis in combination with the published data. The results show that most of the Hg C subhaplogroups have distinct geographical distribution and have undergone long-time isolation, although Hg C individuals are distributed widely across Eurasia. Furthermore, a general south-to-north and east-to-west cline of Y-STR diversity is observed with the highest diversity in Southeast Asia. The phylogeographic distribution pattern of Hg C supports a single coastal 'Out-of-Africa' route by way of the Indian subcontinent, which eventually led to the early settlement of modern humans in mainland Southeast Asia. The northward expansion of Hg C in East Asia started similar to 40 thousand of years ago (KYA) along the coastline of mainland China and reached Siberia similar to 15 KYA and finally made its way to the Americas. Journal of Human Genetics (2010) 55, 428-435; doi:10.1038/jhg.2010.40; published online 7 May 2010


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Background: The emergence of agriculture about 10,000 years ago marks a dramatic change in human evolutionary history. The diet shift in agriculture societies might have a great impact on the genetic makeup of Neolithic human populations. The regionally restricted enrichment of the class I alcohol dehydrogenase sequence polymorphism (ADH1BArg47His) in southern China and the adjacent areas suggests Darwinian positive selection on this genetic locus during Neolithic time though the driving force is yet to be disclosed. Results: We studied a total of 38 populations (2,275 individuals) including Han Chinese, Tibetan and other ethnic populations across China. The geographic distribution of the ADH1B*47His allele in these populations indicates a clear east-to-west cline, and it is dominant in south-eastern populations but rare in Tibetan populations. The molecular dating suggests that the emergence of the ADH1B*47His allele occurred about 10,000 similar to 7,000 years ago. Conclusion: We present genetic evidence of selection on the ADH1BArg47His polymorphism caused by the emergence and expansion of rice domestication in East Asia. The geographic distribution of the ADH1B*47His allele in East Asia is consistent with the unearthed culture relic sites of rice domestication in China. The estimated origin time of ADH1B*47His allele in those populations coincides with the time of origin and expansion of Neolithic agriculture in southern China.


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Effects of three stocking densities, viz., 35, 50 and 65/decimal (1 decimal = 40.48 m2) of juvenile freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) on prawn and fish production were tested in a polycuture system with silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), catla (Catla catla), Grass carp (Ctenophmyngodon idella) and silver barb (Barbodes gonionotus). The fish stocking density was 19/decimal with the species combination of silver carp-10, catlac-6, grass carp-1 and silver barb-2. In a 8-month culture period, the prawn yield 423 ± 144 kg/ha was significantly lower (P< 0.5) with the prawn stocking density of 35/decimal than that of 548 ± 178 kg/ha and 662 ± 243 kg/ha with 50 and 65/decimal respectively. The fish production (1844-1891 kg/ha) did not differ significantly (p <0.05) among the three treatments indicating that prawn stocking densities had no influence on fish yield. The lower mean harvest weight (62 g) and survival rate (67 g) and higher yield (2.67 kg/decimal) with the highest stocking rate of prawn reveals that as density was increased, prawn survival and individual weight at harvest decreased but total yield increased.


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本发明涉及人源性抗菌肽及其衍生物的用途,所述人源性抗菌肽具有选自序列表 SEQ ID NO:1所示的氨基酸序列,还包括此氨基酸序列多肽中个别氨基酸的取代、环化、L-型氨基酸变为D-型氨基酸、缺失或加入而得到的功能等同物。与其它来源碱性抗菌多肽相比,该人源性抗菌肽具有结构简单、人工合成方便、应用于人体无抗原性的有益特点。本发明的人源性抗菌肽及其衍生物具有显著的抑制细菌以及真菌生长的作用,可以应用于制备抗微生物感染制剂。


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对自然感染的水牛源的人肉孢子虫以及黄牛源人肉孢子虫DNA的18S rRNA基因的PCR扩增产物进行了测序。对所获的863 bp的18S rRNA基因分析比较表明,二者有较高的同源性,因此认为二者可能同是一种肉孢子虫——人肉孢子虫(Sarcocystis hominis Railliet and Lucet,1891)。由此推断,不仅黄牛可作为人肉孢子虫的中间宿主,水牛也可作为人肉孢子虫的中间宿主。