972 resultados para Molecular diagnostic techniques


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The human Me14-D12 antigen is a cell surface glycoprotein regulated by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) on tumor cell lines of neuroectodermal origin. It consists of two non-convalently linked subunits with apparent mol. wt sizes of 33,000 and 38,000. Here we describe the molecular cloning of a genomic probe for the Me14-D12 gene using the gene transfer approach. Mouse Ltk- cells were stably cotransfected with human genomic DNA and the Herpes Simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK) gene. Primary and secondary transfectants expressing the Me14-D12 antigen were isolated after selection in HAT medium by repeated sorting on a fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS). A recombinant phage harboring a 14.3 kb insert of human DNA was isolated from a genomic library made from a positive secondary transfectant cell line. A specific probe derived from the phage DNA insert allowed the identification of two mRNAs of 3.5 kb and 2.2 kb in primary and secondary L cell transfectants, as well as in human melanoma cell lines expressing the Me14-D12 antigen. The regulation of Me14-D12 antigen by INF-gamma was retained in the L cell transfectants and could be detected both at the level of protein and mRNA expression.


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PURPOSE: To compare examination time with radiologist time and to measure radiation dose of computed tomographic (CT) fluoroscopy, conventional CT, and conventional fluoroscopy as guiding modalities for shoulder CT arthrography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Glenohumeral injection of contrast material for CT arthrography was performed in 64 consecutive patients (mean age, 32 years; age range, 16-74 years) and was guided with CT fluoroscopy (n = 28), conventional CT (n = 14), or conventional fluoroscopy (n = 22). Room times (arthrography, room change, CT, and total examination times) and radiologist times (time the radiologist spent in the fluoroscopy or CT room) were measured. One-way analysis of variance and Bonferroni-Dunn posthoc tests were performed for comparison of mean times. Mean effective radiation dose was calculated for each method with examination data, phantom measurements, and standard software. RESULTS: Mean total examination time was 28.0 minutes for CT fluoroscopy, 28.6 minutes for conventional CT, and 29.4 minutes for conventional fluoroscopy; mean radiologist time was 9.9 minutes, 10.5 minutes, and 9.0 minutes, respectively. These differences were not statistically significant. Mean effective radiation dose was 0.0015 mSv for conventional fluoroscopy (mean, nine sections), 0.22 mSv for CT fluoroscopy (120 kV; 50 mA; mean, 15 sections), and 0.96 mSv for conventional CT (140 kV; 240 mA; mean, six sections). Effective radiation dose can be reduced to 0.18 mSv for conventional CT by changing imaging parameters to 120 kV and 100 mA. Mean effective radiation dose of the diagnostic CT arthrographic examination (140 kV; 240 mA; mean, 25 sections) was 2.4 mSv. CONCLUSION: CT fluoroscopy and conventional CT are valuable alternative modalities for glenohumeral CT arthrography, as examination and radiologist times are not significantly different. CT guidance requires a greater radiation dose than does conventional fluoroscopy, but with adequate parameters CT guidance constitutes approximately 8% of the radiation dose.


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ABSTRACT Allergic asthma is a major complication of atopy. Its severity correlates with the presence of activated T lymphocytes and eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Mechanisms that protect against asthma are poorly understood. Based on oral models of mucosal tolerance induction, models using the nasal route showed that uptake of important amounts of antigen can induce tolerance and reverse the allergic phenotype. 1L-10 producing regulatory T cells were proposed as key players in tolerance induction, but other players, e.g. dendritic cells (DC), B cells and epithelial cells may have to be taken into consideration. The objective of the present study is to characterize the effects of a therapeutic intranasal treatment (INT) in a murine model of asthma and to determine, in this model, the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to protection against asthma. First, we established an asthma model by sensitizing the BALB/c mouse to ovalbumin (OVA) by two intraperitoneal injections of alum-adsorbed OVA and three inhalations of aerosolized OVA. Then OVA was applied to the nasal mucosa of OVA- sensitized mice. Mice were later re-exposed to OVA aerosols to assess the protection induced by OVA INT. OVA sensitization induced strong eosinophil recruitment, OVA-specific T cell proliferation and IgE production. Three intranasal treatments at 24-hour intervals with 1.5 mg OVA drastically reduced inflammatory cell recruitment into the BALF and inhibited OVA-specific IgE production upon allergen re-exposure. T cell proliferation in ex vivo bronchial lymph node (BLN) cells was inhibited, as well as TH2 cytokine production. Protection against OVA-induced bronchial inflammation was effective for an extended period of time and treated mice resisted a second re-exposure. Transfer of CD4+ cells from BLN and lungs of OVA-treated mice protected asthmatic recipient mice from subsequent aerosol challenge indicating an involvement of CD4+ T regulatory cells in this protection. RESUME L'asthme allergique est une manifestation clinique majeure de l'atopie. La sévérité de l'asthme est liée à la présence de lymphocytes T activés ainsi que d'éosinophiles dans le lavage broncho-alvéolaire (LBA). Les mécanismes permettant de se prémunir contre l'asthme sont mal connus. Basés sur des modèles muqueux d'induction de tolérance par la voie orale, des modèles utilisant la voie nasale ont montré que d'importantes quantités d'antigène peuvent induire une tolérance et ainsi reverser le phénotype allergique. Des cellules régulatrices produisant de l'IL-10 pourraient jouer un rôle clé dans l'induction de la tolérance mais d'autres acteurs tels que les cellules dendritiques, les cellules B et les cellules épithéliales doivent aussi être prises en compte. L'objectif de la présente étude est de caractériser les effets d'un traitement intranasal thérapeutique dans un modèle murin d'asthme et de déterminer dans ce modèle les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires conférant une protection contre l'asthme. En premier lieu, un modèle d'asthme allergique a été établi en sensibilisant des souris BALB/c à l'ovalbumine (OVA) par deux injections intraperitonéales d'OVA adsorbé sur de l'alum et trois séances d'OVA en aérosol. Dans un second temps, de l'OVA a été administrée sur la muqueuse nasale des souris sensibilisées à l'OVA. Les souris furent ensuite challengées par des aérosols d'OVA afin d'évaluer la protection conférée par le traitement intranasal à l'OVA. La sensibilisation à l'OVA a induit un fort recrutement d'éosinophiles, une réponse proliférative des cellules T à l'OVA ainsi qu'une production d'lgE spécifiques. Trois traitements intranasaux à 24 heures d'intervalle avec 1.5 mg d'OVA ont permis de réduire drastiquement le recrutement des cellules inflammatoires dans le LBA ainsi que d'inhiber la production d'lgE spécifiques à l'OVA produits lors d'une ré-exposition à l'OVA. La prolifération en réponse à l'OVA de cellules extraites ex vivo de ganglions bronchiques a, elle aussi, été inhibée de même que la production de cytokines TH2. La protection contre l'inflammation provoquée par l'aérosol est efficace pour une longue période et les souris traitées résistent à une seconde ré- exposition. Le transfert de cellules CD4+ issues de ganglions bronchiques et de poumons de souris traitées à l'OVA protège les souris asthmatiques receveuses contre les effets inflammatoires d'un aérosol, indiquant que des cellules T CD4+ régulatrices pourraient être impliquées dans cette protection. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC L'asthme est une affection des voies respiratoires qui se caractérise par une contraction de la musculature des voies aériennes, une production de mucus et d'anticorps de l'allergie (IgE). On parle d'asthme allergique lorsque les facteurs déclenchant l'asthme sont des allergènes inhalés tels que acariens, pollens ou poils d'animaux. Le système immunitaire des patients asthmatiques a un défaut de programmation qui le rend réactif à des substances qui sont normalement inoffensives. Le traitement actuel de l'asthme repose sur le soulagement des symptômes grâce à des produits à base de stéroïdes. Les techniques permettant de reprogrammer le système immunitaire (immunothérapie) ne sont pas efficaces pour tous les antigènes et prennent beaucoup de temps. En conséquence, il est nécessaire de mieux comprendre les mécanismes sous-tendant une telle reprogrammation afin d'en améliorer le rendement et l'efficacité. Dans ce but, des modèles d'immunothérapie ont été mis au point chez la souris. Ils permettent une plus grande liberté d'investigation. Dans cette étude, un modèle d'asthme allergique dans la souris a été établi par une sensibilisation à un antigène particulier : l'ovalbumine (OVA). Ce modèle présente les caractéristiques principales de l'asthme humain : recrutement de cellules inflammatoires dans les poumons, augmentation de la production d'anticorps et de la résistance des bronches aux flux respiratoires. Cette souris asthmatique a ensuite été traitée par application nasale d'OVA. Comparées aux souris non traitées, les souris traitées à l'OVA ont moins de cellules inflammatoires dans leurs poumons et produisent moins d'anticorps IgE. D'autres marqueurs inflammatoires sont aussi fortement diminués. Des cellules de poumons ou de ganglions bronchiques prélevées sur des souris traitées injectées dans des souris asthmatiques améliorent les symptômes de l'asthme. Ces cellules pourraient donc avoir un rôle régulateur dans l'asthme. Les caractériser et les étudier afin d'être capable de les générer est crucial pour les futures thérapies de l'asthme.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and perform a meta-analysis on the diagnostic performances of (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) for giant cell arteritis (GCA), with or without polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR). METHODS: MEDLINE, Embase and the Cochrane Library were searched for articles in English that evaluated FDG PET in GCA or PMR. All complete studies were reviewed and qualitatively analysed. Studies that fulfilled the three following criteria were included in a meta-analysis: (1) FDG PET used as a diagnostic tool for GCA and PMR; (2) American College of Rheumatology and Healey criteria used as the reference standard for the diagnosis of GCA and PMR, respectively; and (3) the use of a control group. RESULTS: We found 14 complete articles. A smooth linear or long segmental pattern of FDG uptake in the aorta and its main branches seems to be a characteristic pattern of GCA. Vessel uptake that was superior to liver uptake was considered an efficient marker for vasculitis. The meta-analysis of six selected studies (101 vasculitis and 182 controls) provided the following results: sensitivity 0.80 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.63-0.91], specificity 0.89 (95% CI 0.78-0.94), positive predictive value 0.85 (95% CI 0.62-0.95), negative predictive value 0.88 (95% CI 0.72-0.95), positive likelihood ratio 6.73 (95% CI 3.55-12.77), negative likelihood ratio 0.25 (95% CI 0.13-0.46) and accuracy 0.84 (95% CI 0.76-0.90). CONCLUSION: We found overall valuable diagnostic performances for FDG PET against reference criteria. Standardized FDG uptake criteria are needed to optimize these diagnostic performances.


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Fungal symbionts commonly occur in plants influencing host growth, physiology, and ecology (Carlile et al., 2001). However, while whole-plant growth responses to biotrophic fungi are readily demonstrated, it has been much more difficult to identify and detect the physiological mechanisms responsible. Previous work on the clonal grass Glyceria striata has revealed that the systemic fungal endophyte Epichloë glyceriae has a positive effect on clonal growth of its host (Pan & Clay, 2002; 2003). The latest study from these authors, in this issue (pp. 467- 475), now suggests that increased carbon movement in hosts infected by E. glyceriae may function as one mechanism by which endophytic fungi could increase plant growth. Given the widespread distribution of both clonal plants and symbiotic fungi, this research will have implications for our understanding of the ecology and evolution of fungus-plant associations in natural communities.


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Cross-sectional imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound are becoming essential tools not only for making an early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, but also to help clarify the prognosis of the disease and better assess the response to various therapies. This article summarises the recommendations established in 2013 by the European League Against Rheumatism on the role of imaging in the diagnosis and follow-up of rheumatoid arthritis, while adding comments and emphasising on our Swiss experience with the use of ultrasound.


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Desmosomes are intercellular adhesive complexes that anchor the intermediate filament cytoskeleton to the cell membrane in epithelia and cardiac muscle cells. The desmosomal component desmoplakin plays a key role in tethering various intermediate filament networks through its C-terminal plakin repeat domain. To gain better insight into the cytoskeletal organization of cardiomyocytes, we investigated the association of desmoplakin with desmin by cell transfection, yeast two-hybrid, and/or in vitro binding assays. The results indicate that the association of desmoplakin with desmin depends on sequences within the linker region and C-terminal extremity of desmoplakin, where the B and C subdomains contribute to efficient binding; a potentially phosphorylatable serine residue in the C-terminal extremity of desmoplakin affects its association with desmin; the interaction of desmoplakin with non-filamentous desmin requires sequences contained within the desmin C-terminal rod portion and tail domain in yeast, whereas in in vitro binding studies the desmin tail is dispensable for association; and mutations in either the C-terminus of desmoplakin or the desmin tail linked to inherited cardiomyopathy seem to impair desmoplakindesmin interaction. These studies increase our understanding of desmoplakin-intermediate filament interactions, which are important for maintenance of cytoarchitecture in cardiomyocytes, and give new insights into the molecular basis of desmoplakin- and desmin-related human diseases.


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In recent years many clinical prediction rules (CPR) have been developed. Before a CPR can be used in clinical practice, different methodical steps are necessary, from the development of the score, the internal and external validation to the impact study. Before using a CPR in daily practice family doctors have to verify how the rules have been developed and whether this has been done in a population similar to the population in which they would use them. The aim of this paper is to describe the development of a CPR, and to discuss advantages and risks related to the use of CPR in order to help family doctors in their choice of scores for use in their daily practice.


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The non-invasive evaluation of myocardial ischemia is a priority in cardiology. The preferred initial non-invasive test is exercise ECG, because of its high accessibility and its low cost. Stress radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging or stress echocardiography are now routinely performed, and new non-invasive techniques such as perfusion-MRI, dobutamine stress-MRI or 82rubidium perfusion PET have recently gained acceptance in clinical practice. In the same time, an increasing attention has been accorded to the concept of myocardial viability in the decisional processes in case of ischemic heart failure. In this indication, MRI with late enhancement after intravenous injection of gadolinium and 18F-FDG PET showed an excellent diagnostic accuracy. This article will present these new imaging modalities and their accepted indications.


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Ischaemic stroke and myocardial infarction often result from the sudden rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque. The subsequent arterial thrombosis occluding the vessel lumen has been widely indicated as the crucial acute event causing peripheral tissue ischaemia. A complex cross-talk between systemic and intraplaque inflammatory mediators has been shown to regulate maturation, remodeling and final rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes (released by several cell subsets within atherosclerotic plaques), which favour atherogenesis and increase plaque vulnerability. Thus, the assessment of intraplaque levels and activity of MMP might be of pivotal relevance in the evaluation of the risk of rupture. New imaging approaches, focused on the visualisation of inflammation in the vessel wall and plaque, may emerge as tools for individualised risk assessment and prevention of events. In this review, we summarize experimental findings of the currently available invasive and noninvasive imaging techniques, used to detect the presence and activity of MMPs in atherosclerotic plaques.


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Over the last three decades, cytogenetic analysis of malignancies has become an integral part of disease evaluation and prediction of prognosis or responsiveness to therapy. In most diagnostic laboratories, conventional karyotyping, in conjunction with targeted fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis, is routinely performed to detect recurrent aberrations with prognostic implications. However, the genetic complexity of cancer cells requires a sensitive genome-wide analysis, enabling the detection of small genomic changes in a mixed cell population, as well as of regions of homozygosity. The advent of comprehensive high-resolution genomic tools, such as molecular karyotyping using comparative genomic hybridization or single-nucleotide polymorphism microarrays, has overcome many of the limitations of traditional cytogenetic techniques and has been used to study complex genomic lesions in, for example, leukemia. The clinical impact of the genomic copy-number and copy-neutral alterations identified by microarray technologies is growing rapidly and genome-wide array analysis is evolving into a diagnostic tool, to better identify high-risk patients and predict patients' outcomes from their genomic profiles. Here, we review the added clinical value of an array-based genome-wide screen in leukemia, and discuss the technical challenges and an interpretation workflow in applying arrays in the acquired cytogenetic diagnostic setting.


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Diesel oil is a compound derived from petroleum, consisting primarily of hydrocarbons. Poor conditions in transportation and storage of this product can contribute significantly to accidental spills causing serious ecological problems in soil and water and affecting the diversity of the microbial environment. The cloning and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene is one of the molecular techniques that allows estimation and comparison of the microbial diversity in different environmental samples. The aim of this work was to estimate the diversity of microorganisms from the Bacteria domain in a consortium specialized in diesel oil degradation through partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. After the extraction of DNA metagenomics, the material was amplified by PCR reaction using specific oligonucleotide primers for the 16S rRNA gene. The PCR products were cloned into a pGEM-T-Easy vector (Promega), and Escherichia coli was used as the host cell for recombinant DNAs. The partial clone sequencing was obtained using universal oligonucleotide primers from the vector. The genetic library obtained generated 431 clones. All the sequenced clones presented similarity to phylum Proteobacteria, with Gammaproteobacteria the most present group (49.8 % of the clones), followed by Alphaproteobacteira (44.8 %) and Betaproteobacteria (5.4 %). The Pseudomonas genus was the most abundant in the metagenomic library, followed by the Parvibaculum and the Sphingobium genus, respectively. After partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA, the diversity of the bacterial consortium was estimated using DOTUR software. When comparing these sequences to the database from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a strong correlation was found between the data generated by the software used and the data deposited in NCBI.


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Peripheral NK/T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) is a heterogeneous group of uncommon hematologic malignancies with aggressive clinical course and unfavorable prognosis. Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type (NKTCL) is the most common extranodal entity worldwide, with heterogeneous geographic distribution, and it is characterized by its association with EBV, a nasal or less often extranasal presentation and aggressive behavior. Recent works using array-based technologies have provided novel insights into the pathogenesis and discovered new biomarkers with diagnostic and therapeutic implications in NKTCL. Gene expression profiling identified that most of the NKTCL are derived from activated natural killer cells with distinctively high expression of granzyme H compared to other PTCLs, which might serve as a new diagnostic biomarker. Frequent deletions and promoter methylations in PRDM1, ATG5, AIM1, FOXO3, HACE1 mapping to 6q21-q25, suggest their roles as potential tumor suppressors. The deregulation of oncogenic pathways (PDGF, JAK-STAT, AKT) provides a rationale for developing targeted therapies in the future.