923 resultados para Mixing heights and ventillation coefficients


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The regular associated solution model for binary systems has been modified by incorporating the size of the complex as an explicit variable. The thermodynamic properties of the liquid alloy and the interactions between theA ?B type of complex and the unassociated atoms in anA-B binary have been evaluated as a function of relative size of the complex using the activity coefficients at infinite dilution and activity data at one other composition in the binary. The computational procedure adopted for determining the concentration of clusters and interaction energies in the associated liquid is similar to that proposed by Lele and Rao. The analysis has been applied to the thermodynamic mixing functions of liquid Al-Ca alloys believed to contain Al2Ca associates. It is found that the size of the cluster significantly affects the interaction energies between the complex and the unassociated atoms, while the equilibrium constant and enthalpy change for the association reaction exhibit only minor variation, when the equations are fitted to experimental data. The interaction energy between unassociated free atoms remains virtually unaltered as the size of the complex is varied between extreme values. Accurate data on free energy, enthalpy, and volume of mixing at the same temperature on alloy systems with compound forming tendency would permit a rigorous test of the proposed model.


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The thermodynamic structure and the heights of the boundary layer over the monsoon trough region of the Indian southwest monsoon are presented for the active and break phases of the monsoon. Results indicate significant and consistent variation in boundary-layer heights between the active and break phases.


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In the present work the integral diffusion coefficients are estimated by using the diaphragm cell technique. The diffusion coefficients are measured at various compositions for two sets binary systems: one of cyclohexane and n-paraffinic alcohols and the other of methylcyclohexane and n-paraffinic alcohols. The alcohols used are seven members of homologous series of n-paraffinic alcohols from ethanol to octanol. The maximum possible error in the experimental diffusion coefficient could be 8% for both the cyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohol system and methylcyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohol system. A correlation for each of the two sets of binary systems is given. The maximum deviation in the correlations was less than 6.5 and 3.5% for cyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohols and methylcyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohols, respectively.


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Detailed molecular dynamics simulations of argon in zeolite NaCaA are reported. Thermodynamic, structural, and dynamical properties of the sorbate as a function of temperature have been obtained. The properties calculated include various site-site radial distribution functions, different energy distribution functions, selfdiffusion coefficients, the power spectra, and properties relating to cage-to-cage diffusion. The results suggest that sorbate is delocalized above 300 K. Both modes of cage-to-cage diffusion-the surface-mediated and centralized diffusion-are associated with negative barrier heights. Surprisingly, rate of cage-to-cage diffusion is associated with negative and positive activation energies below and above 500 K. The observed differences in the behavior of the rate of cage-to-cage diffusion between Xe-NaY and Ar-NaCaA systems and the nature of the potential energy surface are discussed. Presence of sorbatezeolite interactions results in significant enhancement in the rate of cage-to-cage diffusion and rate of cage visits. It is shown that properties dependent on the long-time behavior such as the diffusion coefficient and the rate of cages visited exhibit the expected Arrhenius dependence on temperature.


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Reaction between the various species in slag and metal phase is usually mass transfer controlled. There have been continuous efforts to increase the reaction efficiency in slag-metal system, especially during decarburization of steel to produce the ultra low carbon steel (ULCS) in secondary steelmaking. It has been found that the surface reaction is a dominant factor in the final stage of decarburization. In the initial stage, the inner site reaction is major factor in the refining process. The mixing of bath affects the later reaction. However, the former reaction (surface reaction) is affected by the plume size area at the top of the metal surface. Therefore, a computational study has been made to understand the fluid dynamics of a new secondary steelmaking process called Revolutionary Degasser Activator (REDA) to study the bath mixing and plume area. REDA process has been considered as it is claimed that this process can reduce the carbon content in steel below 10ppm in a less time than the other existing processes such as RH and Tank degasser. This study shows that both bath mixing and plume area are increased in REDA process facilitating it to give the desired carbon content in less time. Qualitative comments are made on slag-metal reaction system based on this finding.


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The logarithm of activity coefficients of the components of the ternary system is derived based on the Maclaurin infinite series, which is expressed in terms of the integral property of the system and subjected to appropriate boundary conditions. The derivation of the functions involves extensive summation of various infinite series pertaining to the first-order interaction coefficients that have been shown completely to remove any truncational error. Since the conventional equations involving interaction coefficients are internally inconsistent, a consistent form of the partial functions is developed in the article using the technique just described. The thermodynamic consistency of the functions based on the Maxwell and the Gibbs-Duhem relations has been established. The derived values of the logarithmic activity coefficients of the components have been found to be in agreement with the thermodynamic data of the Fe-Cr-Ni system at 1873 K and have been found to be independent of the compositional paths.


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We present here a critical assessment of two vortex approaches (both two-dimensional) to the modelling of turbulent mixing layers. In the first approach the flow is represented by point vortices, and in the second it is simulated as the evolution of a continuous vortex sheet composed of short linear elements or ''panels''. The comparison is based on fresh simulations using approximately the same number of elements in either model, paying due attention in both to the boundary conditions far downstream as well as those on the splitter plate from which the mixing layer issues. The comparisons show that, while both models satisfy the well-known invariants of vortex dynamics approximately to the same accuracy, the vortex panel model, although ultimately not convergent, leads to smoother roll-up and values of stresses and moments that are in closer agreement with the experiment, and has a higher computational efficiency for a given degree of convergence on moments. The point vortex model, while faster for a given number of elements, produces an unsatisfactory roll-up which (for the number of elements used) is rendered worse by the incorporation of the Van der Vooren correction for sheet curvature.


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Using a combination of a logarithmic spiral and a straight line as a failure surface, comprehensive charts have been developed to determine the passive earth pressure coefficients and the positions of the critical failure surface for positive as well as negative wall friction angles. Translational movement of the wall has been examined in detail, considering the soil as either an associated flow dilatant material or a non-dilatant material, to determine the kinematic admissibility of the limit equilibrium solutions.


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In this paper, we model dwarf galaxies as a two-component system of gravitationally coupled stars and atomic hydrogen gas in the external force field of a pseudo-isothermal dark matter halo, and numerically obtain the radial distribution of HI vertical scale heights. This is done for a group of four dwarf galaxies (DDO 154, Ho II, IC 2574 and NGC 2366) for which most necessary input parameters are available from observations. The formulation of the equations takes into account the rising rotation curves generally observed in dwarf galaxies. The inclusion of self-gravity of the gas into the model at par with that of the stars results in scale heights that are smaller than what was obtained by previous authors. This is important as the gas scale height is often used for deriving other physical quantities. The inclusion of gas self-gravity is particularly relevant in the case of dwarf galaxies where the gas cannot be considered a minor perturbation to the mass distribution of the stars. We find that three out of four galaxies studied show a flaring of their HI discs with increasing radius, by a factor of a few within several disc scale lengths. The fourth galaxy has a thick HI disc throughout. This flaring arises as a result of the gas velocity dispersion remaining constant or decreasing only slightly while the disc mass distribution declines exponentially as a function of radius.


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The microscopic electron theory based on the pseudopotential formalism has been applied to the calculation of the heats of mixing and of activities in liquid Al·Sn alloys. The calculated values for both quantities were found to be in reasonable agreement with ,the experimental data.


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The theme of the session is the New Concept and Applications both for the grouting and deep mixing technologies. Nineteen papers were submitted to this session, and those covered a variety of topics; 1) New concepts and development, 2) Refinement of techniques, and 3) analysis and applications. Eight papers out of them were presented orally.


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In recent times the demand of ultra-low carbon steel (ULCS) with improved mechanical properties such as good ductility and good workability has been increased as it is used to produce cold-rolled steel sheets for automobiles. For producing ULCS efficiently, it is necessary to improve the productivity of the vacuum degassers such as RH, DH and tank degasser. Recently, it has been claimed that using a new process, called REDA (revolutionary degassing activator), one can achieve the carbon content below 10 ppm in less time. As such, REDA process has not been studied thoroughly in terms of fluid flow and mass transfer which is a necessary precursor to understand and design this process. Therefore, momentum and mass transfer of the process has been studied by solving momentum and species balance equations along with k-epsilon turbulent model in two-dimension (2D) for REDA process. Similarly, computational fluid dynamic studies have been made in 2D for tank and RH degassers to compare them with REDA process. Computational results have been validated with published experimental and theoretical data. It is found that REDA process is the most efficient among all these processes in terms of mixing efficiency. Fluid flow phenomena have been studied in details for REDA process by varying gas flow rate, depth of immersed snorkel in the steel, diameter of the snorkel and change in vacuum pressure. It is found that design of snorkel affects the melt circulation in the bath significantly.