996 resultados para Mineralogy, Determinative.


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CARBONACEOUS chondrites provide valuable information as they are the least altered examples of early Solar System material1. The matrix constitutes a major proportion of carbonaceous chondrites. Despite many past attempts, unambiguous identification of the minerals in the matrix has not been totally successful2. This is mainly due to the extremely fine-grained nature of the matrix phases. Recently, progress in the characterisation of these phases has been made by electron diffraction studies3,4. We present here the direct observation, by high resolution imaging, of phases in carbonaceous chondrite matrices. We used ion-thinned sections from the Murchison C2(M) meteorite for transmission electron microscopy. The Murchison matrix contains both ordered and disordered inter-growths of serpentine-like and brucite-like layers. Such mixed-layer structures are new types of layer silicates. © 1979 Nature Publishing Group.


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Chemical treatments of kaolins to produce nanocrystalline or "X-ray amorphous", stable aluminosilicates with variable - but reproducible - types of micro- and meso-porosity have been developed. These materials show cation exchange capacities and surface area values significantly higher (ranging from 10x to 100x) than kaolin and show good acid resistance to pH~3.0. The combination of these properties offers strong potential for many new applications of kaolin-derived materials in large worldwide markets such as environmental remediation and catalysis. Kaolin amorphous derivative (KAD) is well-suited to removal of many toxic metals down to ppb range from acid mine drainage. Engineering development trials of the KAD manufacturing process and the utilisation of KAD in polluted waters such as acid mine drainage indicates that scale-up from bench-scale is not a barrier to market entry.


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The Analytical Electron Microscope (AEM), with which secondary X-ray emission from a thin (<150nm), electron-transparent material is measured, has rapidly become a versatile instrument for qualitative and quantitative elemental analyses of many materials, including minerals. With due regard for sources of error in experimental procedures, it is possible to obtain high spatial resolution (~20nm diameter) and precise elemental analyses (~3% to 5% relative) from many silicate minerals. In addition, by utilizing the orientational dependence of X-ray emission for certain multi-substituted crystal structures, site occupancies for individual elements within a unit cell can be determined though with lower spatial resolution. The relative ease with which many of these compositional data may be obtained depends in part on the nature of the sample, but, in general, is comparable to other solid state analytical techniques such as X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis. However, the improvement in spatial resolution obtained with the AEM (up to two orders of magnitude in analysis diameter) significantly enhances interpretation of fine-grained assemblages in many terrestrial or extraterrestrial rocks.


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Accurate thin-film energy dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) analyses of clays with low-atomic-number (low Z) elements (e.g. Na, Al, Si), presents a challenge to the microscopist not only because of the spatial resolution required, but also because of their susceptibility to electron beam-induced radiation damange and very low X-ray count rates. Most common clays, such as kaolinite, smectite and illite occur as submicrometer crystallites with varying degrees of structural disorder in at least two directions and may have dimensions as small as one or two unit cells along the basal direction. Thus, even clays with relatively large a-b dimenstions (e.g., 100 x 100 nm) may be <5nm in the c-axis direction. For typical conditions in an analytical electron microscope (AEM), this sample thickness gives rise to very poor count rates (<200cps) and necessitates long counting times (>300s) in order to obtain satisfactory statistical precision. Unfortunately, beam damage rates for the common clays are very rapid (<10s in imaging mode) between 100kV and 200kV. With a focussed probe for elemental analyses, the damage rate is exacerbated by a high current density and may result in loss of low-Z elements during data collection and consequent loss of analytical accuracy.


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Collections of solid particles from the Earth's stratosphere by high-flying aircraft have been reported since 1965, with the initial primary objective of understanding the nature of the aerosol layer that occurs in the lower stratosphere. With the advent of efficient collection procedures and sophisticated electron- and ion-beam techniques, the primary aim of current stratospheric collections has been to study specific particle types that are extraterrestrial in origin and have survived atmospheric entry processes. The collection program provided by NASA at Johnson Space Center (JSC) has conducted many flights over the past 4 years and retrieved a total of 99 collection surfaces (flags) suitable for detailed study. Most of these collections are part of dedicated flights and have occurred during volcanically quiescent periods, although solid particles from the El Chichon eruptions have also been collected. Over 800 individual particles (or representative samples from larger aggregates) have been picked from these flags, examined in a preliminary fashion by SEM and EDS, and cataloged in a manner suitable for selection and study by the wider scientific community.


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Cometary and interplanetary dust particles (IDP) are compared, and the mineralogical evolution of comet nuclei is discussed. Chondritic IDP have properties consistent with properties expected for cometary dust. The complex and varied mineralogy of these particles may indicate mineral alteration processes that occur in comet nuclei. Depending on the thermal budget of a comet, the upper few meters of nucleus material may maintain temperatures within regimes of hydrocryogenic (200 to 237K) and low-temperature aqueous (274 to 400K) alteration. Thus, layer silicates, carbonates, and sulfates may be important components of cometary dust and, correspondingly are common constituents of chondritic IDPs. Alteration of comet starting materials may be a common occurrence, and depends on the specific physical and chemical properties of each individual comet.


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Preliminary data is presented on a detailed statistical analysis of k-factor determination for a single class of minerals (amphiboles) which contain a wide range of element concentrations. These amphiboles are homogeneous, contain few (if any) subsolidus microstructures and can be readily prepared for thin film analysis. In previous studies, element loss during the period of irradiation has been assumed negligible for the determination of k-factors. Since this phenomena may be significant for certain mineral systems, we also report on the effect of temperature on k-factor determination for various elements using small probe sizes (approx.20 nm).


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A suite of new materials, based on chemical modification of kaolins, has been successfully prepared via manipulation of the kaolin structure and subsequent intercalation by CaCl2 and MgCl2. A standard kaolinite(KGa-1)and a commercially available halloysite (New Zealand china clay) were used for this study. The kaolins are given several cycles of intercalation and deintercalation using a common intercalant such as potassium acetate. The number of cycles given depends on the type of kaolin. After this treatment, both kaolinite and halloysite hydrate show considerable broadening of the (00l) reflections which indicate extensive exfoliation of the layers. In the case of kaolinite, exfoliated layers roll to form tubes similar to proper halloysite. Kaolins modified by the above treatment readily intercalate MgCl2 and CaCl2 from saturated solutions of these salts. On intercalation with CaCl2 and MgCl2, kaolinite layers expand to 10A and 9.8A, and those of halloysite to 12.8A and 15.5A, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first report of successful intercalation of alkaline-earth halides by kaolins.


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MesoLite, a zeolite material manufactured by NanoChem Holdings Pty Ltd is made by caustic reaction of kaolin at temperatures between 80-95°C. This material has a moderate surface area (9~12 m2/g) and very high cation exchange capacity (500meq/100g). To measure the availability of K in K-MesoLite to plants, wheat was grown with K-MesoLite or a soluble fertiliser (e.g. KCl) in non-leached pots in a glasshouse. The weights and elemental compositions of the plants were compared after four weeks growth. Plants grown with K-MesoLite were slightly larger than those grown with KCl. The elemental compositions of the plants were similar except for Si, which was significantly higher in the plants grown with K-MesoLite than in those fertilised with KCl. K from K-MesoLite is readily available to plants.


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A process for making aluminosilicates of zeolite N structure comprising the steps of: (i) combining a water soluble monovalent cation, a solution of hydroxyl anions and an aluminosilicate to form a resultant mixture having a pH greater than 10 and a H.sub.2O/Al.sub.2O.sub.3 ratio in the range 30 to 220; (ii) heating the resultant mixture to a temperature of between 50.degree. C. and boiling point of the mixture for a time between 1 minute and 100 hours until a crystalline product of zeolite N structure is formed as determined by X-ray diffraction or other suitable characteristic; and (iii) separating the zeolite N product as a solid from the mixture.


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The formation of new materials in the form of alumino-silicate derivatives from 2:1 layer clay materials which are obtained by the chemical modification of 2:1 layer clay minerals by reaction with a salt having the formula MX wherein M is ammonium ion or alkali metal cation and X is a halide. The new materials have the following characteristics: (a) an amorphous x-ray diffraction signal manifest as a broad hump using x-ray powder diffraction between 22.degree. and 32.degree. 2.theta. using CuK.alpha. radiation; and (b) the presence of primarily tetrahedrally coordinated aluminum.


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A process for the preparation of an amorphous alumino-silicate derivative which involves reacting a solid corresponding starting material with MOH where M is alkali metal or ammonium cation. The solid corresponding starting material may be selected from montmorillonite, kaolin, natural zeolite (e.g., clinoliptolite/heulandite) as well as illite, palygorskite and saponite and additional reactant MX wherein X is halide may be utilized in conjunction with MOH. The invention also includes alumino-silicate derivatives of the general formula M.sub.p Al.sub.q Si.sub.2 O.sub.r (OH).sub.s X.sub.t.uH.sub.2 O as well as alumino-silicate derivatives of the general formula M.sub.p Al.sub.q Si.sub.2 O.sub.r (OH).sub.s.uH.sub.2 O.


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Amorphous derivatives of kaolin group minerals characterized by high specific surfaces and/or high cation exchange capacities and a .sup.27 AL MAS NMR spectrum having a dominant peak at about 55 ppm relative to Al(H.sub.2 O).sub.6.sup.3+. Such derivatives are prepared by reacting a kaolin group mineral with a reagent, such as, an alkali metal halide or an ammonium halide which converts the majority of the octahedrally coordinated aluminum in the kaolin group mineral to tetrahedrally coordinated aluminum. Such derivatives show high selectivity in its cation exchange towards the metals: Pb.sup.2+, Cu.sup.2+, Cd.sup.2+, Ni.sup.2+, CO.sup.2+, Cr.sup.3+, Sr.sup.2-, Zn.sup.2+, Nd.sup.3+ and UO.sub.2.sup.+.


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A process for the preparation of a modified kaolin from a kaolin group mineral which includes expansion and contraction of layers of the kaolin group mineral. The layers comprising one Si-tetrahedral sheet and one Al-octahedral sheet. The expansion and contraction may be initiated by initial intercalation of a reagent which can penetrate kaolin layers to reach an interlayer region there between to form an intercalate. Subsequently, the intercalation may be followed by de-intercalation which involves the removal of the reagent. By the above process, there is provided crystalline modified kaolins having the following properties: (i) an increased interlayer space compared to corresponding kaolin group minerals; (ii) an increased susceptibility to intercalation by cations, anions or salts compared to corresponding kaolin group minerals; and (iii) an increased exfoliated morphology compared to corresponding kaolin group minerals.