987 resultados para Microdefect densities


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A portion of the Oculina Bank located off eastern Florida is a marine protected area (MPA) preserved for its dense populations of the ivory tree coral (Oculina varicosa), which provides important habitat for fish. Surveys of fish assemblages and benthic habitat were conducted inside and outside the MPA in 2003 and 2005 by using remotely operated vehicle video transects and digital still imagery. Fish species composition, biodiversity, and grouper densities were used to determine whether O. varicosa forms an essential habitat compared to other structure-forming habitats and to examine the effectiveness of the MPA. Multivariate analyses indicated no differences in fish assemblages or biodiversity among hardbottom habitat types and grouper densities were highest among the most complex habitats; however the higher densities were not exclusive to coral habitat. Therefore, we conclude that O. varicosa was functionally equivalent to other hardbottom habitats. Even though fish assemblages were not different among management areas, biodiversity and grouper densities were higher inside the MPA compared to outside. The percentage of intact coral was also higher inside the MPA. These results provide initial evidence demonstrating effectiveness of the MPA for restoring reef fish and their habitat. This is the first study to compare reef fish populations on O. varicosa with other structure-forming reef habitats and also the first to examine the effectiveness of the MPA for restoring fish populations and live reef cover.


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Skates (family Rajidae) are oviparous and lay tough, thick-walled eggs. At least some skate species lay their eggs in spatially restricted nursery grounds where embryos develop and hatch (Hitz, 1964; Hoff, 2007). After hatching, neonates may quickly leave the nursery grounds (Hoff, 2007). Egg densities in these small areas may be quite high. As an example, in the eastern Bering Sea, a site <2 km2 harbored eggs of Alaska skate (Bathyraja parmifera) exceeding 500,000/km2. All skate nursery grounds have been identified over soft sea floors (Lucifora and García, 2004; Hoff, 2007).


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Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) are regularly seen off the U.S. West Coast, where they forage on jellyfish (Scyphomedusae) during summer and fall. Aerial line-transect surveys were conducted in neritic waters (<92 m depth) off central and northern California during 1990−2003, providing the first foraging population estimates for Pacific leatherback turtles. Males and females of about 1.1 to 2.1 m length were observed. Estimated abundance was linked to the Northern Oscillation Index and ranged from 12 (coefficient of variation [CV] =0.75) in 1995 to 379 (CV= 0.23) in 1990, averaging 178 (CV= 0.15). Greatest densities were found off central California, where oceanographic retention areas or upwelling shadows created favorable habitat for leatherback turtle prey. Results from independent telemetry studies have linked leatherback turtles off the U.S. West Coast to one of the two largest remaining Pacific breeding populations, at Jamursba Medi, Indonesia. Nearshore waters off California thus represent an important foraging region for the critically endangered Pacific leatherback turtle.


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Understanding the interactions between kelp beds and nearshore fish is essential because anthropogenic changes and natural variability in these beds may affect available habitat for fishes. In this study fish communities were investigated in south-central Alaska kelp beds characterized by a range of substrate complexity and varying densities of both perennial understory kelps and annual canopy kelps. Many of the observed fish species, as well as understory and canopy kelps, were positively associated with structurally complex substratum. Targeted canopy and understory kelp beds supported seasonal populations of adult and juvenile Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), rockfishes (Sebastes spp.), and year-round populations of greenlings (Hexagrammos spp.). Monthly changes in kelp and fish communities ref lected seasonal changes; the densities of some species were greatest during periods with higher temperatures. This work illustrates the importance of structurally complex kelp beds with persistent understory kelp populations as important fish habitat for several commercially and recreationally important fishes.


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Tuna larvae (at flexion, postflexion, and transformation stages) were collected by dip net and light traps at night in the northwestern Panama Bight during the season of reduced upwelling (June−September) of 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1997. The larvae were identified as yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) by mtDNA analysis. Ichthyoplankton data from bongo and Tucker trawl tows were used to examine the potential prey abundance in relation to the mean size-at-age and growth rates of the yellowfin tuna larvae and their otoliths. The most rapid growth rates occurred during June 1990 when plankton volumes were at their highest levels. The lowest plankton volumes coincided with the lowest growth rates and mean sizes-at-age during the August−September 1991 period. High densities of larval fish were prevalent in the ichthyoplankton tows during the 1991 period; therefore intra- and interspecific competition for limited food resources may have been the cause of slower growth (density-dependent growth) in yellowfin tuna larvae The highest mean seasurface temperature and the lowest mean wind stress occurred during an El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event during the 1997 period. There appeared to be no clear association between these environmental factors and larval growth rates, but the higher temperatures may have caused an increase in the short-term growth of otoliths in relat


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Multibeam sonar mapping techniques provide detailed benthic habitat information that can be combined with the data on species-specific habitat preferences to provide highly accurate calculations of populations in a particular area. The amount of suitable habitat available for the endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) was quantified to aid in obtaining an accurate estimate of the number of remaining individuals at two offshore banks and one island site off the coast of southern California. Habitat was mapped by using multibeam sonar survey techniques and categorized by using rugosity and topographic position analysis. Abalone densities were evaluated by using a remotely operated vehicle and video transect methods. The total amount of suitable habitat at these three sites was far greater than that previously estimated. Therefore, although present estimates of white abalone densities are several orders of magnitude lower than historic estimates, the total population is likely larger than previously reported because of the additional amount of habitat surveyed in this study.


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Between 1995 and 2002, we surveyed fish assemblages at seven oil platforms off southern and central California using the manned research submersible Delta. At each platform, there is a large horizontal beam situated at or near the sea floor. In some instances, shells and sediment have buried this beam and in other instances it is partially or completely exposed. We found that fish species responded in various ways to the amount of exposure of the beam. A few species, such as blackeye goby (Rhinogobiops nicholsii), greenstriped rockfish (Sebastes elongatus), and pink seaperch (Zalembius rosaceus) tended to avoid the beam. However, many species that typically associate with natural rocky outcrops, such as bocaccio (S. paucispinis), cowcod (S. levis), copper (S. caurinus), greenblotched (S. rosenblatti), pinkrose (S. simulator) and vermilion (S. miniatus) rockfishes, were found most often where the beam was exposed. In particular, a group of species (e.g., bocaccio, cowcod, blue (Sebastes mystinus), and vermilion rockfishes) called here the “sheltering habitat” guild, lived primarily where the beam was exposed and formed a crevice. This work demonstrates that the presence of sheltering sites is important in determining the species composition of man-made reefs and, likely, natural reefs. This research also indicates that adding structures that form sheltering sites in and around decommissioned platforms will likely lead to higher densities of many species typical of hard and complex structure.


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A Mata Atlântica figura entre os biomas com o maior índice de biodiversidade, mais ameaçados e menos conhecidos cientificamente do planeta. Nesse bioma, a família Rubiaceae se destaca como a quarta mais importante em número de espécies e indivíduos. Com o objetivo de aumentar o conhecimento relativo ao bioma e à família em questão, este trabalho propõe o estudo de Coccocypselum lanceolatum (Ruiz & Pavon) Persoon, uma espécie de hábito herbáceo frequente em diferentes fitofisionomias de Mata Atlântica no estado do Rio de Janeiro. O trabalho visa comparar a estrutura morfo-anatômica da espécie crescendo em Floresta Ombrófila Densa submontana, em região insular e Floresta Ombrófila Densa montana, em região continental. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em dois remanescentes de Mata Atlântica no estado do Rio de Janeiro: Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande, no município de Angra dos Reis e Parque Ambiental Luiz Simões Lopes, município de Nova Friburgo. Foi feita a avaliação dos seguintes parâmetros ambientais: pluviosidade, temperatura, radiação solar e características do solo. Para a análise morfológica foliar, foram coletadas 25 folhas completamente expandidas, provenientes do 3 ou 4 nós, observando-se a mesma estação climática, entre os meses de maio e junho de 2010 (outono) nos dois sítios de estudo. Para o estudo anatômico foram selecionadas 10 folhas completamente expandidas, provenientes do 3 ou 4 nós, as quais foram fragmentadas nos níveis do pecíolo e terço-médio. Os parâmetros utilizados para a comparação dos materiais provenientes dos diferentes sítios consistiram na espessura total da lâmina foliar, na espessura do mesofilo (m), na espessura dos parênquimas (m), paliçádico e lacunoso, na espessura das epidermes (m) nas faces adaxiais e abaxiais, e nas densidades (mm2) de estômatos e de tricomas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a espécie apresenta variação intraespecífica, relacionada aos diferentes parâmetros ambientais avaliados em função da origem. Desta forma, foram encontradas diferenças na composição química e física e consequentemente no pH dos solos; a presença de antocianinas em órgãos diferentes das flores e dos frutos no material de Nova Friburgo; diferenças morfológicas e anatômicas relativas às diferenças nos índices pluviométricos, composição do solo e radiação solar


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Fish assemblages were investigated in tidal-creek and seagrass habitats in the Suwannee River estuary, Florida. A total of 91,571 fish representing 43 families were collected in monthly seine samples from January 1997 to December 1999. Tidal creeks supported greater densities of fish (3.89 fish/m2; 83% of total) than did seagrass habitats (0.93 fish/m2). We identified three distinct fish assemblages in each habitat: winter−spring, summer, and fall. Pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides), pigfish (Orthopristis chrysoptera), and syngnathids characterized seagrass assemblages, whereas spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), silversides (Menidia spp.), mojarras (Eucinostomus spp.), and fundulids characterized tidal-creek habitats. Important recreational and commercial species such as striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) and red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) were found primarily in tidal creeks and were among the top 13 taxa in the fish assemblages found in the tidal-creek habitats. Tidal-creek and seagrass habitats in the Suwannee River estuary were found to support diverse fish assemblages. Seasonal patterns in occurrence, which were found to be associated with recruitment of early-life-history stages, were observed for many of the fish species.


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Aspects of the feeding migration of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea (EBS) were investigated by examining the relationship between temperatures and densities of fish encountered during acoustic and bottom trawl surveys conducted in spring and summer between 1982 and 2001. Bottom temperature was used as an indicator of spring and summer warming of the EBS. Clusters of survey stations were identified where the density of walleye pollock generally increased or decreased with increasing water temperature. Inferences about the direction and magnitude of the spring and summer feeding migration were made for five length categories of walleye pollock. Generally, feeding migrations appeared to be northward and shoreward, and the magnitude of this migration appeared to increase with walleye pollock size up to 50 cm. Pollock larger then 50 cm showed limited migratory behavior. Pollock may benefit from northward feeding migrations because of the changes in temperature, zooplankton production, and light conditions. Ongoing climate changes may affect pollock distribution and create new challenges for pollock management in the EBS.


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Esta dissertação aplica a regularização por entropia máxima no problema inverso de apreçamento de opções, sugerido pelo trabalho de Neri e Schneider em 2012. Eles observaram que a densidade de probabilidade que resolve este problema, no caso de dados provenientes de opções de compra e opções digitais, pode ser descrito como exponenciais nos diferentes intervalos da semireta positiva. Estes intervalos são limitados pelos preços de exercício. O critério de entropia máxima é uma ferramenta poderosa para regularizar este problema mal posto. A família de exponencial do conjunto solução, é calculado usando o algoritmo de Newton-Raphson, com limites específicos para as opções digitais. Estes limites são resultados do princípio de ausência de arbitragem. A metodologia foi usada em dados do índice de ação da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo com seus preços de opções de compra em diferentes preços de exercício. A análise paramétrica da entropia em função do preços de opções digitais sínteticas (construídas a partir de limites respeitando a ausência de arbitragem) mostraram valores onde as digitais maximizaram a entropia. O exemplo de extração de dados do IBOVESPA de 24 de janeiro de 2013, mostrou um desvio do princípio de ausência de arbitragem para as opções de compra in the money. Este princípio é uma condição necessária para aplicar a regularização por entropia máxima a fim de obter a densidade e os preços. Nossos resultados mostraram que, uma vez preenchida a condição de convexidade na ausência de arbitragem, é possível ter uma forma de smile na curva de volatilidade, com preços calculados a partir da densidade exponencial do modelo. Isto coloca o modelo consistente com os dados do mercado. Do ponto de vista computacional, esta dissertação permitiu de implementar, um modelo de apreçamento que utiliza o princípio de entropia máxima. Três algoritmos clássicos foram usados: primeiramente a bisseção padrão, e depois uma combinação de metodo de bisseção com Newton-Raphson para achar a volatilidade implícita proveniente dos dados de mercado. Depois, o metodo de Newton-Raphson unidimensional para o cálculo dos coeficientes das densidades exponenciais: este é objetivo do estudo. Enfim, o algoritmo de Simpson foi usado para o calculo integral das distribuições cumulativas bem como os preços do modelo obtido através da esperança matemática.


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Fishpen culture is a possible means to increase fish production in Casamance, Senegal and to develop aquaculture without negative environmental effects. To study this possibility, a fishpen study was conducted in two dammed valleys, Guidir and Balobar in the area. Wild Sarotherodon melanotheron from 7.7 to 25.4 g and Tilapia guineensis from 7.7 to 35.0 g were stocked at densities ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 individuals/ super(m). Results are summarized in this article.


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Experiments with fish enclosures were conducted at the Deepwater Rice Farming Systems Research Site at Shuvullah, Mirzapur, Bangladesh. The objective was to study the performance of silver barb (Puntius gonionotus) called Thai sharputi or rajputi in Bangladesh in mono-and-polyculture with grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), catla (Catla catla) and rohu (Labeo rohita). Each enclosure measured 21 m x 21 m with an approximate net height of 3.5 m. The stocking densities per cubic meter were 1 fingerling for Thai sharputi monoculture (enclosure 1), and 2 fingerlings for the polyculture systems (enclosure 2 and 3). The species ratio for enclosure 2 was 0.37:0.27:0.02:0.34 (grass carp:Thai sharputi:common carp:catla) and for enclosure 3, 0.4:0.4:0.2 (catla:rohu:Thai sharputi). In monoculture (enclosure 1), Thai sharputi performed well. This relatively good production was mainly attributed to the use of appropriately sized fingerlings and rapid growth from consumption of an abundant supply of azolla in addition to feed given. For the polyculture in enclosure 2, the average weight gain of common carp was the highest (673 g) followed by grass carp (475 g) and Thai sharputi (286 g). For the polyculture in enclosure 3, the length and weight gains for Thai sharputi were almost the same as for the monoculture.


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Alterações na frequência e amplitude das inundações pelas marés são fatores reguladores da dinâmica das florestas de mangue. Tais alterações podem estar relacionadas à elevação do nível médio relativo do mar (NMRM), que vem sendo atribuída como fator de impacto decorrente das mudanças climáticas globais atuando sobre os ecossistemas costeiros. Durante a década de 90, o Núcleo de Estudos em Manguezais da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro observou, em Guaratiba (RJ), um processo de colonização de uma planície hipersalina por espécies de mangue, e começou a monitorá-lo. Após seis anos os dados indicaram a consolidação da colonização e juntamente com o desenvolvimento de outros estudos neste sistema, a elevação do NMRM foi atribuída como principal causa deste processo. Os dados gerados por tal monitoramento, de 1998 até o ano de 2011, constituem a base de dados da presente dissertação, que teve como objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento do processo de colonização e verificar suas relações com fatores meteorológicos locais. No ano de 1998 foram demarcadas seis parcelas justapostas, no sentido floresta-planície hipersalina, até onde era percebida a presença das plantas de mangue. Todos os indivíduos foram identificados com etiquetas numeradas e tiveram suas alturas medidas ao longo de todo monitoramento, da mesma forma que novos indivíduos (recrutas). Quando recrutas eram encontrados em áreas mais distantes da floresta, novas parcelas eram incluídas no monitoramento. No ano de 2011, a colonização já havia avançado 75 m de distância da floresta e as treze parcelas monitoradas indicaram diferentes estágios sucessionais: mais próximas à floresta apresentam consolidação do processo de colonização, com redução de densidade e maior desenvolvimento estrutural; intermediárias, com altas densidades, encontra-se em fase menos avançada da colonização; mais externas caracterizam o início da colonização da área por poucos indivíduos. Notou-se, ainda, que o processo de colonização se dá por meio do estabelecimento de coortes, que demonstram variabilidade nos padrões de desenvolvimento estrutural ao longo dos anos (densidade, distribuição e taxa de crescimento), relacionada às condições ambientais distintas (padrões climatológicos). Quanto à disponibilidade hídrica (entre 1985 e 2011), Guaratiba apresentou predomínio de déficit hídrico, com tendência de amenização ao final do período. Períodos de maior disponibilidade de água no sistema coincidiram com marcação de novas parcelas, bem como com picos de recrutamento e elevadas taxas de crescimento das coortes. Assim, foi possível observar que o desenvolvimento das coortes esteve relacionado às condições de disponibilidade de espaço e luz, além de responderem aos processos meteorológicos, relacionados à disponibilidade de água na região.


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The feasibility of semi-intensive culture of Penaeus monodon in low saline environment was investigated by comparing the growth and production in low (0.16-6.52 ppt) and high (4.60-19.42 ppt) saline areas at two stocking densities (10.5 and 16 individuals/m super(2)). After 135 days of culture, yield of shrimp in low and high stocking densities was 1563.37 kg/ha and 2274 kg/ha, respectively, in low saline ponds, and 1173.00 and 1974.00 kg/ha, respectively in high saline ponds. Food conversion ratio (FCR, 1.31-1.58) and specific growth rate (SGR 21.04-21.19%) were higher in low saline ponds as compared to high saline ponds (FCR, 1.35-1.68; SGR, 19.22-19.88%). Growth of shrimp was satisfactory in low saline ponds even when salinity decreased after 60 days of culture to almost freshwater level (0.16 ppt) indicating the variability of semi-intensive culture of P. monodon in low saline environment.