994 resultados para Microbial diversity -- North Pacific Ocean
A quantitative radiolarian study at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1241 in the eastern tropical Pacific enables us to reconstruct paleoceanographic changes that occurred since the latest middle Miocene. Today, this site is located just under the Eastern Pacific Warm Pool (EPWP). Based on the abundance variations of radiolarian characteristic species which are indicators of upwelling and thermocline changes, it is suggested that three notable changes occurred at 10.6, 9.8, and 4.2 Ma in the region. Four distinct periods of oceanographic conditions bounded by these notable changes were characterized on the basis of the following: (1) stratified seawater (12.0 to 10.6 Ma); (2) a shallowing of the thermocline and an increasing of upwelling (10.6 to 9.8 Ma); (3) significant inflow of warm water to the eastern tropical Pacific caused by an intensified Northern Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC), resulting in the formation of EPWP (9.8 to 4.2 Ma); and (4) the reduction of the EPWP and the NECC, and an increase in upwelling (4.2 to 0 Ma). The timing of these paleoceanographic events indicated the strong relations with the opening and closing of the Indonesian and Central American (Panama) Seaways. The reduction of the EPWP (this study) and the deepening of the thermocline in western Pacific at about 4.2 Ma (Cannariato and Ravelo, 1997; Chaisson and Ravelo, 2000) indicated a change from a state resembling El Niño in the late Miocene and the early Pliocene time to a state resembling La Niña by the late Pliocene
Data collection of Calanus finmarchicus reproduction life history traits in the North Atlantic Ocean
Observations of egg production rates (EPR) for female Calanus finmarchicus were compared from different regions of the North Atlantic. The regions were diverse in size and sampling frequency, ranging from a fixed time series station in the Lower St Lawrence Estuary, off Rimouski, where nearly 200 experiments were carried out between May and December from 1994 to 2006, to a large-scale survey in the Northern Norwegian Sea, where about 50 experiments were carried out between April and June from 2002 to 2004. For this analysis the stations were grouped mostly along geographic lines, with only limited attention being paid to oceanographic features. There is some overlap between regions, however, where stations were sometimes kept together when they were sampled on the same cruise. As well some stations other than off Rimouski were occupied more than once during different years and/or in different seasons.
We report oxygen and carbon isotope results of detrital carbonate grains from Heinrich layers at three sites in the North Atlantic located along a transect from the Labrador Sea to the eastern North Atlantic. Oxygen isotopic values of individual detrital carbonate grains from six Heinrich layers at all sites average - 5.6 ppm ± 1.5 ppm (1sigma; n = 166), reflecting values of dolomitic limestone derived from source areas in northeastern Canada. The d18O of bulk carbonate at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1308 (re-occupation of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 609) in the eastern North Atlantic records the proportion of detrital to biogenic carbonate and d18O decreases to - 5 ppm during Heinrich (H) events 1, 2, 4 and 5 relative to a background value of ~ 1 to 2 ppm for biogenic carbonate. Bulk d18O also decreases during H3 and H6 but only attains values of - 1ppm, indicating either a greater proportion of biogenic-to-detrital carbonate or a different source. Because the d18O of detrital carbonate is ~ 9 ppm lower than foraminifer carbonate, any fine-grained detrital carbonate not removed from the inner test chambers will lower foraminifer d18O. We conclude bulk carbonate d18O is a sensitive proxy for detrital carbonate and may be useful for identifying Heinrich layers in cores within and near the margins of the North Atlantic ice-rafted detritus (IRD) belt.
Abundant hydroclimatic evidence from western Amazonia and the adjacent Andes documents wet conditions during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1, 18-15 ka), a cold period in the high latitudes of the North Atlantic. This precipitation anomaly was attributed to a strengthening of the South American summer monsoon due to a change in the Atlantic interhemispheric sea surface temperature (SST) gradient. However, the physical viability of this mechanism has never been rigorously tested. We address this issue by combining a thorough compilation of tropical South American paleorecords and a set of atmosphere model sensitivity experiments. Our results show that the Atlantic SST variations alone, although leading to dry conditions in northern South America and wet conditions in northeastern Brazil, cannot produce increased precipitation over western Amazonia and the adjacent Andes during HS1. Instead, an eastern equatorial Pacific SST increase (i.e., 0.5-1.5 °C), in response to the slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during HS1, is crucial to generate the wet conditions in these regions. The mechanism works via anomalous low sea level pressure over the eastern equatorial Pacific, which promotes a regional easterly low-level wind anomaly and moisture recycling from central Amazonia towards the Andes.
Pelagic clay of the east-central Pacific province is shown to be a mixture of three primary detrital components, reflecting continental source areas in Asia, North America, and Central and South America. Relative contributions from each source area are a function of geography, and this distribution appears to have remained constant over the past five million years, despite changing flux rates. A Q-mode factor analysis of downcore records for Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopes identified three factors that account for 98% of the total variance. These factors represent the radiogenic isotopic signatures of 1) late Cenozoic Asian dust, which dominates in the central North Pacific; 2) North American continental hemipelagic/eolian sources, restricted mainly to the easternmost North Pacific at ~30 °N latitude; and 3) Central and South American sources, restricted to areas east of ~100 °W longitude. South of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (~6 °N), the Asian dust signature diminishes abruptly. We conclude that late Cenozoic Asian dust sources can be isotopically differentiated downcore from both North American and South and Central American sources in the eastcentral Pacific. This approach has a utility for identifying changes in long-term Cenozoic atmospheric circulation patterns.
Coral diseases are a major factor in the decline of coral reefs worldwide, and a large proportion of studies focusing on disease causation use aquaria to control variables that affect disease occurrence and development. Public aquaria can therefore provide an invaluable resource to study the factors contributing to health and disease. In November 2010 the corals within the main display tank at the Horniman Museum and Gardens, London, UK, underwent a severe stress event due to reduced water quality, which resulted in death of a large number of coral colonies. Three separate colonies of two species of reef coral, Seritopora hystrix and Montipora capricornis showing signs of stress and acute tissue loss were removed from the display tank and placed in a research tank with improved water quality. Both coral species showed a significant difference in 16S rRNA gene bacterial diversity between healthy and stressed states (S. hystrix; ANOSIM, R=0.44, p=0.02 and M. capricornis; ANOSIM, R=0.33, p=0.01), and between the stressed state and the recovering corals. After four months the bacterial communities had returned to a similar state to that seen in healthy corals of the same species. The bacterial communities associated with the two coral species were distinct, despite them
being reared under identical environmental conditions. Despite the environmental perturbation being identical different visual signs were seen in each species and distinctly different bacterial communities associated with the stressed state occurred within them. Recovery of the visually healthy state was associated with a return of the bacterial community, within two months, to the pre-disturbance state. These observations suggest that coral-associated microbial communities are remarkably resilient and return to a very similar stable state following disturbance.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
During the late Quaternary, both external and internal forcings have driven major climatic shifts from glacial to interglacial conditions. Nonlinear climatic steps characterized the transitions leading to these extrema, with intermediate excursions particularly well expressed in the dynamics of the Northern Hemisphere cryosphere. Here we document the impact of these dynamics on the north-eastern North Atlantic Ocean, focussing on the 35-10 ka interval. Sea-surface salinities have been reconstructed quantitatively based on two independent methods from core MD95-2002, recovered from the northern Bay of Biscay adjacent to the axis of the Manche paleoriver outlet and thus in connection with proximal European ice sheets and glaciers. Quantitative reconstructions deriving from dinocyst and planktonic foraminiferal analyses have been combined within a robust chronology to assess the amplitude and timing of hydrological changes in this region. Our study evidences strong pulsed freshwater discharges which may have impacted the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.
We investigated Ocean sediments and seawater from inside the Fukushima exclusion zone and found radiocesium (134Cs and 137Cs) up to 800 Bq kg-1 as well as 90Sr up to 5.6 Bq kg-1. This is one of the first reports on radiostrontium in sea sediments from the Fukushima exclusion zone. Seawater exhibited contamination levels up to 5.3 Bq kg-1 radiocesium. Tap water from Tokyo from weeks after the accident exhibited detectable but harmless activities of radiocesium (well below the regulatory limit). Analysis of the Unit 5 reactor coolant (finding only 3H and even low 129I) leads to the conclusion that the purification techniques for reactor coolant employed at Fukushima Daiichi are very effective.
Globally, peatlands occupy a small portion of terrestrial land area but contain up to one-third of all soil organic carbon. This carbon pool is vulnerable to increased decomposition under projected climate change scenarios but little is known about how plant functional groups will influence microbial communities responsible for regulating carbon cycling processes. Here we examined initial shifts in microbial community structure within two sampling depths under plant functional group manipulations in mesocosms of an oligotrophic bog. Microbial community composition for bacteria and archaea was characterized using targeted 16S rRNA Illumina gene sequencing. We found statistically distinct spatial patterns between the more shallow 10-20 cm sampling depth and the deeper 30-40 cm depth. Significant effects by plant functional groups were found only within the 10-20 cm depth, indicating plant-mediated microbial community shifts respond more quickly near the peat surface. Specifically, the relative abundance of Acidobacteria decreased under ericaceous shrub treatments in the 10-20 cm depth and was replaced by increased abundance of Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. In contrast, the sedge rhizosphere continued to be dominated by Acidobacteria but also promoted an increase in the relative recovery of Alphaproteobacteria and Verrucomicrobia. These initial results suggest microbial communities under ericaceous shrubs may be limited by anaerobic soil conditions accompanying high water table conditions, while sedge aerenchyma may be promoting aerobic taxa in the upper peat rhizosphere regardless of ambient soil oxygen limitations.