993 resultados para Methodist Episcopal Church. Baltimore Conference


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Contient : 1 « Pouvoir [donné par FRANÇOIS II] à messieurs de Sipierre et de Carnavalet, de gouverneurs generaux des personnes de messeigneurs les ducs d'Orleans, d'Engoulesme et d'Anjou, freres du roy et superintendans de leur maison... Donné à Moustiers sur Saulx, le quatriesme jour d'octobre mille cinq cents cinquante neuf » ; 2 « Epistola VIDI FABRI PIBRACII ad Carolum, Lotharingium cardinalem, 1559 ». En latin ; 3 « Vita Caroli noni, Galliae regis » ; 4 « Lettre du roy [CHARLES IX] au parlement, pour deputer deux presidens pour se trouver en l'hostel episcopal de Paris pour assister en une assemblée qui s'y debvoit tenir, et lever la contention entre le prevost de Paris et le prevost des marchands... 1561 » ; 5 « Memoires de monsieur l'evesque de Limoges... SEBASTIEN DE LAUBESPINE,... ambassadeur pour le roy en Espagne. 1 octobre 1561 » ; 6 « Lettre de LOUYS DE BOURBON, prince DE CONDE, au roy de Navarre... D'Orleans, ce XIIIe jour de juin 1562 » ; 7 « Lettre de... LOUYS DE BOURBON,... à la royne... Escrit à Orleans, ce XIIIe jour de juin 1562 » ; 8 « Advertissement sur l'execution de l'edict par lequel l'année doit commencer le 1 janvier 1563 » ; 9 « Remonstrance au roy par les Estats de France », pour s'« opposer à la tyrannie de ceux de Guise » ; 10 « Vente du temporel des ecclesiastiques, edict du roy CHARLES [IX], donné à Sainct Germain en Laye, ou moys de may, l'an de grace mille cinq cents soixante trois » ; 11 « Lettre de RENEE DE FRANCE à Jean Calvin. Escrite à Montargis, le 21 mars 1563 » ; 12 « Partage que le connestable de Montmorency entend estre gardé par ses enfans en la succession de ses terres et seigneuries, et autres biens. A Paris, 21 janvier 1563 ». Suivi de la ratification dudit partage, donnée par les héritiers du connétable « au chastel de Chantilly, le huictieme jour de juin mille cinq cents soixante huict » ; 13 « Bulla sanctissimi domini PII???, divina providentia papae IV, super forma juramenti professionis fidei... Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum, anno Incarnationis dominicae millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo quarto, idibus novembris » ; 14 « Fausseté de deux gentilshommes normands??? contre un conseiller du parlement de Rouen. Mars??? 1564 » ; 15 « Deputez de par le roy [Charles IX] pour la conference de Calais avec la royne d'Angleterre, l'an 1565 » ; 16 « L'Histoire du diable de Laon. De Laon, ce 8 febvrier 1565 » ; 17 « Arrest d'innocence de monsieur l'admiral de Chastillon de la mort de monsieur de Guise. 29 janvier 1566 » ; 18 « Serment faict par le roy, la royne, messieurs les ducs d'Anjou et d'Alençon, et autres princes, seigneurs et mareschaux de France, d'observer et faire observer les articles de la paix, l'an 1570, 5 aoust » ; 19 « Passeport du roy pour madame l'admirale... 1571, 24 septembre » ; 20 « Conclusion du procureur general BOURDIN contre monsieur le cardinal de Chastillon, environ l'an 1566 » ; 21 « Remonstrance au roy et à son conseil, par monsieur le cardinal DE LORRAINE, l'an 1566, 12 janvier » ; 22 « Propos fascheux tenus au conseil, entre le cardinal de Lorraine et le chancelier de L'Hospital, l'an 1566 » ; 23 « Narré??? de ce qui se passa au conseil du roy tenu à Moulins, entre le cardinal de Lorraine et le chancelier de L'Hospital, l'an 1566, mars » ; 24 « Lettre du sieur DE FORQUEVAUX, ambassadeur du roy en Espagne, l'an 1566, 4 aoust » ; 25 « Lettres patentes du roy... CHARLES [IX]... touchant le procureur general de la royne, sa mere, et ses droicts et prerogatives, et que tous les officiers des terres de l'assignat de ladicte dame s'intituleront officiers du roy et de ladicte dame. A S. Germain, 25 may 1566 » ; 26 « Arrest de la cour de parlement, touchant les prerogatives du procureur general de la royne, mere du roy. Du mercredy 24 juillet 1566 » ; 27 « Autre Arrest de ladicte cour touchant ledict procureur general de la royne. Du vendredy XVI aoust 1566 » ; 28 « Traicté faict par le roy CHARLES IX avec Jean des Galans, Sr de Pezeroles, qui promettoit audit seigneur roy de transmuer tous metaux imparfaicts en fin or et argent. 5 novembre 1567 » ; 29 Octroi au roi Charles IX par la cour de parlement des « deniers des consignations... Du mardy 30 et dernier septembre 1567 » ; 30 Lettres patentes du roi « CHARLES » IX, ordonnant remise au commis à la trésorerie de l'Épargne, « maistre Pierre Defite », de tous les « deniers consignez en tous et chase???uns les greffes de la ville de Paris et autres jurisdictions quelsconques, tant royales que subalternes... Donné à Paris, le vingt neufe jour de septembre, l'an de grace mille cinq cents soixante sept » ; 31 « Lettres patentes par lesquelles le roy CHARLES IX institue son frere, le duc d'Anjou, son lieutenant general representant sa personne par tout son royaume. 12 novembre 1567 » ; 32 « Serment des associez de la ligue chrestienne et royale, l'an 1568, le 25 juin » ; 33 « Arrest de la cour du jeudy XVI novembre 1570 », en suite des lettres par lesquelles « le roy descharge les villages d'autour [la] ville » de « Paris pour autant qu'il se verra qu'ils auront esté rançonnez par les soldats de sa garde qui ont logé auxdicts villages, l'an 1570 » ; 34 « Harangue du roy CHARLES IX, faicte à sa cour de parlement, [le] 12 mars 1571 », touchant « la reformation des abus qui se commettent » dans l'administration de la justice ; 35 « Brevet du roy CHARLES IX pour le rang de monsieur le duc de Longueville ». 5 avril 1571 ; 36 « Confirmation dudict brevet du roy, par monsieur le duc d'Anjou, frere dudict seigneur roy. 16 octobre 1575 » ; 37 « Lettres patentes du roy CHARLES IX, pour le rang de duc de Longueville,... Duretal, decembre 1571 » ; 38 « Lettre du roy à Mr de Ferrals, son ambassadeur pres le pape, du 19 janvier 1572 » ; 39 « Extraict d'une lettre du roy [CHARLES IX] au sieur de Ferrals, du 7 febvrier 1572 » ; 40 « Memoire baillé à monsieur le legat Alexandrin, retournant à Rome », touchant principalement « le droict de nomination » du roi « sur les benefices consistoriaux estans es provinces de son royaume, que l'on pretend estre en obedience et non specifiés dans les concordats d'entre le St siege apostolique et Sadicte Majesté... Febvrier 1572 » ; 41 « Lettre du roy [CHARLES IX] à monsieur de Ferrals, du dernier juillet 1572 » ; 42 « Lettre du roy [CHARLES IX] à monseigneur le cardinal de Lorraine. Dernier juillet 1572 » ; 43 « Lettre du roy [CHARLES IX] à monseigneur de Ferrals. Du 24 aoust 1572 » ; 44 « Instruction pour le Sr de Beauvillé, allant vers Sa Sainteté. Du 24 aoust 1572 » ; 45 « Lettre de la royne JEANNE D'ALBRET, escrite au feu roy Henry IVe, son fils. A Blois, le 8 mars 1572 » ; 46 « Lettre du roy [CHARLES IX] à monsieur de Schombert, son ambassadeur pres des princes Alemans, touchant la mort de l'admiral de Chastillon, l'an 1572 » ; 47 « Lettre au roy, touchant le refus de l'electeur de Saxe d'entrer en ligue avec Sa Majesté, à cause de la journée de Saint Barthelemy. Ratenaw, 9 octobre 1572 » ; 48 « Lettre à monsieur Brulart sur le mesme subjet de la precedente. Dudict lieu de Ratenaw, le 10 octobre 1572 » ; 49 « Lettre à monsieur de Limoges. Du mesme lieu de Ratenaw, 1572 » ; 50 « Arrest rendu par la cour de parlement de Dole, au comté de Bourgongne, contre Gilles Garnier, natif de Lion, attaint et convaincu d'avoir, soubs la forme de loup garou, estranglé plusieurs enfans... 18 janvier 1573 » ; 51 « Lettre du roy [CHARLES IX] à monsieur de Schomberg, en Alemagne, touchant l'eslection de son frere, le duc d'Anjou,??? pour roy de Polongne, 17 mars 1573 » ; 52 « Autre Lettre du roy [CHARLES IX] audict sieur de Schomberg, son ambassadeur pres les princes d'Alemagne. Du 21 apvril 1573 » ; 53 « Extraict de la lettre que la roine mere a escrit audict sieur de Schomberg. Dudict jour, XXIe apvril 1573 » ; 54 « Lettres patentes du roy CHARLES IX, en faveur du roy de Polongne, son frere, pour succeder à la couronne de France, quoyqu'absent, lors du decez dudict roy Charles sans enfans masles, le 10 septembre 1573 » ; 55 « Coppie du brevet dudict roy CHARLES, en faveur d'iceluy roy de Polongne. A Paris, le 22 d'aoust 1573 »


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A history of Niagara Falls, including the Programme for the Conference.


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The material outlines the history of the early Baptist church in Beamsville, from its inception in 1807 until approximately 1859. This may have been the basis of a manuscript on the history of the church.


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Edward W. Bowslaugh (1843-1923) was the son of Jacob and Anna (Beamer) Bowslaugh. Edward Bowslaugh married Mary Southward, and the couple had six children, Edgar Morley, Edward Freeman, twins Alfred Malcolm and Alice Mary, Annie Olivia, John Jacob and Mabel Florence. Edward W. Bowslaugh was a farmer, contractor and owner of the Grimsby Planing Mills in Grimsby, Ont. and Bowslaugh’s Planing Mill in Kingsville, Ont. The mills manufactured door and sash trim and other wood related products. Some customers contracted the firm to provide wood products for cottages being built at Grimsby Park, the Methodist camp ground. Some time before 1885 Edward Bowslaugh and his family moved to Kingsville, Ont. to open up a new planing mill and door and sash manufactory. He later sold the Grimsby Planing Mills to Daniel Marsh. The diaries and account books include many names of workers as well as friends and family members residing in the Grimsby and Kingsville areas. James M. Bowslaugh (1841-1882) was the son of Jacob and Anna (Beamer) Bowslaugh. James married first Anna Catharine Merritt and after her death in 1875 he married Mary Gee in 1877. James and Anna had three children, Eliza, James Herbert, George Hiram, all died very young. James and Mary Gee had one son, Charles Leopold Kenneth Frederich Bowslaugh, b. 1881. James Bowslaugh was a farmer and lumberman, much like his younger brother Edward. James’ early diaries often note the activities of himself and his brother Edward. Both Edward and James were heavily involved in the Methodist church, teaching or leading Sunday school and attending prayer meetings. Alfred M. Bowslaugh b. 1873 was the son of Edward W. Bowslaugh and his wife Mary Southward. The school notebook is from his days as a student in Kingsville, Ont.


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The Gainsborough Presbyterian Church was organized prior to 1833, but no records were kept until this date. In 1809, the church was lead by Rev. Daniel Ward Eastman. In 1833 the church became part of the Niagara Presbytery of the American Presbyterian Church. The records include transfer of membership, records of marriages, lists of subscribers and session minutes. Photocopies from originals were made in 1977 by E. Phelps, University of Western Ontario, prior to their deposit with the United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, Ont.


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Grace Anglican Church was founded as a mission church of St. Thomas', St. Catharines. A large house, originally built and owned by the William and Maria McCalla family, was donated by Colonel R.W. Leonard for this purpose. The mission was dedicated on 29 June 1921. It was not until 1938 that Grace Church became an independent parish. A church building was constructed and opened on 28 November 1939. In April 1956 part of the church was damaged by fire, was rebuilt and enlarged.


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George Henry Cornish (1834-1912) was a Methodist minister whose circuits included Clinton, Ont. (1859), Newcastle, Ont. (1861), and Caledonia/Binbrook/Glanford, Ont. (1864- 1865). He wrote several books on the Methodist Church in Canada, including the Cyclopaedia of Methodism in Canada (1881) and the Handbook of Canadian Methodism (1867).


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal as it passes through Port Robinson. Identified structures associated with the Canal include the Guard Lock, Collector Toll Office, towing path, and the New Cut of the canal. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Island Street, Bridge Street, John Street, and Cross Street), bridges (Swing Bridge, and several unnamed bridges), Welland Railroad, Canal to Chippewa Creek (and two old locks and one new lock associated with the canal), Chippewa Creek, Back Water, an unnamed Island, Dry Dock leased to McFarland and Abbey, Abbey's Office, D. McFarland and Co. Saw Mill (Burnt), G. Jordan Tavern, Robert Elliot Store House and Wharf, Isaac Pew's Shop, Colemans Hotel, R. Band and Co. Girst Mill, Donaldson and Co. Grist Mill, H. Marlatt Dwelling House and barn, Henry W. Timms Hotel, Methodist Church, Post Office, Blacksmith Shop, a church, a structure labeled B. Patch, and a number of other structures that are not named. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 202 and 203, S. Hill, D. McFarland, Church Society, G. Jordan, D. Coleman, John Brown, Rob Coulter, Robert Elliot, Isaac Pew, James McCoppen, William Bell, Charles Stuart, Andrew Elliot, Robert Band, Ed. Feney, John Betty, F. Sharp, William B. Hendershot, A. Brownson, H. Marlatt, J. S. Powell, and the School Trustees. Two reserved properties are labeled in red.The current spelling of Chippewa Creek is Chippawa. Although it not possible to make out the entire name of the H. W. Timms hotel located at Front and Bridge Street on the map itself, it was discovered to belong to Henry W. Timms after consulting the 1851-52 Canada Directory.


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This daily paper, except Sundays, began publication on August 17, 1813 and ceased April 30, 1817. It was also published tri-weekly for a "COUNTRY" edition. The paper later became the Baltimore Patriot. Topics of interest include: Page 1: announcement Capt. M. Simmones Burnbury is seeking men to form a company of Sea Fencibles; Page 2: U.S. Legislature authorizes bill to increase the Marine Corps; U.S. Legislature authorizes bill to purchase vessels captured on Lake Erie; U.S. Senate bill authorizes the appointment of officers for the flotilla service; President of United States authorized to accept service of volunteer corps for defence of United States; Letter from Capt. A. H. Holmes to Lieut. Col. Butler detailing an American victory over the British near Detroit; announcement of British forces building barges for the purpose of attacking Detroit; War sloop Erie returns to Baltimore unable to reach sea due to British forces in the Chesapeake; Page 3: Death notice of Mr. Ward Fairchild of the U.S. Army; Page 4: Commander of the U.S. Flotilla seeks men for the Chesapeake Flotilla.


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Henry Haight Collier, was born in Howard, Steuben County, N. Y., November 28, 1818. His father, Richard Collier, was from Green County, in the same State. His grandfather, Isaac Collier, and his great-grandfather were originally from England. His mother, Mary Haight, was of Dutch origin. In 1835, Henry went to St. Catharines, where his elder brother, Richard Collier, resided. He spent two years at Grantham Academy, and then returned to Steuben County, to read law in Bath, with Edward Howell, and subsequently with Hammond and Campbell. Mr. Collier never opened a law office. He studied law for two years and in 1839 he went to Texas where he was connected with the State and Treasury Departments. In 1845 Mr. Collier returned to St. Catharines and opened a general store called St. Catharines Agricultural Works with his brother. The store remained open until May, 1877. He added the manufacturing of lumber in 1850, and manufacturing of agricultural implements in 1869. He built one of the first saw mills on the canal, on Lock No. 5, in St. Catharines. In July, 1877, he was appointed Collector of Customs. He became a Village Councilor for St. Paul’s Ward in 1859, and held that office from fifteen to twenty years. He was Deputy Reeve and member of the County Council for two terms. He was the Mayor of St. Catharines in 1872 and 1873. He was also Chairman of the Board of Water Commissioners of the city, during the time that the works were being built. He was a Justice of the Peace for twenty years or more. Mr. Collier was affiliated with the Reform Party and he was a Knight Templar in the Masonic fraternity and an Odd Fellow. He was also active in the Methodist Church. On June 1, 1858, he married Cornelia, daughter of Moses Cook, of "Westchester Place," St. Catharines, and had a daughter and son. Mary J. (married name: Mrs. Frank Camp) was a graduate of the Female Seminary at Hamilton, and Henry Herbert was a student in the University of Toronto. Henry H. Collier died on July 15, 1895 and is buried in Victoria Lawn Cemetery, St. Catharines, Ontario. Sources: www.accessgeneology.com "Historical Profiles from Victoria Lawn Cemetery" by Paul E. Lewis "Sincerely Lamented St. Catharines Obituaries 1817-1918" by Paul Hutchison