936 resultados para Merchant vessels.


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Data collected by fisheries observers aboard U.S. pelagic longline vessels were examined to quantify and describe elasmobranch bycatch off the southeastern U.S. coast (lat. 22°–35°N, long. 71°–82°W). From 1992 to 2000, 961 individual longline hauls were observed, during which 4,612 elasmobranchs (15% of the total catch) were documented. Of the 22 elasmobranch species observed, silky sharks, Carcharhinus falciformis, were numerically dominant (31.4% of the elasmobranch catch). The catch status of the animals (alive or dead) when the gear was retrieved varied widely depending on the species, with high mortalities seen for the commonly caught silky and night, C. signatus, sharks and low mortalities for rays (Dasyatidae and Mobulidae), blue, Prionace glauca; and tiger, Galeocerdo cuvier; sharks. Discard percentages also varied, ranging from low discards (27.6%) for shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, to high discards for blue (99.8%), tiger (98.5%), and rays (100%). Mean fork lengths indicated the majority of the observed by-catch — regardless of species — was immature, and significant quarterly variation in fork length was found for several species including silky; dusky, C. obscurus; night; scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini; oceanic whitetip, C. longimanus; and sandbar, C. plumbeus; sharks. While sex ratios overall were relatively even, blue, tiger, and scalloped hammerhead shark catches were heavily dominated by females. Bootstrap methods were used to generate yearly mean catch rates (catch per unit effort) and 95% confidence limits; catch rates were generally variable for most species, although regression analysis indicated significant trends for night, oceanic whitetip, and sandbar sharks. Analysis of variance indicated significant catch rate differences among quarters for silky, dusky, night, blue, oceanic whitetip, sandbar, and shortfin mako sharks.


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A espécie Sotalia guianensis apresenta um variado repertório de assobios que estão ligados a interação social e a diferentes contextos de comportamento. As variações intraespecíficas nas estruturas dos assobios podem indicar diferenças entre populações dessa espécie. O presente estudo caracterizou e comparou o repertório dos assobios de Sotalia guianensis, em três baías do estado do Rio de Janeiro: Baía de Guanabara (BG), Baía de Sepetiba (BS) e Baía da Ilha Grande (BI), utilizando um sistema de gravação com limite superior de frequência de 48 kHz e através da aplicação das análises quantitativas e qualitativas dos parâmetros acústicos. As gravações dos assobios foram realizadas com embarcações de 5,5 e 7m e sistema de gravação composto por um hidrofone High Tech, modelo HTI-96-MIN, e um gravador digital modelo PMD 671 Marantz, com limite superior de frequência de 48 kHz. As análises dos espectrogramas foram realizadas com os softwares Adobe Audition 1.5 e Raven 1.3. Os assobios foram classificados em seis categorias de forma de contorno e 11 parâmetros acústicos foram medidos para cada assobio. Para comparar os parâmetros acústicos de mesma forma de contorno entre as três baías, foram aplicados a análise descritiva e testes estatísticos de comparação de média. Um total de 1800 assobios foi selecionado e 61,38% (N=1105) dos assobios apresentaram forma de contorno ascendente. Assobios com zero ou um ponto de inflexão foram mais frequentes (N=1476), correspondendo a 82%. A amplitude de frequência encontrada variou de 1,03 a 46,87 kHz, maior alcance registrado para essa espécie no Brasil. A média de duração dos assobios da BG foi menor do que as médias encontradas na BS e na BI. Os resultados de todas as comparações realizadas demonstraram que os parâmetros de frequência (FI, FF, FMAX e F3/4) foram os que mais apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as três áreas. A variação encontrada nos assobios de S. guianensis entre as três áreas estudadas pode também estar ligada aos tipos de assobios mais comuns em cada área, representados pelos assobios ascendentes, que apesar de apresentarem a mesma forma de contorno, possuem diferenças em seus parâmetros acústicos, possivelmente ligados a informações individuais. A utilização de um sistema de gravação com limite superior de 48 kHz possibilitou a análise de muitos assobios. Com isso, foi possível verificar a importância do limite de frequência aplicado para caracterizar o repertório acústico dessa espécie, juntamente com as análises qualitativas das formas de contorno e as análises quantitativas dos parâmetros acústicos dos assobios. A aplicação dessa metodologia foi eficaz na comparação intraespecífica dos assobios, e futuramente, estudos mais detalhados da classificação dos assobios, poderá acrescentar informações relevantes sobre a variação desse tipo de emissão sonora no repertório acústico S. guianensis


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The history of whaling in the Gulf of Maine was reviewed primarily to estimate removals of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, especially during the 19th century. In the decades from 1800 to 1860, whaling effort consisted of a few localized, small-scale, shore-based enterprises on the coast of Maine and Cape Cod, Mass. Provincetown and Nantucket schooners occasionally conducted short cruises for humpback whales in New England waters. With the development of bomb-lance technology at mid century, the ease of killing humpback whales and fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus, increased. As a result, by the 1870’s there was considerable local interest in hunting rorquals (baleen whales in the family Balaenopteridae, which include the humpback and fin whales) in the Gulf of Maine. A few schooners were specially outfitted to take rorquals in the late 1870’s and 1880’s although their combined annual take was probably no more than a few tens of whales. Also in about 1880, fishing steamers began to be used to hunt whales in the Gulf of Maine. This steamer fishery grew to include about five vessels regularly engaged in whaling by the mid 1880’s but dwindled to only one vessel by the end of the decade. Fin whales constituted at least half of the catch, which exceeded 100 animals in some years. In the late 1880’s and thereafter, few whales were taken by whaling vessels in the Gulf of Maine.


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The National Marine Fisheries Service’s Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) has a long and successful history of conducting research in cooperation with the fishing industry. Many of the AFSC’s annual resource assessment surveys are carried out aboard chartered commercial vessels and the skill and experience of captains and crew are integral to the success of this work. Fishing companies have been contracted to provide vessels and expertise for many different types of research, including testing and evaluation of survey and commercial fishing gear and development of improved methods for estimating commercial catch quantity and composition. AFSC scientists have also participated in a number of industry-initiated research projects including development of selective fishing gears for bycatch reduction and evaluating and improving observer catch composition sampling. In this paper, we describe the legal and regulatory provisions for these types of cooperative work and present examples to illustrate the process and identify the requirements for successful cooperative research.


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U.S. commercial vessels fishing in the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico have been subject to regulations limiting the landing of swordfish less than 25 kg whole weight since June 1991. The intent of those regulations was to reduce the mortality of immature swordfihs. Plots of fishing effort from 1990 to 1994 indicate that the regulations were effective in some areas. Fishing effort decreased after 1991 in the Venezuelan Basin, a swordfish nursery area. However, in areas close to the U.S. coastline, effort did not appear to shift away from areas where immature swordfish were discarded. To identify areas with high rates of discarding, plots were made showing areas where the number of discarded swordfish was equal to or greater than the number of fish landed.


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A sample of daily observations on the activities of Australian vessels longlining for yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, during 1987-90 was analyzed, using a production junction approach, to determine the effects of vessel characteristics and operational practices and conditions. Significant differences were found between the tuna fisheries in the northern and southern regions of the inshore yellowfin tuna fishery in the east Australian Exclusive Economic Zone. The type of vessel used, and fishing practices such as soaktime, patrolling the longline, and choice of surface water temperature were found to have significant effects on yellowfin tuna catch rates.


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Three surveys spanning 28 years were examined for changes in species caught by recreational fishermen from small boats (skiffs) and commercial passenger fishing vessels (CPFV's) in California's Monterey Bay region. As fishing effort increased, the catch of certain nearshore species of rockfish, Sebastes spp., declined. CPFV fishing was conducted farther from port and in deeper water to compensate for declining abundance while most skiffs remained in traditional areas close to port. The trend toward deeper water CPFV fishing has been interrupted only temporarily by increased availability of nearshore species. Life history characteristics of rockfish including residential behavior, variable recruitment, and natural longevity contribute to a vulnerability to localized overfishing for several species.


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South African (Cape) fur seals, Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, interact with the South African trawl fisheries-offshore demersal, inshore demersal, and midwater fisheries. These interactions take thef ollowing forms: Seals take or damage netted fish, on particular vessels they become caught in the propeller, seals drown in the nets, live seals come aboard and may be killed. Except in specific cases of seals damaging particular trawler propellers, interactions result in little cost to the offshore and midwater trawl fisheries. For the inshore fishery, seals damage fish in the net at an estimated cost in excess of R69, 728 (US$18,827) per year, but this is negligible (0.3%) in terms ofthe value of the fishery. Seal mortality is mainly caused by drowning in trawl nets and ranges from 2,524 to 3,636 seals of both sexes per year. Between 312 and 567 seals are deliberately killed annually, but this most likely takes place only when caught and they enter the area below deck, where they are difficult to remove, and pose a potential threat to crew safety. Overall, seal mortality during trawling operations is negligible (0.4-0.6%) in terms of the feeding population of seals in South Africa.


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Pelagic pair trawling for tuna, Thunnus spp., and swordfish, Xiphias gladius, was introduced in U.S. Northwest Atlantic waters in 1991. During autumn (October-November) of 1992 under the authority oft he Federal Atlantic Swordfish Regulations, the National Marine Fisheries Service placed observers aboard pelagic pair trawl vessels to document the catch, bycatch, discard, and gear used in this new fishery. The fishery is conducted primarily at night along shelf-edge waters from June to November. In late 1991, revised regulations restricted swordfish to bycatch in this fishery resulting in pelagic pair trawl vessels targeting tuna throughout 1992. Analyses of 1992 data indicate that albacore, T. alalunga, was the predominant species caught, although yellowfin tuna, T. albaeares, and bigeye tuna, T. obesus, were the preferred target species. Bycatch also included swordfish, large sharks, pelagic rays and other pelagic fishes, other tunas, and marine mammals.


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In 1988, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife began sampling and monitoring the development of a new fishery for Pacific hagfish, Eptatretus stouti, and black hagfish, E. deani. Hagfish landings by Oregon trap vessels have ranged from 11,695 kg in 1988 to 340,774 kg in 1992. Whole frozen fish were shipped to South Korea for the "eel skin" leather market. From 1988 through 1989, I sampled 924 Pacific hagfish and 897 black hagfish from commercial and research catches. Mean length of fish sampled from commercial landings was 39.6 cmf or Pacific hagfish and 34.5 cm for black hagfish. Weight-length relationships (W=aLb) were calculated for males and females of both species. Fifty percent maturity for male and female Pacific hagfish was 35 cm and 42 cm, respectively, while 50% maturityf or male and female black hagfish was 34 cm and 38 cm, respectively. Examination of gonads for both species indicated that spawning either occurs throughout the year or the spawning period is protracted. Mature females of both species had from one to three distinct sizes of eggs, but they usually carried only one group of eggs over 5 mm in length. Mature Pacific hagfish females averaged 28 eggs over 5 mm in length, and black hagfish females averaged 14 eggs over 5 mm in length. Hermaphroditism was found in 0.2% of the Pacific hagfish examined.


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The pole-and-line fishery for skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, was the largest commercial fishery in Hawaii until its decline in the 1970's and 1980's. The development and decline of the fishery were strongly affected by fish availability and marketing. A sustained drop in the availability of large fish in the mid-1970's appears to have been due in part to a sustained environmental change. Availability of large fish subsequently increased, but the fishery continued its decline owing to low profitability and lack of markets. The tuna cannery in Honolulu that fostered the fishery's expansion in the 1930's closed in 1984. Unless efforts to increase the marketf or skipjack tuna become effective, landings will probably remain at current levels of about 1,000 metric tons per year. The existing pole-and-line fleet may continue to decline with age, and the local market may eventually be supplied by other fishing methods (e.g., trolling), by new vessels, or by imports.


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O presente estudo traz para discussão as ações educativas destinadas aos trabalhadores, no âmbito do licenciamento ambiental das atividades de perfuração e exploração de petróleo e gás offshore - à luz dos referenciais teórico metodológicos de uma Educação Ambiental (EA) crítica. Muito embora as pesquisas em EA no Brasil tenham alcançado um elevado grau de maturidade, produzindo reflexões profícuas e embasando a elaboração tanto de diretrizes quanto instruções normativas; ainda hoje, importantes eixos de atuação e públicos de interesse específicos - a exemplo de trabalhadores alocados em unidades de perfuração, produção e embarcações de apoio - carecem de uma reflexão aprofundada que questione tanto o substrato epistemológico empregado quanto o tipo de práxis educativa que vem sendo construída. Neste sentido o estudo analisa o Projeto de Educação Ambiental dos Trabalhadores (PEAT) elaborado por duas grandes empresas de consultoria, sediadas no Rio de Janeiro, com o objetivo de avaliar em que medida seus projetos pedagógicos incorporam os princípios da EA instituídos pela Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental. Ademais são observados os pontos críticos (contradições) para a operacionalização do Projeto e o embate entre discursos antagônicos, que buscam a hegemonia material e simbólica do campo da EA, tomando por base a análise de discurso a partir de entrevistas realizadas com os principais atores envolvidos na elaboração do PEAT: empreendedor-consultoria-órgão ambiental. Como resultado observamos: (i) uma deficiência (por parte das consultorias) em incorporar os fundamentos teóricos da EA ao PEAT submetido para aprovação do órgão ambiental licenciador; (ii) uma inadequação das concepções metodológicas do PEAT, com consequentes advertências por parte do órgão ambiental e (iii) o engendramento de uma situação de incoerência na qual o órgão ambiental licenciador aprova um documento escrito (PEAT submetido) e desaprova as práticas educativas por este desencadeadas.


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Many studies have been made of the effects of oil on marine invertebrates, plants (marine algae and phytoplankton), and vertebrates such as seabirds and marine mammals. An excellent review of these findings, which includes some references to fish and pathological effects of aromatic hydrocarbons, has been published by the Royal Society, London (Clark, 1982). That review dealt with the environmental effects of such major oil spills or releases such as those by the tankers Torry Canyon (119,000 t) on the south coast of England, Metula (50-56,000 t) in the Straits of Magellan, Argo Merchant (26,000 t) off Cape Cod, and the super tanker Amoco Cadiz (223,000 t) on the coast of northern Brittany. Those spills were studied to determine their effect on living resources. In contrast there are few references on the impact of oil spills on pelagic fishery resources.


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With its genesis in New England during the 1800's, the purse seine fishery for Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, expanded south and by the early 1900's ranged the length of the eastern seaboard. The purse seine fishery for Gulf menhaden. B. patronus, is of relatively recent development, exploitation of the stock beginning in the late 1940's. Landings from both fisheries annually comprise 35-40% of the total U. S. fisheries landings, ranking menhaden first in terms of volume landed. Technological advances in harvesting methods, fish-spotting capabilities, and vessel designs accelerated after World War II, resulting in larger, faster, and wider-ranging carrier vessels, improved speed and efficiency of the harvest, and reduction in labor requirements. Chief products of the menhaden industry are fish meal, fish oil, and solubles, but research into new product lines is underway. Since 1955 on the Atlantic coast and 1964 on the Gulf coast, the NMFS has monitored the fisheries for biostatistical data. Annual data summaries of numbers-of-fish-at-age harvested, catch tonnage, and fishing effort of the fleet form the basis of routine stock assessments and annual catch forecasts to industry for the upcoming fishing season. After landings declined in the 1960's, the Atlantic menhaden stock has recovered through the 1970's and 1980's. Exceptional year classes of Gulf menhaden in recent years account for record landings during the 1980's.


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California has a large and diverse marine recreational fishery. Anglers on commercial passenger-carrying fishing vessels (CPFV's) harvest a substantial proportion of California's marine recreational fisheries landings, accounting for about 40 percent and 16 percent of the total 1986 marine recreational catch in southern and northern California, respectively (NMFS, 1987). In 1986, 459,369 CPFV anglers landed some 2,835,021 fish in southern California, while 200,925 CPFV anglers landed 1,240, 100 fish in central and northern California.