986 resultados para Mercer, Jesse, 1769-1841.
Early illustrated book about fish, fishing and fisheries by one of the preeminent scientific investigators of the French enlightenment. This work deals extensively with the species of fish found in Europe and beyond, their habits and habitats, techniques and equipment used in fishing and fish processing, and many other aspects of these endeavours. Roughly 185 engraved plates illustrate the text. The scans for this version come from 3 volumes bound in two parts in folio.
O autor trabalhou a serviço da Duquesa de Cadaval em Lisboa, passando para o Brasil, foi nomeado professor de desenho da Aula Militar do Rio de Janeiro. Sobre o livro diz Inocêncio: "...segundo avaliador competente, é tida por 'um montão de absurdos, e não abona a perícia de Stockler nas bellas-artes...".
Resulted from a occasional field trips on the Patuxent River, 1964-1968. Taxonomy and ecology survey following the quarter method (Cottam and Curtis, 1956) Includes: Literature review: Forests, soils, ecology; Materials and Methods: location, criteria, map of Calvert county; Results: descriptive, species of trees sampled; soils, ecology; discussion: vegetational, soils, ecology; Summary; Climate; Physical features of Calvert County; Botanical descriptions; Tables, Current checklist of vascular plants; selective bibliography
Brasil. [Leis etc]
Elementos de geometria, bem como o Breve tratado de geometria spherica, do mesmo autor, era um livro-texto para as escolas do Brasil e de Portugal, sendo reimpresso muitas vezes. A ordem de imprimir é assinada por José Bonifácio de Andrada, Secretário da Academia de Sciencias.
331 p.
[ES] El objetivo del presente artículo es demostrar y analizar las discrepancias que hubo en el seno de la burguesía guipuzcoana durante los siglos XVIII y XIX en torno a la habilitación de los puertos guipuzcoanos para el comercio directo con América y el traslado de aduanas desde el interior a la costa. Para ello, se acude a la extensa historiografía que se ha ocupado del tema y se hace un análisis crítico de cierto número de representaciones enviadas por el grupo de comerciantes disidentes, con el fin de llevar a cabo un reco- rrido por el debate en torno a ambas cuestiones, que se prolongó desde el advenimiento de la dinastía borbónica hasta los decretos de 1841. A pesar de la visión unívoca que se ha dado del mencionado debate, según la cual parti- ciparon dos bloques perfectamente diferenciados, la documentación muestra una mayor heterogeneidad en las posturas, de manera que en el seno de la burguesía comercial se perciben ciertas divisiones y discrepancias. Si bien es cierto que en un principio los bloques parecen tener un discurso claramente beligerante, aunque también existen todavía puntos de coincidencia, a medi- da que transcurre el tiempo, las posturas se van radicalizando y diversifi- cando, creando una mayor heterogeneidad.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are now major players in the realm of environmental conservation. While many environmental NGOs started as national organizations focused around single-species protection, governmental advocacy, and preservation of wilderness, the largest now produce applied conservation science and work with national and international stakeholders to develop conservation solutions that work in tandem with local aspirations. Marine managed areas (MMAs) are increasingly being used as a tool to manage anthropogenic stressors on marine resources and protect marine biodiversity. However, the science of MMA is far from complete. Conservation International (CI) is concluding a 5 year, $12.5 million dollar Marine Management Area Science (MMAS) initiative. There are 45 scientific projects recently completed, with four main “nodes” of research and conservation work: Panama, Fiji, Brazil, and Belize. Research projects have included MMA ecological monitoring, socioeconomic monitoring, cultural roles monitoring, economic valuation studies, and others. MMAS has the goals of conducting marine management area research, building local capacity, and using the results of the research to promote marine conservation policy outcomes at project sites. How science is translated into policy action is a major area of interest for science and technology scholars (Cash and Clark 2001; Haas 2004; Jasanoff et al. 2002). For science to move policy there must be work across “boundaries” (Jasanoff 1987). Boundaries are defined as the “socially constructed and negotiated borders between science and policy, between disciplines, across nations, and across multiple levels” (Cash et al. 2001). Working across the science-policy boundary requires boundary organizations (Guston 1999) with accountability to both sides of the boundary, among other attributes. (Guston 1999; Clark et al. 2002). This paper provides a unique case study illustrating how there are clear advantages to collaborative science. Through the MMAS initiative, CI built accountability into both sides of the science-policy boundary primarily through having scientific projects fed through strong in-country partners and being folded into the work of ongoing conservation processes. This collaborative, boundary-spanning approach led to many advantages, including cost sharing, increased local responsiveness and input, better local capacity building, and laying a foundation for future conservation outcomes. As such, MMAS can provide strong lessons for other organizations planning to get involved in multi-site conservation science. (PDF contains 3 pages)
We propose a scheme for realizing negative refractive index in a four-level atomic system. It is shown that such a system can simultaneously exhibit negative permittivity and negative permeability in an optical frequency range. Furthermore, by analysing the dispersion property of the left-handed material, we find that the probe beam can be controlled from superluminal to subluminal or vice versa via choosing appropriate parameters.
Three different ZnO nanostructures include nanoparticles, ripples and regular nanogratings were successfully prepared by femtosecond laser irradiation under different experimental conditions. The in-situ observation of the second harmonic generation (SHG) excited in ZnO crystals before, during, and after the formation of the nanostructures was investigated. The obtained results show that the formed nanostructures contribute to the enhancement of the SHG. We propose that the second harmonics in the sample surface plays an important role in the formation of nanostructures. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Almeida Garrett engajou-se como liberal participando dos acontecimentos políticos de seu país. Após a Revolução de Setembro de 1836, Passos Manuel convida-o para estruturar o teatro português, tendo em vista que é considerado um meio de civilização. Garrett elabora um plano baseado em três pontos fundamentais: a construção de um edifício (futuro Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, inaugurado em 1846); uma escola voltada para formação artística e a criação de um repertório dramático nacional e moderno. Aprovado pela rainha D. Maria II em Decreto de 15 de novembro de 1836, nomeado Inspetor-Geral dos Teatros, para coordenar as atividades, põe em prática o projeto até ser demitido em julho de 1841. A proposta deste trabalho é analisar o teatro garrettiano, sob o ponto de vista político, do período de 1838 a 1843, por esta ser uma fase de intensa atividade do autor na tentativa de restaurar a cena portuguesa. Como corpus, temos: Um auto de Gil Vicente (1838); O alfageme de Santarém (1841); Frei Luís de Sousa (1843)
该书是国内首次以英文出版向国外系统介绍我国丰富的药用植物种类及临床应用的专著,极具特色的介绍了以现代植物分类学及其他植物学领域的研究对指导药用植物的发掘及生产的意义,还介绍了中草药性味、功能及植物方面识别的知识,在“分论”中从植物系统学观点介绍了中国(部分为亚洲)从低等到高等的药用植物,含177科,1841种、51变种,这些种除包括中国中药书、药典上介绍的种外,许多种是作者10多年在野外考察调查收集的资料。对被子植物中药用植物介绍了所隶属的177科的科特征。科下的种除介绍种的特征外,还介绍分布地区,含有的化学成分,临床及民间用途,还介绍各种代用品或需剔除的“伪品”等,既便于识别、采药,也便于供实验或参考用。在“附录”中,作者按“临床应用”分类从常见病至奇难杂症等分24大类疾病,介绍其应用的药用植物。该书内容丰富、附图栩实、图文并茂,堪称是一“好书”,便于学习、参考及应用。著名的植物学家、美国科学院院士、中科院外籍院士、密苏里植物园主任Dr. P.H.Raven评价该书是“作为迄今世界最大的药用植物志是对植物科学的一个伟大贡献”。台湾中医药学院及药物研究所领导来信亦作好的评价。成果达“国际先进”水平。