995 resultados para Medieval Aristotelism
[cat] La tesi que es defensa en aquest article és la posició de centralitat que va tenir la Comissió Jurídica Assessora durant el període de la Generalitat republicana en la creació i la configuració del sistema polític i institucional d'autogovern a Catalunya. Per a demostrar aquesta tesi s'analitzen els avantprojectes de llei que va elaborar durant aquest període la Comissió Jurídica Assessora: la Constitució o Estatut interior, la Llei municipal, el Tribunal de Cassació de Catalunya i els recursos en les vies governativa i contenciosa administrativa. L'anàlisi d'aquests avantprojectes posa en relleu com durant aquest període es van forjar les institucions d'autogovern, es van posar les bases de la democràcia i de l'autonomia local, com també es va crear una jurisdicció contenciosa administrativa pròpia. L'avantprojecte de llei de recursos en les vies governativa i contenciosa administrativa serà un precedent rellevant, però oblidat, de les lleis estatals sobre procediment administratiu i jurisdicció contenciosa administrativa. En definitiva, el sistema polític i institucional català que hi ha en l'actualitat no podria entendre's sense els antecedents de la Generalitat republicana que, recollint la legitimació històrica de les institucions medievals, van saber configurar les bases d'un sistema adaptat a les necessitats de la societat contemporània.
Presentem ací l'estudi filològic dels Greuges dels homes de Sant Pere de Graudescales, un text medieval del segle XII (datació aproximada), escrit en català i l'original del qual es conserva actualment a l'Arxiu Capitular de la Seu d'Urgell. Es tracta, doncs, d'un document de factura i d'adscripció netament feudal, i que recull, segons una pràctica habitual a l'edat mitjana, un seguit de greuges comesos, en aquest cas, per un miles, un membre de l'estament militar, a diverses persones d'una comunitat ubicada a la zona de l'actual Solsonès.
The historical pole of this research distinguishes differing historical and cultural contexts in which the scholar al-Bïrûnî evolved. Between the years 973 and 1017, he lived in Khwarezm (Kät and JürjänTya), Ray, and Jürjän. He also dwelt in Kabul and Ghazna, both situated on a passage between Persia and India, and travelled to some parts of early medieval India between the years 1017 and 1030. Evidence pointing to him having made actual direct observations beyond the abode of Islam remains scanty. According to his writings, only five locales emerge as having been visited by him, all situated in today's Afghanistan and Pakistan. When al-BTrunl visited these places, he encountered the society of the Indian Shähis, who followed a form of Brahmanism. Al-Bïrûnï's knowledge of Sanskrit was the result of a long process that lasted at least 30 years (1000-1030). In order to reach the level of Sanskrit that enabled him to translate several works from Sanskrit into Arabic, he needed to work with literate people well-versed in Sanskrit, who may also have had some comprehension of Arabic, and/or Persian. The textual pole of this dissertation examines the question of the relationship between al- Bïrûnï's Arabic Kitab Sank and Kitäb Pätangal - two works related to Sämkhya-Yoga - and their possible Sanskrit sources. A philological survey based on these Arabic translations and on Sämkhya-Yoga Sanskrit literature highlights that al-Bïrûnï's translations, both, are related to the classical phase in the development of these two Indian philosophical systems. Despite the early spread of Yoga and Sämkhya ideas through Sanskrit literature, it seems that between the early 11th and 16th centuries they lost vitality amongst Indian scholars. Therefore, al-Bïrûnï's translation of works related to these specific Indian philosophies in the early 11th century CE deserves attention. The second pole of this study also demonstrates that al-BTrünl's hermeneutics played an important part in his transmission of these two Indian schools of thought, as he highly transformed his source in both form and substance. This dissertation considers the question of the relationship between al-Bïrûnï's Arabic translations and their possible Sanskrit sources from the viewpoint of Translation Studies; which makes it possible to point out potential candidates for being al-Bïrûnï's original Sanskrit sources with some confidence. Overall, the Kitäb Sank and the Kitäb Pätangal represent original works of Sämkhya and Yoga, as viewed and transmitted by a Perso-Muslim scholar, rather than pure translations of Sanskrit work.
An annual-resolved precipitation reconstruction for the last 800 yr in Southern Spain has been performed using stable carbon isotope (δ13C) of Pinus nigra tree rings. The reconstruction exhibits high- to low-frequency variability and distinguishes a Little Ice Age (LIA, AD 13501850) characterized by lower averaged rainfall than both in the transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the LIA and in the 20th century. The driest conditions are recorded during the Maunder solar Minimum (mid 17thearly 18th centuries), in good agreement with the Spanish documentary archive. Similar linkage between solar activity (maximum/minimum) and precipitation (increase/decrease) is observed throughout the entire LIA. Additionally, the relationship between the hydrological pattern in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco during the LIA suggests different spatial distribution of precipitation in the south-eastern sector of the North Atlantic region such as it is known currently. Whereas in the instrumental record the precipitation evolves similarly in both regions and opposite to the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) index, the coldest periods of the LIA shows a contrasting pattern with drier conditions in the South of Spain and wetter in Northern Africa. We suggest an extreme negative NAO conditions, accompanied by a southward excursion of the winter rainfall band beyond that observed in the last century, can explain this contrast. The sustained NAO conditions could have been triggered by solar minima and higher volcanic activity during the LIA.
The present article contributes to the ongoing academic debate on migrants' appropriation of artistic and political spaces in Germany. Cologne, one of the largest cities in Germany, is an interesting example of the tension between political discourse centred around multiculturalism and cultural segregation processes. The 'no fool is illegal' carnival organised by asylum seekers shows their capacity to act, as they reinvent an old local tradition by reinterpreting medieval rituals. Today, different groups and associations appropriate this festive art space: migrants, gays and lesbians, feminists and far-left groups either organise their own parties or take part in the official parties and parades as separate groups. As a result, the celebration of diversity figures on the local political agenda and becomes part of the official carnival festivities. This leads to a blurring of boundaries, whereby mainstream popular culture becomes more and more influenced by multicultural elements.
This volume deals with the forms of propaganda and self-representation, through words and images, during the rise of the 'civiltà delle corti' and through processes typical of the time, such as confrontation, adaptation, competition and rivalry. This period, which marked the passage of Italian and European culture from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, is fundamental in the development of Modern Europe, and it lasted up to the XVIII century and beyond. At the heart of many matters debated here lies the relationship between culture and politics. The formation of a 'Lombard identity', central to the Sinergia project which was the frame of the whole research and its conferences, is closely linked to this broad general context. It places the so called 'questione milanese' - above the traditional hierarchies 'Toscana oriented' - at the centre of many questions regarding Northern Italy as a whole, starting from the dissolution of the Medieval communes, through to the rise of the signorie, from the end of the XIII century and the beginning of the XIV century up to the early XVI century.
Els traços primigenis del dibuix preparatori del Frontal de Sant Llorenç de Morunys, al Museu Diocesà i Comarcal de Solsona, s"observen a ull nu, sense haver d"emprar tècniques sofisticades, a causa d"una pèrdua important de l"estrat pictòric que, de conservar-se, impediria la lectura de les capes més profundes. S"han examinat aquestes traces, font de documentació privilegiada que se"ns ofereix per incrementar el coneixement de l"obra i també, per comprendre el procés d"elaboració d"una pintura sobre taula en el context del bisbat d"Urgell al tombant del segle XIII. Durant l"estudi ha estat possible reconstruir, amb el suport inestimable dels tractats medievals, la seqüència d"execució del dibuix preliminar: primer, la distribució provisional de les línies mestres a mà alçada, amb carbonet, seguit de la seva fixació amb una punta metàl·lica dura; segon, el traçat de l"esbós figuratiu, amb un estil tou, i el posterior repàs definitiu amb una agulla o punta afilada sobre l"estrat preparatori, creant un dibuix incís que romandria visible després de recobrir tota la superfície amb una làmina d"estany. Finalment, s"aplicaria una complexa policromia, que combinaria tècniques opaques i vernissos translúcids. La revisió d"un corpus d"obres catalanes de característiques similars, moltes en les reserves dels museus pel seu precari estat de conservació, podria aportar dades rellevants quant a les diferents tècniques del dibuix preparatori emprades en la pintura sobre taula d"època medieval.
Majolica pottery was the most characteristic tableware produced in Europe during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Because of the prestige and importance attributed to this ware, Spanish majolica was imported in vast quantities into the Americas during the Spanish Colonial period. A study of Spanish majolica was conducted on a set of 186 samples from the 10 primary majolica production centres on the Iberian Peninsula and 22 sherds from two early colonial archaeological sites on the Canary Islands. The samples were analysed by neutron activation analysis (NAA), and the resulting data were interpreted using an array of multivariate statistical approaches. Our results show a clear discrimination between different production centres, allowing a reliable provenance attribution of the sherds from the Canary Islands.
La descoberta del forn del segle XIII del taller del carrer de l'Hospital ha permès de realitzar un estudi complet de caracterització arqueomètrica de la ceràmica comuna vidriada que s"hi produïa. Les peces estudiades han estat analitzades mitjançant la fluorescència de raigs X (FRX), la difracció de raigs X (DRX) i la microscòpia òptica per làmina prima (MO). Els resultats han permès la identificació de 2 grups químics que corresponen a una producció poc calcària i a una altra de calcària. Igualment, s"ha pogut constatar com l"única olla estudiada, tot i procedir del taller del carrer de l'Hospital, no correspon a la producció d"aquest forn, que sembla que s'havia especialitzat en la producció de ceràmica comuna vidriada. A més, un dels gibrells correspon també a una altra producció diferenciada. La definició d"aquests dos grups de referència ha permès de comparar, amb més garanties, els materials apareguts en el dipòsit del carrer de Sant Honorat, i confirmar la segura producció barcelonina de la vaixella verda i de la pisa arcaica allà identificades.