983 resultados para Medical examinations and tests.


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For every diagnostical X-ray radiation exposure the applied dose has to be limited to the smallest possible value. Within the scope of a general Swiss survey it has been found that in the various medical practices and hospitals the applied doses varied quite strongly. The main reasons leading to an overdose were the operating conditions of the X-ray and film processing equipment, the film and foil materials and improper filming techniques. The applied single dose served as a measure for the radiation protection assessment of diagnostical X-ray exposures. To prevent this in the future, individual patients who are exposed to unnecessary radiation loads should be regularly checked in quality-ensuring tests.


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A new study is presently being conducted on the exposure of the Swiss population to radiation by diagnostic measures. This study is performed by the Department of Medical Radiation Physics of the University of Berne in collaboration with the Federal Health Bureau and the Swiss Institute for Health and Hospital Matters. In earlier studies the genetically significant exposure of the population and subsequently the median exposure of the red bone marrow had been investigated, whereas now the risk exposure to radiation of as far as possible practically all the risk-relevant organs will be studied. Prior to the initiation of the study, all results of earlier investigations during 1957, 1971 and 1978 were collected and analysed. It was found that the published results are hardly comparable, since the first study was based on individual X-ray examinations and the two subsequent studies on the localised X-ray examinations. To ensure that all data are now comparable, the results of the three studies were appropriately recalculated. Although certain assumptions had to be made that cannot be fully verified any more in view of the time that has elapsed, the collected results will provide a fairly reliable overview of the present-day state of knowledge in this particular field.


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The prevalence of periodontitis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is high. A mixed infectious biofilm etiology of periodontitis is known but not fully established in CVD. Cofactors; smoking habits, stress, ethnicity, genetics, socioeconomics and age contribute to both diseases. The objectives of this report are to summarize factors in regards to CVD and periodontitis that are clinically relevant. The hypothesis behind a relationship between the two conditions can be founded in (I) shared infections etiology, (II) shared inflammatory response, (III) epidemiological and case-control studies, and (IV) periodontal studies demonstrating improvements of CVD markers. Streptococcus species in the S. mitis group, and S. anginosus group have been identified in periodontitis and are known as pathogens in endocarditis possibly transported from the oral cavity to the heart through bacteremia during dental therapies, and tooth brushing. Other periodontal bacteria such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Parvimonas micra are beta-lactamase producing and may contribute to antibiotic resistance (extended spectrum beta-lactamases). Other bacteria in CVD and periodontitis include Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Chlamydia pneumoniae and P. gingivalis lipopolyysaccharide capsels share homology and induce heat-shock protein activity and a cascade of proinflammatory cytokines. Associations between periodontitis and CVD have been presented in many studies when controlling for confounders. Other studies have demonstrated that periodontal therapies increase brachial artery flow rate and reduce serum inflammatory cytokine levels. Thus, physicians caring for subjects at CVD risk should consult with dentists/periodontists. Dentists must improve their medical knowledge and also learn to consult with physicians when treating patients at CVD risk.


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Early detection of bloodstream infections (BSI) is crucial in the clinical setting. Blood culture remains the gold standard for diagnosing BSI. Molecular diagnostic tools can contribute to a more rapid diagnosis in septic patients. Here, a multiplex real-time PCR-based assay for rapid detection of 25 clinically important pathogens directly from whole blood in <6 h is presented. Minimal analytical sensitivity was determined by hit rate analysis from 20 independent experiments. At a concentration of 3 CFU/ml a hit rate of 50% was obtained for E. aerogenes and 100% for S. marcescens, E. coli, P. mirabilis, P. aeruginosa, and A. fumigatus. The hit rate for C. glabrata was 75% at 30 CFU/ml. Comparing PCR identification results with conventional microbiology for 1,548 clinical isolates yielded an overall specificity of 98.8%. The analytical specificity in 102 healthy blood donors was 100%. Although further evaluation is warranted, our assay holds promise for more rapid pathogen identification in clinical sepsis.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the incidence of optic disc swelling as a possible indicator of cerebral edema in a large group of healthy mountaineers exposed to very high altitudes and to correlate these findings with various clinical and environmental factors and occurrence of acute mountain sickness and high-altitude cerebral edema. METHODS: This multidisciplinary, prospective, observational cohort study was performed in 2005 within the scope of a medical research expedition to Muztagh Ata (7546 m [24,751 ft]) in Western Xinjiang Province, China. Twenty-seven healthy mountaineers aged 26 to 62 years participated. Medical examinations were performed in Switzerland 1 month before and 4 1/2 months after the expedition. Ophthalmologic examinations were performed at 4 high camps (maximum elevation, 6865 m [22,517 ft]). Optic disc status was documented using digital photography. Further assessments included arterial oxygen saturation and cerebral acute mountain sickness scores. RESULTS: Sixteen of 27 study subjects (59%) exhibited optic disc swelling during their stay at high altitudes, with complete regression on return to lowlands. Significant correlation was noted between optic disc swelling and lower arterial oxygen saturation (odds ratio, 0.86 per percentage of arterial oxygen saturation; 95% confidence interval, 0.81-0.92; P < .001), younger age (odds ratio, 0.95 per year; 95% confidence interval, 0.90-0.99; P = .03), and higher cerebral acute mountain sickness scores (odds ratio, 2.32 per 0.1 point; 95% confidence interval, 1.48-3.63; P < .001). CONCLUSION: Optic disc swelling occurs frequently in high-altitude climbers and is correlated with peripheral oxygen saturation and symptoms of acute mountain sickness. It is most likely the result of hypoxia-induced brain volume increase.


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A levoatrial cardinal vein is a rare cardiovascular anomaly that may be present in malformed hearts with severe left heart obstruction and restrictive interatrial communication. We report the prenatal diagnosis at 23 weeks of a fetus with mitral atresia, double-outlet right ventricle, premature closure of the foramen ovale and a levoatrial cardinal vein draining into the innominate vein. In a prior examination performed elsewhere the levoatrial cardinal vein had been interpreted as an aortic arch perfused retrogradely, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome with aortic atresia had been diagnosed. Prenatal management, induction at 38 weeks and postnatal examinations and treatment are reported. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported prenatal diagnosis of this embryological vessel, presenting a potential pitfall for prenatal echocardiography.


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We present a systematic study that defines molecular profiles of adjuvanticity and pyrogenicity induced by agonists of human Toll-like receptor molecules in vitro. Using P(3)CSK(4), Lipid A and Poly I:C as model adjuvants we show that all three molecules enhance the expansion of IFNgamma(+)/CD4(+) T cells from their naïve precursors following priming with allogeneic DC in vitro. In contrast, co-culture of naive CD4(+) T cells with allogeneic monocytes and TLR2/TLR4 agonists only resulted in enhanced T cell proliferation. Distinct APC molecular signatures in response to each TLR agonist underline the dual effect observed on T cell responses. Using protein and gene expression assays, we show that TNF-alpha and CXCL10 represent DC-restricted molecular signatures of TLR2/TLR4 and TLR3 activation, respectively, in sharp contrast to IL-6 produced by monocytes upon stimulation with P(3)CSK(4) and Lipid A. Furthermore, although all TLR agonists are able to up-regulate proIL-1beta specific gene in both cell types, only monocyte activation with Lipid A results in detectable IL-1beta release. These molecular profiles, provide a simple screen to select new immune enhancers of human Th1 responses suitable for clinical application.


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Medical microdevices have gained popularity in the past few decades because they allow the medical laboratory to be taken out into the field and for disease diagnostics to happen with a smaller sample volume, at a lower cost and much faster. Blood is the human body's most readily available and informative diagnostic fluid because of the wealth of information it provides about the body's general health including enzymatic, proteomic and immunological states. The purpose of this project is to optimize operating conditions and study ABO-Rh erythrocytes dielectrophoretic responses to alternating current electric signals. The end goal of this project is the creation of a relatively inexpensive microfluidic device, which can be used for the ABO-Rh typing of a blood sample. This dissertation presents results showing how blood samples of a known ABO- Rh blood type exhibit differing behavior to the same electrical stimulus based on their blood type. The first panel of donors and experiments, presented in Chapter 4 occurred when a sample of known blood type was injected into a microdevice with a T-shaped electrode configuration and the erythorcytes were found to rupture at a rate specific to their ABO-Rh blood type. The second set of experiments, presented in Chapter 5, were originally published in Electrophoresis in 20111. Novel in this work was the discovery that treatment of human erythrocytes with β-galactosidase successfully removed ABO surface antigens such that native A and B blood no longer agglutinated with the proper antibodies. This work was performed in a medium of conductivity 0.9S/m which is close to the measured conductivity of pooled plasma (~1.1S/m). The ability to perform dielectrophoresis experiments at physiological conductivities conditions is advantageous for future portable devices because the device/instrument would not need to store dilution buffers. The final results of this project, presented in Chapter 6, explore the entire dielectrophoretic spectra of the ABO-Rh erythrocytes including the cross-over frequency and the magnitudes of the positive or negative dielectrophoretic response. These were completed at lower medium conductivities of 0.1S/m and 0.01-0.04S/m. These results show that by using the sweep function built into the Agilent alternating current generator it is possible to explore how a single group of blood cells will react to rapid changes in frequency and will provide the user with curve that can be matched the theoretical dielectrophoretic response curves. As a whole this project shows that it is possible to distinguish human erythrocytes by their ABO-Rh blood type via three different dielectrophoretic methods. This work builds on the foundation of that it is possible to distinguish healthy from infected cells2-7, similar cell types1,7-14 and other work regarding the dielectrophoresis of human erythrocytes1,10,11. This work has implications in both medical diagnostics and future dielectrophoretic work because it has shown that ABO-Rh blood type is now a factor, which must be identified when working with a human blood sample. It also shows that the creation of a microfluidic device that subjects human erythrocytes to a dielectrophoretic impulse and then exports an ABO-Rh blood type is a near future possibility.


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To assess the effect of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) on glycaemic control in non-insulin treated patients with type 2 diabetes by means of a systematic review and meta-analysis.


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OBJECTIVE: To develop and evaluate the psychometric properties of a measure of motivation and life outlook (Getting-Out-of-Bed [GoB]). DESIGN: Secondary analysis of baseline and 6-month data from a longitudinal follow-up study of older breast cancer survivors. PARTICIPANTS: Women (N = 660) diagnosed with primary breast cancer stage I-IIIA disease, age >or=65 years, and permission to contact from an attending physician in four geographic regions in the United States (city-based Los Angeles, California; statewide in Minnesota, North Carolina, and Rhode Island). MEASUREMENT: Data were collected over 6-months of follow-up from consenting patients' medical records and telephone interviews with patients. Data collected included the 4-item GoB, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), breast cancer, sociodemographic, and health-related characteristics. RESULTS: Factor analysis produced, as hypothesized, one principal component with eigen values of 2.74(baseline) and 2.91(6-months) which explained 68.6%(baseline) and 72.7%(6-months) of total variance. In further psychometric analyses, GoB exhibited good construct validity (divergent: low nonstatistically significant correlations with unrelated constructs; convergent: moderate statistically significant correlations with related constructs; discriminant: distinguished high HRQoL groups with a high level of significance), excellent internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha 0.84(baseline), 0.87(6-months)), and produced stable measurements over 6-months. Women with GoB scores >or=50 at baseline were more likely at 6-months to have good HRQoL, good self-perceived health, and report regular exercise, indicating good predictive ability. CONCLUSION: GoB demonstrated overall good psychometric properties in this sample of older breast cancer survivors, suggestive of a promising tool for assessing motivation and life outlook in older adults. Nevertheless, because it was developed and initially evaluated in a select sample, using measures with similar but not exact content overlap further evaluation is needed before it can be recommended for widespread use.


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Like tumor metastases, endometriotic implants require neovascularization to proliferate and invade into ectopic sites within the host. Endometrial tissue, with its robust stem cell populations and remarkable regenerative capabilities, is a rich source of proangiogenic factors. Among the most potent and extensively studied of these proteins, vascular endothelial growth factor has emerged as a critical vasculogenic regulator in endometriosis. Accordingly, angiogenesis of the nascent endometriotic lesion has become an attractive target for novel medical therapeutics and strategies to inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor action. Vascular endothelial growth factor gene regulation in endometrial and endometriosis cells by nuclear receptors, other transcription factors, and also by infiltrating immune cells is emphasized. New data showing that oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress increase vascular endothelial growth factor expression are provided. Finally, we review the clinical implications of angiogenesis in this condition and propose potential antiangiogenic therapies that may become useful in the control or eradication of endometriotic lesions.


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OBJECTIVE: Cardiac surgery is frequently followed by postoperative delirium, which is associated with increased 1-year mortality, late cognitive deficits, and higher costs. Currently, there are no recommendations for pharmacologic prevention of postoperative delirium. Impaired cholinergic transmission is believed to play an important role in the development of delirium. We tested the hypothesis that prophylactic short-term administration of oral rivastigmine, a cholinesterase inhibitor, reduces the incidence of delirium in elderly patients during the first 6 days after elective cardiac surgery. DESIGN:: Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. SETTING: One Swiss University Hospital. PATIENTS: One hundred twenty patients aged 65 or older undergoing elective cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. INTERVENTION: Patients were randomly assigned to receive either placebo or 3 doses of 1.5 mg of oral rivastigmine per day starting the evening before surgery and continuing until the evening of the sixth postoperative day. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The primary predefined outcome was delirium diagnosed with the Confusion Assessment Method within 6 days postoperatively. Secondary outcome measures were the results of daily Mini-Mental State Examinations and clock drawing tests, and the use of a rescue treatment consisting of haloperidol and/or lorazepam in patients with delirium. Delirium developed in 17 of 57 (30%) and 18 of 56 (32%) patients in the placebo and rivastigmine groups, respectively (p = 0.8). There was no treatment effect on the time course of Mini-Mental State Examinations and clock drawing tests (p = 0.4 and p = 0.8, respectively). There was no significant difference in the number of patients receiving haloperidol (18 of 57 and 17 of 56, p = 0.9) or lorazepam (38 of 57 and 35 of 56, p = 0.6) in the placebo and rivastigmine groups, respectively. CONCLUSION: This negative or, because of methodologic issues, possibly failed trial does not support short-term prophylactic administration of oral rivastigmine to prevent postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.


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BACKGROUND: In this paper we present a landmark-based augmented reality (AR) endoscope system for endoscopic paranasal and transnasal surgeries along with fast and automatic calibration and registration procedures for the endoscope. METHODS: Preoperatively the surgeon selects natural landmarks or can define new landmarks in CT volume. These landmarks are overlaid, after proper registration of preoperative CT to the patient, on the endoscopic video stream. The specified name of the landmark, along with selected colour and its distance from the endoscope tip, is also augmented. The endoscope optics are calibrated and registered by fast and automatic methods. Accuracy of the system is evaluated in a metallic grid and cadaver set-up. RESULTS: Root mean square (RMS) error of the system is 0.8 mm in a controlled laboratory set-up (metallic grid) and was 2.25 mm during cadaver studies. CONCLUSIONS: A novel landmark-based AR endoscope system is implemented and its accuracy is evaluated. Augmented landmarks will help the surgeon to orientate and navigate the surgical field. Studies prove the capability of the system for the proposed application. Further clinical studies are planned in near future.


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OBJECTIVES: To study the validity of both rheumatological and orthodontic examinations and ultrasound (US) as screening methods for early diagnosis of TMJ arthritis against the gold standard MRI. METHODS: Thirty consecutive juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients were included in this pilot study. Rheumatological and orthodontic examinations as well as US were performed within 1 month of the MRI in a blinded fashion. Joint effusion and/or increased contrast enhancement of synovium or bone were considered signs of active arthritis on MRI. RESULTS: A total of 19/30 (63%) patients and 33/60 (55%) joints had signs of TMJ involvement on MRI. This was associated with condylar deformity in 9/19 (47%) patients and 15/33 (45%) joints. Rheumatological, orthodontic and US examinations correctly diagnosed 11 (58%), 9 (47%) and 6 (33%) patients, respectively, with active TMJ arthritis, but misdiagnosed 8 (42%), 10 (53%) and 12 (67%) patients, respectively, as having no signs of inflammation. The best predictor for active arthritis on MRI was a reduced maximum mouth opening. CONCLUSION: None of the methods tested was able to reliably predict the presence or absence of MRI-proven inflammation in the TMJ in our cohort of JIA patients. US was the least useful of all methods tested to exclude active TMJ arthritis.


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BACKGROUND: Until recently, patients' and families' expectations of specialists in intensive care medicine were largely unknown. This paper reports the results from the Swiss subgroup of a recently performed European multicentre study addressing this question. METHODS: Purposeful sample of adult ICUs in Switzerland. A questionnaire was distributed to ICU patients and relatives. It included 21 statements in the domains "medical knowledge", "communication with patients", "communication with relatives". Statements were rated for importance on a four-point Likert scale. RESULTS: All addressed ICUs participated; there were two from the French and eight from the German speaking part of Switzerland. 197 questionnaires were returned (46%). Overall, the majority of characteristics were rated as important. As in the other participating countries, patients and relatives ranked, "medical knowledge" as most essential, followed by, "communication with patients" and, "communication with relatives". This remained unchanged when analysed for German or French language, female or male, age >65 years. Female responders rated "communication" as more important than male responders. For French speaking participants "treating patients as individuals" was the most important statement. CONCLUSIONS: In accordance to respondents from other countries, Swiss patients and their families with experience of intensive care rate medical knowledge as most essential for specialists in intensive care medicine. However, communication with patients and with relatives is considered important, too. Accordingly, developing and ensuring medical knowledge and skills, as well as competence in communication must remain top priorities for the institutions responsible for training ICU physicians.