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Data on hydrothermal activity in the Deryugin Basin (Sea of Okhotsk) are reviewed. Barites and carbonates found in sediment cores sampled at feet of hydrothermal mounds were subdivided into recycled and authigenic types. Recycled minerals were represented by crystals and aggregations of travertine-like barite and fragments of barite and carbonate tubes. Authigenic formations included: (1) carbonate nodules; (2) barite micronodules; (3) transparent colorless barite that generated numerous small nests and filled cavities in sediments; (4) yellow barite formed thin (0.5 mm) veins; and (5) white barite cemented small aggregations of coarse-grained sediments. A detailed examination of formation processes of authigenic minerals in the bottom sediment cores allowed to conclude that, there, hydrothermal activity is still going on today. This was confirmed by high methane concentration in near-bottom water above a field of hydrothermal barite minerals.


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Radok Lake in Amery Oasis, East Antarctica, has a water depth of ca. 360 m, making it the deepest non-subglacial lake in Antarctica. Limnological analyses revealed that the lake had, despite a 3 m thick ice cover, a completely mixed water column during austral summer 2001/2002. High oxygen contents, low ion concentrations, and lack of planktonic diatoms throughout the water column indicate that Radok Lake is ultra-oligotrophic today.The late glacial and postglacial lake history is documented in a succession of glacial, glaciolimnic, and limnic sediments at different locations in the lake basin. The sediments record regional differences and past changes in allochthonous sediment supply and lake productivity. However, the lack of age control on these changes, due to extensive sediment redeposition and the lack of applicable dating methods, excluded Radok Lake sediments for advanced paleoenvironmental reconstructions.


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Arctic lowland landscapes have been modified by thermokarst lake processes throughout the Holocene. Thermokarst lakes form as a result of ice-rich permafrost degradation and they may expand over time through thermal and mechanical shoreline erosion. We studied proximal and distal sedimentary records from a thermokarst lake located on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska to reconstruct the impact of catchment dynamics and morphology on the lacustrine depositional environment and to quantify carbon accumulation in thermokarst lake sediments. Short cores were collected for analysis of pollen, sedimentological and geochemical proxies. Radiocarbon and Pb/Cs dating, as well as extrapolation of measured historic lake expansion rates, were applied to estimate a minimum lake age of ~ 1,400 calendar years BP. The pollen record is in agreement with the young lake age as it does not include evidence of the "alder high" that occurred in the region ~ 4.0 cal ka BP. The lake most likely initiated from a remnant pond in a drained thermokarst lake basin (DTLB) and deepened rapidly as evidenced by accumulation of laminated sediments. Increasing oxygenation of the water column as shown by higher Fe/Ti and Fe/S ratios in the sediment indicate shifts in ice regime with increasing water depth. More recently, the sediment source changed as the thermokarst lake expanded through lateral permafrost degradation, alternating from redeposited DTLB sediments, to increased amounts of sediment from eroding, older upland deposits, followed by a more balanced combination of both DTLB and upland sources. The characterizing shifts in sediment sources and depositional regimes in expanding thermokarst lakes were therefore archived in the thermokarst lake sedimentary record. This study also highlights the potential for Arctic lakes to recycle old carbon from thawing permafrost and thermokarst processes.


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This study was developed under the ExxonMobil FC2 Alliance (Fundamental Controls on Flow in Carbonates). The authors wish to thank ExxonMobil Production Company and ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company for providing funding. The views in this article by Sherry L. Stafford are her own and not necessarily those of ExxonMobil. This research was supported by the Sedimentary Geology Research Group of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SGR251). We would like to thank Andrea Ceriani and Paola Ronchi for their critical and valuable reviews, and Associated Editor Piero Gianolla for the editorial work.


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Basalts from DSDP Sites 248, 249, 250 and 251 in the southwestern Indian Ocean formed in a complex tectonic region affected by the separation of Africa and South America. The different ages and variable geochemical features of these DSDP basalts probably reflect this tectonic complexity. For example, Site 251 on the flanks of the Southwest Indian Ridge is represented by normal MORB which probably originated at the Southwest Indian Ridge. Site 250 in the Mozambique Basin includes an older incompatible- element enriched unit which may represent basalt associated with the Prince Edward Fracture Zone; the upper unit is normal MORB. Basalts at Site 248 also in the Mozambique Basin are geochemically very unlike MORB and have strong continental affinities; they are also comparable in age to some of the continental Karroo basalts. They appear to be related to a subcontinental mantle source or to contamination by continental basement associated with the tectonic elevation of the Mozambique Ridge. Basalts from Site 249 on the Mozambique Ridge are relatively weathered but appear to be normal MORB. Their age, location, and composition are consistent with their origin at an early Cretaceous rift which has been postulated to have separated the Falkland Plateau from the Mozambique Ridge.


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Pore-water samples were recovered at five sites from ODP Leg 114 in the subantarctic South Atlantic Ocean and analyzed for pH, alkalinity, chloride, sulfate, fluoride, silica, magnesium, calcium, strontium, potassium, lithium, and barium. At sites in the East Georgia Basin and on the Islas Orcadas Rise, Ca increases and Mg decreases linearly downhole with a DeltaMg/DeltaCa ratio reflecting conservative diffusive exchange and basalt basement reactions. At sites on the west flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and on the Meteor Rise, Ca gradients are nonlinear, and nonconservative DeltaMg/DeltaCa ratios reflect alteration reactions of abundant silicic volcanic ash in the sediment. K decreases linearly downhole at all sites, reflecting uptake by basement and the absence of significant sediment-hosted reactions. SO4 decreases and alkalinity increases downhole are due to a slight sulfate reduction at all sites except at Site 701. Sr increases downhole at all sites except Site 701, with DeltaSr/DeltaCa ratios reflecting diffusive exchange with basement. At Site 704 on the Meteor Rise, there is intense Sr production during carbonate recrystallization in the upper 200 mbsf. Below 200 mbsf at Site 704, the ion concentration product of SrSO4 is constant, suggesting Sr control by celestite solubility. Li and F concentrations display complex behavior related to sedimentary reactions, probably calcite recrystallization (Li uptake and F release).


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Miocene to Pleistocene sand and sandstone were recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 974 in the Tyrrhenian Basin and Sites 976 and 977 in the Alboran Basin. Sand detrital modes were determined for 45 samples from these sites, as well as 10 samples of Spanish beach sand. At Site 974, the Pleistocene section includes a number of volcaniclastic (vitric ash) and terrigenous sand layers; the latter are heterogeneous and contain sedimentary and metamorphic lithic fragments. Submarine canyon and onshore drainage patterns suggest that the most likely source of this sediment is the Tiber River drainage basin in central Italy, where a Pleistocene volcanic field is superimposed on Apennine orogenic rocks. In contrast, the Miocene sand in Unit III at Site 974 may have been derived from local basement highs. The quartzolithic composition and preponderance of metamorphic and sedimentary lithic debris in sand samples from Unit II at Site 976, Unit I at Sites 977 and 978, and Unit I at Site 979 are consistent with derivation from metamorphic rocks and sedimentary cover sequences that crop out in the Betic Cordillera of southern Spain (976-978) and in the Rif of Northern Africa (979). The sedimentary to metamorphic lithic fragment ratios in these samples reflect the relative proportion of metamorphic and sedimentary rocks exposed in onshore source terranes. In contrast, the source of the few quartzose Pleistocene sands at Site 976 was likely the Flysch Trough Units that crop out near Gibraltar. The significant volcanic component in certain intervals at Sites 976 (upper Miocene) and 977 (lower Pliocene to Miocene) is consistent with widespread volcanic activity during basin inception and development. Mean sand detrital modes for sand subgroups from both the Alboran and Tyrrhenian Basin sites plot in the Recycled Orogenic and Magmatic Arc compositional fields of Dickinson et al. (1983, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1983)94<222:PONAPS>2.0.CO;2), reflecting the hybrid tectonic histories of these basins.


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High-resolution records of coarse lithic content and oxygen isotope have been obtained in a piston core from the Irminger Basin. The last glacial period is characterized by numerous periods of increased iceberg discharges originating partly from Iceland and corresponding to millennial-scale instabilities of the coastal ice sheets and ice shelves in the Nordic area. A comparison with midlatitude sediment cores shows that ice-rafted material corresponding to the Heinrich events was deposited synchronously from 40° to 60°N. There are thus two oscillating systems: every 5-10 kyr massive iceberg armadas are released from large continental ice caps, whereas more frequent instabilities of the coastal ice sheets in the high latitude regions occur every 1.2-3.8 kyr. At the time of the Heinrich events the synchroneity of the response from all the northern hemisphere ice sheets attests the existence of strong interactions between the two systems.


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I obtained 68 quarter sections of cores from the JOIDES Organic Geochemistry Panel for studying type, distribution, and stages of organic diagenesis of sedimentary organic matter in the West Philippine and Parece Vela basins and Mariana Trough area (Figure 1). The present chapter compares (1) 11 geochemical parameters used to determine organic source and its stage of genesis within the 9 site locations in this study area and (2) compares these 11 with the same parameters reported from Leg 56, outer trench slope of the Japan Trench, and Leg 60, Mariana Trough and Trench (Schorno, in press a, b). Even though these sediments are considered pelagic, the organic content in most of the core sections appears to be hemipelagic. The sedimentary organic matter in these cores is believed to be in an early stage of diagenesis. Both conclusions are based primarily on the fl-alkane distribution within the organic matter. This particular parameter, I note later, has a major weakness. As Hunt (Hunt, 1979) and I (in press b) observed, marine organisms synthesize /z-alkanes with distributions containing neither odd nor even preferences. Thus those sediments that did contain w-alkane distributions with OEP near 1, suggesting a late stage of catagenesis, may in actuality be immature marine sediments.


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This report of the GH76-1 cruise mainly includes the results of the on-board observations in the survey area of the medial-eastern part of Central Pacific Basin (5 degree -10 degree N, 170 degree -175 degree W) and partly of analytical work at the on-shore laboratory. In addition, the results of some on-board optical and geophysical works along the tracks of Japan-Ogasawara-survey area-Hawaii, are described in appendices. The GH76-1 cruise of the R/V Hakurei-maru was carried out from the 10th January to the 9th March, 1976 as the second phase field work of the Geological Survey of Japan five-year research program of study on the manganese nodule deposits of the Central Pacific Basin and also as a part of the National Research Institute for Pollution and Resources research program of technological study on the exploitation of deep sea mineral resources. The GSJ research program (F.Y. 1974-F.Y. 1978) aims at providing basic information on the manganese nodule distribution and their origin on the deep sea floor of the Central Pacific Basin bounded by the Marshall Ridge to the west, the Christmas Ridge to the east, and the Mid-Pacific Mountains to the north. The first phase of investigation was carried out during the GH74-5 cruise in the eastern part of the area (6 degree -10 degree 30'W, 164 degree 30'-171 degree 30'N)(Mizuno and Chujo, eds., 1975), and the present second phase covered an areas of 5 degree square, just west of the GH74-5 area.


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In order to provide a better understanding of the fate of sedimentary chlorophyll and chlorophyll degradation products in all kinds of environments, we have recently expanded our studies to include examination of sediments returned from Legs which are not rich in organic matter, nor are even primarily biogenic. Eight core samples from the Mariana Basin and Trench, obtained from DSDP Leg 60, were analyzed for products of chlorophyll diagenesis. To date, the sediment samples from the South Philippine Sea have been the most organically barren examined. Through elimination of the bias of examining only sediments rich in organic matter, we hope that the fate of chlorophyllous material on a more global scale will eventually be elucidated.


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The Matuyama Diatom Maximum (MDM) is a time of peak opal accumulation from 2.6 to ~2.0 Ma within the Benguela Current upwelling system that was initiated by increased influence of Southern Ocean water on the eastern South Atlantic. We measured opal, total organic carbon (TOC), and CaCO3 fluxes and C and N stable isotopes in sediments deposited from 2.4 to 1.95 Ma at Sites 1082 and 1084 to explore the biogeochemical dynamics within the Benguela region. The infusion of Southern Ocean water delivered dissolved nutrients and Southern Ocean flora and fauna, resulting in local opal accumulation increasing up to 8 g/cm**2/ky and the production of diatom mats. Some d15N measurements of diatom-bound organic matter indicate that the mats grew within the Benguela region. The bulk sediment d15N records are taken to reflect changes in the d15N of nitrate in the incoming water, where lower values at 2.4 Ma reflect less nitrate utilization in the Antarctic. A long-term increase in relative nitrate uptake in the Southern Ocean is evidenced by the gradual increase in d15N toward 1.9 Ma.


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The oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the late Quaternary California margin experienced abrupt and dramatic changes in strength and depth in response to changes in intermediate water ventilation, ocean productivity, and climate at orbital through millennial time scales. Expansion and contraction of the OMZ is exhibited at high temporal resolution (107-126 year) by quantitative benthic foraminiferal assemblage changes in two piston cores forming a vertical profile in Santa Barbara Basin (569 m, basin floor; 481 m, near sill depth) to 34 and 24 ka, respectively. Variation in the OMZ is quantified by new benthic foraminiferal groupings and new dissolved oxygen index based on documented relations between species and water-mass oxygen concentrations. Foraminiferal-based paleoenvironmental assessments are integrated with principal component analysis, bioturbation, grain size, CaCO3, total organic carbon, and d13C to reconstruct basin oxygenation history. Fauna responded similarly between the two sites, although with somewhat different magnitude and taxonomic expression. During cool episodes (Younger Dryas and stadials), the water column was well oxygenated, most strongly near the end of the glacial episode (17-16 ka; Heinrich 1). In contrast, the OMZ was strong during warm episodes (Bølling/Allerød, interstadials, and Pre-Boreal). During the Bølling/Allerød, the OMZ shoaled to <360 m of contemporaneous sea level, its greatest vertical expansion of the last glacial cycle. Assemblages were then dominated by Bolivina tumida, reflecting high concentrations of dissolved methane in bottom waters. Short decadal intervals were so severely oxygen-depleted that no benthic foraminifera were present. The middle to late Holocene (6-0 ka) was less dysoxic than the early Holocene.