983 resultados para Mathematical language improvement


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Translations into Catalan of English and American authors during the final quarter of the nineteenth century are few and far between. Numerically, English-language literature most likely ranks fifth or sixth among all the translations of this period. We take inventory here of translations found in Catalan magazines from this time (the oldest dates from 1868) and in published series that came out at this time (if these continued until later, we trace them up to their final year). At the same time, the translators are examined, including reference, where available, as to whether the translations are direct or indirect. Finally, we consider some possible causes for the low English-language volume in Catalan translation during the period.


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In this paper we propose the inversion of nonlinear distortions in order to improve the recognition rates of a speaker recognizer system. We study the effect of saturations on the test signals, trying to take into account real situations where the training material has been recorded in a controlled situation but the testing signals present some mismatch with the input signal level (saturations). The experimental results shows that a combination of several strategies can improve the recognition rates with saturated test sentences from 80% to 89.39%, while the results with clean speech (without saturation) is 87.76% for one microphone.


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In this paper we show how a nonlinear preprocessing of speech signal -with high noise- based on morphological filters improves the performance of robust algorithms for pitch tracking (RAPT). This result happens for a very simple morphological filter. More sophisticated ones could even improve such results. Mathematical morphology is widely used in image processing and has a great amount of applications. Almost all its formulations derived in the two-dimensional framework are easily reformulated to be adapted to one-dimensional context


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Tutkielman päätavoitteena on selvittää kohdeyrityksen henkilöstön tämän hetkinen osaamistaso ja sitä myöten koulutustarve koulutustarvekartoitusta apuna käyttäen. Tarkoitus on antaa yritykselle suuntaviivoja ja ajatuksia siitä, minkälaisiin toimenpiteisiin olisi aiheellista ryhtyä henkilöstön osaamistason pitämiseksi riittävällä tasolla. Ennen tutkimustulosten esittelyä käsitellään henkilöstön kehittämistä ja erityisesti henkilöstökoulutusta kehittämismenetelmänä perustuen kirjalliseen lähdeaineistoon. Kyseessä on empiirinen tutkimus, joka perustuu Etelä-Saimaan Sanomalehti Oy:n henkilöstölle tehtyyn koulutustarvekartoitukseen ja yrityksen esimiehille tehtyihin henkilökohtaisiin haastatteluihin. Tehdessään pitkän tähtäyksen koulutussuunnitelmia, yritys voi ottaa lähtökohdaksi henkilöstön tämän hetkisen osaamisen tason. Kun huomioidaan yrityksen tulevaisuuden suunnitelmat ja strategiat, tiedetään, mihin toimintoihin tulevaisuudessa tullaan keskittymään ja minkälaista osaamista erityisesti tarvitaan. Nykyisen osaamistason selvittämiseen koulutustarvekartoitus tarjoaa oivallisen apuvälineen. Tulevat koulutushankkeet voidaan suunnitella kartoituksesta saatujen tietojen perusteella, jolloin jokaiselle yrityksen työntekijälle voidaan laatia henkilökohtainen koulutussuunnitelma. Ilmeni, että kohdeyrityksessä on koulutustarvetta; vaikka suurin osa kyselyyn osallistuneista tuntuu selviytyvän nykyisistä työtehtävistään kohtalaisen hyvin, joillakin alueilla olisi parantamisen varaa. Akuuteimmat koulutustarpeet kohdistuvat kielitaitoon, Internetin tehokkaampaan hyödyntämiseen sekä perustoimistojärjestelmien (Word, Excel) käyttöön.


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The topic of this study is the language of the educational policies of the British Labour party in the General Election manifestos between the years 1983-2005. The twenty-year period studied has been a period of significant changes in world politics, and in British politics, especially for the Labour party. The emergence educational policy as a vote-winner of the manifestos of the nineties has been noteworthy. The aim of the thesis is two-fold: to look at the structure of the political manifesto as an example of genre writing and to analyze the content utilizing the approach of critical discourse analysis. Furthermore, the aim of this study is not to pinpoint policy positions but to look at what is the image that the Labour Party creates of itself through these manifestos. The analysis of the content is done by a method of close-reading. Based on the findings, the methodology for the analysis of the content was created. This study utilized methodological triangulation which means that the material is analyzed from several methodological aspects. The aspects used in this study are ones of lexical features (collocation, coordination, euphemisms, metaphors and naming), grammatical features (thematic roles, tense, aspect, voice and modal auxiliaries) and rhetoric (Burke, Toulmin and Perelman). From the analysis of the content a generic description is built. By looking at the lexical, grammatical and rhetorical features a clear change in language of the Labour Party can be detected. This change is foreshadowed already in the 1992 manifesto but culminates in the 1997 manifesto which would lead Labour to a landslide victory in the General Election. During this twenty-year period Labour has moved away from the old commitments and into the new sphere of “something for everybody”. The pervasiveness of promotional language and market inspired vocabulary into the sphere of manifesto writing is clear. The use of the metaphors seemed to be the tool for the creation of the image of the party represented through the manifestos. A limited generic description can be constructed from the findings based on the content and structure of the manifestos: especially more generic findings such as the use of the exclusive we, the lack of certain anatomical parts of argument structure, the use of the future tense and the present progressive aspect can shed light to the description of the genre of manifesto writing. While this study is only the beginning, it proves that the combination of looking at the lexical, grammatical and rhetorical features in the study of manifestos is a promising one.


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Tutkielmassa käsitellään vieraan kielen, ts. englannin, oppimista peruskoulussa. Hypoteesina oletetaan, että oppilaat, jotka jo hallitsevat kaksi kieltä, menestyvät paremmin vieraan kielen oppimisessa kuin yksikieliset oppilaat. Tutkielmassa vertaillaan kaksikielisten ja yksikielisten oppilaiden englannin kielen taitoja alakoulun kuudennen luokan päättyessä. Kaksikielisyys voidaan ymmärtää monella tavalla, ja tutkimustulokset kaksikielisyyden vaikutuksista ovat usein olleet ristiriitaisia. Siksi tutkielmassa ensin määritellään kaksikielisyys, sen lajit sekä siihen liittyvää terminologiaa. Lisäksi kuvaillaan Suomen sekä erityisesti Turun kaupungin kaksikielisen väestön tilaa ja oikeuksia sekä keskustellaan aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella mahdollisista ongelmista ja hyödyistä, joita kaksikielisyyteen liittyy. Kaksikielisyyteen on perinteisesti liittynyt myös paljon ennakkoluuloja, kuten pelko puolikielisyydestä, jotka tieteellisten tutkimusten avulla pyritään kumoamaan. Mahdollisia muita ongelmia, kuten pienempi sanavarasto molemmissa kielissä verrattuna saman ikäisiin yksikielisiin sekä reaktioaikojen piteneminen, kuitenkin esiintyy. Kaksikielisyyden hyötyjä sen sijaan voivat olla mm. luovuus, kyky kielen analyyttiseen tarkasteluun, metalingvististen taitojen kehittyminen ja avoimuus muita kieliä ja kulttuureita kohtaan. Kaikki mainitut edut ja haitat myös vaikuttavat vieraan kielen opinnoissa menestymiseen. Myös mahdollinen positiivinen transferenssi otetaan huomioon. Tutkimuksen empiiristä osaa varten vierailtiin kahdessa turkulaisessa alakoulussa, joiden kuudennen luokan oppilaat suorittivat kaksi englannin kielen tehtävää. Toinen kouluista oli suomenkielinen, jonka oppilaat edustivat yksikielistä vertailuryhmää (n=31). Ruotsinkielinen koulu valittiin edustamaan kaksikielistä ryhmää (n=34), sillä yleensä Suomessa ja kaupungeissa kuten Turussa vähemmistökielen puhujat hallitsevat käytännössä usein myös suomen kielen. Ruotsinkielisen koulun oppilaiden kaksikielisyys varmistettiin kielitaustakyselyllä. Kaksikielisten oppilaiden tulokset molemmissa tehtävissä olivat hieman paremmat kuin yksikielisten. Yksikielisessä ryhmässä myös tulosten keskihajonta oli suurempi. Kaksikieliset näyttivät hallitsevan kielen analyyttisen tarkastelun paremmin sekä tekivät vähemmän kieliopillisia virheitä. Positiivisen transferenssin vaikutus oli myös nähtävissä. Toisaalta heillä oli enemmän oikeinkirjoitusvirheitä vastauksissaan.Merkittäviä eroja ei kuitenkaan englannin kielen oppimisessa voitu todentaa.


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UNLABELLED: Phenomenon: Assuring quality medical care for all persons requires that healthcare providers understand how sociocultural factors affect a patient's health beliefs/behaviors. Switzerland's changing demographics highlight the importance of provider cross-cultural preparedness for all patients-especially those at risk for social/health precarity. We evaluated healthcare provider cross-cultural preparedness for commonly encountered vulnerable patient profiles. APPROACH: A survey on cross-cultural care was mailed to Lausanne University hospital's "front-line healthcare providers": clinical nurses and resident physicians at our institution. Preparedness items asked "How prepared do you feel to care for ... ?" (referring to example patient profiles) on an ascending 5-point Likert scale. We examined proportions of "4 - well/5 - very well prepared" and the mean composite score for preparedness. We used linear regression to examine the adjusted effect of demographics, work context, cultural-competence training, and cross-cultural care problem awareness, on preparedness. FINDINGS: Of 885 questionnaires, 368 (41.2%) were returned: 124 (33.6%) physicians and 244 (66.4%) nurses. Mean preparedness composite was 3.30 (SD = 0.70), with the lowest proportion of healthcare providers feeling prepared for patients "whose religious beliefs affect treatment" (22%). After adjustment, working in a sensitized department (β = 0.21, p = .01), training on the history/culture of a specific group (β = 0.25, p = .03), and awareness regarding (a) a lack of practical experience caring for diverse populations (β = 0.25, p = .004) and (b) inadequate cross-cultural training (β = 0.18, p = .04) were associated with higher preparedness. Speaking French as a dominant language and physician role (vs. nurse) were negatively associated with preparedness (β = -0.26, p = .01; β = -0.22, p = .01). Insights: The state of cross-cultural care preparedness among Lausanne's front-line healthcare providers leaves room for improvement. Our study points toward institutional strategies to improve preparedness: notably, making sure departments are sensitized to cross-cultural care resources and increasing provider diversity to reflect the changing Swiss demographic.


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Allocentric spatial memory, the memory for locations coded in relation to objects comprising our environment, is a fundamental component of episodic memory and is dependent on the integrity of the hippocampal formation in adulthood. Previous research from different laboratories reported that basic allocentric spatial memory abilities are reliably observed in children after 2 years of age. Based on work performed in monkeys and rats, we had proposed that the functional maturation of direct entorhinal cortex projections to the CA1 field of the hippocampus might underlie the emergence of basic allocentric spatial memory. We also proposed that the protracted development of the dentate gyrus and its projections to the CA3 field of the hippocampus might underlie the development of high-resolution allocentric spatial memory capacities, based on the essential contribution of these structures to the process known as pattern separation. Here, we present an experiment designed to assess the development of spatial pattern separation capacities and its impact on allocentric spatial memory performance in children from 18 to 48 months of age. We found that: (1) allocentric spatial memory performance improved with age, (2) as compared to younger children, a greater number of children older than 36 months advanced to the final stage requiring the highest degree of spatial resolution, and (3) children that failed at different stages exhibited difficulties in discriminating locations that required higher spatial resolution abilities. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that improvements in human spatial memory performance might be linked to improvements in pattern separation capacities.


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Presentamos el proyecto CLARIN, un proyecto cuyo objetivo es potenciar el uso de instrumentos tecnológicos en la investigación en las Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales


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This study compares the impact of quality management tools on the performance of organisations utilising the ISO 9001:2000 standard as a basis for a quality-management system band those utilising the EFQM model for this purpose. A survey is conducted among 107 experienced and independent quality-management assessors. The study finds that organisations with qualitymanagement systems based on the ISO 9001:2000 standard tend to use general-purpose qualitative tools, and that these do have a relatively positive impact on their general performance. In contrast, organisations adopting the EFQM model tend to use more specialised quantitative tools, which produce significant improvements in specific aspects of their performance. The findings of the study will enable organisations to choose the most effective quality-improvement tools for their particular quality strategy


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Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is the key metric of operational excellence. OEE monitors the actual performance of equipment relative to its performance capabilities under optimal manufacturing conditions. It looks at the entire manufacturing environment measuring, in addition to the equipment availability, the production efficiency while the equipment is available to run products, as well as the efficiency loss that results from scrap, rework, and yield losses. The analysis of the OEE provides improvement opportunities for the operation. One of the tools used for OEE improvement is Six Sigma DMAIC methodology which is a set of practices originally developed to improve processes by eliminating defects. It asserts the continuous efforts to reduce variation in process outputs as key to business success, as well as the possibility of measurement, analysis, improvement and control of manufacturing and business processes. In the case of the Bottomer line AD2378 in Papsac Maghreb Casablanca plant, the OEE figures reached 48.65 %, which is below the accepted OEE group performance. This required immediate actions to achieve OEE improvement. This Master thesis focuses on the application of Six Sigma DMAIC methodology in the OEE improvement on the Bottomer Line AD2378 in Papsac Maghreb Casablanca plant. First, the Six Sigma DMAIC and OEE usage in operation measurement will be discussed. Afterwards, the different DMAIC phases will allow the identification of improvement focus, the identification of OEE low performance causes and the design of improvement solutions. These will be implemented to allow further tracking of improvement impact on the plant operations.