956 resultados para Maryland. State Game and Inland Fish Commission


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On the basis of the spin and valence state equilibria and superexchange interaction of the various cobalt ions in LaCoO3, an approximate semiempirical formula has been proposed and used to calculate magnetic susceptibilities of LaCoO3 over a wide temperature range (100-1200 K). The results indicate that there are thermodynamic equilibria between the low spin state Co(III) (t2g6e(g)0) ion, the high spin state Co3+ (t2g4e(g)2) ion, the Co(II) (t2g6e(g)1) ion and the Co(IV) (t2g5e(g)0) ion in LaCoO3. The energy difference between the low spin state Co(III) and the high spin state Co3+ is about 0.006 eV. The content of the low spin state Co(III) ion is predominant in LaCoO3 and the content of the high spin state Co3+ ion varies with temperature, reaching a maximum at about 350 K, then decreasing gradually with increasing temperature. At low temperature the contents of the Co(II) ion and the Co(IV) ion in LaCoO3 are negligible, while above 200 K the contents of both the Co(II) ion and the Co(IV) ion increase with increasing temperature; however, the content of the Co(II) ion always is larger than that of the Co(IV) ion at any temperature. These calculated results are in good agreement with experimental results of the Mossbauer effect, magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity of LaCoO3.


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Edwardsiella tarda is the etiological agent of edwardsiellosis, a systematic disease that affects a wide range of marine and freshwater fish cultured worldwide. In order to identify E. tarda antigens with vaccine potential, we in this study conducted a systematic search for E. tarda proteins with secretion capacity. One of the proteins thus identified was Esa1, which contains 795 amino acid residues and shares extensive overall sequence identities with the D15-like surface antigens of several bacterial species. In silico analyses indicated that Esa1 localizes to outer membrane and possesses domain structures that are conserved among bacterial surface antigens. The vaccine potential of purified recombinant Esa1 was examined in a Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) model, which showed that fish vaccinated with Esa1 exhibited a high level of survival and produced specific serum antibodies. Passive immunization of naive fish with antisera raised against Esa1 resulted in significant protection against E. tarda challenge. Taking advantage of the secretion capacity of Esa1 and the natural gut-colonization ability of a fish commensal strain, we constructed an Esa1-expressing recombinant strain, FP3/pJsa1. Western immunoblot and agglutination analyses showed that FP3/pJsa1 produces outer membrane-localized Esa1 and forms aggregates in the presence of anti-Esa1 antibodies. Vaccination analyses showed that FP3/pJsa1 as an intraperitoneal injection vaccine and an oral vaccine embedded in alginate microspheres produced relative percent survival rates of 79% and 52%, respectively, under severe challenging conditions that resulted in 92-96% mortality in control fish. Further analyses showed that following oral vaccination, FP3/pJsa1 was able to colonize in the gut but unable to disseminate into other tissues. Together these results indicate that Esa1 is a protective immunogen and an effective oral vaccine when delivered by FP3/pJsa1 as a surface-anchored antigen. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Burnley, M., Doust, J., Vanhatalo, A., A 3-min all-out test to determine peak oxygen uptake and the maximal steady state, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38(11):1995-2003, November 2006. RAE2008


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Quantum dashes are elongated quantum dots. Polarized edge-photovoltage and spontaneous emission spectroscopy are used to study the anisotropy of optical properties in 1.5μm InGaAsP and AlGaInAs-based quantum dash lasers. Strain, which causes TM-polarized transitions to be suppressed at the band edge, coupled with carrier confinement and dash shape leads to an enhancement of the optical properties for light polarized along the dash long axis, in excellent agreement with theoretical results. An analysis of the integrated facet and spontaneous emission rate with total current and temperature reveals that, in both undoped and p-doped InGaAsP-based quantum dash lasers at room temperature, the threshold current and its temperature dependence remain dominated by Auger recombination. We also identify two processes which can limit the output power and propose that the effects of the dopant in p-doped InGaAsP-based lasers dominate at low temperature but decrease with increasing temperature. A high threshold current density in undoped AlGaInAs-based quantum dash laser samples studied, which degrade rapidly at low temperature, is not due to intrinsic carrier recombination processes. 1.3μm GaAs-based quantum dots lasers have been widely studied, but there remains issues as to the nature of the electronic structure. Polarized edge-photovoltage spectroscopy is used to investigate the energy distribution and nature of the energy states in InAs/GaAs quantum dot material. A non-negligible TM-polarized transition, which is often neglected in calculations and analyses, is measured close to the main TE-polarized ground state transition. Theory is in very good agreement with the experimental results and indicates that the measured low-energy TM-polarized transition is due to the strong spatial overlap between the ground state electron and the light-hole component of a low-lying excited hole state. Further calculations suggest that the TM-polarized transition reduces at the band edge as the quantum dot aspect ratio decreases.


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The black scabbardfish is a deep water species that supports commercial fisheries across a large area of the NE Atlantic shelf. The life history of black scabbardfish is poorly understood and a major unresolved issue is population structure. In this study it was used a combination of methodologies to get further knowledge in the life history and population structure of A. carbo over its wide distribution range in the Northeast Atlantic. The new knowledge acquired during this study, will increase our ability to better manage this species in the NE Atlantic. It has been postulated that fish caught to the west of the British Isles are pre-adults that migrate further south (to Madeira) for spawning, implying a single panmictic population. In this study, specimens of Aphanopus carbo were sampled between September 2008 and May 2010 from two different areas: NW Scotland (French trawlers and deep water surveys) and Madeira Islands (longliners commercial landings). Geographical differences in reproductive state of scabbardfish were evident, supportive of a north-south migration theory. In the northern area, all specimens found were immature, while in Madeira all maturity stages were observed. In Madeira, spawning occurred during the fourth quarter, with peak maturity in October (males) and in November (females). The age of this species has proven difficult and has led to different and contradictory age and growth estimates. For this study, we used two reading interpretations to determine age and estimate the growth parameters. To the west of the British Isles, specimens reached a lower maximum age and had a higher growth rate than those caught off Madeira. These differences are consistent with the theory of a single population of black scabbardfish in the NE Atlantic, highly segregate, with smaller, immature and younger fish caught to the west of the British Isles and bigger and mature caught in Madeira Islands. The feeding ecology showed strong evidence that the diet of black scabbardfish is associated with the spawning migration of blue whiting, which may support a northerly feeding migration theory for black scabbardfish. The stable isotope analyses in the muscle of black scabbardfish identified that black scabbardfish feeds on species with epipelagic and benthopelagic affinities. Comparison with stable isotope analysis in Madeira samples indicated that black scabbardfish feed at a similar trophic level and has the same trophic niche width in both areas, assuming similar baseline isotope compositions. Otolith stable isotopes (oxygen - δ18O and nitrogen - δ15N) analyses were used as a tool to clarify migratory behaviour. Otolith isotope ratios can provide insight into whether adults caught around Madeira fed in an isotopically depleted northerly ecosystem (NW Scotland) during their pre-adult period and then migrate towards south to spawn. Overall, the results support a south-north migration of pre adult fish from spawning areas around Madeira and a north-south migration from the west of Scotland to the spawning areas. Given its life cycle there is an urgent need that the management process recognizes the existence of a continuous widely distributed stock of black scabbardfish between the west of the British Isles and Madeira. The results highlight large scale dispersal in this species which needs to be treated as a highly migratory species and be managed as a single population.


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The use of optical sensor technology for non-invasive determination of key quality pack parameters improved package/product quality. This technology can be used for optimization of packaging processes, improvement of product shelf-life and maintenance of quality. In recent years, there has been a major focus on O2 and CO2 sensor development as these are key gases used in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) of food. The first and second experimental chapters (chapter 2 and 3) describe the development of O2, pH and CO2 solid state sensors and its (potential) use for food packaging applications. A dual-analyte sensor for dissolved O2 and pH with one bi-functional reporter dye (meso-substituted Pd- or Ptporphyrin) embedded in plasticized PVC membrane was developed in chapter 2. The developed CO2 sensor in chapter 3 was comprised of a phosphorescent reporter dye Pt(II)- tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl) porphyrin (PtTFPP) and a colourimetric pH indicator α-naphtholphthalein (NP) incorporated in a plastic matrix together with a phase transfer agent tetraoctyl- or cetyltrimethylammonium hydroxide (TOA-OH or CTA-OH). The third experimental chapter, chapter 4, described the development of liquid O2 sensors for rapid microbiological determination which are important for improvement and assurance of food safety systems. This automated screening assay produced characteristic profiles with a sharp increase in fluorescence above the baseline level at a certain threshold time (TT) which can be correlated with their initial microbial load and was applied to various raw fish and horticultural samples. Chapter 5, the fourth experimental chapter, reported upon the successful application of developed O2 and CO2 sensors for quality assessment of MAP mushrooms during storage for 7 days at 4°C.


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Behavioral Parent Training (BPT) is a well-established therapy that reduces child externalized behaviors and parent stress. Although BPT was originally developed for parents of children with defiant behaviors, the program’s key concepts are relevant to parenting all children. Since parents might not fully utilize BPT due to cost and program location, we created an online game as a low-cost, easily accessible alternative or complement to BPT. We tested the game with nineteen undergraduate students at the University of Maryland. The experimental group completed pretest survey on core BPT knowledge, played the game, and completed a BPT posttest, while the control group completed a pretest and posttest survey over a three week period. Participants in the experimental group also completed a survey to indicate their satisfaction with the overall program. The experimental group demonstrated significantly higher levels of BPT knowledge than the control group and high levels of satisfaction. This suggests that an interactive, online BPT platform is an engaging and accessible way for parents to learn key concepts.


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Solid state IR and Raman as well as aqueous solution state Raman spectra are reported for the linear di-amino acid peptide L-aspartyl-L-glutamic acid (L-Asp-L-Glu); the solution state Raman spectrum has also been obtained for the N,O-deuterated derivative. SCF-DFT calculations at the B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ level established that the structure and vibrational spectra of L-Asp-L-Glu can be interpreted using a model of the peptide with ten hydrogen-bonded water molecules, in conjunction with the conductor-like polarizable continuum solvation method. The DFT calculations resulted in the computation of a stable zwitterionic structure, which displays trans-amide conformation. The vibrational spectra were computed at the optimised molecular geometry, enabling normal coordinate analysis, which yielded satisfactory agreement with the experimental IR and Raman data. Computed potential energy distributions of the normal modes provided detailed vibrational assignments.


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Solid-state protonated and N,O-deuterated Fourier transform infrared (IR) and Raman scattering spectra together with the protonated and deuterated Raman spectra in aqueous solution of the cyclic di-amino acid peptide cyclo(L-Asp-L-Asp) are reported. Vibrational band assignments have been made on the basis of comparisons with previously cited literature values for diketopiperazine (DKP) derivatives and normal coordinate analyses for both the protonated and deuterated species based upon DFT calculations at the B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ level of the isolated molecule in the gas phase. The calculated minimum energy structure for cyclo(L-Asp-L-Asp), assuming C-2 symmetry, predicts a boat conformation for the DKP ring with both the two L-aspartyl side chains being folded slightly above the ring. The C=O stretching vibrations have been assigned for the side-chain carboxylic acid group (e.g. at 1693 and 1670 cm(-1) in the Raman spectrum) and the cis amide I bands (e.g. at 1660 cm(-1) in the Raman spectrum). The presence of two bands for the carboxylic acid C=O stretching modes in the solid-state Raman spectrum can be accounted for by factor group splitting of the two nonequivalent molecules in a crystallographic unit cell. The cis amide II band is observed at 1489 cm(-1) in the solid-state Raman spectrum, which is in agreement with results for cyclic di-amino acid peptide molecules examined previously in the solid state, where the DKP ring adopts a boat conformation. Additionally, it also appears that as the molecular mass of the substituent on the C-alpha atom is increased, the amide II band wavenumber decreases to below 1500 cm(-1); this may be a consequence of increased strain on the DKP ring. The cis amide II Raman band is characterized by its relatively small deuterium shift (29 cm(-1)), which indicates that this band has a smaller N-H bending contribution than the trans amide II vibrational band observed for linear peptides.


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An Internet based supply chain simulation game (ISCS) is introduced and demonstrated in this paper. Different from other games and extended from the Beer Game, a comprehensive set of supply chain (SC) management strategies can be tested in the game, and these strategies can be evaluated and appraised based on the built-in Management Information System (MIS). The key functionalities of ISCS are designed to increase players SC awareness, facilitate understanding on various SC strategies and challenges, foster collaboration between partners, and improve problem solving skills. It is concluded that an ISCS can be used as an efficient and effective teaching tool as well as a research tool in operations research and management science. Problems and obstacles have been observed while engaging in the SC business scenario game. The actions proposed and implemented to solve these problems have resulted in improved SC performance.


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The rearing of lobster larvae and larval fish.


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A note about temperature observations off the southern coast of New England published in the bulletin of the United States Fish Commission. List of papers containing results of work done at the MBA but not published in the Journal. An important prosecution under the Sea Fisheries Regulation Act 1888, following the dumping of sludge on a trawling ground. Details of a trawl net which seems likely to prove useful to vessels for which a beam trawl is prohibited by its size. Notes and observations on: Gadus esmarkii (Nilss.),Phycis blennioides (Brunn), Sebastes norvegicus (Ascau), Crystallogobius Nilssonii (Dub. and Kor.), Arnoglossus laterna (Walb), Raia alba (Lacep.), young lobsters, a new British nemertine and the culture of sea fish.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of dietary supplementation with omega-3 fish oils with or without copper on disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Fish oil supplementation has a beneficial effect on murine models of SLE, while exogenous copper can decrease the formation of lupus erythematosus cells in rats with a hydralazine-induced collagen disease. METHODS: A double blind, double placebo controlled factorial trial was performed on 52 patients with SLE. Patients were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups. Physiological doses of omega-3 fish oils and copper readily obtainable by dietary means were used. One group received 3 g MaxEPA and 3 mg copper, another 3 g MaxEPA and placebo copper, another 3 mg copper and placebo fish oil, and the fourth group received both placebo capsules. Serial measurements of disease activity using the revised Systemic Lupus Activity Measure (SLAM-R) and peripheral blood samples for routine hematological, biochemical, and immunological indices were taken at baseline, 6, 12, and 24 weeks. RESULTS: There was a significant decline in SLAM-R score from 6.12 to 4.69 (p <0.05) in those subjects taking fish oil compared to placebo. No significant effect on SLAM-R was observed in subjects taking copper. Laboratory variables were unaffected by either intervention. CONCLUSION: In the management of SLE, dietary supplementation with fish oil may be beneficial in modifying symptomatic disease activity.


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The British government's response to the London bombings sought to make the terror of that day foreign, even though it appeared largely domestic. This helped construct it as unusual, contingent, part of the uncontrollable ‘otherness’ of the ‘foreign’. However, it also drew the response into the arena of British foreign policy, where the ‘failing state’ has been the dominant conceptualisation of insecurity and terrorism, especially since September 11th. When the bombings are examined through the ‘failing state’ disturbing and important problems are uncovered. Primarily, the ‘failing state’ discourse deconstructs under the influence of the terrorism in London, revealing that Britain itself is a ‘failing state’ by its own description and producing a generalisation of state ‘failure’. It thereby reveals several possible sites for responding to and resisting the government's representation.


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We propose a protocol for perfect quantum state transfer that is resilient to a broad class of realistic experimental imperfections, including noise sources that could be modeled either as independent Markovian baths or as certain forms of spatially correlated environments. We highlight interesting connections between the fidelity of state transfer and quantum stochastic resonance effects. The scheme is flexible enough to act as an effective entangling gate for the generation of genuine multipartite entanglement in a control-limited setting. Possible experimental implementations using superconducting qubits are also briefly discussed.