929 resultados para Marianne Ackerman


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The nineteenth symposium was held at the University of Missouri–Columbia on April 22, 1989. A total of eighteen papers were scheduled for presentation, of which nine were in poster session. Finally, fifteen papers were presented and sixteen were submitted for this proceedings. It was attended by 53 participants from five institutions. A sixth group (from Colorado State University) was kept from attending the symposium due to mechanical problems on the road and we missed them. Since they worked hard at their presentations, I requested CSU-group to submit their papers for the proceedings and I am happy that they did. ContentsMathematical modelling of a flour milling system. K. Takahashi, Y. Chen, J. Hosokoschi, and L. T. Fan. Kansas State University A novel solution to the problem of plasmid segregation in continuous bacterial fermentations. K.L. Henry, R. H. Davis, and A. L. Taylor. University of Colorado Modelling of embryonic growth in avian and reptile Eggs. C.L. Krause, R. C. Seagrave, and R. A. Ackerman. Iowa State University Mathematical modeling of in situ biodegradation processes. J.C. Wu, L. T. Fan, and L. E. Erickson. Kansas State University Effect of molecular changes on starch viscosity. C.H. Rosane and V. G. Murphy. Colorado State University Analysis of two stage recombinant bacterial fermentations using a structured kinetic model. F. Miao and D. S. Kampala. University of Colorado Lactic acid fermentation from enzyme-thinned starch by Lactobacillus amylovorus. P.S. Cheng, E. L. Iannotti, R. K. Bajpai, R. Mueller, and s. Yaeger. University of Missouri–Columbia Solubilization of preoxidized Texas lignite by cell-free broths of Penicillium strains. R. Moolick, M. N. Karim, J. C. Linden, and B. L. Burback. Colorado State University Separation of proteins from polyelectrolytes by ultrafiltration. A.G. Bazzano and C. E. Glatz. Iowa State University Growth estimation and modelling of Rhizopus oligosporus in solid state fermentations. D.-H. Ryoo, V. G. Murphy, M. N. Karim, and R. P. Tengerdy. Colorado State University Simulation of ethanol fermentations from sugars in cheese whey. C.J. Wang and R. K. Bajpai. University of Missouri–Columbia Studies on protoplast fusion of B. licheniformis. B. Shi, Kansas State University Cell separations of non-dividing and dividing yeasts using an inclined settler. C.-Y. Lee, R. H. Davis, and R. A. Sclafani. University of Colorado Effect of·serum upon local hydrodynamics within an airlift column. G.T. Jones, L. E. Erickson, and L. A. Glasgow. Kansas State University Optimization of heterologous protein secretion in continuous culture. A. Chatterjee, W. F. Remirez, and R. H. Davis. University of Colorado An improved model for lactic acid fermentation. P. Yeh, R. K. Bajpai, and E. L. Iannotti. University of Missouri–Columbia


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Hydrocarbon seeps are ubiquitous at gas-prone Cenozoic deltas such as the Nile Deep Sea Fan (NDSF) where seepage into the bottom water has been observed at several mud volcanoes (MVs) including North Alex MV (NAMV). Here we investigated the sources of hydrocarbon gases and sedimentary organic matter together with biomarkers of microbial activity at four locations of NAMV to constrain how venting at the seafloor relates to the generation of hydrocarbon gases in deeper sediments. At the centre, high upward flux of hot (70 °C) hydrocarbon-rich fluids is indicated by an absence of biomarkers of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM) and nearly constant methane (CH4) concentration depth-profile. The presence of lipids of incompatible thermal maturities points to mixing between early-mature petroleum and immature organic matter, indicating that shallow mud has been mobilized by the influx of deep-sourced hydrocarbon-rich fluids. Methane is enriched in the heavier isotopes, with values of d13C ~-46.6 per mil VPDB and dD ~-228 per mil VSMOW, and is associated with high amounts of heavier homologues (C2+) suggesting a co-genetic origin with the petroleum. On the contrary at the periphery, a lower but sustained CH4 flux is indicated by deeper sulphate-methane transition zones and the presence of 13C-depleted biomarkers of AOM, consistent with predominantly immature organic matter. Values of d13C-CH4 ~-60 per mil VPDB and decreased concentrations of 13C-enriched C2+ are typical of mixed microbial CH4 and biodegraded thermogenic gas from Plio-Pleistocene reservoirs of the region. The maturity of gas condensate migrated from pre-Miocene sources into Miocene reservoirs of the Western NDSF is higher than that of the gas vented at the centre of NAMV, supporting the hypothesis that it is rather released from the degradation of oil in Neogene reservoirs. Combined with the finding of hot pore water and petroleum at the centre, our results suggest that clay mineral dehydration of Neogene sediments, which takes place posterior to reservoir filling, may contribute to intense gas generation at high sedimentation rate deltas.


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Subpolar regions are key areas to study natural climate variability, due to their high sensitivity to rapid environmental changes, particularly through sea surface temperature (SST) variations. Here, we have tested three independent organic temperature proxies (UK'37, TEX86 and LDI) on their potential applicability for SST reconstruction in the subpolar region around Iceland. UK'37, TEX86 and TEXL86 temperature estimates from suspended particulate matter showed a substantial discrepancy with instrumental data, while long chain alkyl diols were below detection limit in most of the stations. In the northern Iceland Basin, sedimenting particles revealed a seasonality in lipid fluxes i.e. high fluxes of alkenones and GDGTs were measured during late spring-summer, and high fluxes of long chain alkyl diols during late summer. The flux-weighted average temperature estimates had a significant negative (ca. 2.3°C for UK'37) and positive (up to 5°C for TEX86) offset with satellite-derived SSTs and temperature estimates derived from the underlying surface sediment. UK'37 temperature estimates from surface sediments around Iceland correlate well with summer mean sea surface temperatures, while TEX86 derived temperatures correspond with both annual and winter mean 0-200 m temperatures, suggesting a subsurface temperature signal. Anomalous LDI-SST values in surface sediments, and low mass flux of 1,13- and 1,15-diols compared to 1,14-diols, suggest that Proboscia diatoms are the major sources of long chain alkyl diols in this area rather than eustigmatophyte algae, and therefore the LDI cannot be applied in this region.


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We report on newly discovered mud volcanoes located at about 4500 m water depth 90 km west of the deformation front of the accretionary wedge of the Gulf of Cadiz, and thus outside of their typical geotectonic environment. Seismic data suggest that fluid flow is mediated by a >400-km-long strike-slip fault marking the transcurrent plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia. Geochemical data (Cl, B, Sr, 87Sr/86Sr, Delta18O, DeltaD) reveal that fluids originate in oceanic crust older than 140 Ma. On their rise to the surface, these fluids receive strong geochemical signals from recrystallization of Upper Jurassic carbonates and clay-mineral dehydration in younger terrigeneous units. At present, reports of mud volcanoes in similar deep-sea settings are rare, but given that the large area of transform-type plate boundaries has been barely investigated, such pathways of fluid discharge may provide an important, yet unappreciated link between the deeply buried oceanic crust and the deep ocean.


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