991 resultados para Margil, Antonio, 1657-1726-Canonització
Sign.: [A]-E4, F2
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A raíz del suicidio de un alumno de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Martín Pereda reclama la necesidad de replantear los planes de estudio de las ingenierías y lo que se exige al alumnado.
Descripción basada en: Al-bacit. Revista de Estudios Albacetenses. Núm. 7 (Enero de 1980), pp. 113-148
Nitrous oxide emissions from a network of agricultural experiments in Europe were used to explore the relative importance of site and management controls of emissions. At each site, a selection of management interventions were compared within replicated experimental designs in plot-based experiments. Arable experiments were conducted at Beano in Italy, El Encin in Spain, Foulum in Denmark, Logarden in Sweden, Maulde in Belgium CE1, Paulinenaue in Germany, and Tulloch in the UK. Grassland experiments were conducted at Crichton, Nafferton and Peaknaze in the UK, Godollo in Hungary, Rzecin in Poland, Zarnekow in Germany and Theix in France. Nitrous oxide emissions were measured at each site over a period of at least two years using static chambers. Emissions varied widely between sites and as a result of manipulation treatments. Average site emissions (throughout the study period) varied between 0.04 and 21.21 kg N2O-N ha−1yr−1, with the largest fluxes and variability associated with the grassland sites. Total nitrogen addition was found to be the single most important deter- minant of emissions, accounting for 15 % of the variance (using linear regression) in the data from the arable sites (p<0.0001), and 77 % in the grassland sites. The annual emissions from arable sites were significantly greater than those that would be predicted by IPCC default emission fac- tors. Variability of N2O emissions within sites that occurred as a result of manipulation treatments was greater than that resulting from site-to-site and year-to-year variation, highlighting the importance of management interventions in contributing to greenhouse gas mitigation
En esta obra se recoge el discurso que pronunció D. Roberto Fernández de Caleya al ser nombrado miembro de la Academia de Ingeniería y la contestación de Martín Pereda, donde recuerda y analiza la trayectoria vital y académica del nuevo académico.
El autor reflexiona sobre la trayectoria investigadora y académica del Dr. William A. Gambling, destacado científico dedicado al campo de las Comunicaciones Ópticas.
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Manifestacion iuridica sobre el derecho de inmunidad y sagrado de las iglesias y monasterios, paraque [sic] no se hagá extracciones viole>tas de los refugiados à ellas por la Iusticia secular.. (XVII/42).
Preliminares fechados en 1726
Sign.: A-Z2, 2A-D2