922 resultados para Mann-Kendall test


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The screening and treatment of latent tuberculosis (TB) infection reduces the risk of progression to active disease and is currently recommended for HIV-infected patients. The aim of this study is to evaluate, in a low TB incidence setting, the potential contribution of an interferon-gamma release assay in response to the mycobacterial latency antigen Heparin-Binding Haemagglutinin (HBHA-IGRA), to the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in HIV-infected patients.


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En este trabajo presentamos un análisis estadístico del Test de Conocimientos Previos de Matemáticas (TCPM) diseñado para medir el estado inicial de destrezas y conocimientos básicos en matemáticas de los alumnos ingresantes a carreras científico-tecnológicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matemáticas y Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis. El objetivo de la investigación está centrado en observar el diagnóstico utilizado, con miras a una eventual utilización posterior. Para determinar la bondad de la prueba realizamos un análisis de la calidad, discriminación e índice de dificultad de los ítems, así como de la validez y confiabilidad del diagnóstico, para este análisis estadístico empleamos los programas TestGraf y SPSS. El test se aplicó a 698 estudiantes ingresantes a la Universidad en el ciclo lectivo 2002. De la investigación pudimos inferir que el diagnóstico resultó: difícil para la población de aplicación; de confiabilidad aceptable, y de buena calidad de items, con variada dificultad y aceptable discriminación.


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Numerical predictions produced by the SMARTFIRE fire field model are compared with experimental data. The predictions consist of gas temperatures at several locations within the compartment over a 60 min period. The test fire, produced by a burning wood crib attained a maximum heat release rate of approximately 11MW. The fire is intended to represent a nonspreading fire (i.e. single fuel source) in a moderately sized ventilated room. The experimental data formed part of the CIB Round Robin test series. Two simulations are produced, one involving a relatively coarse mesh and the other with a finer mesh. While the SMARTFIRE simulations made use of a simple volumetric heat release rate model, both simulations were found capable of reproducing the overall qualitative results. Both simulations tended to overpredict the measured temperatures. However, the finer mesh simulation was better able to reproduce the qualitative features of the experimental data. The maximum recorded experimental temperature (12141C after 39 min) was over-predicted in the fine mesh simulation by 12%. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Within the "Notices" section of BSHM Bulletin 6, short item entitled "Tony Mann writes:" giving details of a sixth-formers' "maths taster day".


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This paper investigates an isothermal fatigue test for solder joints developed at the NPL. The test specimen is a lap joint between two copper arms. During the test the displacement at the ends of the copper are controlled and the force measured. The modeling results in the paper show that the displacement across the solder joint is not equal to the displacement applied at the end of the specimen. This is due to deformation within the copper arms. A method is described to compensate for this difference. The strain distribution in the solder was determined by finite element analysis and compared to the distribution generated by a theoretical 'ideal' test which generates an almost pure shear mode in the solder. By using a damage-based constitutive law the shape of the crack generated in the specimen has been predicted for both the actual test and the ideal pure shear test. Results from the simulations are also compared with experimental data using SnAgCu solder.


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This study investigates the use of computer modelled versus directly experimentally determined fire hazard data for assessing survivability within buildings using evacuation models incorporating Fractionally Effective Dose (FED) models. The objective is to establish a link between effluent toxicity, measured using a variety of small and large scale tests, and building evacuation. For the scenarios under consideration, fire simulation is typically used to determine the time non-survivable conditions develop within the enclosure, for example, when smoke or toxic effluent falls below a critical height which is deemed detrimental to evacuation or when the radiative fluxes reach a critical value leading to the onset of flashover. The evacuation calculation would the be used to determine whether people within the structure could evacuate before these critical conditions develop.


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Nurses need good clinical numeracy skills to aid them in their clinical practice. There is some concern, however, that the calculation skills learned during pre-registration nurse education have little practical application to nurses. This article discusses the Fitness for Practice initiatives from the Nursing and Midwifery Council which aim to ensure new registrants are numerate. The article argues that written numeracy assessment tools are not a valid test of the numeracy skills candidates will require for clinical practice and that nurse education needs to focus on researching and examining how best to support, assess and develop the numeracy skills of nursing students within their clinical practice placements to ensure that at the point of registration they are fit for practice.


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Processes of enrichment, concentration and retention are thought to be important for the successful recruitment of small pelagic fish in upwelling areas, but are difficult to measure. In this study, a novel approach is used to examine the role of spatio-temporal oceanographic variability on recruitment success of the Northern Benguela sardine Sardinops sagax. This approach applies a neural network pattern recognition technique, called a self-organising map (SOM), to a seven-year time series of satellite-derived sea level data. The Northern Benguela is characterised by quasi-perennial upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water and is influenced by intrusions of warm, nutrient-poor Angola Current water from the north. In this paper, these processes are categorised in terms of their influence on recruitment success through the key ocean triad mechanisms of enrichment, concentration and retention. Moderate upwelling is seen as favourable for recruitment, whereas strong upwelling, weak upwelling and Angola Current intrusion appear detrimental to recruitment success. The SOM was used to identify characteristic patterns from sea level difference data and these were interpreted with the aid of sea surface temperature data. We found that the major oceanographic processes of upwelling and Angola Current intrusion dominated these patterns, allowing them to be partitioned into those representing recruitment favourable conditions and those representing adverse conditions for recruitment. A marginally significant relationship was found between the index of sardine recruitment and the frequency of recruitment favourable conditions (r super(2) = 0.61, p = 0.068, n = 6). Because larvae are vulnerable to environmental influences for a period of at least 50 days after spawning, the SOM was then used to identify windows of persistent favourable conditions lasting longer than 50 days, termed recruitment favourable periods (RFPs). The occurrence of RFPs was compared with back-calculated spawning dates for each cohort. Finally, a comparison of RFPs with the time of spawning and the index of recruitment showed that in years where there were 50 or more days of favourable conditions following spawning, good recruitment followed (Mann-Whitney U-test: p = 0.064, n = 6). These results show the value of the SOM technique for describing spatio-temporal variability in oceanographic processes. Variability in these processes appears to be an important factor influencing recruitment in the Northern Benguela sardine, although the available data time series is currently too short to be conclusive. Nonetheless, the analysis of satellite data, using a neural network pattern-recognition approach, provides a useful framework for investigating fisheries recruitment problems.