984 resultados para Mammalian Sex Determination
Summary Division of labor between reproducers (queens) and helpers (workers) is the main characteristic of social insect societies and at the root of their ecological success. Kin selection models predict that phenotypic differences between queens and workers should result from environmental rather than from genetic differences. However, genetic effects on queen and worker differentiation were found in two populations-of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. Each of the two populations is composed of two genetically distinct lineages. Queens (which can be of either lineage) generally mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce two types of female offspring, those fertilized by males of the queens' lineage which develop into queens and those fertilized by males of the alternate lineage which develop into workers. All four lineages were further suggested to be themselves of hybrid origin between-the species P: barbatus and P. rugosus, in which queens and workers do not differ genetically. In a first set of experiments, we tested if female caste determination (the differentiation into queens and workers) in the lineages was genetically hardwired and if it was associated with costs in terms of the ability to optimally allocate resources to the production of queens and workers. To this end we first mated queens of-two lineages to a single male. Queens mated to a male of the alternate lineage successfully raised worker offspring whereas queens mated to a male of their own lineage almost always failed to produce workers. This reveals that pure-lineage individuals have lost the ability to develop into workers. Second, we analyzed offspring produced by naturally mated queens. During the stage of colony founding when only workers are produced, naturally mated queens laid a high proportion of pure-lineage eggs but the large majority of these eggs failed to develop. As a consequence, the number of offspring produced by incipient colonies decreased linearly with the proportion of pure-lineage eggs laid by queens. Moreover, queens of the lineage most commonly represented in a given population produced more pure-lineage eggs, in line with the view that they mate randomly with the two types of males and indiscriminately use their sperm. Altogether these results predict frequency-dependent founding success for pairs of lineages because queens of the more common lineage will produce more pure-lineage eggs and their colonies be less successful during the stage of colony founding. To describe the distribution of populations characterized with genetic caste determination relative to the populations with environmental caste determination we genotyped queens and workers collected during a large survey of -additional populations. Genetic caste determination associated with pairs of interbreeding lineages was frequent and widespread in the studied range and we identified four additional lineages displaying genetic caste determination. Overall, there were thus eight highly differentiated lineages with genetic caste determination. These lineages always co-occurred in the same complementary lineage pairs. Three of the four lineage pairs appeared to have a common origin, while their relationship with the forth could not be resolved. The genetic survey also revealed that, in addition to being genetically isolated from one another, all eight lineages were genetically distinct from P. rugosus and P. barbatus, even when colonies of interbreeding lineages co-occurred with colonies of either putative parent at the same site. This raised the question of the mechanisms involved in the reproductive isolation between the lineages and the parental species and between the two lineages of a lineage pair. At a site where one lineage pair co-occurred with P. rugosus, we identified two pre-zygotic mechanisms (differences in timing for mating flights between P. rugosus and the lineage pair and assortative mating) and one post-zygotic mechanism (high levels of hybrid unviablility) which in combination may largely account for the reproductive isolation between the lineages and their parental species. The mechanisms accounting for the reproductive isolation between the two lineages of a lineage pair varied across lineage pairs. In one lineage pair, inter-lineage individuals exclusively occurred in the sterile worker caste, raising the possibility that inter-lineage eggs have completely lost the ability to develop into queens in this lineage pair and that there is thus no opportunity for gene flow. In each of the three remaining lineage pairs, inter-lineage queens were produced by a minority of colonies. In these lineage pairs, colonies headed by inter-lineage queens failed to grow sufficiently to produce reproductive individuals which may account for the reproductive isolation between co-occurring lineages in three lineage pairs. In conclusion, the results of this thesis show that genetic caste determination is costly but widespread in Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. Reproductive isolation among the lineages and between the lineages and the parental species as well as frequency-dependent founding success for co-occurring lineages may contribute to the persistence of this extraordinary system. Résumé La division du travail entre individus reproducteurs (les reines) et individus non-reproducteurs (ouvrières) représente la caractéristique principale des sociétés d'insectes et est à la base de leur succès écologique. Des modèles de sélection de parentèle prédisent que les différences phénotypiques entre reines et ouvrières devraient provenir d'effets environnementaux plutôt que de différences génétiques. Malgré ce fait, des effets génétiques sur la différentiation entre reines et ouvrières ont été montrés dans deux populations de fourmis moissonneuses du genre Pogonomyrmex. Chacune des deux populations est composée de deux lignées génétiquement distinctes. Les reines de chaque lignée s'accouplent en général avec des mâles de leur propre lignée ainsi qu'avec des mâles de l'autre lignée et produisent deux types d'oeufs, ceux qui sont fécondés par les mâles de leur propre lignée qui se développent en nouvelles reines et ceux qui sont fécondés par les mâles de l'autre lignée qui se développent en ouvrières. Il a été suggéré que les lignées sont elles-mêmes des hybrides entre les deux espèces P. barbatus et P. rugosus. Dans ces deux espèces, les reines et ouvrières ne sont pas génétiquement distinctes. Dans une première série d'expériences, nous avons testé si la détermination de la caste femelle (le développement en reine ou en ouvrière) est génétiquement rigide et si elle est associée à des coûts en terme de capacité à allouer de façon optimale les ressources pour la production de reines et d'ouvrières. Pour cela nous avons accouplé des reines de deux lignées avec un seul mâle. Les reines accouplées avec un mâle de l'autre lignée ont élevé de nouvelles ouvrières avec succès alors que les reines accouplées avec un mâle de leur propre lignée ont presque toujours échoué à produire des ouvrières. Ceci montre que les individus de lignée pure ont perdu la capacité de se développer en ouvrière. Deuxièmement, nous avons analysé la descendance de reines qui se sont accouplées naturellement. Durant le stade de fondation de la colonie, où seules des ouvrières sont élevées, les reines accouplées naturellement ont pondu une grande proportion d'oeufs de lignée pure mais la majorité de ces derniers ne se sont pas développés. En conséquence, le nombre de descendants produits par des colonies fondatrices diminuait linéairement avec la proportion des oeufs de lignée pure pondus par la reine en accord avec l'hypothèse que les reines s'accouplent au hasard avec les deux types de mâles et utilisent leur sperme aléatoirement. Dans l'ensemble; ces résultats prédisent un succès de fondation fréquence-dépendant pour les deux lignées, car les reines de la lignée la plus fréquente produiront .plus d'oeufs de lignée pure et leurs colonies auront moins de succès lors de la fondation de colonies par rapport aux colonies de la lignée la moins fréquente. Pour décrire la distribution des-populations caractérisées par une détermination génétique des castes par rapport aux populations caractérisées par une détermination environnementale des castes, nous avons génotypé des reines et des ouvrières qui ont été collectées lors d'une analyse de populations supplémentaires. La détermination génétique des castes associée à des croisements entre lignées est fréquente et largement répartie dans l'aire étudiée. Nous avons identifié quatre lignées supplémentaires, ayant une détermination génétique des castes, pour un total de huit lignées. Ces huit lignées forment quatre paires de lignées et on ne trouve jamais deux lignées de paires différentes, dans une population. Trois des quatre paires de lignées s'avèrent avoir une origine commune alors que leur relation avec la quatrième paire de lignées n'a pas pu être résolue. L'analyse génétique de populations supplémentaires a également révélé qu'en plus d'être génétiquement isolées les unes des autres, les huit lignées sont génétiquement distinctes de P. rugosus et P. barbatus même si les colonies d'une paire de lignées se trouvent en sympatrie avec l'une ou l'autre des espèces parentales. Ceci relève la question des mécanismes impliqués dans l'isolation reproductive entre les lignées et les espèces parentales ainsi qu'entre les deux lignées d'une paire. En étudiant un site où une paire de lignées se trouve en sympatrie avec P. rugosus, nous avons identifié deux mécanismes pré-zygotiques (des différences dans le timing du vol nuptial entre P. rugosus et les lignées et des accouplements assortis) ainsi qu'un mécanisme post-zygotique (un niveau élevé de non-viabilité des hybrides). En combinaison, ces mécanismes peuvent largement expliquer l'isolement reproductif entre les lignées et leurs espèces parentales. Les mécanismes contribuant à l'isolement reproductif entre les deux lignées d'une paire variaient entre paires de lignées. Dans une paire, les individus de génotype inter-lignée se trouvent uniquement dans la caste stérile des ouvrières, suggérant qu'il n'y a pas d'opportunité pour avoir du flux de gènes entre les deux lignées ce cette paire. Dans chacune des trois autres paires de lignées des nouvelles reines de génotype inter-lignée sont produites par une minorité de colonies. Par contre, les colonies avec une reine mère de génotype inter-lignée ne se développent pas suffisamment pour produire des individus reproducteurs. Ceci peut donc expliquer pourquoi il n'y a pas de flux de gènes entre les deux lignées de trois paires. En conclusion, les résultats de cette thèse montrent que la détermination génétique de la caste est coûteuse mais très répandue chez les fourmis. moissonneuses du genre Pogonomyrmex. L'isolement reproductif des lignées entre elles et avec les espèces parentales, ainsi qu'un succès de fondation fréquence-dépendant contribuent à la persistance de ce système extraordinaire.
Liver metabolism is markedly sex-dimorphic; accordingly, the prevalence of liver diseases is different between sexes. The superfamily of nuclear receptors (NRs) governs the proper expression of key liver metabolism genes by sensing lipid-soluble hormones and dietary lipids. When the expression of those genes is deregulated, disease development is favored. However, we lack a comprehensive picture of the differences between NR actions in males and females. Here, we reviewed explorative studies that assessed NR functions in both sexes, and we propose a first map of sex-dimorphic NR expression in the liver. Our analysis suggested that NRs in the female liver exhibited cross-talk with more liver-protective potential than NRs in male liver. This study provides empirical support to the hypothesis that women are more resilient to some liver diseases than men, based on a more compensative NR network. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Translating nuclear receptors from health to disease.
Among the various determinants of treatment response, the achievement of sufficient blood levels is essential for curing malaria. For helping us at improving our current understanding of antimalarial drugs pharmacokinetics, efficacy and toxicity, we have developed a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method (LC-MS/MS) requiring 200mul of plasma for the simultaneous determination of 14 antimalarial drugs and their metabolites which are the components of the current first-line combination treatments for malaria (artemether, artesunate, dihydroartemisinin, amodiaquine, N-desethyl-amodiaquine, lumefantrine, desbutyl-lumefantrine, piperaquine, pyronaridine, mefloquine, chloroquine, quinine, pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine). Plasma is purified by a combination of protein precipitation, evaporation and reconstitution in methanol/ammonium formate 20mM (pH 4.0) 1:1. Reverse-phase chromatographic separation of antimalarial drugs is obtained using a gradient elution of 20mM ammonium formate and acetonitrile both containing 0.5% formic acid, followed by rinsing and re-equilibration to the initial solvent composition up to 21min. Analyte quantification, using matrix-matched calibration samples, is performed by electro-spray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry by selected reaction monitoring detection in the positive mode. The method was validated according to FDA recommendations, including assessment of extraction yield, matrix effect variability, overall process efficiency, standard addition experiments as well as antimalarials short- and long-term stability in plasma. The reactivity of endoperoxide-containing antimalarials in the presence of hemolysis was tested both in vitro and on malaria patients samples. With this method, signal intensity of artemisinin decreased by about 20% in the presence of 0.2% hemolysed red-blood cells in plasma, whereas its derivatives were essentially not affected. The method is precise (inter-day CV%: 3.1-12.6%) and sensitive (lower limits of quantification 0.15-3.0 and 0.75-5ng/ml for basic/neutral antimalarials and artemisinin derivatives, respectively). This is the first broad-range LC-MS/MS assay covering the currently in-use antimalarials. It is an improvement over previous methods in terms of convenience (a single extraction procedure for 14 major antimalarials and metabolites reducing significantly the analytical time), sensitivity, selectivity and throughput. While its main limitation is investment costs for the equipment, plasma samples can be collected in the field and kept at 4 degrees C for up to 48h before storage at -80 degrees C. It is suited to detecting the presence of drug in subjects for screening purposes and quantifying drug exposure after treatment. It may contribute to filling the current knowledge gaps in the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics relationships of antimalarials and better define the therapeutic dose ranges in different patient populations.
Plants are notoriously variable in gender, ranging in sex allocation from purely male through hermaphrodite to purely female. This variation can have both a genetic and an adaptive plastic component. In gynodioecious species, where females co-occur with hermaphrodites, hermaphrodites tend to shift their allocation towards greater maleness when growing under low-resource conditions, either as a result of hermaphrodites shifting away from an expensive female function, or because of enhanced siring advantages in the presence of females. Similarly, in the androdioecious plant Mercurialis annua, where hermaphrodites co-exist with males, hermaphrodites also tend to enhance their relative male allocation under low-resource conditions. Here, we ask whether this response differs between hermaphrodites that have been evolving in the presence of males, in a situation analogous to that supposed for gynodioecious populations, vs. those that have been evolving in their absence. We grew hermaphrodites of M. annua from populations in which males were either present or absent under different levels of nutrient availability and compared their reaction norms. We found that, overall, hermaphrodites from populations with males tended to be more female than those from populations lacking males. Importantly, hermaphrodites' investment in pollen and seed production was more plastic when they came from populations with males than without them, reducing their pollen production at low resource availability and increasing their seed production at high resource availability. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that plasticity in sex allocation is enhanced in hermaphrodites that have likely been exposed to variation in mating opportunities due to fluctuations in the frequency of co-occurring males.
Fluorescent activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis is useful for the detection of cellular surface antigens and intracellular proteins. We used this methodology in order to detect and quantify dengue antigens in highly susceptible cells such as clone C6/36 (Aedes albopictus) and Vero cells (green monkey kidney). Additionally, we analyzed the infection in vitro of human peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (PBML). FACS analysis turned out to be a reliable technique to quantify virus growth in traditional cell cultures of C6/36 as well as Vero cells. High rates of infection were achieved with a good statistical correlation between the virus amount used in infection and the percentage of dengue antigen containing cells detected in infected cultures. We also showed that human monocytes (CD14+) are preferred target cells for in vitro dengue infection among PBML. Monocytes were much less susceptible to virus infection than cell lines but they displayed dengue antigens detected by FACS five days after infection. In contrast, lymphocytes showed no differences in their profile for dengue specific immunofluorescence. Without an animal model to reproduce dengue disease, alternative assays have been sought to correlate viral virulence with clinical manifestations and disease severity. Study of in vitro interaction of virus and host cells may highlight this relationship.
OBJECTIVES: To analyse the prevalence of lifetime recourse to prostitution (LRP) among men in the general population of Switzerland from a trend and cohort perspective. METHODS: Using nine repeated representative cross-sectional surveys from 1987 to 2000, age-specific estimates of LRP were computed. Trends and period effect were analysed as the evolution of cross-sectional population estimates within age groups and overall. Cohort analysis relied on cohorts constructed from the 1989 survey and followed in subsequent waves. Age and cohort effects were modelled using logistic regression and non-parametric monotone regression. RESULTS: Whereas prevalence for the younger groups was found to be logically lower, there was no consistent increasing or decreasing trend over the years; there was no significant period effect. For the 17-30 year age group, the mean estimate over 1987-2000 was 11.5% (range 8.3 to 12.7%); for the 31-45 year group, the mean was 21.5% (range over 1989-2000 20.3 to 23.0%). Regarding cohort analysis, the prevalence of LRP was found to increase steeply in the youngest ages before reaching a plateau near the age of 40 years. At the age of 43 years, the prevalence was estimated to be 22.6% (95% CI 21.1% to 24.1%). CONCLUSIONS: The steep increase in the cohort-wise prevalence of LRP in younger ages calls for a concentration of prevention activities in young people. If the plateauing at approximately 40 years of age is not followed by a further increase later in life, which is not known, then consumers of paid sex would be repeat buyers only, a fact that should be taken into account by prevention.
Financial support arrangements in the 2007/08 academic year for Allied Health Professional Students and Medical and Dental students from year five study
This study aims at better understanding how the form of childhood violence experienced and the type of offense subsequently committed affect how sex offenders recall punishments and difficult events. Fifty-four male perpetrators convicted of sexual offenses against children (SOCs) or against adults (SOAs) were interviewed in France, Belgium, and Switzerland using the Lausanne Clinical Interview (Entretien Clinique de Lausanne or LCI). Almost three-quarters of the sex offenders reported having been victimized during childhood. The correspondence analysis identified several factors that differentiated them. Their appraisal of the distressing event, method of coping with and distancing themselves from it, and how they dealt with emotions varied markedly depending on whether they recognized having experienced various forms of violence during childhood and on what type of offense they subsequently committed. Victimization can be identified as much by the events experienced as by their effect on the sex offender's discourse. Identification of these discursive indicators may lead to an improved therapeutic approach for potentially traumatic childhood experiences.
RATIONALE: AICAR (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide 1β-D-ribofuranoside) is prohibited in sport according to rules established by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Doping control laboratories identify samples where AICAR abuse is suspected by measuring its urinary concentration and comparing the observed level with naturally occurring concentrations. As the inter-individual variance of urinary AICAR concentrations is large, this approach requires a complementary method to unambiguously prove the exogenous origin of AICAR. Therefore, a method for the determination of carbon isotope ratios (CIRs) of urinary AICAR has been developed and validated. METHODS: Concentrated urine samples were fractionated by means of liquid chromatography for analyte cleanup. Derivatization of AICAR yielding the trimethylsilylated analog was necessary to enable CIR determinations by gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The method was tested for its repeatability and stability over time and a linear mixing model was applied to test for possible isotopic discrimination. A reference population of n = 63 males and females was investigated to calculate appropriate reference limits to differentiate endogenous from exogenous urinary AICAR. These limits were tested by an AICAR elimination study. RESULTS: The developed method fulfills all the requirements for adequate sports drug testing and was found to be fit for purpose. The investigated reference population showed a larger variability in the CIR of AICAR than of the endogenous steroids. Nevertheless, the calculated thresholds for differences between AICAR and endogenous steroids can be applied straightforwardly to evaluate suspicious doping control samples with the same statistical confidence as established e.g. for testosterone misuse. These thresholds enabled the detection of a single oral AICAR administration for more than 40 h. CONCLUSIONS: Determination of thee CIRs is the method of choice to distinguish between an endogenous and an exogenous source of urinary AICAR. The developed method will enable investigations into doping control samples with elevated urinary concentrations of AICAR and clearly differentiate between naturally produced/elevated and illicitly administered AICAR.
This study was designed to assess sex-related differences in the selection of an appropriate strategy when facing novelty. A simple visuo-spatial task was used to investigate exploratory behavior as a specific response to novelty. The exploration task was followed by a visual discrimination task, and the responses were analyzed using signal detection theory. During exploration women selected a local searching strategy in which the metric distance between what is already known and what is unknown was reduced, whereas men adopted a global strategy based on an approximately uniform distribution of choices. Women's exploratory behavior gives rise to a notion of a secure base warranting a sense of safety while men's behavior does not appear to be influenced by risk. This sex-related difference was interpreted as a difference in beliefs concerning the likelihood of uncertain events influencing risk evaluation. Keywords: exploration, spontaneous strategies, sex differences, decision-making.
High-field (>or=3 T) cardiac MRI is challenged by inhomogeneities of both the static magnetic field (B(0)) and the transmit radiofrequency field (B(1)+). The inhomogeneous B fields not only demand improved shimming methods but also impede the correct determination of the zero-order terms, i.e., the local resonance frequency f(0) and the radiofrequency power to generate the intended local B(1)+ field. In this work, dual echo time B(0)-map and dual flip angle B(1)+-map acquisition methods are combined to acquire multislice B(0)- and B(1)+-maps simultaneously covering the entire heart in a single breath hold of 18 heartbeats. A previously proposed excitation pulse shape dependent slice profile correction is tested and applied to reduce systematic errors of the multislice B(1)+-map. Localized higher-order shim correction values including the zero-order terms for frequency f(0) and radiofrequency power can be determined based on the acquired B(0)- and B(1)+-maps. This method has been tested in 7 healthy adult human subjects at 3 T and improved the B(0) field homogeneity (standard deviation) from 60 Hz to 35 Hz and the average B(1)+ field from 77% to 100% of the desired B(1)+ field when compared to more commonly used preparation methods.
Sexual Offending in Northern Ireland - Managing the Risk 2001-2005