990 resultados para Macromolecular carriers


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NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Sleep and sleep disorders are complex and highly variable phenotypes regulated by many genes and environment. The catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene is an interesting candidate, being one of the major mammalian enzymes involved in the catabolism of catecholamines. The activity of COMT enzyme is genetically polymorphic due to a guanine-to-adenine transition at codon 158, resulting in a valine (Val) to methionine (Met) substitution. Individuals homozygous for the Val allele show higher COMT activity, and lower dopaminergic signaling in prefrontal cortex (PFC) than subjects homozygous for the Met allele. Since COMT has a crucial role in metabolising dopamine, it was suggested that the common functional polymorphism in the COMT gene impacts on cognitive function related to PFC, sleep-wake regulation, and potentially on sleep pathologies. The COMT Val158Met polymorphism may predict inter-individual differences in brain electroencephalography (EEG) alpha oscillations and recovery processes resulting from partial sleep loss in healthy individuals. The Val158Met polymorphism also exerts a sexual dimorphism and has a strong effect on objective daytime sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy-cataplexy. Since the COMT enzyme inactivates catecholamines, it was hypothesized that the response to stimulant drugs differs between COMT genotypes. Modafinil maintained executive functioning performance and vigilant attention throughout sleep deprivation in subjects with Val/Val genotype, but less in those with Met/Met genotype. Also, homozygous Met/Met patients with narcolepsy responded to lower doses of modafinil compared to Val/Val carriers. We review here the critical role of the common functional COMT gene polymorphism, COMT enzyme activity, and the prefrontal dopamine levels in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness in normal subjects, in narcolepsy and other sleep-related disorders, and its impact on the response to psychostimulants.


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Työssä tutkittiin sakkaroosin hydrolyysiä anioninvaihtohartseihin immobilisoidun entsyymin avulla tavoitteena löytää sellainen kantaja-entsyymi -yhdistelmä, jolla konversio halutuiksi lopputuotteiksi olisi mahdollisimman korkea. Työhön valittiin aikaisemmissa laboratoriokokeissa parhaita tuloksia saavuttaneet kantaja-entsyymi -parit. Entsyymeinä oli kaksi nestemäistä Saccharomyces cerevisiae -hiivasta eristettyjä entsyymivalmistetta. Kokeissa käytetyt kantajamateriaalit olivat erilaisia heikkoja anioninvaihtohartseja. Entsyymit immobilisoitiin kantajaan sekoitusreaktorissa ja niiden aktiivisuudet määritettiin sitomisen jälkeen. Hydrolyysikokeet tehtiin jatkuvatoimisessa kiintopetireaktorissa ja lisäksi panos-kokeina tutkittiin ominaisuuksiltaan erilaisten kantajien eroja hydrolyysissä. Reaktio-olosuhteet pidettiin kaikissa kokeissa samoina. Sakkaroosiliuoksen pitoisuus oli 50 p-%, reaktiolämpötila 50 oC ja pH 5. Kiintopetikolonnissa tutkittiin myös sakkaroosi-liuoksen viipymäajan vaikutusta sivutuotteiden syntyyn. Näytteet analysoitiin neste-kromatografilla. Kiintopetikolonnissa lyhimmän viipymäajan (15 min) kokeissa ainoastaan hitaimmilla kantaja-entsyymi -pareilla muodostui sivutuotteita, jotka hydrolyysireaktion edetessä kuitenkin hävisivät. Kun viipymäaikaa kasvatettiin sivutuotteiden synty väheni ja lopulta niitä ei havaittu syntyvän lainkaan. Hydrolyysin edetessä viipymäajan ollessa tarpeeksi pitkä pienet sivutuotekomponentit hävisivät sakkaroosin hajotessa kokonaan glukoosiksi ja fruktoosiksi. Verrattaessa partikkelikoon ja hartsimatriisin vaikutusta samaan entsyymiin sidottuna havaittiin, että niillä kummallakin on vaikutusta sekä sakkaroosin hydrolyysi-nopeuteen että sivutuotteiden muodostumiseen.


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Weight gain is a major health problem among psychiatric populations. It implicates several receptors and hormones involved in energy balance and metabolism. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 is a rate-controlling enzyme involved in gluconeogenesis, glyceroneogenesis and cataplerosis and has been related to obesity and diabetes phenotypes in animals and humans. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 polymorphisms with metabolic traits in psychiatric patients treated with psychotropic drugs inducing weight gain and in general population samples. One polymorphism (rs11552145G > A) significantly associated with body mass index in the psychiatric discovery sample (n = 478) was replicated in 2 other psychiatric samples (n1 = 168, n2 = 188), with AA-genotype carriers having lower body mass index as compared to G-allele carriers. Stronger associations were found among women younger than 45 years carrying AA-genotype as compared to G-allele carriers (-2.25 kg/m, n = 151, P = 0.009) and in the discovery sample (-2.20 kg/m, n = 423, P = 0.0004). In the discovery sample for which metabolic parameters were available, AA-genotype showed lower waist circumference (-6.86 cm, P = 0.008) and triglycerides levels (-5.58 mg/100 mL, P < 0.002) when compared to G-allele carriers. Finally, waist-to-hip ratio was associated with rs6070157 (proxy of rs11552145, r = 0.99) in a population-based sample (N = 123,865, P = 0.022). Our results suggest an association of rs11552145G > A polymorphism with metabolic-related traits, especially in psychiatric populations and in women younger than 45 years.


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Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of serious infections in humans and animals and a vaccine is becoming a necessity. Lactococcus lactis is a non-pathogenic bacterium that can be used as a vector for the delivery of antigens. We investigated the ability of non-living L. lactis heterologously expressing S. aureus clumping factor A (ClfA) and fibronectin-binding protein A (FnbpA), alone or together, to elicit an immune response in rats and protect them from S. aureus experimental infective endocarditis (IE). L. lactis ClfA was used for immunization against S. aureus Newman (expressing ClfA but not FnbpA), while L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA, as well as L. lactis ClfA/FnbpA, were used against S. aureus P8 (expressing ClfA and FnbpA). Vaccination of rats with L. lactis ClfA elicited antibodies that inhibited binding of S. aureus Newman to fibrinogen, triggered the production of IL-17A and conferred protection to 13/19 (68%) of the animals from IE (P<0.05). Immunization with L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA or L. lactis ClfA/FnbpA also produced antibodies against the target proteins, but these did not prevent binding of S. aureus P8 to fibrinogen or fibronectin and did not protect animals against S. aureus P8 IE. Moreover, immunization with constructs containing FnbpA did not increase IL-17A production. These results indicate that L. lactis is a valuable antigen delivery system able to elicit efficient humoral and cellular responses. However, the most appropriate antigens affording protection against S. aureus IE are yet to be elucidated.


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Weight gain is a major health problem among psychiatric populations. It implicates several receptors and hormones involved in energy balance and metabolism. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 is a rate-controlling enzyme involved in gluconeogenesis, glyceroneogenesis and cataplerosis and has been related to obesity and diabetes phenotypes in animals and humans. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 polymorphisms with metabolic traits in psychiatric patients treated with psychotropic drugs inducing weight gain and in general population samples. One polymorphism (rs11552145G > A) significantly associated with body mass index in the psychiatric discovery sample (n = 478) was replicated in 2 other psychiatric samples (n1 = 168, n2 = 188), with AA-genotype carriers having lower body mass index as compared to G-allele carriers. Stronger associations were found among women younger than 45 years carrying AA-genotype as compared to G-allele carriers (-2.25 kg/m, n = 151, P = 0.009) and in the discovery sample (-2.20 kg/m, n = 423, P = 0.0004). In the discovery sample for which metabolic parameters were available, AA-genotype showed lower waist circumference (-6.86 cm, P = 0.008) and triglycerides levels (-5.58 mg/100 mL, P < 0.002) when compared to G-allele carriers. Finally, waist-to-hip ratio was associated with rs6070157 (proxy of rs11552145, r = 0.99) in a population-based sample (N = 123,865, P = 0.022). Our results suggest an association of rs11552145G > A polymorphism with metabolic-related traits, especially in psychiatric populations and in women younger than 45 years.


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En aquest treball s’ha estudiat el comportament de compostos antimalàrics com els fàrmacs i els polímers en diferents situacions. Una de les barreres que ha estat identificada com a principal obstacle per a una millora de l’eficàcia dels compostos antimalàrics, és la limitació en la quantitat de fàrmac que pot ser encapsulada dins un liposoma, i que depèn de la seva solubilitat en medi aquós. Amb la inspiració de la descripció d’un nou tipus de nanocàpsules amb aplicacions oncològiques capaces d’encapsular grans quantitats de fàrmacs (protocells, Ashley et al., 2011). Els constructes formats per liposomes amb un nucli d’òxid de silici altament porós capaç de contenir el fàrmac, s’anomenen “protocells”, que en comparació als liposomes, tenen una major selectivitat i estabilitat, i permeten alliberar altes concentracions de droga directament al citosol de les cèl·lules cancerígenes. Aquest estudi es basa en la fabricació d’aquests nous nanovectors que continguin fàrmacs antimalàrics i té com a objectiu futur dirigir-los a eritròcits infectats per malària (pRBCs). Una altra part del treball és l’estudi de la distribució del polímer ISA-FITC en Anopheles atroparvus. Sabent que els polímers han estat utilitzats com a transportadors antimalàrics, es va pensar en l’opció d’eliminar el paràsit a dins del mateix mosquit, com una alternativa a tots el estudis realitzats fins ara centrats en les etapes d’infecció de l’hoste. Per aquest motiu es va idear l’experiment pensant en aquest polímer amb la intenció final de veure la seva localització en un mosquit Anopheles lliure del paràsit. OBJECTIUS: Determinació de la capacitat encapsuladora de tres tipus de nanopartícules, fabricades amb el mateix material però amb característiques de mida i càrrega diferents, incubant-les amb cinc fàrmacs antimalàrics. El blau de metilè, la primaquina, la cloroquina, la quinina i la curcumina, cadascun d’ells amb característiques de pH, solubilitat i estructura diferents. Alguns d’ells són fàrmacs que no s’han emprat en altres estudis degut a la seva toxicitat o elevada inespecificitat (la qual es pretén reduir un cop encapsulats en protocells). Construcció de “protocells” un cop determinada la millor nanopartícula encapsuladora i fàrmac candidat i determinació de la concentració de fàrmac que podien contenir, i el ritme d’alliberament d’aquest en PBS (simulant les condicions fisiològiques dels pRBCs). Estudi de la localització del polímer antimalàric ISA-FITC en l’anatomia del mosquit Anopheles Atroparvus. PROCEDIMENTS: Mètodes espectrofotomètrics Microscopia Cryo-electrònica de transmissió Microscopia confocal de fluorescència


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The organization, assembly and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton provide force and tracks for a variety of (endo)membrane-associated events such as membrane trafficking. This review illustrates in different cellular models how actin and many of its numerous binding and regulatory proteins (actin and co-workers) participate in the structural organization of the Golgi apparatus and in traf- ficking-associated processes such as sorting, biogenesis and motion of Golgi-derived transport carriers.


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Severe type III laryngomalacia LM is represented by a retroflexed epiglottis that touches the posterior pharyngeal wall and obstructs the laryngeal inlet. Endoscopic epiglottopexy is advised in such cases wherein pexy sutures are passed between the epiglottis and base of tongue. Using conventional needle carriers, it is difficult to pass such sutures that go deep enough into the tongue base. Such a pexy is prone to a break down. We describe a novel technique of placing these glossoepiglottic sutures using the Lichtenberger's needle carrier. We used this technique in three patients with excellent results and report no complications. We propose to use this technique in cases of epiglottic prolapse seen in severe LM and certain hypotonic conditions.


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Recent discoveries of recurrent and reciprocal Copy Number Variants (CNVs) using genome- wide studies have led to a new understanding of the etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders. CNVs represent loss (deletion) or gain (duplication) of genomic material. This thesis work is focused on CNVs at the 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 locus, which are among the most frequent etiologies of neurodevelopmental disorders and have been associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), schizophrenia, cognitive impairment, alterations of brain size as well as obesity and underweight. Because deletion and duplication of the 16p11.2 locus occur frequently and recurrently (with the same breakpoints), CNVs at this locus represent a powerful paradigm to understand how a genomic region may modulate cognitive and behavioral traits as well as the relationship and shared mechanisms between distinct psychiatric diagnoses such as ASD and schizophrenia. The present dissertation includes three studies: 1) The first project aims at identifying structural brain-imaging endophenotypes in 16p11.2 CNVs carriers at risk for ASD and schizophrenia. The results show that gene dosage at the 16p11.2 locus modulates global brain volumes and neural circuitry, including the reward system, language and social cognition circuits. 2) The second investigates the neuropsychological profile in 16p11.2 deletion and duplication carriers. While deletion carriers show specific deficits in language and inhibition, the profile of duplication carriers is devoid of specific weaknesses and presents enhanced performance in a verbal memory task. 3) The third study on food-related behaviors in 16p11.2 deletion and duplication carriers shows that alterations of the reponse to satiety are present in CNV carriers before the onset of obesity, pointing toward a potential mechanism driving the Body Mass Index increase in deletion carriers. Dysfunctions in the reward system and dopaminergic circuitries could represent a common mechanism playing a role in the phenotype and could be investigated in future studies. Our data strongly suggest that complex cognitive traits correlate to gene dosage in humans. Larger studies including expression data would allow elucidating the contribution of specific genes to these different gene dosage effects. In conclusion, a systematic and careful investigation of cognitive, behavioral and intermediate phenotypes using a gene dosage paradigm has allowed us to advance our understanding of the 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 locus and its effects on neurodevelopment. -- La récente découverte de variations du nombre de copies (CNVs pour 'copy number variants') dans le génome humain a amélioré nos connaissances sur l'étiologie des troubles neuropsychiatriques. Un CNV représente une perte (délétion) ou un gain (duplication) de matériel génétique sur un segment chromosomique. Ce travail de thèse est focalisé sur les CNVs réciproques (délétion et duplication) dans la région 16p11.2 BP4-BP5. Ces CNVs sont une cause fréquente de troubles neurodéveloppementaux et ont été associés à des phénotypes « en miroir » tels que obésité/sous-poids ou macro/microcéphalie mais aussi aux troubles du spectre autistique (TSA), à la schizophrénie et au retard de développement/déficience intellectuelle. La fréquence et la récurrence de la délétion et de la duplication aux mêmes points de cassure font de ces CNVs un paradigme unique pour étudier la relation entre dosage génique et les traits cognitifs et comportementaux, ainsi que les mécanismes partagés par des troubles psychiatriques apparemment distincts tels que les TSA et la schizophrénie. Ce travail de thèse comporte trois études distinctes : 1) l'étude en neuroimagerie structurelle identifie les endophénotypes chez les porteurs de la délétion ou de la duplication. Les résultats montrent une influence du dosage génique sur le volume cérébral total et certaines structures dans les systèmes de récompense, du langage et de la cognition sociale. 2) L'étude des profils neuropsychologiques chez les porteurs de la délétion ou de la duplication montre que la délétion est associée à des troubles spécifiques du langage et de l'inhibition alors que les porteurs de la duplication ne montrent pas de faiblesse spécifique mais des performances mnésiques verbales supérieures à leur niveau cognitif global. 3) L'étude sur les comportements alimentaires met en évidence une altération de la réponse à la satiété qui est présente avant l'apparition de l'obésité. Un dysfonctionnement dans le système de récompense et les circuits dopaminergiques pourrait représenter un mécanisme commun aux différents phénotypes observés chez ces individus porteurs de CNVs au locus 16p11.2. En conclusion, l'utilisation du dosage génique comme outil d'investigation des phénotypes cliniques et endophénotypes nous a permis de mieux comprendre le rôle de la région 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 dans le neurodéveloppement.


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Obesity development during psychotropic treatments represents a major health issue in psychiatry. Melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 2 (MCHR2) is a central receptor involved in energy homeostasis. MCHR2 shares its promoter region with MCHR2-AS1, a long antisense non-coding RNA. The aim of this study was to determine whether tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (tSNPs) of MCHR2 and MCHR2-AS1 are associated with the body mass index (BMI) in the psychiatric and in the general population. The influence of MCHR2 and MCHR2-AS1 tSNPs on BMI was firstly investigated in a discovery psychiatric sample (n1 = 474). Positive results were tested for replication in two other psychiatric samples (n2 = 164, n3 = 178) and in two population-based samples (CoLaus, n4 = 5409; GIANT, n5 = 113809). In the discovery sample, TT carriers of rs7754794C>T had 1.08 kg/m2 (p = 0.04) lower BMI as compared to C-allele carriers. This observation was replicated in an independent psychiatric sample (-2.18 kg/m2; p = 0.009). The association of rs7754794C>T and BMI seemed stronger in subjects younger than 45 years (median of age). In the population-based sample, a moderate association was observed (-0.17 kg/m2; p = 0.02) among younger individuals (<45y). Interestingly, this association was totally driven by patients meeting lifetime criteria for atypical depression, i.e. major depressive episodes characterized by symptoms such as an increased appetite. Indeed, patients with atypical depression carrying rs7754794-TT had 1.17 kg/m2 (p = 0.04) lower BMI values as compared to C-allele carriers, the effect being stronger in younger individuals (-2.50 kg/m2; p = 0.03; interaction between rs7754794 and age: p-value = 0.08). This study provides new insights on the possible influence of MCHR2 and/or MCHR2-AS1 on obesity in psychiatric patients and on the pathophysiology of atypical depression.


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Many strategies for treating diseases require the delivery of drugs into the cell cytoplasm following internalization within endosomal vesicles. Thus, compounds triggered by low pH to disrupt membranes and release endosomal contents into the cytosol are of particular interest. Cationic nanovesicles have attracted considerable interest as effective carriers to improve the delivery of biologically active molecules into and through the skin. In this study, lipid-based nanovesicles containing three different cationic lysine-based surfactants were designed for topical administration. We used representative skin cell lines and in vitro assays to assess whether the cationic compounds modulate the toxic responses of these nanocarriers. The nanovesicles were characterized in both water and cell culture medium. In general, significant agglomeration occurred after 24 h incubation under cell culture conditions. We found different cytotoxic responses among the formulations, which depended on the surfactant,cell line (3T3, HaCaT, and THP-1) and endpoint assayed (MTT, NRU, and LDH). Moreover, no potential phototoxicity was detected in fibroblast or keratinocyte cells, whereas only a slight inflammatory response was induced, as detected by IL-1a and IL-8 production in HaCaT and THP-1 cell lines, respectively. A key finding of our research was that the cationic charge position and the alkyl chain length of the surfactants determine the nanovesicles resulting toxicity. The charge on the a-amino group of lysine increased the depletion of cell metabolic activity, as determined by the MTT assay, while a higher hydrophobicity tends to enhance the toxic responses of the nanovesicles. The insights provided here using different cell lines and assays offer a comprehensive toxicological evaluation of this group of new nanomaterials.


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Diastrophic dysplasia (DTD) is a recessive chondrodysplasia caused by mutations in SLC26A2, a cell membrane sulfate-chloride antiporter. Sulfate uptake impairment results in low cytosolic sulfate, leading to cartilage proteoglycan (PG) undersulfation. In this work, we used the dtd mouse model to study the role of N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC), a well-known drug with antioxidant properties, as an intracellular sulfate source for macromolecular sulfation. Because of the important pre-natal phase of skeletal development and growth, we administered 30 g/l NAC in the drinking water to pregnant mice to explore a possible transplacental effect on the fetuses. When cartilage PG sulfation was evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography disaccharide analysis in dtd newborn mice, a marked increase in PG sulfation was observed in newborns from NAC-treated pregnancies when compared with the placebo group. Morphometric studies of the femur, tibia and ilium after skeletal staining with alcian blue and alizarin red indicated a partial rescue of abnormal bone morphology in dtd newborns from treated females, compared with pups from untreated females. The beneficial effect of increased macromolecular sulfation was confirmed by chondrocyte proliferation studies in cryosections of the tibial epiphysis by proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunohistochemistry: the percentage of proliferating cells, significantly reduced in the placebo group, reached normal values in dtd newborns from NAC-treated females. In conclusion, NAC is a useful source of sulfate for macromolecular sulfation in vivo when extracellular sulfate supply is reduced, confirming the potential of therapeutic approaches with thiol compounds to improve skeletal deformity and short stature in human DTD and related disorders.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação radioprotetora do selenito de sódio no processo de reparação tecidual. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar foram submetidos a procedimento cirúrgico para a realização de ferida na região dorsal. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos experimentais: controle, selênio, irradiado e selênio-irradiado. Os grupos selênio e selênio-irradiado receberam 2,0 mg/kg de selenito de sódio, 48 horas após a cirurgia. Os grupos irradiado e selênio-irradiado foram submetidos à irradiação em dose única de 6 Gy, administrada somente nas bordas das feridas. Após 4, 7, 13 e 21 dias do procedimento cirúrgico, os animais foram sacrificados e avaliados por meio de análise morfológica, histoquímica e birrefringência do tecido. RESULTADOS: O aspecto estrutural e morfológico, assim como a qualidade do tecido e sua maturação através da quantidade e disposição dos feixes de fibras colágenas, juntamente com o seu grau de orientação macromolecular, permitiu observar a presença de intenso retardo provocado pela irradiação, bem como o efeito radioprotetor do selenito de sódio no processo de reparação. CONCLUSÃO: Dentro das condições experimentais utilizadas, o selenito de sódio apresentou-se como radioprotetor eficaz, visto que o processo de reparação no grupo selênio-irradiado comportou-se, histologicamente, semelhante ao grupo controle.


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The use of private funding and management is enjoying an increasing trend in airports. The literature has not paid enough attention to the mixed management models in this industry, although many European airports take the form of mixed public-private companies, where ownership is shared between public and private sectors. We examine the determinants of the degree of private participation in the European airport sector. Drawing on a sample of the 100 largest European airports, we estimate a multivariate equation in order to determine the role of airport characteristics, fiscal variables, and political factors on the extent of private involvement. Our results confirm the alignment between public and private interests in partially privatized airports. Fiscal constraints and market attractiveness promote private participation. Integrated governance models and the share of network carriers prevent the presence of private ownership, while the degree of private participation appears to be pragmatic rather than ideological.


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The use of private funding and management enjoys an increasing trend in airports. The literature has not paid enough attention to the mixed management models in this industry, although many European airports take the form of mixed firms or Institutional PPP, where ownership is shared between public and private sectors. We examine the determinants of the degree of private participation in the European airport sector. Drawing on a sample of the 100 largest European airports we estimate a multivariate equation in order to determine the role of airport characteristics, fiscal variables and political factors on the extent of private involvement. Our results confirm the alignment between public and private interests in PPPs. Fiscal constraints and market attractiveness promote private participation. Integrated governance models and the share of network carriers prevent the presence of private ownership, while the degree of private participation appears to be pragmatic rather than ideological.