990 resultados para MATURITY


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The giant lantern shark, Etmopterus baxteri, is taken as bycatch of commercial fisheries that operate in deepwater off southeastern Australia. Bands on the second dorsal spine were used to obtain age estimates. The number of bands on the external surface of the spine and within the inner dentine layer increased with animal length. Most spines had more bands on the external surface, and the rate of band formation was significantly different between the external surface and the inner dentine layer. Females had a maximum of 57 external bands and 26 internal bands, while males had up to 48 external bands and 22 internal bands. Age estimates from external bands suggest maturity (A 50) at 20 years for males and 30 years for females. Internal band age estimates suggest maturity at 10.5 years for males and 11.5 years for females. Although there is a large discrepancy between these two preliminary (i.e., unvalidated) age estimates, they both suggest that E. baxteri is a long-lived and late maturing species that is likely to be susceptible to over fishing.


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Bands on the external surface of the second dorsal-fin spine proved to be a novel method of estimating the age and growth of Centroselachus crepidater. Bands that followed the shape of the spine base were enhanced with an alizarin red derivative. Internal bands in spine cross sections were also examined. The number of both external and internal bands increased with animal size, although most spines had more external than internal bands. External bands were more reliable and were assumed to be annuli. The rate of band formation differed after five bands had been formed, and internal bands ceased forming after 30 years. Females to 54 years old and males to 34 years old were examined. Maturity occurred over a wide age range, with estimates of 20 years for females and 9 years for males. The youngest pregnant female was 27 years old. The Francis reparameterized von Bertalanffy growth model found similar growth for males and females, and the von Bertalanffy equations were Lt = 96.12(1 – e(–0.072(t+6.13))) for females and Lt = 73.22(1 – e(–0.141(t+2.99))) for males.


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The risk of failure of the software development process remains high despite many attempts to improve the quality of software engineering. Contemporary approaches to process assurance, such as the capability maturity model have not prevented systemic failures, nor have project management methodologies provided guarantees of software quality. The paper proposes an approach to software quality assurance based on a knowledge mediated concurrent audit, which incorporates essential feedback processes. Through a tightly integrated approach to quality audit, programmers would be empowered to use any chosen methodology to advantage, supported by intelligent monitoring of the essential interactions which occur in the development process. An experimental application implementing some aspects of the proposal is described


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The Australian construction industry, particularly in the area of demolishing existing facilities, is responsible for up to 40% of the country's enormous solid waste streams, totalling about 14 million tonnes annually. The recently created concept of deconstruction, rather than destruction for demolishing a constructed facility, came about because of the rapidly increasing number of demolished buildings and changes in levels of environmental awareness. However,  reconstruction processes are now seen as only an interesting concept for reducing waste through reuse and recycling, but they fail to achieve widespread understanding or acceptance. The challenges faced by deconstruction are significant and diverse. The maturity of deconstruction practice depends on not only on tlle development of deconstruction techniques and management, but also on the enhancement of deconstruction awareness by the owners, designers, and construction teams, as well as the development of environmental regulations. These practical limitations are interrelated and mutually promotional. The technical developments in deconstruction management resulting from this research will have direct effects on various aspects, including the development of design and construction for deconstruction, deconstruction technology, reused material certification, recycl ing technology, and a method by which to calculate environmental benefits so that deconstruction would be promoted from an interesting concept mainly in theory to wide acceptance in practice. 


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The tale of research methodology in information systems is told through the fantasy of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. The tale is intended to be at once a piece of light hearted fun in its placement of the struggles of research methodology as an epic story but, in the tradition of the court jester, attempts to provide a new perspective on Information Systems (IS) research methodology and our struggles with positivism in particular. Our tale is one of developing a greater maturity and confidence in IS methodology and introduces postmodern methodologies to Information Systems. Our tale, our pastiche, is itself postmodern.


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The Mahseers (Tor spp.) are highly valued freshwater fishes across the Himalayan and South-east Asian regions. Over exploitation of natural stocks because of high demand and the deteriorating environmental conditions have resulted in marked decline of mahseers in the wild. Malaysian mahseers, T. tambroides (Bleeker) and T. douronensis (Valenciennes), locally known as empurau, kelah or belian and semah, respectively, have significant cultural and economic importance but both species are now threatened in the wild because of environmental degradation and over fishing. A captive breeding programme was instigated to attempt to propagate these two species artificially for conservation and aquaculture purposes. Both pond-reared and tank-held T. tambroides and T. douronensis reached sexual maturity in captivity and were successfully induced to spawn using hormone treatments. Ovaprim (0.5 mL kg−1) was the most successful hormone treatment for both species. Pre-treatment of fish with Ovaplant (28–68 μg kg−1, 2–7 weeks before spawning induction) greatly improved the success rate of spawning induction. Repeat spawning (within 4 months of initial spawning) was induced in some captive fish. Use of formalin baths improved hatching by preventing fungal infections. Embryonic development and hatching are described. Juveniles were reared in static greenwater ponds. Tor tambroides reached 142–179 g (max 270 g) in 60 weeks. These results represent the first successful captive spawning and rearing of both species. Options for future research to improve production are discussed.


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Governments of the developing countries have been exploring new ways to allow participation of citizens in the governance, enabled by the Internet revolution. In this paper, we have explored, through a preliminary analysis of national government web sites, the attempts of two developing nations -- India and Russia, to establish digital governance. We have used the KPMG E-Commerce maturity model, WiIIcoks eBusiness evolution model and the WebQual site analysis tool as a theoretical framework to analyse the website performance and content, as a social construct that reflects government intentions, attitudes, digital governance directions and policies.


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More than half of small businesses in Australia (57%) use a website to promote their business. Having an effective website is an important step for small business owners moving towards e-commerce. The research suggests that once a business has a clear online strategy through a website they are more likely to move to e-commerce. While many small business owners have a business strategy, it is often the case that this strategy does not include their Web presence. This paper describes the results of interviews with small business owners and assessment of their websites. We identify elements that are important for small business owners developing a business-Web strategy. The research indicates that many owners see their websites as little more than an advertising medium and few are ready for the move to e-commerce. Identifying the level of maturity of a small business owner's business-Web strategy however can help us understand how prepared a small business owner is to move to e-commerce.


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This research aims to measure and compare the total, backward, forward, internal and sectoral linkages of the real estate sector using the hypothetical extraction method over 30 years and explore the role of this sector in national economies and the quantitative interdependence between the real estate sector and the remaining sectors from a new angle. Empirical results show an increasing trend of these linkages, which confirms the increasing role of the real estate sector with economic maturity over the examined period. On the other hand, the significant rank correlations in the linkages imply that the importance of real estate remained fairly stable among highly developed economies over the examined period. This may supply a tool to signal the maturity of an entire economy. Furthermore, the findings can aid both governments making relative policies and businesses choosing strategic partners and location strategies.


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IP a The paper examines the application of the Resource-Based View of strategy (RBV) to the Australian floral industry. Despite the RBV's successful application to research in a number of discipline areas and the formalisation of its relationship with Competitive Advantage (CA) 15 years ago, the empirical support for the benefit of the RBV and development of research constructs has been inadequate. This has been partly due to the difficulty of identifying and separating the contribution of resources. The RBV literature is now consistent in the criteria required of a resource for CA and identifies a range of empirical research objectives (e.g. the need for contextual constructs), data evaluation focuses (e.g. measuring the impact of management, process, regional and scale affects) and results objectives (such as identifying the causal structure of resources). Research was conducted in the Australian floral industry to produce supporting generalisable data and constructs for the RBV. This industry is well bounded with several strongly differentiating resources and operates in a global market environment, which is necessary for these research objectives. Six hypotheses were examined; (1) the use of resources as the input of the CA, (2) the impact of the development process on resources, (3) the impact of management control on the development of resources (4) the impact on capability of management, process, region and scale, (5) the impact of resource development maturity on the approach to resource development and (6) the possibility of evaluating individual resources according to various criteria. The data was collected using selected participant interviews, with validation of conclusions by industry experts. It was analysed using content analysis, comparative analysis and cognitive mapping. The research determined that organisations in the Australian floral industry possessed important resources including geography, skills, technology, R&D, supply chains and production costs. These contributed to four CA creating production outputs; quality, capacity, reliability and customer convenience. The research findings supported hypotheses 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The lack of support for the two remaining hypotheses, relating to the process of resource development, may be explained by the low resource development maturity of the industry which masks the impact of the resource development process. The results also determined that one resource could contribute to a number of CAs and that resources not meeting all of the normal RBV CA criteria could still provide a CA in an industry where few resources met all criteria. It was postulated that these resources’ contribution to competitive was not durable.


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This chapter contains sections titled:

* Incidence and prevalence of diabetes
* Overview of diabetes
* Management strategies
* Management targets and regimens
* Short-term complications
* Long-term complications
* Psychological aspects
* Diabetes management requires integrated approaches
* People with diabetes' needs, capacities and resources
* Health professionals' needs
* Integration - is it possible?
* Complementary therapies
* Summary
* References


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Construction linkage is a well-established research field. However, a significant limitation in previous linkage research is that the flow of capital goods is not addressed. Using the OECD input-output tables, this research first generates a new input-output model considering capital as an intermediate factor. Using the new model, the construction linkages are recalculated and investigated in order to evaluate further the role of construction in national economies. The findings verify that traditional construction linkages were extremely underestimated in previous research. Furthermore, the effect of capital on construction shows a declining trend over the examined period. After considering the effect of capital, most values and rankings of backward and forward linkages show a decreasing trend, which confirms the declining role of the construction sector with economic maturity.


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In retrospective, the Oxford movement of nineteenth century England provides one with an interesting study of the struggles between the spiritual and secular worlds. However, repeated abstraction in an interpretation of its significance has tended to distort accurate understanding of its historical development. Often this also has resulted n a misinterpretation of the nature of its major themes and their significance to the world. For these reasons, this study has attempted to describe the origin, maturity, and dissolution of the series of events which strictly speaking may be considered to be the Oxford movement. In conclusion, liberty has been taken to comment on the nature of the Movement's themes and their significance in their own age and to man today.


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Dickens's use of the grotesque in his novels undergoes a variety of changes. For convenience sake, and to better illustrate the developments of the grotesque, I divide the novels into three separate groups. The first group, the period of experiment, included the novels from Pickwick Papers through Barnaby Rudge; the second group, the period of transition, includes the novels from Martin Chuzzlewit through David Copperfield; and the third, the period of a new vision. included the novels from Bleak House through Edwin Drood. Basically, I see the development of the grotesque involving a change in Dickens's conceptions of society, as well as responding to complex changes in society itself; Dickens's vision loses much of its humor in the end, yet it also reflects a definite maturity.


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The plot consists of the progression which the characters undergo. For the old man, the plot is his movement away from the earthly existence of the farm and into the physical process of the seasons. For the older grandson, it is the movement away from the past, symbolized by the farm, and into the present symbolized by his marriage and coupling with society. For the younger grandson, the movement is from childhood to the maturity which being alone demands in order for him to survive.