992 resultados para MANIFESTATION


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Dance-fight-game, art, religiosity, therapy, entertainment, ritual act, in short, "a way of being", are some of the various definitions/qualities attributed to the afro-brazilian cultural manifestation called "Capoeira Angola". Multivocal polysemic in its essence, Capoeira Angola is expressed in different languages which ranges from the types of touches of the musical instruments that make up the orchestra, through different types of songs, until we get the non-verbal communication established by the bodies of "capoeiristas" in the game and/or in the training body situation. The aim of this paper is to think of the line drawing in space, a significant problem in the execution of body movements of this practice. To address the relationship between line, efficiency and aesthetics of body movements, it is developed an ethnography in the Academy of João Pequeno de Pastinha-Sports Center of Capoeira Angola, based on anthropological interpretative approach, in which the concept of culture is semiotic.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The ancient struggle for a National Conference on Communication in Brazil, truly representative and with clear opportunities to define new rules to the sector of communication, has been waged for years and was conducted in late 2009. It is proposed to identify the background of the historic struggle for CNC can be perceived in the defense of press freedom and freedom of expression in seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, most recently in the movements of democratization policy in the 80s and 90s. The research was done by analyzing the direct and indirect official document concerning the establishment of guidelines and the convening of the Conference, and manifestation of civil society and business. 


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The graffiti is a calligraphic inscription or a drawn painted or engraved over a supported not normally used for this purpose. This artistic manifestation has been gaining more notoriety as an element of expression, reflection and actuation in the urban environment, since it is present in the streets and public ways reaching many observers with different repertoires and looks. This recent movement in Brazil has its first records in the early 80’s, but it is noteworthy that this event continues in an emergence process, consolidating increasingly as an artistic movement, in broad development, elaborating new technics, readjust and re-signifying its elements, re-improving and generating different values for the spaces. With the purpose to map the graffiti artists in Bauru/SP – Brazil, it was done an ethnography that allows to point some specific local characteristics; the relation between the artist and the city, and; the relation between the townsman and the graffiti.


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This article brings a discussion of the implications of religious diversity on science education as well as on teacher education. To orientate our discussion, we adopt as framework the ideas of German philosopher Jürgen Habermas on the political relationship that should govern relations between a naturalistic culture and different religious cultures. We also present a research with future teachers of physics, which aimed at investigating the positions taken by the future teachers towards non scientific models presented by students about the origins of the universe. We tried to identify, especially, the expectation of these future teachers would demonstrated about the contributing of the lifting of such models in class by students. We were able to find that most of them believe that the manifestation of these ideas could bring contributions to the discussion in the classroom. We also found that teaching practices based on communication, questioning and dialogue of the undergraduate course done by the prospective teachers has generated an ownership by the undergraduates of these practices and their potential application in other situations and other discussions, including inter-religious.


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The lesbian and gay movement has organized itself in Brazil with the goal of creating and making its sexual identity stronger, as well as fighting for its rights and against any homophobic act. This paper analyses the homosexual movement and its relation to building its own identity, as a fighting force. We emphasize the relevance of the manifestation events, such as the LGBT pride parade and, in Bauru, the diversity parade, events that not only provide visibility to the topic, with the presence of the media, but also, represent the voice of these people who search for their citizenship rights.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE


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We report a case of an immunocompetent infant, with no evidence of neurological disorders, which developed clinical manifestation of recurrent crisis of choking, dysphagia, laryngeal stridor and sub costal retractions since the first day of life. Direct laryngoscopy was unremarkable. Upper gastrointestinal series showed a dilated tortuous esophagus with severe peristalsis impairment and reflux episodes till the proximal third of the esophagus. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed a moderately dilated esophagus with erosive lesions in the distal esophagus. Esophageal biopsy specimens revealed CMV inclusion bodies associated to moderate inflammation and immunohistochemistry was positive for CMV early antigen. Prolonged 24 h esophageal pH metry was within normal limits. Antiviral therapy with intravenous ganciclovir was introduced and was associated with rapid improvement of the symptoms. Child gradually increased oral intake and weight gain, and there were no side effects related to therapy. Thus, the respiratory symptoms could have been a supra esophageal manifestation of a non-acid reflux disease related to the CMV esophagitis.


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Acute respiratory distress syndrome is the most severe manifestation of acute lung injury and it is associated with high mortality rate. Despite better understanding of ARDS pathophysiology, its mechanism is still unclear. Mechanical ventilation is the main ARDS supportive treatment. However, mechanical ventilation is a non-physiologic process and complications are associated with its application. Mechanical ventilation may induce lung injury, referred to as ventilator-induced lung injury. Frequently, VILI is related to macroscopic injuries associated with alveolar rupture. The present article is a review of the literature on ventilator-induced lung injury in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Animal and human studies were reviewed. We mainly selected publications in the past 5 years, but did not exclude commonly referenced and highly regarded older publications.


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Mastits is considered uncommon disease in mares. Streptococcus equi, Staphylococcus sp., Corynebacterium sp., Actinobacillus sp., Nocardia sp. and enterobacterias are major microorganisms involved in equine mammary infections. The disease is commonly related to traumatic lesions in mammary glands and teats. Edema, fibrosis, masses to palpation of glands, and viscous to seropurulent milk are mainly clinical signs observed in affected animals. The diagnosis is based on clinical exam of mammary glands and microbiological culture of the milk. There are no standard to use of indirect exams on diagnosis, including California Mastits Test and Somatic Cell Count. Systemic antimicrobials are recommended in therapy, based on previous “in vitro” susceptibility microbiological test. No specific control measures are indicated in equine mastits. The present study reviewed the mastits in mares, with emphasis to etiology, epidemiology findings, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment and control aspects.


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Background: Primary tongue tumors rarely affect dogs and correspond to 4% of tumors involving the oropharynx. Until now, primary tongue lymphoma had not been reported. However, lymphoma involvement in the skeletal muscle, although quite unusual, was described in the literature in four cases. Cutaneous lymphoma is another rare extranodal manifestation. The objective of this report is to describe a case of T immunophenotype lymphoma occurrence, whose manifestation is atypical, not only because it is situated in the tongue muscle but also because of the subsequent involvement of the striated musculature of the left forelimb and the skin, which showed unfavorable evolution. Case: A female seven-year-old mongrel was seen showing a regular lump in the base of the tongue, 3 cm in diameter, not ulcerated and of fi rm consistency, with halitosis as the only clinical sign of the disease. Incisional biopsy of the lump was performed and histopathology verifi ed that it was large cell lymphoma. The material was sent for immunohistochemical evaluation and was characterized as T immunophenotype lymphoma by positive CD3 and negative CD79a marking. The CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone) chemotherapy protocol was established as treatment and after the fi rst chemotherapy session there was partial remission of the mass, measuring 2 cm in diameter. The lump, however, remained stable in the following sessions. Thirty days after the diagnosis of lymphoma, the animal began to show lameness of the left forelimb and swelling near the head of the left humerus. A muscle mass, fi rm in consistency, progressing fast, presented a signifi cant increase, just three weeks after its appearance. Two skin lesions, arcuate, erythematous and pruritic also appeared in the dorsocervical and ventral-abdominal region. Incisional biopsy of these lesions was performed and the histopathological diagnosis confi rmed muscle and cutaneous large cell lymphoma and immunophenotype compatible with T cells (positive CD3 and negative CD79a). Due to disease advance, even during chemotherapy, a rescue protocol of L-asparaginase administration followed by lomustine and prednisone was proposed. Even with the rescue protocol there was no remission of the tumors and the case was classifi ed as progressive. The animal of this report died after completing the fi rst cycle of chemotherapy protocol, with a survival of 92 days. Discussion: Despite the fact that clinical behavior of primary lymphoma in dogs’ skeletal muscle is unknown, it is believed that, as in humans, it can be associated with chronic infl ammation or neoplastic cell invasion by proximity of the tumor or metastasis, which could justify the dissemination of the lymphoma reported here from the tongue to other tissues. However, appearance of concurrent independent lymphomas cannot be ruled out. As observed in the three cases of primary muscular lymphoma, the dog of this report had low response to therapy and short survival. This report presents the fi rst case of lymphoma in tongue with subsequent skin and left forelimb skeletal muscle involvement described in the literature. The clinical outcome corroborates the aggressiveness of muscular lymphoma observed in the other reports and also suggests that both tongue and other skeletal muscle tumors should be included in the differential diagnosis of canine lymphoma.


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Background: Imbalance in bacterial species composition of the gut microbiota is one of the factors associated with the cause or complication of the symptoms of Crohn's disease (CD). This disequilibrium consists in the reduction of biodiversity, decrease of genus such as Bifidobacterium and elevation of species such as Escherichia coli. Human microbiota varies among subjects of a same population irrespective of their health condition and among individuals living in distinct geographic locations. In animal models, sex related differences could also be observed in gut bacterial species composition under some pathological conditions. Experiments conducted with mice have demonstrated that the manifestation of type 1 diabetes (T1D) could be under the influence of the animal sex and its serum level of testosterone, which in turn could be modulated by a particular gut microbiota. Considering the existence of similar features between T1D and CD, such as strong genetic component and malfunctioning of the immune system, we investigated whether differences could be observed in the gut microbiota dysbiosis of male and female CD patients. Methods: Fifty and 5 gut mucosal biopsies from 25 adult CD patients (11 males and 14 females) and 43 specimens of an equivalent clinical material from 22 control subjects (11 males and 11 females) were screened for bacterial biodiversity by analyzing sequences of 16SrDNA V6 region. A number of 2-3 samples each from distinct gut segments (from ileum to rectum) were taken from each subject. The 16SrDNA sequences were obtained by sequencing PCR amplicons of the corresponding gene in the Ion torrent PGM sequencer. Identification and classification of the bacterial groups followed the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) website pipeline. The relationships of the bacterial taxa with each of the study parameters was performed by compiling the data in a MS Excel and the level of statistical significance determined by the Chi-square test. Results: A total of 3203 16SrDNA sequences were detected in the 98 biopsies samples, the majority of which matching Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacterioidetes, and Actinobacteria. The percentage of DNA sequences for each of these phyla found in Male control subjects/Male CD patients was 40.5/33, 32.7/32.4, 20.8/24.5, and 4.4/4,4 for Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacterioidetes, and Actinobacteria, respectively. In Female comparisons, these values were 35.6/42, 39.2/26.3, 19.8/23.3, 5.2/7. Both Male and Female CD patients presented higher numbers of sequences of Actinobacteria and Bacterioidetes than those of control subjects of the same gender. Case-control differences for Firmicutes could be observed only in female comparisons and, for Proteobacteria, although case-control differences were observed in both genders, the nature of difference was distinct, since while in CD female patients a higher number of sequences matching this phylum was detected, in males a reduced number was observed, in comparison with controls. The species responsible for the Proteobacteria variation in both gender was Escherichia coli. Conclusions: The data presented above suggest that any analysis of dysbiosis in CD must take in account the patient's gender, an observation particularly relevant for Escherichia coli, whose association with CD has been most intensively investigated and for which the present study shows a reverse quantitative variation regarding the patients' gender.


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Background: Buteo magnirostris, popularly known as roadside hawk belongs to the family Accipitridae, Ciconiiformes. The specimen is common throughout Brazil inhabiting open areas, tolerating disturbed areas very well, but avoiding dense forests. The trematodes are common parasites in the intestines of birds of prey, with scant notice of pathogenic infections. However, severe infections of trematodes Strigeidae family have been previously reported as a cause of anemia, diarrhea, enteritis, weight loss and death. This paper aims to report the occurrence of infection in S. Falconis in B. magnirostris diagnosed by post mortem examination. Case: The specimen of B. magnirostris, male, young was sent for necropsy at the Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, Federal Rural University of Semi-Arid (UFERSA), Mossoró-RN, Brazil. With a history of apathy, anorexia, diarrhea and death in one course of 24 h. The free bird life and even puppy had been captured for training and practice of falconry shortly before the clinical manifestation of infection (time of captivity uninformed). On physical examination ruffled feathers, cachexia and pallor of skeletal muscle was observed. At necropsy there was severe enteritis with petechiae and accumulation of liquid contents into the duodenum. Fifty-two trematodes were found set in duodenal mucosa. The other organs and structures showed no changes. Fragments of all organs were harvested, fixed in 10% formalin buffered, routinely processed for histopathology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Parasites were carefully collected, washed in saline, fixed, processed and identified according to the morphology and taxonomy. Histologically, the lesions were restricted to the duodenum and were characterized by melting, severe atrophy and necrosis of the epithelial cells of the intestinal villi; inflammatory infiltrate (consisting of lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils) in the lamina propria, in addition to trematodes infiltrated the mucosa and lamina propria. These were 60-80 mm in diameter, consisted of parenchymal body enclosed by the integument. In some cross sections of the parasite was possible to observe the presence of cecum, testis and uterus, with some variations between sections; there were also yellowish eggs and coated with a delicate membrane. The trematodes contain approximately 1 mm in length and used as morphology and taxonomy has been identified as S. Falconis. Discussion: S. Falconis is a trematode intestinal parasite of birds of prey, with reports of its occurrence in Europe, North America and Central. In neotropical regions is described the occurrence of the subspecies S. Falconis brasiliana. Although the absence of clinical signs is a common pattern, parasitism by trematodes may become evident, common to captivity stress conditions, and thus infections, even for low pathogenic parasites can cause diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss and death, as reported in this paper. A factor that possibly contributed to the scant notice is its small size, which makes the observation of this parasite in analysis of necropsy in non-pathological conditions and also not familiar with the technical laboratories in the morphological shape of the eggs, which creates difficulty in finding the parasite in parasitological analysis in captive animals. Despite being considered poorly pathogenic trematodes, epidemiologically, the presence of the parasite should be considered a health risk to free-living predators, newly captive in parks, zoos, veterinary hospitals, triage center for wildlife and creators, as they may express pathogenicity in immunosuppressed animals. This work contributes to recording the presence S. falconis parasitizing the duodenal mucosa of B. magnirostris in Brazil.