918 resultados para MALARIA PARASITE


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Tese de Doutoramento, Química, Especialização em Química Orgânica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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This paper records the first occurrence of Epistylis sp. on the body surface of Argulus sp. parasitizing Hoplias aimara from the upper Araguari River, in the eastern Amazon region, in the north of Brazil. Of the 16 specimens of H. aimara examined, 93.7% had their pelvic, caudal and pectoral fins and tegument infested by Argulus sp. (n = 73), which in turn were infested by Epistylis sp. The specimens of Epistylis sp. from the body surface of Argulus sp. were analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The present study also identified a widening of the geographic distribution of these two species of ectoparasites to the eastern Amazon region of Brazil.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the component community of parasite metazoans of Piaractus brachypomus in the lower Amazon River, northern Brazil. From 34 necropsied fish, 27,384 metazoan parasites were collected, such as Anacanthorus spathulatus, Mymarothecium viatorum and Notozothecium janauachensis (Monogenoidea); Spectatus spectatus and Contracaecum sp (Nematoda); Clinostomum marginatum and Dadaytrema oxycephala (Digenea); and Argulus carteri and Ergasilus sp. (Crustacea). The dominant species was S. spectatus followed by monogenoidean species, and there was aggregated dispersion of parasites, except for D. oxycephala and Contracaecum sp., which presented random dispersion. Positive correlation among the abundance of the three monogenoideans species were found, thus indicating that there was no competition between the species of these parasites on the gills of hosts. The abundances of some parasite species showed positive correlations with the size of the hosts, but the condition factor of the fish was not affected by the parasitism levels. It showed that this host had a metazoan community characterized by high species richness of metazoans, low evenness and high diversity of parasites, with prevalence of endoparasites, including larval stages. This was the first record of C. marginatum, A. carteri, Ergasilus sp. and Contracaecum sp. for P. brachypomus.


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This study investigated the parasite communities of wild Acestrorhynchus falcatus and Acestrorhynchus falcirostris populations living in sympatry in Brazilian Amazon. In these two hosts, a total of 12 parasite species e 1-9 parasite species were found per fish, and 10 of these species are metazoans. Eight species of parasites were common to both host species and four of them exhibited differences in abundance and/or prevalence. Parasite communities of the hosts were taxonomically similar (83%) and composed of both ectoparasites and endoparasites, and characterized by high prevalence and high abundance of endoparasites and an aggregated dispersion pattern. For A. falcirostris, the dominant parasite was Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, and for A. falcatus, it was Piscinoodinium pillulare. Shannon diversity and Berger-Parker dominance were similar for both hosts, while the parasites species richness and evenness showed differences influenced by the ectoparasites species. These two populations of hosts that inhabited the same geographical area had different sizes, but were exposed to the same infective stages, and acquired qualitatively and quantitatively similar endoparasites community, thus indicating that the amounts and types of prey congeneric that they were eating were similar. Therefore, the overlap in the same occurrence area play an important role in the parasite communities to these phylogenetically related hosts.


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Trichodinids are mobile peritrichous ciliated protozoa, and widely known as ectocommensals and/or parasites of fish and other aquatic organisms. Little is known about the trichodinid fauna in Brazilian fish. This study reports Trichodina heterodentata Duncan, 1977 as a new parasite for freshwater fish Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887. This is the first record of this trichodinid in southeastern Brazil. Fifty specimens impregnated with 2% silver nitrate and another fifty stained with Giemsa were used for morphometry on the taxonomic characteristics. T. heterodentata in this study is medium size, with a disc-shaped body measuring 49.0 to 61.0 mu m, parasitizing the skin, fins and gills of pacu. Measurement comparisons between the present material and other records from different countries are presented.


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Tricodinídeos são protozoários ciliados móveis com ampla distribuição mundial; são considerados um dos agentes parasitários que mais acometem peixes cultivados. No Brasil, a maioria dos tricodinídeos que parasitam importantes espécies de peixes cultivados são desconhecidos, o que requer mais estudos taxonômicos com esse grupo de parasitos. Este estudo caracteriza morfologicamente Trichodina colisae Asmat & Sultana, 2005 de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) e do híbrido patinga (P. mesopotamicus × P. brachypomus) cultivados, respectivamente, no Centro-Oeste e Sudeste do Brasil. Foram feitas montagens a fresco do raspado de muco da pele, nadadeiras e brânquias, fixados com metanol e, posteriormente, impregnados com nitrato de prata e coradas com Giemsa para avaliação em microscopia óptica. O presente estudo relata não só a segunda ocorrência de T. colisae no mundo, mas também a primeira ocorrência na América do Sul.


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Toxoplasma gondii is a deadly intracellular parasite known to reside in every nucleated cell and known to cause severe complications in immunocompromised host. Standard drugs are cost effective and cause side effects, therefore, there is a necessity for a new drug molecule with immunomodulatory potential. Lactoferrin (Lf) is a natural milk protein, which has shown antimicrobial properties in its nanoformulation using alginate chitosan calcium phosphate bovine lactoferrin nanocapsules (AEC-CCo-CP-bLf-NCs). The present study was aimed to analyze and compare the effect of bovine Lf (bLf) in its native as well as nanoformulation (AEC-CCo-CP-bLf-NC) against coccidian parasite T. gondii. In vitro analysis has shown a significant increase in nitric oxide production and low parasitemia in in vitro cell culture model. In vivo BALB/c mice model have been used to develop human toxoplasmosis model. After treatment with NCs it has substantially increased the bioavailability of the protein and showed comparatively increased levels of reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide production, and Th1 cytokine which helped in parasite clearance. The mechanism of action of NCs has been clarified by immunoreactivity analysis, which showed accumulation of Lf in macrophages of various visceral organs, which is the site of parasite multiplication. Effect of NCs has significantly decreased (P<0.05) the parasite load in various organs and helped survival of mice till day 25 postinfection. Fe metabolism inside the mice has been found to be maintained even after administration of mono form of Lf, this indicates novelty of Lf protein. From the present study we concluded that nanoformulation did not reduce the therapeutic potential of Lf protein; however, nanoformulation has enhanced the stability of the protein and shown anti-toxoplasmal activity. Our study presents for the first time nanoformulation of Lf protein against Toxoplasma, which has advantages over the standard drug therapy without any side effects.


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Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, have developed elaborate strategies that they use to survive and thrive within different intracellular environments. During the blood stage of infection, the parasite is a master renovator of its erythrocyte host cell, and the changes in cell morphology and function that are induced by the parasite promote survival and contribute to the pathogenesis of severe malaria. In this Review, we discuss how Plasmodium parasites use the protein trafficking motif Plasmodium export element (PEXEL), protease-mediated polypeptide processing, a novel translocon termed the Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins (PTEX) and exomembranous structures to export hundreds of proteins to discrete subcellular locations in the host erythrocytes, which enables the parasite to gain access to vital nutrients and to evade the immune defence mechanisms of the host.


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BACKGROUND: Urbanization in African cities has major impact on malaria risk. Niamey, the capital of the Republic of Niger, is situated in the West African Sahel zone. The short rainy season and human activities linked with the Niger River influence mosquito abundance. This study aimed at deciphering the factors of distribution of urban malaria vectors in Niamey.

METHODS: The distribution of mosquito aquatic stages was investigated monthly from December 2002 to November 2003, at up to 84 breeding sites, throughout Niamey. An exploratory analysis of association between mosquito abundance and environmental factors was performed by a Principal Component Analysis and confirmed by Kruskall-Wallis non-parametric test. To assess the relative importance of significant factors, models were built for Anopheles and Culicinae. In a second capture session, adult mosquitoes were collected weekly with pyrethrum sprays and CDC light-traps from June 2008 to June 2009 in two differentiated urban areas chosen after the study's first step. Members of the Anopheles gambiae complex were genotyped and Anopheles females were tested for the presence of Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite antigens using ELISA.

RESULTS: In 2003, 29 % of 8420 mosquitoes collected as aquatic stages were Anopheles. They were significantly more likely to be found upstream, relatively close to the river and highly productive in ponds. These factors remained significant in regression and generalized linear models. The Culicinae were found significantly more likely close to the river, and in the main temporary affluent stream. In 2009, Anopheles specimens, including Anopheles gambiae s.l. (95 %), but also Anopheles funestus (0.6 %) accounted for 18 % of the adult mosquito fauna, with a large difference between the two sampled zones. Three members of the An. gambiae complex were found: Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles coluzzii, and An. gambiae. Nineteen (1.3 %) out of 1467 females tested for P. falciparum antigen were found positive.

CONCLUSION: The study provides valuable update knowledge on malaria vector ecology and distribution in Niamey. The identification of spatial and environmental risk factors could pave the way to larval source management strategy and allow malaria vector control to focus on key zones for the benefit of the community.


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Las enfermedades parasitarias o parasitosis son un conjunto de enfermedades infecciosas producidas por protozoos, helmintos, e incluso artrópodos. La enfermedad parasitaria más importante es la malaria que está incluida en la lista de enfermedades de la pobreza. Otras enfermedades parasitarias han sido incluidas en las denominadas enfermedades olvidadas o desatendidas (NTD: Neglected Tropical Diseases) entre las que se encuentran las filariosis linfática y onchocercosis. La malaria está causada por el género Plasmodium (protozoos apicomplexo) Las especies que pueden causar la infección en humanos son: P. falciparum. P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale y P. knowlesi. Las filarias son nematodos finos y largos, parásitos de la sangre, la linfa y los tejidos subcutáneos y conectivos que producen en el humano la filariosis. Su transmisión se produce por insectos hematófagos (mosquitos y moscas) que actúan como vectores. Las especies de filarias de interés clínico para los humanos son Wuchereria. bancrofti, Brugia. malayi y B. timori (filariosis linfática), Onchocerca volvulus, Loa. loa y Mansonella streptocerca (filarias dérmicas), y Mansonella perstans y M. ozzardi (mansonelosis). Todas ellas presentan estadios larvales, conocidos como microfilarias (L1), que circulan en sangre o en tejido subcutáneo que son las formas infectivas para los vectores. En el Laboratorio de Malaria & otras Parasitosis Emergentes se ha desarrollado una PCR en tiempo real para malaria (Malaria RT-PCR), una Nested-PCR para filarias (Nested-Filaria PCR) y una PCR en tiempo real para filarias (RT-Filaria-PCR) como Sistemas de Análisis Múltiple para la detección de varias especies de plasmodios y varias especies de filarias en muestras de cualquier índole como indicador que los Sistemas de Análisis Múltiple son comparativamente superiores a los métodos de detección individual y a la microscopía sin perder sensibilidad y especificidad. Todos los métodos desarrollados han dado muy buenos resultados en cuanto a sensibilidad y especificidad frente a los métodos tradicionales, de tal manera que hoy en día se usan en el Laboratorio de Malaria & otras Parasitosis Emergentes como métodos de referencia, planteando la posibilidad de usar el método de las filarias para un estudio actualizado de la distribución y prevalencia de las filarias en las zonas endémicas.


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This thesis explored the role of PTEX88, a putative component of the malaria translocon involved in trafficking parasite proteins into host red blood cells. Reverse genetic approaches were employed to demonstrate PTEX88 plays an auxiliary role in translocon function but has an impact on parasite virulence and immune evasion.


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Despite important differences between infectious diseases and cancers, tumour development (neoplasia) can nonetheless be closely compared to infectious disease because of the similarity of their effects on the body. On this basis, we predict that many of the life-history (LH) responses observed in the context of host-parasite interactions should also be relevant in the context of cancer. Parasites are thought to affect LH traits of their hosts because of strong selective pressures like direct and indirect mortality effects favouring, for example, early maturation and reproduction. Cancer can similarly also affect LH traits by imposing direct costs and/or indirectly by triggering plastic adjustments and evolutionary responses. Here, we discuss how and why a LH focus is a potentially productive but under-exploited research direction for cancer research, by focusing our attention on similarities between infectious disease and cancer with respect to their effects on LH traits and their evolution. We raise the possibility that LH adjustments can occur in response to cancer via maternal/paternal effects and that these changes can be heritable to (adaptively) modify the LH traits of their offspring. We conclude that LH adjustments can potentially influence the transgenerational persistence of inherited oncogenic mutations in populations.


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El desarrollo de una vacuna contra malaria es un área de exploración activa pero con enormes retos debido especialmente a la complejidad del ciclo del parásito. Así, es necesario bloquear las diferentes etapas de la invasión que tiene el Plasmodium falciparum y extraer de ellas la mayor información posible de la artillería que utiliza para su ataque. Para esto, péptidos de las proteínas STARP, CelTOS y TRSP (del esporozoito) y SERA 5 (del merozoito) que tienen alta afinidad de unión a células HepG2 y a glóbulos rojos respectivamente (conocidos como cHABPs), han sido modificados (conocidos como mHABPs), sintetizados y evaluados a nivel de respuesta inmune en monos Aotus así como estudiados en su conformación estructural por RMN de 1H. Los resultados muestran que los péptidos nativos no son inmunogénicos, pero pueden inducir altos títulos de anticuerpos cuando sus residuos críticos o sus vecinos son reemplazados por otro con un volumen y masa similar, pero diferente polaridad. El estudio conformacional pone de manifiesto que las estructuras de los péptidos nativos son diferentes de sus péptidos modificados ya sea que muestren regiones estructuradas más cortas o más largas o que no presenten ninguna, en comparación con sus análogos modificados altamente inmunogénicos. Las características estereoquímicas particulares en las cadenas laterales de algunos residuos de aminoácidos de estos péptidos modificados así como los rasgos fisicoquímicos parecen jugar un rol importante en la respuesta inmune apropiada cuando estos fueron inmunizados en grupos de monos Aotus confiriendo un avance al diseño de una vacuna contra malaria totalmente eficaz.


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Phylogeographic studies, which infer population history and dispersal movements from intra-specific spatial genetic variation, require expensive and time-consuming analyses that are not always feasible, especially in the case of rare or endangered species. On the other hand, comparative phylogeography of species involved in close biotic interactions may show congruent patterns depending on the specificity of the relationship. Consequently, the phylogeography of a parasite that needs two hosts to complete its life cycle should reflect population history traits of both hosts. Population movements evidenced by the parasite’s phylogeography that are not reflected in the phylogeography of one of these hosts may thus be attributed to the other host. Using the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and a parasitic tapeworm (Taenia pisiformis) as an example, we propose comparing the phylogeography of easily available organisms such as game species and their specific heteroxenous parasites to infer population movements of definitive host/predator species, independently of performing genetic analyses on the latter. This may be an interesting approach for indirectly studying the history of species whose phylogeography is difficult to analyse directly.