916 resultados para Lyons, Martyn


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Transmitting sensitive data over non-secret channels has always required encryption technologies to ensure that the data arrives without exposure to eavesdroppers. The Internet has made it possible to transmit vast volumes of data more rapidly and cheaply and to a wider audience than ever before. At the same time, strong encryption makes it possible to send data securely, to digitally sign it, to prove it was sent or received, and to guarantee its integrity. The Internet and encryption make bulk transmission of data a commercially viable proposition. However, there are implementation challenges to solve before commercial bulk transmission becomes mainstream. Powerful have a performance cost, and may affect quality of service. Without encryption, intercepted data may be illicitly duplicated and re-sold, or its commercial value diminished because its secrecy is lost. Performance degradation and potential for commercial loss discourage the bulk transmission of data over the Internet in any commercial application. This paper outlines technical solutions to these problems. We develop new technologies and combine existing ones in new and powerful ways to minimise commercial loss without compromising performance or inflating overheads.


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This paper reports on the use of non-symbolic fragmentation of data for securing communications. Non-symbolic fragmentation, or NSF, relies on breaking up data into non-symbolic fragments, which are (usually irregularly-sized) chunks whose boundaries do not necessarily coincide with the boundaries of the symbols making up the data. For example, ASCII data is broken up into fragments which may include 8-bit fragments but also include many other sized fragments. Fragments are then separated with a form of path diversity. The secrecy of the transmission relies on the secrecy of one or more of a number of things: the ordering of the fragments, the sizes of the fragments, and the use of path diversity. Once NSF is in place, it can help secure many forms of communication, and is useful for exchanging sensitive information, and for commercial transactions. A sample implementation is described with an evaluation of the technology.


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This thesis is composed of three papers in which the research questions are related to the double burden that accrues to Brazilian women. The first and second papers address this issue by looking at expenditure decisions about home production. The first paper examines whether the expenditure decisions about production goods, such as white appliances, relative to entertainment goods, such as TVs, are the outcome of a bargaining process between husbands and wives. The second paper looks at the demand for maid services and for production durable goods, examining the extent to which other household members substitute for maid services and durable goods in home production. The third paper addresses the effects of Brazilian women's double burden on their labor market participation by examining whether the occupational choice of Brazilian women is affected by their gender roles and whether entry into other occupations that are not identified as female occupations has become easier since the introduction of anti-discrimination laws in the labor market. The first paper combines two Brazilian data sets: a Brazilian household expenditure survey, Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiares (POF), and a Brazilian household survey, Pesquisa Nacional Por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD). The results of the first paper indicate that the decision about durable goods ownership is the outcome of a bargaining process between husband and wife. The test on the coefficients of the marriage market variable and the indicators of households in which only the wife and households in which only the husband makes expenditure decisions corroborate the expectations about wives' preferences for production goods. The same data sets as the first paper are used in the second paper. The finding of the second paper indicates that if the marriage market is favorable to women, that is if the ratio of women to men goes from 1.07 to 0.96, the increment in the household probability of owning at least one maid's substitute durable goods is equivalent to 24% the impact of moving a household up one income quintile. Moreover, the results indicate that daughters' time substitutes for wives' time and maid services in home production. Parents may want daughters trained in home production to be able to perform their future role as wives. However, this training comes at a cost to daughters' investment in formal education, narrowing their future career options. The data used in the third paper come from a Brazilian household survey, Pesquisa Nacional Por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD). Gender roles are responsible for women to choose female-dominated occupations, married women are 1.14 times more likely to work in female-dominated occupations and having a child six years and older increases on average by 12% the probability that women work in female-dominated occupations instead of genderintegrated occupations in 2001. However, it becomes easier for all types of women to enter into male-dominated and gender-integrated occupations in 2001 compared to 1981.


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Les troubles anxieux et les symptômes associés s’avèrent être reconnus comme l’une des formes de psychopathologies vécues le plus fréquemment chez les enfants et les adolescents (Costello, Mustillo, Erkanli, Keeler, & Angold, 2003). Le degré de sécurité d’attachement est considéré depuis longtemps comme un facteur ayant une influence fondamentale sur le développement de l’enfant et dans l’émergence de psychopathologie (DeKlyen & Greenberg, 2008; Kobak, Cassidy, Lyons-Ruth, & Zir, 2006), s’avérant ainsi une variable importante pour comprendre l’émergence des troubles anxieux pendant l’enfance (Colonnesi et al., 2011). La présente étude de cas multiples s’avère la première à utiliser des mesures représentationnelles afin d’observer l’attachement auprès d’une population clinique d’enfants d’âge scolaire ayant un trouble anxieux (Child Attachment Interview) et chez leur mère (Adult Attachment Interview). Trois principaux objectifs, tous de nature exploratoire, sont visés: 1) procéder à une analyse approfondie des profils d’attachement chez les enfants ayant un trouble anxieux et leur mère, tant sur le plan des catégories que des dimensions d’attachement; 2) décrire les correspondances entre les représentations d’attachement de la mère et de son enfant; 3) examiner les associations entre les types de représentations d’attachement mère-enfant et les types de symptômes anxieux chez l’enfant. Pour ce faire, des mesures de ces deux variables ont été prises auprès de six enfants âgés entre 8 et 15 ans et leurs mères, recrutés au sein d’une clinique de troisième ligne spécialisée en traitement des troubles anxieux. Les résultats démontrent que la majorité des enfants ayant un trouble anxieux présente une insécurité des représentations d’attachement, accompagnée principalement d’une tendance à l’attachement détaché. Concernant les dimensions d’attachement, la majorité des enfants anxieux présente d’importants déficits liés à l’ouverture émotionnelle. De plus, toutes les mères présentent des représentations d’attachement se situant sur le continuum de la préoccupation, impliquant des stratégies d’hyperactivation (de modérées à élevées). Les mères des enfants ayant un attachement sécurisant composent avec des représentations d’attachement préoccupées par des évènements traumatiques. Ensuite, peu de correspondances intergénérationnelles sont observables. Une tendance à présenter des stratégies d’attachement complémentaires est plutôt relevée, particulièrement concernant des stratégies d’hyperactivation chez la mère (pôle préoccupé) et de désactivation chez l’enfant (pôle détaché). Par ailleurs, peu d’associations spécifiques sont identifiées entre les représentations d’attachement et les troubles anxieux, mis à part la présence d’insécurité chez les enfants ayant un trouble d’anxiété de séparation. Enfin, une importante tendance aux difficultés d’ordre psychosomatique est observée chez les enfants ayant un trouble anxieux. À la lumière de ces principales tendances relatives à l’attachement, des pistes cliniques seront proposées afin de soutenir l’intervention des équipes traitantes auprès des enfants composant avec un trouble anxieux et de leur mère.


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Methane cold seep systems typically exhibit extensive buildups of authigenic carbonate minerals, resulting from local increases in alkalinity driven by methane oxidation. Here, we demonstrate that modern seep authigenic carbonates exhibit anomalously low clumped isotope values (Delta(47)), as much as similar to 0.2 parts per thousand lower than expected values. In modern seeps, this range of disequilibrium translates into apparent temperatures that are always warmer than ambient temperatures, by up to 50 degrees C. We examine various mechanisms that may induce disequilibrium behaviour in modern seep carbonates, and suggest that the observed values result from several factors including kinetic isotopic effects during methane oxidation, mixing of inorganic carbon pools, pH effects and rapid precipitation. Ancient seep carbonates studied here also exhibit potential disequilibrium signals. Ultimately, these findings indicate the predominance of disequilibrium clumped isotope behaviour in modern cold seep carbonates that must be considered when characterizing environmental conditions in both modern and ancient cold seep settings.


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Research funded by the Army Research Laboratory (ARL), the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department at Montana Tech investigated various methods of extracting and refining rare earth elements (REEs) from mineral ores and concentrates. Extensive thermodynamic, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyses were performed to evaluate the relative stabilities of various REE compounds in order to assess potential methods for selective separation and recovery of specific REEs. Conversion of rare earth oxides (REO) to rare earth chlorides or bromides is a possible initial step in pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing of REEs. REO can be converted to chlorides or bromides by roasting in the presence of a chloridizing or bromidizing reactant. (e.g. NH4Cl and NH4Br).


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Los conceptos de polisemia y sinonimia han interpelado a los lingüistas de distintas corrientes teóricas y aún hoy constituyen nudos fundamentales de discusión en torno a la definición del significado. En este trabajo, abordaremos dichos fenómenos desde dos perspectivas diferentes: la de la Lingüística Cognitiva y la de la Escuela de Columbia. Por un lado, en Lyons (1997), y desde la corriente cognitivista en general, se considera la existencia de la polisemia y la sinonimia como inherente a los significados lingüísticos. Por el contrario, en Diver (1975 (2012), 1995), teórico fundador de la Escuela de Columbia, se sostiene que cada signo es monosémico y que la polisemia se encuentra en el mensaje. Desde la perspectiva variacionista en la que nos ubicamos (García 1995, 2009; Martínez 1995, 2000, 2012; Mauder 2000, Speranza 2007, 2012) adscribimos a los postulados de Diver: entendemos que cada morfema hace un aporte específico y constante al contexto comunicativo y que el hablante selecciona la forma más adecuada para satisfacer sus necesidades comunicativas. En este trabajo, intentaremos justificar, a través de ejemplos de nuestro corpus de investigación, 1) que el análisis de la relación de los significados básicos con los contextos concretos de aparición puede arrojar luz sobre la manera en que una variedad lingüística concibe el mundo y 2) que este tipo de análisis puede contribuir a la enseñanza de una lengua segunda y extranjera en su dinamismo cultural


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Los conceptos de polisemia y sinonimia han interpelado a los lingüistas de distintas corrientes teóricas y aún hoy constituyen nudos fundamentales de discusión en torno a la definición del significado. En este trabajo, abordaremos dichos fenómenos desde dos perspectivas diferentes: la de la Lingüística Cognitiva y la de la Escuela de Columbia. Por un lado, en Lyons (1997), y desde la corriente cognitivista en general, se considera la existencia de la polisemia y la sinonimia como inherente a los significados lingüísticos. Por el contrario, en Diver (1975 (2012), 1995), teórico fundador de la Escuela de Columbia, se sostiene que cada signo es monosémico y que la polisemia se encuentra en el mensaje. Desde la perspectiva variacionista en la que nos ubicamos (García 1995, 2009; Martínez 1995, 2000, 2012; Mauder 2000, Speranza 2007, 2012) adscribimos a los postulados de Diver: entendemos que cada morfema hace un aporte específico y constante al contexto comunicativo y que el hablante selecciona la forma más adecuada para satisfacer sus necesidades comunicativas. En este trabajo, intentaremos justificar, a través de ejemplos de nuestro corpus de investigación, 1) que el análisis de la relación de los significados básicos con los contextos concretos de aparición puede arrojar luz sobre la manera en que una variedad lingüística concibe el mundo y 2) que este tipo de análisis puede contribuir a la enseñanza de una lengua segunda y extranjera en su dinamismo cultural


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Multiferroic materials displaying coupled ferroelectric and ferromagnetic order parameters could provide a means for data storage whereby bits could be written electrically and read magnetically, or vice versa. Thin films of Aurivillius phase Bi6Ti2.8Fe1.52Mn0.68O18, previously prepared by a chemical solution deposition (CSD) technique, are multiferroics demonstrating magnetoelectric coupling at room temperature. Here, we demonstrate the growth of a similar composition, Bi6Ti2.99Fe1.46Mn0.55O18, via the liquid injection chemical vapor deposition technique. High-resolution magnetic measurements reveal a considerably higher in-plane ferromagnetic signature than CSD grown films (MS = 24.25 emu/g (215 emu/cm3), MR = 9.916 emu/g (81.5 emu/cm3), HC = 170 Oe). A statistical analysis of the results from a thorough microstructural examination of the samples, allows us to conclude that the ferromagnetic signature can be attributed to the Aurivillius phase, with a confidence level of 99.95%. In addition, we report the direct piezoresponse force microscopy visualization of ferroelectric switching while going through a full in-plane magnetic field cycle, where increased volumes (8.6 to 14% compared with 4 to 7% for the CSD-grown films) of the film engage in magnetoelectric coupling and demonstrate both irreversible and reversible magnetoelectric domain switching.


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Conceived as an investigation into theories and practices of visual perception, these prints explore the idea that artwork can be intentionally created to be experienced differently dependent on one's visual abilities. The software facilitates the embedding of messages revealed only to those with particular visual acuities or viewed using a smart device to digitally simulate those acuities.


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Artist David Lyons and computer scientist David Flatla work collaboratively to create art that intentionally targets audiences of varying visual abilities mediated through smart device interfaces. Conceived as an investigation into theories and practices of visual perception, they explore the idea that artwork can be intentionally created to be experienced differently dependent on one’s visual abilities. They have created motion graphics and supporting recolouring and colour vision deficiency (CVD) simulation software. Some of the motion graphics communicate details specifically to those with colour blindness/CVD by containing moving imagery only seen by those with CVD. Others will contain moving images that those with typical colour vision can experience but appear to be unchanging to people with CVD. All the artwork is revealed for both audiences through the use of specially programmed smart devices, fitted with augmented reality recolouring and CVD simulation software. The visual elements come from various sources, including the Ishihara Colour Blind Test, movie marques, and game shows. The software created reflects the perceptual capabilities of most individuals with reduced colour vision. The development of the simulation software and the motion graphic series are examined and discussed from both computer science and artistic positions.


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Circle Squared by David Lyons and Raz Ullah, brings together large-scale projected motion graphics and a dynamic soundscape to create a playful, digitally interactive artwork. The sounds are drawn from heightened and abstracted recordings of the printmaking process, and these – along with the changing CMYK colour palette – are triggered by audience interactions with sensors and projectors within the installation.