989 resultados para Low-Pr-Fluid


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Epidemiological studies suggest that ovarian cancer is an endocrine-related tumour, and progesterone exposure specifically may decrease the risk of ovarian cancer. To assess whether the progesterone receptor (PR) exon 4 valine to leucine amino acid variant is associated with specific tumour characteristics or with overall risk of ovarian cancer, we examined 551 cases of epithelial ovarian cancer and 298 unaffected controls for the underlying G-->T nucleotide substitution polymorphism. Stratification of the ovarian cancer cases according to tumour behaviour (low malignant potential or invasive), histology, grade or stage failed to reveal any heterogeneity with respect to the genotype defined by the PR exon 4 polymorphism. Furthermore, the genotype distribution did not differ significantly between ovarian cancer cases and unaffected controls. Compared with the GG genotype, the age-adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for risk of ovarian cancer was 0.78 (0.57-1.08) for the GT genotype, and 1.39 (0.47-4.14) for the TT genotype. In conclusion, the PR exon 4 codon 660 leucine variant encoded by the T allele does not appear to be associated with ovarian tumour behaviour, histology, stage or grade. This variant is also not associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer, and is unlikely to be associated with a large decrease in ovarian cancer risk, although we cannot rule out a moderate inverse association between the GT genotype and ovarian cancer.


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Low participation at the employee or worksite level limits the potential public health impact of worksite-based interventions. Ecological models suggest that multiple levels of influence operate to determine participation patterns in worksite health promotion programs. Most investigations into the determinants of low participation study the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and institutional influences on employee participation. Community- and policy-level influences have not received attention, nor has consideration been given to worksite-level participation issues. The purpose of this article is to discuss one macrosocial theoretical perspective—political economy of health—that may guide practitioners and researchers interested in addressing the community- and policy-level determinants of participation in worksite health promotion programs. The authors argue that using theory to investigate the full spectrum of determinants offers a more complete range of intervention and research options for maximizing employee and worksite levels of participation.


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We compare the performance of two different low-storage filter diagonalisation (LSFD) strategies in the calculation of complex resonance energies of the HO2, radical. The first is carried out within a complex-symmetric Lanczos subspace representation [H. Zhang, S.C. Smith, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3 (2001) 2281]. The second involves harmonic inversion of a real autocorrelation function obtained via a damped Chebychev recursion [V.A. Mandelshtam, H.S. Taylor, J. Chem. Phys. 107 (1997) 6756]. We find that while the Chebychev approach has the advantage of utilizing real algebra in the time-consuming process of generating the vector recursion, the Lanczos, method (using complex vectors) requires fewer iterations, especially for low-energy part of the spectrum. The overall efficiency in calculating resonances for these two methods is comparable for this challenging system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new method is presented to determine an accurate eigendecomposition of difficult low temperature unimolecular master equation problems. Based on a generalisation of the Nesbet method, the new method is capable of achieving complete spectral resolution of the master equation matrix with relative accuracy in the eigenvectors. The method is applied to a test case of the decomposition of ethane at 300 K from a microcanonical initial population with energy transfer modelled by both Ergodic Collision Theory and the exponential-down model. The fact that quadruple precision (16-byte) arithmetic is required irrespective of the eigensolution method used is demonstrated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We develop a new iterative filter diagonalization (FD) scheme based on Lanczos subspaces and demonstrate its application to the calculation of bound-state and resonance eigenvalues. The new scheme combines the Lanczos three-term vector recursion for the generation of a tridiagonal representation of the Hamiltonian with a three-term scalar recursion to generate filtered states within the Lanczos representation. Eigenstates in the energy windows of interest can then be obtained by solving a small generalized eigenvalue problem in the subspace spanned by the filtered states. The scalar filtering recursion is based on the homogeneous eigenvalue equation of the tridiagonal representation of the Hamiltonian, and is simpler and more efficient than our previous quasi-minimum-residual filter diagonalization (QMRFD) scheme (H. G. Yu and S. C. Smith, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1998, 283, 69), which was based on solving for the action of the Green operator via an inhomogeneous equation. A low-storage method for the construction of Hamiltonian and overlap matrix elements in the filtered-basis representation is devised, in which contributions to the matrix elements are computed simultaneously as the recursion proceeds, allowing coefficients of the filtered states to be discarded once their contribution has been evaluated. Application to the HO2 system shows that the new scheme is highly efficient and can generate eigenvalues with the same numerical accuracy as the basic Lanczos algorithm.


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A purple acid phosphatase from sweet potato is the first reported example of a protein containing an enzymatically active binuclear Fe-Mn center. Multifield saturation magnetization data over a temperature range of 2 to 200 K indicates that this center is strongly antiferromagnetically coupled. Metal ion analysis shows an excess of iron over manganese. Low temperature EPR spectra reveal only resonances characteristic of high spin Fe(III) centers (Fe(III)-apo and Fe(III)-Zn(II)) and adventitious Cu(II) centers. There were no resonances from either Mn(II) or binuclear Fe-Mn centers. Together with a comparison of spectral properties and sequence homologies between known purple acid phosphatases, the enzymatic and spectroscopic data strongly indicate the presence of catalytic Fe(III)-Mn(II) centers in the active site of the sweet potato enzyme. Because of the strong antiferromagnetism it is likely that the metal ions in the sweet potato enzyme are linked via a mu -oxo bridge, in contrast to other known purple acid phosphatases in which a mu -hydroxo bridge is present. Differences in metal ion composition and bridging may affect substrate specificities leading to the biological function of different purple acid phosphatases.


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Background. A retrospective analysis was performed on adult renal transplant recipients to evaluate the relationship between tacrolimus trough concentrations and the development of rejection in the first month after transplant. Methods. A total of 349 concentrations from 29 patients, measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), were recorded. Based on an increased serum creatinine, 12 patients were considered to have organ rejection. Rejection was confirmed by biopsy in five of these. The median trough concentration of tacrolimus over the first month of therapy, or until the time of first rejection was compared in rejecters vs non-rejecters. Results. Median trough concentrations of tacrolimus were found to be lower in biopsy-proven rejecters vs non-rejecters (P=0.03) and all rejecters vs nonrejecters (P = 0.04). The average median concentration (+/- SD) in the biopsy-proven rejecter group was 5.09 +/-1.16 ng/ml, compared to 9.20 +/-3.52 ng/ml in the non-rejecter group. After exclusion of an outlier, the average median concentration in all rejecters was 5.57 +/-1.47 ng/rnl, compared with 9.20 +/-3.52 ng/ml in non-rejecters. A rejection rate of 55% was found for patients with a median trough concentration between 0 and 10 ng/ml. This compared with no observed rejection in patients with a median concentration between 10 and 15 ng/ml. Conclusion. A significant relationship exists between organ rejection and median tacrolimus trough concentrations in the first month post-transplant, with patients displaying low concentrations more likely to reject. In order to minimize rejection in the first month after renal transplantation, trough concentrations greater than 10 ng/ml must be achieved.


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Some efficient solution techniques for solving models of noncatalytic gas-solid and fluid-solid reactions are presented. These models include those with non-constant diffusivities for which the formulation reduces to that of a convection-diffusion problem. A singular perturbation problem results for such models in the presence of a large Thiele modulus, for which the classical numerical methods can present difficulties. For the convection-diffusion like case, the time-dependent partial differential equations are transformed by a semi-discrete Petrov-Galerkin finite element method into a system of ordinary differential equations of the initial-value type that can be readily solved. In the presence of a constant diffusivity, in slab geometry the convection-like terms are absent, and the combination of a fitted mesh finite difference method with a predictor-corrector method is used to solve the problem. Both the methods are found to converge, and general reaction rate forms can be treated. These methods are simple and highly efficient for arbitrary particle geometry and parameters, including a large Thiele modulus. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Swinfen Charitable Trust was established in 1998 with the aim of helping the poor, sick and disabled in the developing world. It does this by setting up simple telemedicine links based on email to support doctors in isolated hospitals. The first telemedicine link was established to support the lone orthopaedic surgeon at the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) in Savar, near Dhaka in Bangladesh, in July 1999. An evaluation of the 27 referrals made during the first year of operation showed that the telemedical advice had been useful and cost-effective. Based on the success of the Bangladesh project, the Swinfen Charitable Trust supplied: digital cameras and tripods to more hospitals in other developing countries. These are Patan Hospital in Nepal (March 2000), Gizo Hospital in the Solomon Islands (March 2000), Helena Goldie Hospital: on New Georgia in the Solomon Islands (September 2000) and LAMB Hospital in Bangladesh (September 2000).


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Some paramagnetic superoxide ions detectable by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) can be generated on Au/ZnO catalyst by oxygen adsorption at room temperature as well as at 553 K. In both the cases, the O-2(-) ions are present on the catalyst surface. The disappearance of the O-2(-) signal by the introduction of carbon monoxide over the catalyst surface implies that the O-2(-) ions are either the active oxygen species or the precursors of the active oxygen species. The CO3- species produced are also detected by EPR. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mice transgenic for E6/E7 oncogenes of Human Papillomavirus type 16 display life-long expression of E6 in lens and skin epithelium, and develop inflammatory skin disease late in life, which progresses to papillomata and squamous carcinoma in some mice. We asked whether endogenous expression of E6 induced a specific immunological outcome, i.e. immunity or tolerance, or whether the mice remained immunologically naive to E6. We show that prior to the onset of skin disease, E6 transgenic mice did not develop a spontaneous E6-directed antibody response, nor did they display T-cell proliferative responses to dominant T-helper epitope peptides within E6. In contrast, old mice in which skin disease had arisen, developed antibodies to E6. We also show that following immunisation with E6, specific antibody responses did not differ significantly among groups of EB-transgenic mice of different ages (and therefore of different durations and amounts of exposure to endogenous E6), and non-transgenic controls. Additionally, E6 immunisation-induced T-cell proliferative responses were similar in E6-transgenic and non-transgenic mice. These data are consistent with the interpretation that unimmunised Eb-transgenic mice that have not developed inflammatory skin disease remain immunologically naive to E6 at the B- and Th levels. There are implications for E6-mediated tumorigenesis in humans, and for the development of putative E6 therapeutic vaccines. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.