923 resultados para Local area networks (Computer networks)


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We consider a dense ad hoc wireless network comprising n nodes confined to a given two dimensional region of fixed area. For the Gupta-Kumar random traffic model and a realistic interference and path loss model (i.e., the channel power gains are bounded above, and are bounded below by a strictly positive number), we study the scaling of the aggregate end-to-end throughput with respect to the network average power constraint, P macr, and the number of nodes, n. The network power constraint P macr is related to the per node power constraint, P macr, as P macr = np. For large P, we show that the throughput saturates as Theta(log(P macr)), irrespective of the number of nodes in the network. For moderate P, which can accommodate spatial reuse to improve end-to-end throughput, we observe that the amount of spatial reuse feasible in the network is limited by the diameter of the network. In fact, we observe that the end-to-end path loss in the network and the amount of spatial reuse feasible in the network are inversely proportional. This puts a restriction on the gains achievable using the cooperative communication techniques studied in and, as these rely on direct long distance communication over the network.


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We propose two variants of the Q-learning algorithm that (both) use two timescales. One of these updates Q-values of all feasible state-action pairs at each instant while the other updates Q-values of states with actions chosen according to the ‘current ’ randomized policy updates. A sketch of convergence of the algorithms is shown. Finally, numerical experiments using the proposed algorithms for routing on different network topologies are presented and performance comparisons with the regular Q-learning algorithm are shown.


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We consider the incentive compatible broadcast (ICB) problem in ad hoc wireless networks with selfish nodes. We design a Bayesian incentive compatible broadcast (BIC-B) protocol to address this problem. VCG mechanism based schemes have been popularly used in the literature to design dominant strategy incentive compatible (DSIC) protocols for ad hoc wireless networks. VCG based mechanisms have two critical limitations: (i) the network is required to be bi-connected, (ii) the resulting protocol is not budget balanced. Our proposed BIC-B protocol overcomes these difficulties. We also prove the optimality of the proposed scheme.


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In this paper we address the problem of forming procurement networks for items with value adding stages that are linearly arranged. Formation of such procurement networks involves a bottom-up assembly of complex production, assembly, and exchange relationships through supplier selection and contracting decisions. Research in supply chain management has emphasized that such decisions need to take into account the fact that suppliers and buyers are intelligent and rational agents who act strategically. In this paper, we view the problem of procurement network formation (PNF) for multiple units of a single item as a cooperative game where agents cooperate to form a surplus maximizing procurement network and then share the surplus in a fair manner. We study the implications of using the Shapley value as a solution concept for forming such procurement networks. We also present a protocol, based on the extensive form game realization of the Shapley value, for forming these networks.


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The problem of finding optimal parameterized feedback policies for dynamic bandwidth allocation in communication networks is studied. We consider a queueing model with two queues to which traffic from different competing flows arrive. The queue length at the buffers is observed every T instants of time, on the basis of which a decision on the amount of bandwidth to be allocated to each buffer for the next T instants is made. We consider two different classes of multilevel closed-loop feedback policies for the system and use a two-timescale simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) algorithm to find optimal policies within each prescribed class. We study the performance of the proposed algorithm on a numerical setting and show performance comparisons of the two optimal multilevel closedloop policies with optimal open loop policies. We observe that closed loop policies of Class B that tune parameters for both the queues and do not have the constraint that the entire bandwidth be used at each instant exhibit the best results overall as they offer greater flexibility in parameter tuning. Index Terms — Resource allocation, dynamic bandwidth allocation in communication networks, two-timescale SPSA algorithm, optimal parameterized policies. I.


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The concept of interference alignment when extended to three-source three-destination instantaneous multiple unicast network for the case where, each source-destination pair has a min-cut of 1 and zero-interference conditions are not satisfied, is known to achieve a rate of half for every source-destination pair under certain conditions [6]. This was called network alignment. We generalize this concept of network alignment to three-source three-destination multiple unicast (3S-3D-MU) networks with delays, without making use of memory at the intermediate nodes (i.e., nodes other than the sources and destinations) and using time varying Local Encoding Kernels (LEKs). This achieves half the rate corresponding to the individual source-destination min-cut for some classes of 3S-3D-MU network with delays which do not satisfy the zero-interference conditions.


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A second order transfer function with two poles and two zeros exhibits a step response characterized by a sudden rise to the steady state value, followed by oscillations around this steady state. With proper choice of the coefficients, it is possible to obtain transfer functions suitable for pulse transmission purposes.


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In this paper we report on the outcomes of a research and demonstration project on human intrusion detection in a large secure space using an ad hoc wireless sensor network. This project has been a unique experience in collaborative research, involving ten investigators (with expertise in areas such as sensors, circuits, computer systems,communication and networking, signal processing and security) to execute a large funded project that spanned three to four years. In this paper we report on the specific engineering solution that was developed: the various architectural choices and the associated specific designs. In addition to developing a demonstrable system, the various problems that arose have given rise to a large amount of basic research in areas such as geographical packet routing, distributed statistical detection, sensors and associated circuits, a low power adaptive micro-radio, and power optimising embedded systems software. We provide an overview of the research results obtained.


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In this paper, we propose an efficient source routing algorithm for unicast flows, which addresses the scalability problem associated with the basic source routing technique. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm indeed helps in reducing the message overhead considerably, and at the same time it gives comparable performance in terms of resource utilization across a wide range of workloads.


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The Radius of Direct attraction of a discrete neural network is a measure of stability of the network. it is known that Hopfield networks designed using Hebb's Rule have a radius of direct attraction of Omega(n/p) where n is the size of the input patterns and p is the number of them. This lower bound is tight if p is no larger than 4. We construct a family of such networks with radius of direct attraction Omega(n/root plog p), for any p greater than or equal to 5. The techniques used to prove the result led us to the first polynomial-time algorithm for designing a neural network with maximum radius of direct attraction around arbitrary input patterns. The optimal synaptic matrix is computed using the ellipsoid method of linear programming in conjunction with an efficient separation oracle. Restrictions of symmetry and non-negative diagonal entries in the synaptic matrix can be accommodated within this scheme.


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Researchers can use bond graph modeling, a tool that takes into account the energy conservation principle, to accurately assess the dynamic behavior of wireless sensor networks on a continuous basis.


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Isolated magnetic nanowires have been studied extensively and the magnetization reversal mechanism is well understood in these systems. But when these nanowires are joined together in different architectures, they behave differently and can give novel properties. Using this approach, one can engineer the network architectures to get artificial anisotropy. Here, we report six-fold anisotropy by joining the magnetic nanowires into hexagonal network. For this study, we also benchmark the widely used micromagnetic packages: OOMMF, Nmag, and LLG-simulator. Further, we propose a local hysteresis method by post processing the spatial magnetization information. With this approach we obtained the hysteresis of nanowires to understand the six-fold anisotropy and the reversal mechanism within the hexagonal networks.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have many application scenarios where external clock synchronisation may be required because a WSN may consist of components which are not connected to each other. In this paper, we first propose a novel weighted average-based internal clock synchronisation (WICS) protocol, which synchronises all the clocks of a WSN with the clock of a reference node periodically. Based on this protocol, we then propose our weighted average-based external clock synchronisation (WECS) protocol. We have analysed the proposed protocols for maximum synchronisation error and shown that it is always upper bounded. Extensive simulation studies of the proposed protocols have been carried out using Castalia simulator. Simulation results validate our above theoretical claim and also show that the proposed protocols perform better in comparison to other protocols in terms of synchronisation accuracy. A prototype implementation of the WICS protocol using a few TelosB motes also validates the above conclusions.