951 resultados para Local and Wide Area Network


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Climate change can be associated with variations in the frequency and intensity of extreme temperatures and precipitation events on the local and regional scales. Along coastal areas, flooding associated with increased occupation has seriously impacted products and services generated by marine life, in particular the biotechnological potential that macroalgae hold. Therefore, this paper analyzes the available information on the taxonomy, ecology and physiology of macroalgae and discusses the impacts of climate change and local stress on the biotechnological potential of Brazilian macroalgae. Based on data compiled from a series of floristic and ecological works, we note the disappearance in some Brazilian regions of major groups of biotechnological interest. In some cases, the introduction of exotic species has been documented, as well as expansion of the distribution range of economically important species. We also verify an increase in the similarities between the Brazilian phycogeographic provinces, although they still remain different. It is possible that these changes have resulted from the warming of South Atlantic water, as observed for its surface in southeastern Brazilian, mainly during the winter. However, unplanned urbanization of coastal areas can also produce similar biodiversity losses, which requires efforts to generate long-term temporal data on the composition, community structure and physiology of macroalgae.


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This study has investigated the question of relation between literacy practices in and out of school in rural Tanzania. By using the perspective of linguistic anthropology, literacy practices in five villages in Karagwe district in the northwest of Tanzania have been analysed. The outcome may be used as a basis for educational planning and literacy programs. The analysis has revealed an intimate relation between language, literacy and power. In Karagwe, traditional élites have drawn on literacy to construct and reconstruct their authority, while new élites, such as individual women and some young people have been able to use literacy as one tool to get access to power. The study has also revealed a high level of bilingualism and a high emphasis on education in the area, which prove a potential for future education in the area. At the same time discontinuity in language use, mainly caused by stigmatisation of what is perceived as local and traditional, such as the mother-tongue of the majority of the children, and the high status accrued to all that is perceived as Western, has turned out to constitute a great obstacle for pupils’ learning. The use of ethnographic perspectives has enabled comparisons between interactional patterns in schools and outside school. This has revealed communicative patterns in school that hinder pupils’ learning, while the same patterns in other discourses reinforce learning. By using ethnography, relations between explicit and implicit language ideologies and their impact in educational contexts may be revealed. This knowledge may then be used to make educational plans and literacy programmes more relevant and efficient, not only in poor post-colonial settings such as Tanzania, but also elsewhere, such as in Western settings.


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Habitat loss and fragmentation have a prominent role in determining the size of plant populations, and can affect plant-pollinator interactions. It is hypothesized that in small plant populations the ability to set seeds can be reduced due to limited pollination services, since individuals in small populations can receive less quantity or quality of visits. In this study, I investigated the effect of population size on plant reproductive success and insect visitation in 8 populations of two common species in the island of Lesvos, Greece (Mediterranean Sea), Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, and of a rare perennial shrub endemic to north-central Italy, Ononis masquillierii. All the three species depended on insect pollinators for sexual reproduction. For each species, pollen limitation was present in all or nearly all populations, but the relationship between pollen limitation and population size was only present in Ononis masquillierii. However, in Echium plantagineum, significant relationships between both open-pollinated and handcrossed-pollinated seed sets and population size were found, being small populations comparatively less productive than large ones. Additionally, for this species, livestock grazing intensity was greater for small populations and for sparse patches, and had a negative influence on productivity of the remnant plants. Both Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa attracted a great number of insects, representing a wide spectrum of pollinators, thereby can be considered as generalist species. For Ballota acetabulosa, the most important pollinators were megachilid female bees, and insect diversity didn’t decrease with decreasing plant population size. By contrast, Ononis masquillierii plants generally received few visits, with flowers specialized on small bees (Lasioglossum spp.), representing the most important insect guild. In Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, plants in small and large populations received the same amount of visits per flower, and no differences in the number of intraplant visited flowers were detected. On the contrary, large Ononis populations supported higher amounts of pollinators than small ones. At patch level, high Echium flower density was associated with more and higher quality pollinators. My results indicate that small populations were not subject to reduced pollination services than large ones in Echium plantagineum and Ballota acetabulosa, and suggest that grazing and resource limitation could have a major impact on population fitness in Echium plantagineum. The absence of any size effects in these two species can be explained in the light of their high local abundance, wide habitat specificity, and ability to compete with other co-flowering species for pollinators. By contrast, size represents a key characteristic for both pollination and reproduction in Ononis masquillierii populations, as an increase in size could mitigate the negative effects coming from the disadvantageous reproductive traits of the species. Finally, the widespread occurrence of pollen limitation in the three species may be the result of 1) an ongoing weakening or disruption of plantpollinator interactions derived from ecological perturbations, 2) an adaptive equilibrium in response to stochastic processes, and 3) the presence of unfavourable reproductive traits (for Ononis masquillierii).


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Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die biogeochemischen Vorgänge in der Vegetationsschicht (Bestand) und die Rückkopplungen zwischen physiologischen und physikalischen Umweltprozessen, die das Klima und die Chemie der unteren Atmosphäre beeinflussen. Ein besondere Schwerpunkt ist die Verwendung theoretischer Ansätze zur Quantifizierung des vertikalen Austauschs von Energie und Spurengasen (Vertikalfluss) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen der beteiligten Prozesse. Es wird ein differenziertes Mehrschicht-Modell der Vegetation hergeleitet, implementiert, für den amazonischen Regenwald parametrisiert und auf einen Standort in Rondonia (Südwest Amazonien) angewendet, welches die gekoppelten Gleichungen zur Energiebilanz der Oberfläche und CO2-Assimilation auf der Blattskala mit einer Lagrange-Beschreibung des Vertikaltransports auf der Bestandesskala kombiniert. Die hergeleiteten Parametrisierungen beinhalten die vertikale Dichteverteilung der Blattfläche, ein normalisiertes Profil der horizontalen Windgeschwindigkeit, die Lichtakklimatisierung der Photosynthesekapazität und den Austausch von CO2 und Wärme an der Bodenoberfläche. Desweiteren werden die Berechnungen zur Photosynthese, stomatären Leitfähigkeit und der Strahlungsabschwächung im Bestand mithilfe von Feldmessungen evaluiert. Das Teilmodell zum Vertikaltransport wird im Detail unter Verwendung von 222-Radon-Messungen evaluiert. Die ``Vorwärtslösung'' und der ``inverse Ansatz'' des Lagrangeschen Dispersionsmodells werden durch den Vergleich von beobachteten und vorhergesagten Konzentrationsprofilen bzw. Bodenflüssen bewertet. Ein neuer Ansatz wird hergeleitet, um die Unsicherheiten des inversen Ansatzes aus denjenigen des Eingabekonzentrationsprofils zu quantifizieren. Für nächtliche Bedingungen wird eine modifizierte Parametrisierung der Turbulenz vorgeschlagen, welche die freie Konvektion während der Nacht im unteren Bestand berücksichtigt und im Vergleich zu früheren Abschätzungen zu deutlich kürzeren Aufenthaltszeiten im Bestand führt. Die vorhergesagte Stratifizierung des Bestandes am Tage und in der Nacht steht im Einklang mit Beobachtungen in dichter Vegetation. Die Tagesgänge der vorhergesagten Flüsse und skalaren Profile von Temperatur, H2O, CO2, Isopren und O3 während der späten Regen- und Trockenzeit am Rondonia-Standort stimmen gut mit Beobachtungen überein. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf saisonale physiologische Änderungen hin, die sich durch höhere stomatäre Leitfähigkeiten bzw. niedrigere Photosyntheseraten während der Regen- und Trockenzeit manifestieren. Die beobachteten Depositionsgeschwindigkeiten für Ozon während der Regenzeit überschreiten diejenigen der Trockenzeit um 150-250%. Dies kann nicht durch realistische physiologische Änderungen erklärt werden, jedoch durch einen zusätzlichen cuticulären Aufnahmemechanismus, möglicherweise an feuchten Oberflächen. Der Vergleich von beobachteten und vorhergesagten Isoprenkonzentrationen im Bestand weist auf eine reduzierte Isoprenemissionskapazität schattenadaptierter Blätter und zusätzlich auf eine Isoprenaufnahme des Bodens hin, wodurch sich die globale Schätzung für den tropischen Regenwald um 30% reduzieren würde. In einer detaillierten Sensitivitätsstudie wird die VOC Emission von amazonischen Baumarten unter Verwendung eines neuronalen Ansatzes in Beziehung zu physiologischen und abiotischen Faktoren gesetzt. Die Güte einzelner Parameterkombinationen bezüglich der Vorhersage der VOC Emission wird mit den Vorhersagen eines Modells verglichen, das quasi als Standardemissionsalgorithmus für Isopren dient und Licht sowie Temperatur als Eingabeparameter verwendet. Der Standardalgorithmus und das neuronale Netz unter Verwendung von Licht und Temperatur als Eingabeparameter schneiden sehr gut bei einzelnen Datensätzen ab, scheitern jedoch bei der Vorhersage beobachteter VOC Emissionen, wenn Datensätze von verschiedenen Perioden (Regen/Trockenzeit), Blattentwicklungsstadien, oder gar unterschiedlichen Spezies zusammengeführt werden. Wenn dem Netzwerk Informationen über die Temperatur-Historie hinzugefügt werden, reduziert sich die nicht erklärte Varianz teilweise. Eine noch bessere Leistung wird jedoch mit physiologischen Parameterkombinationen erzielt. Dies verdeutlicht die starke Kopplung zwischen VOC Emission und Blattphysiologie.


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This dissertation addresses the staminal lever mechanism of the genus Salvia. Various hypotheses referring to its purpose and function are tested and elucidated. The first hypothesis maintains that the lever is a mechanical selection mechanism which excludes weak pollinators from the flower. This hypothesis is refuted and the respective results of force measurements and morphological investigations are presented, statistically evaluated and discussed. The force measurements and morphological investigations were conducted on the staminal levers and flowers of 8 bee pollinated (melittophilous) and 6 bird pollinated (ornithophilous) species. For comparison a ninth melittophilous species that lacks the staminal lever was investigated. In this species the force measurements were conducted on floral structures that were suspected to hinder a flower visitor. The hypotheses, which state that the staminal lever is a tool for pollen portioning and reduces the risk of pollen loss as well as hybridisation due to its ability to perform a repeatable, accurate and species-specific pollen placement on a wide range of diverse pollinators, are confirmed. Investigations with respect to pollen portioning were carried out on 13 sages. The lever mechanism can be released several times in a row, while the pollen sacs leave a dosed pollen portion on a well defined spot on the pollinator‘s body. Pollen placement was investigated for 12 sages. In sympatric sages, lever length and the area of pollen placement are of particular interest. A shared pollinator bears species-specific areas of pollen placement for different sages. The accurate pollen placement ensures an efficient pollination. However, the question of the functionality of the lever mechanism can not be answered with absolute certainty. The lever‘s backswing is not caused by the adaxial lever arm; the adaxial lever arm is too light and too short to be an adequate counterweight to the abaxial lever arm. Therefore, the adaxial lever arm can not pull the abaxial lever arm to return it to its neutral position. But there are indications of a cellular mainspring in the filament. According to the current state of knowledge, this is the most plausible explanation for the lever's backswing, but further histological investigations on the joint of the lever mechanism are necessary to confirm this assumption.


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In this study a new, fully non-linear, approach to Local Earthquake Tomography is presented. Local Earthquakes Tomography (LET) is a non-linear inversion problem that allows the joint determination of earthquakes parameters and velocity structure from arrival times of waves generated by local sources. Since the early developments of seismic tomography several inversion methods have been developed to solve this problem in a linearized way. In the framework of Monte Carlo sampling, we developed a new code based on the Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling method (Rj-McMc). It is a trans-dimensional approach in which the number of unknowns, and thus the model parameterization, is treated as one of the unknowns. I show that our new code allows overcoming major limitations of linearized tomography, opening a new perspective in seismic imaging. Synthetic tests demonstrate that our algorithm is able to produce a robust and reliable tomography without the need to make subjective a-priori assumptions about starting models and parameterization. Moreover it provides a more accurate estimate of uncertainties about the model parameters. Therefore, it is very suitable for investigating the velocity structure in regions that lack of accurate a-priori information. Synthetic tests also reveal that the lack of any regularization constraints allows extracting more information from the observed data and that the velocity structure can be detected also in regions where the density of rays is low and standard linearized codes fails. I also present high-resolution Vp and Vp/Vs models in two widespread investigated regions: the Parkfield segment of the San Andreas Fault (California, USA) and the area around the Alto Tiberina fault (Umbria-Marche, Italy). In both the cases, the models obtained with our code show a substantial improvement in the data fit, if compared with the models obtained from the same data set with the linearized inversion codes.


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During this work has been developed an innovative methodology for continuous and in situ gas monitoring (24/24 h) of fumarolic and soil diffusive emissions applied to the geothermal and volcanic area of Pisciarelli near Agnano inside the Campi Flegrei caldera (CFc). In literature there are only scattered and in discrete data of the geochemical gas composition of fumarole at Campi Flegrei; it is only since the early ’80 that exist a systematic record of fumaroles with discrete sampling at Solfatara (Bocca Grande and Bocca Nuova fumaroles) and since 1999, even at the degassing areas of Pisciarelli. This type of sampling has resulted in a time series of geochemical analysis with discontinuous periods of time set (in average 2-3 measurements per month) completely inadequate for the purposes of Civil Defence in such high volcanic risk and densely populated areas. For this purpose, and to remedy this lack of data, during this study was introduced a new methodology of continuous and in situ sampling able to continuously detect data related and from its soil diffusive degassing. Due to its high sampling density (about one measurement per minute therefore producing 1440 data daily) and numerous species detected (CO2, Ar, 36Ar, CH4, He, H2S, N2, O2) allowing a good statistic record and the reconstruction of the gas composition evolution of the investigated area. This methodology is based on continuous sampling of fumaroles gases and soil degassing using an extraction line, which after undergoing a series of condensation processes of the water vapour content - better described hereinafter - is analyzed through using a quadrupole mass spectrometer


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The dynamic character of proteins strongly influences biomolecular recognition mechanisms. With the development of the main models of ligand recognition (lock-and-key, induced fit, conformational selection theories), the role of protein plasticity has become increasingly relevant. In particular, major structural changes concerning large deviations of protein backbones, and slight movements such as side chain rotations are now carefully considered in drug discovery and development. It is of great interest to identify multiple protein conformations as preliminary step in a screening campaign. Protein flexibility has been widely investigated, in terms of both local and global motions, in two diverse biological systems. On one side, Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics has been exploited as enhanced sampling method to collect multiple conformations of Lactate Dehydrogenase A (LDHA), an emerging anticancer target. The aim of this project was the development of an Ensemble-based Virtual Screening protocol, in order to find novel potent inhibitors. On the other side, a preliminary study concerning the local flexibility of Opioid Receptors has been carried out through ALiBERO approach, an iterative method based on Elastic Network-Normal Mode Analysis and Monte Carlo sampling. Comparison of the Virtual Screening performances by using single or multiple conformations confirmed that the inclusion of protein flexibility in screening protocols has a positive effect on the probability to early recognize novel or known active compounds.


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This study deals with the internationalization behavior of a new and specific type of e-business company, namely the network managing e-business company (NM-EBC). The business model of such e-business companies is based on providing a platform and applications for users to connect and interact, on gathering and channeling the inputs provided by the users, and on organizing and managing the cross-relationships of the various participants. Examples are online communities, matching platforms, and portals. Since NM-EBCs internationalize by replicating their business model in a foreign market and by building up and managing a network of users, who provide input themselves and interact with each other, they have to convince users in foreign markets to join the network and hence to adopt their platform. We draw upon Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory and Network Theory to explain the internationalization behavior of NM-EBCs. These two theories originate from neighboring disciplines and have not yet been used to explain the internationalization of firms. We combine both theories and formulate hypotheses about which strategies NM-EBCs may choose to expand abroad. To test the applicability of our theory and to gain rich data about the internationalization behavior of these firms, we carried out multiple case studies with internationally active Germany-based NM-EBCs.


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Chapter 1 studies how consumers’ switching costs affect the pricing and profits of firms competing in two-sided markets such as Apple and Google in the smartphone market. When two-sided markets are dynamic – rather than merely static – I show that switching costs lower the first-period price if network externalities are strong, which is in contrast to what has been found in one-sided markets. By contrast, switching costs soften price competition in the initial period if network externalities are weak and consumers are more patient than the platforms. Moreover, an increase in switching costs on one side decreases the first-period price on the other side. Chapter 2 examines firms’ incentives to invest in local and flexible resources when demand is uncertain and correlated. I find that market power of the monopolist providing flexible resources distorts investment incentives, while competition mitigates them. The extent of improvement depends critically on demand correlation and the cost of capacity: under social optimum and monopoly, if the flexible resource is cheap, the relationship between investment and correlation is positive, and if it is costly, the relationship becomes negative; under duopoly, the relationship is positive. The analysis also sheds light on some policy discussions in markets such as cloud computing. Chapter 3 develops a theory of sequential investments in cybersecurity. The regulator can use safety standards and liability rules to increase security. I show that the joint use of an optimal standard and a full liability rule leads to underinvestment ex ante and overinvestment ex post. Instead, switching to a partial liability rule can correct the inefficiencies. This suggests that to improve security, the regulator should encourage not only firms, but also consumers to invest in security.


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The association of several favorable factors has resulted in the development of a wide barchan dune field that stands out as a fundamental element in the coastal landscape of southern Santa Catarina state in Brazil. This original ecosystem is being destroyed and highly modified, due to urbanization. This work identifies and discusses its basic characteristics and analyzes the favorable factors for its preservation, in the foreseen of both a sustainable future and potential incomes from ecotourism. The knowledge of the geologic evolution allows to associate this transgressive Holocene dunes formation to more dissipative beach conditions. Spatial differences on morphodynamics are related to local and regional contrasts in the sediment budget, with an influence on gradients of wave attenuation in the inner shelf and consequently with influence in the level of coastal erosion. The link between relative sea level changes and coastal eolian sedimentation can be used to integrate coastal eolian systems to the sequence stratigraphy model. The main accumulation phase of eolian sediments would occur during the final transgressive and highstand systems tracts. Considering the global character of Quaternary relative sea level changes, the Laguna transgressive dune field should be correlated with similar eolian deposits developed along other parts of the Brazilian coast compatibles with the model of dunefield initiation during rising and highstand sea level phases.


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Il Diabete, modello paradigmatico delle malattie croniche, sta assumendo negli ultimi anni le proporzioni di una pandemia, che non ha intenzione di arrestarsi, ma del quale, con l’aumento dei fattori di rischio, aumentano prevalenza e incidenza. Secondo stime autorevoli il numero delle persone con diabete nel 2035 aumenterà fino a raggiungere i 382 milioni di casi. Una patologia complessa che richiede lo sforzo di una vasta gamma di professionisti, per ridurre in futuro in maniera significativa i costi legati a questa patologia e nel contempo mantenere e addirittura migliorare gli standard di cura. Una soluzione è rappresentata dall'impiego delle ICT, Information and Communication Technologies. La continua innovazione tecnologica dei medical device per diabetici lascia ben sperare, dietro la spinta di capitali sempre più ingenti che iniziano a muoversi in questo mercato del futuro. Sempre più device tecnologicamente avanzati, all’avanguardia e performanti, sono a disposizione del paziente diabetico, che può migliorare tutti processi della cura, contenendo le spese. Di fondamentale importanza sono le BAN reti di sensori e wearable device, i cui dati diventano parte di un sistema di gestione delle cure più ampio. A questo proposito METABO è un progetto ICT europeo dedicato allo studio ed al supporto di gestione metabolica del diabete. Si concentra sul miglioramento della gestione della malattia, fornendo a pazienti e medici una piattaforma software tecnologicamente avanzata semplice e intuitiva, per aiutarli a gestire tutte le informazioni relative al trattamento del diabete. Innovativo il Clinical Pathway, che a partire da un modello Standard con procedimenti semplici e l’utilizzo di feedback del paziente, viene progressivamente personalizzato con le progressive modificazioni dello stato patologico, psicologico e non solo. La possibilità di e-prescribing per farmaci e device, e-learning per educare il paziente, tenerlo sotto stretto monitoraggio anche alla guida della propria auto, la rendono uno strumento utile e accattivante.


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We hypothesized that network analysis is useful to expose coordination between whole body and myocellular levels of energy metabolism and can identify entities that underlie skeletal muscle's contribution to growth hormone-stimulated lipid handling and metabolic fitness. We assessed 112 metabolic parameters characterizing metabolic rate and substrate handling in tibialis anterior muscle and vascular compartment at rest, after a meal and exercise with growth hormone replacement therapy (GH-RT) of hypopituitary patients (n = 11). The topology of linear relationships (| r | ≥ 0.7, P ≤ 0.01) and mutual dependencies exposed the organization of metabolic relationships in three entities reflecting basal and exercise-induced metabolic rate, triglyceride handling, and substrate utilization in the pre- and postprandial state, respectively. GH-RT improved aerobic performance (+5%), lean-to-fat mass (+19%), and muscle area of tibialis anterior (+2%) but did not alter its mitochondrial and capillary content. Concomitantly, connectivity was established between myocellular parameters of mitochondrial lipid metabolism and meal-induced triglyceride handling in serum. This was mediated via the recruitment of transcripts of muscle lipid mobilization (LIPE, FABP3, and FABP4) and fatty acid-sensitive transcription factors (PPARA, PPARG) to the metabolic network. The interdependence of gene regulatory elements of muscle lipid metabolism reflected the norm in healthy subjects (n = 12) and distinguished the regulation of the mitochondrial respiration factor COX1 by GH and endurance exercise. Our observations validate the use of network analysis for systems medicine and highlight the notion that an improved stochiometry between muscle and whole body lipid metabolism, rather than alterations of single bottlenecks, contributes to GH-driven elevations in metabolic fitness.


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Independent component analysis (ICA) or seed based approaches (SBA) in functional magnetic resonance imaging blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) data became widely applied tools to identify functionally connected, large scale brain networks. Differences between task conditions as well as specific alterations of the networks in patients as compared to healthy controls were reported. However, BOLD lacks the possibility of quantifying absolute network metabolic activity, which is of particular interest in the case of pathological alterations. In contrast, arterial spin labeling (ASL) techniques allow quantifying absolute cerebral blood flow (CBF) in rest and in task-related conditions. In this study, we explored the ability of identifying networks in ASL data using ICA and to quantify network activity in terms of absolute CBF values. Moreover, we compared the results to SBA and performed a test-retest analysis. Twelve healthy young subjects performed a fingertapping block-design experiment. During the task pseudo-continuous ASL was measured. After CBF quantification the individual datasets were concatenated and subjected to the ICA algorithm. ICA proved capable to identify the somato-motor and the default mode network. Moreover, absolute network CBF within the separate networks during either condition could be quantified. We could demonstrate that using ICA and SBA functional connectivity analysis is feasible and robust in ASL-CBF data. CBF functional connectivity is a novel approach that opens a new strategy to evaluate differences of network activity in terms of absolute network CBF and thus allows quantifying inter-individual differences in the resting state and task-related activations and deactivations.


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In this thesis, I explore the meaning behind sustainable living among organic farmers and their families in two countries. It is based on original, ethnographic research that I conducted in New Zealand in fall 2012 and Peru in summer 2012 with support from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Meerwarth Undergraduate Research Fund. In carrying out my research I relied on participant-observation, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and writing ethnographic fieldnotes. Drawing on contemporary scholarship in the anthropology of food and the environment, my thesis contributes to cross-culturally understandings of sustainability and local and global foodways. Specifically, I will interpret the meaning and significance of my informants’ decision to live sustainably through their participation in wwoofing. The global network of wwoofing aims to connect volunteers interested in learning about organic farming techniques with farmers looking for labor assistance. Volunteers exchange work for food, accommodation, knowledge, and experience. As a method of farming and a subjective ideological orientation, this global movement allows travelers from all over the world to experience organic lifestyles worldwide. In my thesis, I connect my experiences of organic living in Peru and New Zealand. In comparing wwoofing practices in these two field sites, I argue that despite observable differences in organic practices, a global organic culture is emerging. Here I highlight some shared features of this global organic culture, such as food authenticity, sustainability of the earth, and a personal connection of individuals to the land. The global organic culture emphasizes a conscious awareness of what is going into one’s body and why. Using food as an expression of values and beliefs, organic farmers reconnect to the land and their food in attempts to construct an alternative identity. By focusing on food authenticity, my informants develop vast relationships with the land, which shapes their identity and creates new forms of self-enhancement.