968 resultados para Lithium.


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Die Summation ueber des vollstaendige Spektrum des Atoms, die in der Stoehrungstheorie zweiter Ordnung vorkommt, wurde mit Hilfe der Greenschen Funktion Methode berechnet. Die Methode der Greenschen Funktion verlangt die Berechnung der unterschiedlichen Greenschen Funktionen: eine Coulomb-Greensche-Funktion im Fall von wasserstoffaehnlichen Ionen und eine Zentral-feld-Greensche-Funktion im Fall des Vielelektronen-Atoms. Die entwickelte Greensche Funktion erlaubte uns die folgenden atomaren Systeme in die Zweiphotonenionisierung der folgenden atomaren Systeme zu untersuchen: - wasserstoffaehnliche Ionen, um relativistische und Multipol-Effekte aufzudecken, - die aeussere Schale des Lithium; Helium und Helium-aehnliches Neon im Grundzustand, um taugliche Modelle des atomaren Feldes zu erhalten, - K- und L-Schalen des Argon, um die Vielelektronen-Effekte abzuschaetzen. Zusammenfassend, die relativistische Effekte ergeben sich in einer allgemeinen Reduzierung der Zweiphotonen Wirkungsquerschnitte. Zum Beispiel, betraegt das Verhaeltnis zwischen den nichtrelativistischen und relativistischen Wirkungsquerschnitten einen Faktor zwei fuer wasserstoffaehnliches Uran. Ausser dieser relativistischen Kontraktion, ist auch die relativistische Aufspaltung der Zwischenzustaende fuer mittelschwere Ionen sichtbar. Im Gegensatz zu den relativistischen Effekten, beeinflussen die Multipol-Effekte die totalen Wirkungsquerschnitte sehr wenig, so dass die Langwellennaeherung mit der exakten Naeherung fuer schwere Ionen sogar innerhalb von 5 Prozent uebereinstimmt. Die winkelaufgeloesten Wirkungsquerschnitte werden durch die relativistischen Effekte auf eine beeindruckende Weise beeinflusst: die Form der differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte aendert sich (qualitativ) abhaengig von der Photonenenergie. Ausserdem kann die Beruecksichtigung der hoeheren Multipole die elektronische Ausbeute um einen Faktor drei aendern. Die Vielelektronen-Effekte in der Zweiphotonenionisierung wurden am Beispiel der K- und L-Schalen des Argon analysiert. Hiermit wurden die totalen Wirkungsquerschnitte in einer Ein-aktives-Elektron-Naeherung (single-active-electron approximation) berechnet. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass die Elektron--Elektron-Wechselwirkung sehr wichtig fuer die L-Schale und vernachlaessigbar fuer die K-Schale ist. Das bedeutet, dass man die totalen Wirkungsquerschnitte mit wasserstoffaehnlichen Modellen im Fall der K-Schale beschreiben kann, aber fuer die L-Schale fortgeschrittene Modelle erforderlich sind. Die Ergebnisse fuer Vielelektronen-Atome wurden mittels einer Dirac-Zentral-feld-Greenschen Funktion erlangt. Ein numerischer Algorithmus wurde urspruenglich von McGuire (1981) fuer der Schroedinger-Zentral-feld-Greensche Funktion eingefuehrt. Der Algorithmus wurde in dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal fuer die Dirac-Gleichung angewandt. Unser Algorithmus benutzt die Kummer- und Tricomi-Funktionen, die mit Hilfe eines zuverlaessigen, aber noch immer langsamen Programmes berechnet wurden. Die Langsamkeit des Programms begrenzt den Bereich der Aufgaben, die effizient geloest werden koennen. Die Zentral-feld-Greensche Funktion konnte bei den folgenden Problemen benutzt werden: - Berechnung der Zweiphotonen-Zerfallsraten, - Berechnung der Zweiphotonenanregung und -ionisierungs-Wirkungsquerschnitte, - Berechnung die Multiphotonenanregung und -ionisierungs-Wirkungsquerschnitte, - Berechnung einer atomaren Vielelektronen-Green-Funktion. Von diesen Aufgaben koennen nur die ersten beiden in angemessener Zeit geloest werden. Fuer die letzten beiden Aufgaben ist unsere Implementierung zu langsam und muss weiter verbessert werden.


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Following an earlier observation in F VI we identified the line pair 1s2s2p^2 {^5P}-1s2s2p3d {^5P^0} , {^5D^0} for the elements N, O, Mg, and tentatively for A1 and Si in beam-foil spectra. Assignment was established by comparison with Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock calculations along the isoelectronic sequence. Using this method we also identified some quartet lines of lithium-like ions with Z > 10.


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The oil price rises more and more, and the world energy consumption is projected to expand by 50 percent from 2005 to 2030. Nowadays intensive research is focused on the development of alternative energies. Among them, there are dye-sensitized nanocrystalline solar cells (DSSCs) “the third generation solar cells”. The latter have gained attention during the last decade and are currently subject of intense research in the framework of renewable energies as a low-cost photovoltaic. At present DSSCs with ruthenium based dyes exhibit highest efficiencies (ca 11%). The objective of the present work is to fabricate, characterize and improve the performance of DSSCs based on metal free dyes as sensitizers, especially on perylene derivatives. The work begins by a general introduction to the photovoltaics and dye-sensitized solar cells, such as the operating principles and the characteristics of the DSSCs. Chapter 2 and 3 discuss the state of the art of sensitizers used in DSSCs, present the compounds used as sensitizer in the present work and illustrate practical issues of experimental techniques and device preparation. A comparative study of electrolyte-DSSCs based on P1, P4, P7, P8, P9, and P10 are presented in chapter 4. Experimental results show that the dye structure plays a crucial role in the performance of the devices. The dye based on the spiro-concept (bipolar spiro compound) exhibited a higher efficiency than the non-spiro compounds. The presence of tert-butylpyridine as additive in the electrolyte was found to increase the open circuit voltage and simultaneously decrease the efficiency. The presence of lithium ions in the electrolyte increases both output current and the efficiency. The sensitivity of the dye to cations contained in the electrolyte was investigated in the chapter 5. FT-IR and UV-Vis were used to investigate the in-situ coordination of the cation to the adsorbed dye in the working devices. The open-circuit voltage was found to depend on the number of coordination sites in the dye. P1 with most coordination sites has shown the lowest potential drop, opposite to P7, which is less sensitive to cations in the working cells. A strategy to improve the dye adsorption onto the TiO2 surface, and thus the light harvesting efficiency of the photoanode by UV treatment, is presented in chapter 6. The treatment of the TiO2 film with UV light generates hydroxyl groups and renders the TiO2 surface more and more hydrophilic. The treated TiO2 surface reacts readily with the acid anhydride group of the dye that acts as an anchoring group and improves the dye adsorption. The short-circuit current density and the efficiency of the electrolyte-based dye cells was considerably improved by the UV treatment of the TiO2 film. Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells (SSDs) based on spiro-MeOTAD (used as hole transport material) are studied in chapter 7. The efficiency of SSDs was globally found to be lower than that of electrolyte-based solar cells. That was due to poor pore filling of the dye-loaded TiO2 film by the spin-coated spiro-MeOTAD and to the significantly slower charge transport in the spiro-MeOTAD compared to the electrolyte redox mediator. However, the presence of the donor moieties in P1 that are structurally similar to spiro-MeOTAD was found to improve the wettability of the P1-loaded TiO2 film. As a consequence the performance of the P1-based solid-state cells is better compared to the cells based on non-spiro compounds.


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Introducción: Aunque el hallazgo clínico más distintivo del Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar es el ánimo patológicamente elevado, este no suele ser el estado de ánimo prevalente de la enfermedad. La fase depresiva del trastorno o depresión bipolar es más crónica, conlleva a un mayor deterioro de la funcionalidad y representa un reto terapéutico habitual. En la actualidad, el manejo farmacológico de la depresión bipolar suele consistir en combinaciones de al menos dos medicamentos distintos, incluyendo estabilizadores del afecto (litio y anticonvulsivantes), antipsicóticos atípicos y antidepresivos. El objetivo central de este trabajo es evaluar la efectividad de la Ketamina en la depresión bipolar. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos que proporcionen información sobre la eficacia de la Ketamina en la fase depresiva del Trastorno Bipolar. Resultados: De los 147 artículos arrojados por la búsqueda, dos cumplieron los criterios de selección (n=33). En comparación con placebo, ketamina tiene un efecto antidepresivo rápido y duradero, incluso en pacientes que han recibido más de 3 medicamentos previamente. No se reportaron efectos adversos severos durante los estudios. Discusión. La evidencia actual apunta a que la ketamina es útil para el manejo de la depresión bipolar, incluso cuando es resistente al tratamiento, es segura y puede tener cierto efecto antisuicida. Es necesario ampliar la evidencia existente.


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El treball experimental que ha permès redactar la present Tesi Doctoral ha estat dividit en dues parts. A la primera part es presenten els resultats referents a la síntesi estereocontrolada de noves heteroarilglicines (quinolil i pirazolilglicines) a partir de cetones acetilèniques, substrats quirals que permeten accedir a l'esquelet de diferents heterocicles (quinolines i pirazoles), la posterior obtenció dels corresponents quinolil i pirazolil--aminoalcohols i les diferents metodologies d'oxidació per tal d'accedir a les corresponents quinolil i priazolilglicines objectiu. A la segona part d'aquesta memòria s'ha estudiat, en dissolució, l'habilitat del grup alquilsulfona com a grup sortint eficaç en reaccions d'ipso-substitució nucleofilica. El desenvolupament d'aquesta reacció ha servit de punt de partida per a la creació de llibreries d'heterocicles amb alta diversitat molecular i potencial interès biològic sobre fase sòlida.


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The importance of the interplay between degassing and crystallization before and after the eruption of Mount St. Helens (Washington, USA) in 1980 is well established. Here, we show that degassing occurred over a period of decades to days before eruptions and that the manner of degassing, as deduced from geochemicai signatures within the magma, was characteristic of the eruptive style. Trace element (lithium) and short-lived radioactive isotope (lead-210 and radium-226) data show that ascending magma stalled within the conduit, leading to the accumulation of volatiles and the formation of lead-210 excesses, which signals the presence of degassing magma at depth.


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In this study we show that both glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) isoforms, GSK3alpha and GSK3beta, are present in human platelets and are phosphorylated on Ser(21) and Ser(9), respectively, in platelets stimulated with collagen, convulxin and thrombin. Phosphorylation of GSK3alpha/beta was dependent on phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) activity and independent of platelet aggregation, and correlated with a decrease in GSK3 activity that was preserved by pre-incubating platelets with PI3K inhibitor LY294002. Three structurally distinct GSK3 inhibitors, lithium, SB415286 and TDZD-8, were found to inhibit platelet aggregation. This implicates GSK3 as a potential regulator of platelet function. (C) 2003 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A homologous series of macrocyclic oligoamides has been prepared in high yield by reaction of isophthaloyl chloride with m-phenylenediamine under pseudo-high-dilution conditions. The products were characterized by infrared and H-1 NMR spectroscopies, matrix assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). A series of linear oligomers was prepared for comparison. The macrocycles ranged in size from the cyclic trimer up to at least the cyclic nonamer (90 ring atoms). The same homologous series of macrocyclic oligomers was prepared in high yield by the cyclodepolymerization of poly(m-phenylene isophthalamide) (Nomex). Cyclodepolymerization was best achieved by treating a 1% w/v solution of the polymer in dimethyl sulfoxide containing calcium chloride or lithium chloride with 3-4 mol % of sodium hydride or the sodium salt of benzanilide at 150 degreesC for 70 h. Treatment of a concentrated solution of the macrocyclic oligomers (25% w/v) with 4 mol % of sodium hydride or the sodium salt of benzanilide in a solution of lithium chloride in dimethyl sulfoxide at 170 degreesC for 6 h resulted in efficient entropically driven ring-opening polymerizations to give poly(m-phenylene isophthalamide), characterized by infrared and H-1 NMR spectroscopies and by GPC. The molecular weights obtained were comparable with those of the commercial polymer.


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Conjugate addition of lithium dibenzylamide to tert-butyl (+/-)-3-methylcyclopentene-1-carboxylate occurs with high levels of stereocontrol, with preferential addition of lithium dibenzylamide to the face of the cyclic alpha,beta-unsaturated acceptor anti- to the 3-methyl substituent. High levels of enantiorecognition are observed between tert-butyl (+/-)-3-methylcyclopentene-1-carboxylate and an excess of lithium (+/-)-N-benzyl-N-alpha-methylbenzylamide (10 eq.) (E > 140) in their mutual kinetic resolution, while the kinetic resolution of tert-butyl (+/-)-3-methylcyclopentene-1-carboxylate with lithium (S)-N-benzyl-N-alpha-methylbenzylamide proceeds to give, at 51% conversion, tert-butyl (1R, 2S, 3R,alphaS)-3-methyl-2-N-benzyl-N-alpha-methylbenzylaminocyclopentane-1-c arboxylate consistent with E > 130, and in 39% yield and 99 +/- 0.5% de after purification. Subsequent deprotection by hydrogenolysis and ester hydrolysis gives (1R, 2S, 3R)-3-methylcispentacin in > 98% de and 98 +/- 1% ee. Selective epimerisation of tert-butyl (1R, 2S, 3R, alphaS)-3-methyl-2-N- benzyl-N-alpha-methylbenzylaminocyclopentane-1-carboxylate by treatment with (KOBu)-Bu-t in (BuOH)-Bu-t gives tert-butyl (1S, 2S, 3R, alphaS)-3-methyl-2-N-benzyl-N-alpha-methylbenzylaminocyclopentane-1-carb oxylate in quantitative yield and in > 98% de, with subsequent deprotection by hydrogenolysis and ester hydrolysis giving (1S, 2S, 3R)-3-methyltranspentacin hydrochloride in > 98% de and 97 +/- 1% ee.


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Two new silver-antimony sulfides, [C2H9N2][Ag2SbS3] (1) and [C2H9N2](2)[Ag5Sb3S8] (2), have been prepared solvothermally in the presence of ethylenediamine and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, and elemental analysis. Compound 1 crystallizes in the space group Pn (a = 6.1781(1) Angstrom, b =11.9491(3) Angstrom, c = 6.9239(2) Angstrom, =111.164(1)degrees) and 2 in the space group Pm (a = 6.2215(2) Angstrom, b = 15.7707(7) Angstrom, c = 11.6478(5) Angstrom, beta = 92.645(2)degrees). The structure of 1 consists of chains of fused five-membered Ag2SbS2 rings linked to form layers, between which the template molecules reside. Compound 2 contains honeycomb-like sheets of fused silver-antimony-sulfide six-membered rings linked to form double layers. The idealized structure can be considered to be an ordered defect derivative of that of lithium bismuthide, Li3Bi, and represents a new solid-state structure type.


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From the reaction of Super Hydride (LiBEt3H) with 6-(furyl)fulvene (1a), 6-(thiophenyl)fulvene (1b) or 6-(N-methyl-pyrrole)fulvene (1c) the corresponding lithium cyclopentadienide intermediates (2a-c) were obtained. These intermediates were reacted with titanium tetrachloride and bis-[(furyl-2-cyclopentadienylmethane)] titanium(IV) dichloride (3a) and bis-[(thiophenyl-2-cyclopentadienylmethane)] titanium(IV) dichloride (3b) and bis-[(N-methylpyrrole-2-cyclopentadienylmethane)] titanium(IV) dichloride (3c) were obtained and subsequently characterised by X-ray crystallography. When titanocenes 3a-c were tested against pig kidney (LLC-PK) cells inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of 1.6 x 10(-4) M, 1.5 x 10(-4) M and 9.1 x 10(-5) M, respectively, were observed. These values represent improved cytotoxicity against LLC-PK, when compared to their corresponding ansa substituted analogues and also in comparison to unsubstituted titanocene dichloride. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Crystal structure determination of adducts of sparteine and PhLi, (-)-sparteine and PhOLi and of sparteine and PhLi/PhOLi reveal a four-membered ring with two lithium centers, each capped by a (-)-sparteine ligand, as central motif of all structure. Quantum-chemical calculations show that the mixed aggregate [PhLi center dot PhOLi center dot 2(-)-sparteine] is energetically more favorable than the model system {1/2[PhLi center dot(-)-sparteine](2) + 1/2[PhOLi center dot(-)-sparteine](2)}.


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From the carbolithiation of N,N-dimethylamino fulvene (3a) and different ortho-lithiated heterocycles (furan, thiophene and N-methylpyrrole), the corresponding lithium cyclopentadienide intermediate (4a-c) was formed. These three lithiated intermediates underwent a transmetallation reaction with TiCl4 resulting in dimethylamino-functionalised titanocenes 5a-c. When these titanocenes were tested against LLC-PK cells, the IC50 values obtained were of 240, and 28 mu M for titanocenes 5a and 5b, respectively. The most cytotoxic titanocene 5c with an IC50 value of 5.5 mu M is found to be almost as cytotoxic as cis-platin, which showed an IC50 value of 3.3 mu M, when tested on the LLC-PK cell line, and titanocene 5c is approximately 400 times better than titanocene dichloride itself. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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From the reaction of tert-butyl lithium or n-butyl lithium with N-methylpyrrole (1a), furan (1b) or 2-bromo-thiophen (1c), 2-N-methylpyrrolyl lithium (2a), 2-furyl lithium (2b) or 2-thiophenyl lithium (2c), respectively, was obtained. When reacted with 6-(2-N-methylpyrrolyl) fulvene (3a), 6-(2-furyl) fulvene (3b) or 6-(2-thiophenyl) fulvene (3c), the corresponding lithiated intermediates were formed (4a-c). Titanocenes (5a-c) were obtained through transmetallation with titanium tetrachloride. When these titanocenes were tested against pig kidney epithelial (LLC-PK) cells, inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of 32 mu M, 140 mu M, and 240 mu M, respectively, were observed. These values represent improved cytotoxicity against LLC-PK, compared to their ansa-analogues. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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From the reaction of tert-butyl lithium with p-bromo-N,N-dimethylaniline (1a), p-bromoanisole (1b) or 1-bromo-3,5-dimethoxybenzene (1c), p-N,N-dimethylanityl lithium (2a), p-anisyl lithium (2b) or (3,5-dimethoxyphenyl) lithium (2c), respectively, were obtained. When reacted with 6-(p-N,N-dimethylanilinyl)fulvene (3a), 6-(p-methoxyphenyl)fulvene (3b) or 3,5-(dimethoxyphenyl)fulvene (3c), the corresponding lithiated intermediates were formed (4a-c). Titanium tetrachloride was added "in situ", obtaining titanocenes 5a-C, respectively. When these titanocenes were tested against pig kidney carcinoma (LLC-PK) cells, inhibitory concentrations (IC50) Of 3.8 x 10(-5) M, 4.5 x 10(-5) M, and 7.8 x 10(-5) M, respectively, were observed. These values represent improved cytotoxicity against LLC-PK, compared to their ansa-analogues. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.