974 resultados para Library resources


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The aim of this paper is to analyze how active R&D policies affect the growth rate of an economy with endogenous growth and non-renewable resources. We know from Scholz and Ziemens (1999) and Groth (2006) that in infinitely lived agents (ILA) economies, any active R&D policy increases the growth rate of the economy. To see if this result also appears in economies with finite lifetime agents, we developed an endogenous growth overlapping generations (OLG) economy à la Diamond which uses non-renewable resources as essential inputs in final good’s production. We show analytically that any R&D policy that reduces the use of natural resources implies a raise in the growth rate of the economy. Numerically we show that in economies with low intertemporal elasticity of substitution (IES), active R&D policies lead the economy to increase the depletion of non-renewable resources. Nevertheless, we find that active R&D policies always imply increases in the endogenous growth rate, in both scenarios. Furthermore, when the IES coefficient is lower (greater) than one, active R&D policies affect the growth rate of the economy in the ILA more (less) than in OLG economies.


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Published as an article in: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2005, vol. 50, issue 2, pages 387-407.


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Impreso por la Diputación Foral de Álava, D.L. VI-430/99.


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(26 page document)


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Ground-water is not widely used in Baker County, but the presence of a high equipotential area in the artesian system beneath the County made it necessary that the resource be understood insofar as this high affected the ground-water resources of Nassau and Duval counties which were being intensively studied and mapped. The method and rates of movement of ground-water from one point to another in the artesian aquifer are understood more fully by use of the data in this report. (PDF contains 30 pages)


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Charlotte, De Soto, and Hardee counties are east-southeast of Tampa in west-central peninsular Florida, figure 1. In order to plan the future water-resource development of the area, information about the water resources is needed. To meet this need, the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Peace River Basin Board of the Southwest Florida Water Management District as part of the statewide cooperative program with the Division of Geology, Florida Board of Conservation, began a continuing hydrologic data collection program in July, 1963, as an initial step in the investigation and evaluation of the groundwater resources of Hardee and De Soto counties. A similar hydrologic data program commenced in Charlotte County in July, 1964. Previous work in Hardee and De Soto counties included a one year reconnaissance by the Division of Water Resources and Conservation, Florida Board of Conservation, which concluded in June, 1963, and resulted in a hydrologic report (Woodard, 1964). As an outgrowth of the hydrologic data program, a Map Series report portraying the chemical character of water in the Floridan aquifer in the southern Peace River basin was prepared in 1967 (Kaufman and Dion). The data contained herein constitute the basis for the Map Series report. Additional selected data, including records of wells and chemical analyses,, on the ground-water resources of the three county area are also included and are published to make the data available. (Document has 28 pages.)


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*Table of Contents* Sustainable Aquaculture Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: Peri-urban aquaculture in Kolkata A case of informal shrimp farmers association and its role in sustainable shrimp farming in Tamil Nadu, India M. Kumaran, N. Kalaimani, K. Ponnusamy, V.S. Chandrasekaran, D. Deboral Vimala Diffusion and adoption of shrimp farming technologies M. Kumaran, K. Ponnusamy and N. Kalaimani Farmers as Scientists: Aquaculture education in India - opportunities for global partnership M.C. Nandeesha Information system of fish germplasm resources in China Yang Ningsheng, Ge Chanshui, Ouyang Haiying, Yuan Yongming Status and development needs of freshwater crustacean aquaculture in China Xu Pao Research and Farming Techniques Aquaculture fundamentals: Getting the most out of your feed Part II: The role of macronutrients Simon Wilkinson Fish breeding in captivity - some innovative adaptations of technology by Bengal farmers N.R. Chattopadhyay Scientific guidelines for farmers engaged in freshwater prawn farming in India Vishal Saxena Marine Finfish Section News and publications Status and development of mariculture in Indonesia Ketut Sugama Aquatic Animal Health Use of probiotics in larval rearing of new candidate species Rehana Abidi Advice on aquatic animal health care: Problems in shrimp culture during the wet season (Thai/English languages) Pornlerd Chanratchakool


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Proposta de melhoria do Serviço de Intercâmbio da Biblioteca da Câmara dos Deputados a partir da adoção de um novo modelo balizado pela Arquitetura da Informação e que contemple os recursos tecnológicos atualmente disponíveis. Dentre as justificativas para esta proposta estão a necessidade de modernização para manutenção do serviço, um dos pilares do desenvolvimento de coleções; e o alinhamento deste serviço ao comportamento do usuário pela busca de informação, que vem mudando após o advento da internet. A pesquisa é do tipo exploratória que apresenta a revisão de literatura como base para a fundamentação teórica, na qual são discutidos os aspectos teóricos do desenvolvimento de coleções na modalidade de aquisição por doação, realizada por meio do serviço de intercâmbio entre as bibliotecas. No procedimento metodológico foi feito um estudo no Serviço de Intercâmbio da Biblioteca da Câmara dos Deputados para obter os dados estatísticos que quantificam essa atividade. Foi elaborado um questionário, e enviado as 14 bibliotecas da Rede RVBI para conhecer o funcionamento do serviço de intercâmbio em cada uma delas. Com base nas respostas advindas do questionário foi sugerida a criação de um catálogo coletivo de acesso público via web, nos moldes do Portal Estante Virtual, para centralizar e gerenciar as atividades de intercâmbio de publicações. Os objetivos do catálogo são centralizar as informações e substituir um serviço pouco automatizado nas bibliotecas, outros objetivos do catálogo são agilizar a troca de publicações entre bibliotecas, propiciar economia de espaço, de recursos humanos e financeiros ao otimizar as rotinas e promover a democratização das listas de doações para um número maior de bibliotecas.


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Salt-water encroachment is undoubtedly the problem of most concern to users of ground water in Florida. This is a problem in many coastal areas where water levels are lowered excessively by heavy pumping. It is a problem also in some inland areas where the water-bearing formations contain salty water at relatively shallow depths. Among the coastal areas where wells have become contaminated with salt water are Pinellas County and the Miami area of Dade County. Inland areas where wells are likely to become contaminated with salt water include Seminole County and the southwestern part of Volusia County. The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground-water resources of the county with special emphasis on the problems associated with declining water levels and salt-water contamination. This report reviews briefly the progress of the investigation through February 1954. (PDF contains 43 pages.)


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A large part of western Manatee County is devoted to the growing of winter vegetables and citrus fruits. As in most of peninsular Florida, rainfall in the county during the growing season is not sufficient for crop production and large quantites of artesian water are used for irrigation. The large withdrawals of artesian water for irrigation result in a considerable decline of the artesian head in the western part of the county. This seasonal decline of the artesian head has become larger as the withdrawal of artesian water has increased. The lowering of the fresh-water head in some coastal areas in the State has resulted in an infiltration of sea water into the water-bearing formations. The presence of salty water in the artesian aquifer in parts of the coastal area of Manatee County indicates that sea water may also have entered the waterbearing formations in this area as a result of the decline of artesian pressure during the growing season. The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground-water resources of the county, primarily to determine whether salt-water encroachment has occurred or is likely to occur in the coastal area. (PDF contains 38 pages.)


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Report seeks to address following questions: 1. Where within Lee County are surface supplies of water located? 2. What are the variations in this supply? 3. What can be done to provide better answers to questions 1 and 2 than are available at the present time? (PDF contains 76 pages.)


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Because the Stuart area is, at times, surrounded on three sides by saline water, the underlying fresh-water aquifer is vulnerable to salt-water encroachment. With progressively larger withdrawals of ground water for public and private supplies, the possibility of salt-water contamination of freshwater supplies is increased. (PDF contains 51 pages.)