982 resultados para Legal capital
This paper concerns the origination, development and emergence of what might be termed ‘Olympic law’. This has an impact across borders and with transnational effect. It examines the unique process of creation of these laws, laws created by a national legislature to satisfy the commercial demands of a private body, the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It begins by critically locating the IOC and Olympic law and examining Olympic law as a transnational force. Using two case studies, those of ambush marketing and ticket touting, it demonstrates how private entities can be the drivers of specific, self-interested legislation when operating as a transnational organisation from within the global administrative space and notes the potential dangers of such legal transplants.
The Malaysian palm oil industry is well known for the social, environmental and sustainability challenges associated with its rapid growth over the past ten years. Technologies exist to reduce the conflict between national development aims of economic uplift for the rural poor, on the one hand, and ecological conservation, on the other hand, by raising yields and incomes from areas already under cultivation. But the uptake of these technologies has been slow, particularly in the smallholder sector. In this paper we explore the societal and institutional challenges that influence the investment and innovation decisions of micro and small enterprise (MSE) palm oil smallholders in Sabah, Malaysia. Based on interviews with 38 smallholders, we identify a number of factors that reduce the smallholders' propensity to invest in more sustainable practices. We discuss why more effective practices and innovations are not being adopted using the concepts of, firstly, institutional logics to explore the internal dynamics of smallholder production systems, including attitudes to sustainability and innovation; and, secondly, institutional context to explore the pressures the smallholders face, including problems of access to land, labour, capital, knowledge and technical resources. These factors include limited access to global market information, corruption and uncertainties of legal title, weak economic status and social exclusion. In discussing these factors we seek to contribute to wider theoretical debates about the factors that block innovation and investment in business improvements in marginal regions and in marginalised groups.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to explore the political implications of policies and measures designed to promote “localism”. That is to say, the devolution of power down to a neighbourhood level, as enacted under the 2011 Localism Act. The implementation of localism in London boroughs will be examined. The context is the current concern over disengagement in an era of “anti-politics”, so it is intended to gain an understanding of how localism is interpreted and implemented on the ground. A tentative thesis, of a “restorative politics”, is proposed, such that localism is dynamic and is generating healthy political activity which counters anti-politics in the local community. This could have profound implications for the political parties locally and at Westminster. The extant theories about localism include constructivist interpretations suggesting that a neo-liberal localism is anti-political. This is contested. An emerging narrative heralding a new dawn of empowerment, and related themes concerning social capital, subsidiarity and anti-politics are reviewed. A necessarily empirical approach is adopted in an essentially functionalist frame of reference. There is a review of both academic and policy literature, combined with interviews of professionals involved in localism. This paper is designed to scope a future more substantial piece of research. The conference brief asks; “what scales or levels are appropriate for organising politics in this century”. In a century so far characterised by disillusionment, democratic deficits and abstention, the answer may be; local. The Good Life is lived locally in shared experience and familiar surroundings, hitherto not much amenable to local change. Burgundia is a reference to the film “Passport to Pimlico” (1949), when ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to explore the political implications of policies and measures designed to promote “localism”. That is to say, the devolution of power down to a neighbourhood level, as enacted under the 2011 Localism Act. The implementation of localism in London boroughs will be examined. The context is the current concern over disengagement in an era of “anti-politics”, so it is intended to gain an understanding of how localism is interpreted and implemented on the ground. A tentative thesis, of a “restorative politics”, is proposed, such that localism is dynamic and is generating healthy political activity which counters anti-politics in the local community. This could have profound implications for the political parties locally and at Westminster. The extant theories about localism include constructivist interpretations suggesting that a neo-liberal localism is anti-political. This is contested. An emerging narrative heralding a new dawn of empowerment, and related themes concerning social capital, subsidiarity and anti-politics are reviewed. A necessarily empirical approach is adopted in an essentially functionalist frame of reference. There is a review of both academic and policy literature, combined with interviews of professionals involved in localism. This paper is designed to scope a future more substantial piece of research. The conference brief asks; “what scales or levels are appropriate for organising politics in this century”. In a century so far characterised by disillusionment, democratic deficits and abstention, the answer may be; local. The Good Life is lived locally in shared experience and familiar surroundings, hitherto not much amenable to local change. Burgundia is a reference to the film “Passport to Pimlico” (1949), when a London neighbourhood declared independence and its citizens temporarily created the Good Life for themselves. Is the 21st century localism generating a restorative politics?
Esta investigação empírica tem como objetivo principal analisar o nível de divulgação de informação voluntária sobre o capital humano das empresas cotadas na Euronext Lisbon de 2008 a 2012, bem como identificar os seus fatores determinantes. Estudamos os relatórios anuais de contas consolidadas recorrendo à técnica de análise de conteúdo, numa amostra composta por 46 empresas. Para determinar o nível de divulgação de informação sobre o capital humano desenvolvemos um índice de divulgação (IDVCH), composto por 45 indicadores, baseado no estudo de Silva et al. (2012). Os dados recolhidos para a construção do índice foram codificados de forma binária: 0 para “não divulga” e 1 para “divulga”. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um nível médio de divulgação de informação sobre o capital humano de 0,46, verificando-se uma evolução positiva e estatisticamente significativa do IDVCH durante os cincos anos. Os setores de atividade que apresentam maiores índices de divulgação são o setor financeiro, o setor de telecomunicações e o setor público. Identificámos através da análise univariada e multivariada que os fatores que influenciam positivamente o nível de divulgação de informação sobre o capital humano são: a rendibilidade, a dimensão do conselho de administração, a dispersão geográfica dos colaboradores, e a integração da sociedade no índice PSI-20. Não se obteve significância estatística para se concluir sobre os resultados das variáveis independentes: a dimensão da organização, o endividamento, o tipo de auditor, o setor de atividade e a idade da organização. O modelo de regressão linear múltipla, (em que considerámos o IDVCH como variável dependente), é explicado na ordem dos 40% pelas variáveis independentes que analisámos. A originalidade desta dissertação incide no facto de tratarmos isoladamente a componente do capital humano, e de apurarmos quais os fatores que influenciam o seu nível de divulgação nas empresas cotadas em Portugal.
Orientadora: Prof. Doutora Ana Maria Alves Bandeira Co-orientadora: Prof. Doutora Patrícia Alexandra Gregório Ramos
Jornadas de Contabilidade e Fiscalidade promovidas pelo Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, em Abril de 2009
O equilíbrio do capital é um estado por excelência estudado pelos diversos cientistas de nossa disciplina, sendo que, por sua alta relevância, chegou a ser considerado objeto de estudos da contabilidade, em doutrina contábil específica. Realmente, o ponto de harmonia entre a proporção e o movimento, das principais partes do patrimônio, é, para que toda a organização constituída possua o estado de fortuna e prosperidade. As pesquisas dos grandes doutrinadores da contabilidade brasileira e estrangeira, formam um arcabouço que nos serve de base para a produção de uma consultoria superior que se realiza por meio da análise patrimonial, cuja finalidade é diagnosticar e orientar conforme o caso, as empresas, na correta manutenção dos seus investimentos, financiamentos, custos, receitas e rédito. O objetivo deste artigo é tratar alguns pontos desta doutrina geral, que expõe os princípios do equilíbrio, noção sublime para a formação de orientações especiais, que visam a sanidade do capital ordenadamente constituído.