957 resultados para Landscape design process


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Stylization is a method of ornamental plant use usually applied in urban open space and garden design based on aesthetic consideration. Stylization can be seen as a nature-imitating ornamental plant application which evokes the scenery rather than an ecological plant application which assists the processes and functions observed in the nature. From a different point of view, stylization of natural or semi-natural habitats can sometimes serve as a method for preserving the physiognomy of the plant associations that may be affected by the climate change of the 21st century. The vulnerability of the Hungarian habitats has thus far been examined by the researchers only from the botanical point of view but not in terms of its landscape design value. In Hungary coniferous forests are edaphic and classified on this basis. The General National Habitat Classification System (Á-NÉR) distinguishes calcareous Scots pine forests and acidofrequent coniferous forests. The latter seems to be highly sensitive to climate change according to ecological models. The physiognomy and species pool of its subtypes are strongly determined by the dominant coniferous species that can be Norway spruce (Picea abies) or Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). We are going to discuss the methodology of stylization of climate sensitive habitats and briefly refer to acidofrequent coniferous forests as a case study. In the course of stylization those coniferous and deciduous tree species of the studied habitat that are water demanding should be substituted by drought tolerant ones with similar characteristics. A list of the proposed taxa is going to be given.


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The article deals with the changing visual value of deciduous species. Due to climate change, the climatic patterns found on the plants’ growing area may change. Therefore, foliage of deciduous trees changes itscolor in the fall season witha different timing and intensity. This shift can modify the functional, ornamental and ecological value of these plants in the fall season, which is of special interest in the context of landscape design. However, this effect of climate change hasn’t been examined in terms of landscape architecture yet.In the article we are looking for deciduous species that can be appropriate subjectsforresearch, we are giving suggestions for choosing the right location for a future research and proposing available resources of satellite images, that can provide the basis for evaluation of leaf coloring. We also review already existing methods for calculating the degree of fall leaf coloring.We propose a novel method of satellite image processing to evaluate the coloring of a stand. Leaf Coloring Index (LCI) shows the leaf color’s relation to the color realms. LCI is appropriate for setting up a phenological model based onclimate data in a future research. Based on future climate models, the change of the examined stand’s visual value can be predicted. The results might affect the future use of plant species in landscape architecture.


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Nowadays we meet many different evaluation methods regarding the ecological performance of green surfaces and parks. All these methods are extremely valuable in determining how well a green surface performs from ecological aspect and to what extent the environment were damaged if these sites would be built or would be developed any other way causing reduction of green surfaces. The goal of the article is to clarify the differences between two evaluation methods (GSI – Green Space Intensity, BARC – Biological Activity Rate Calculation) suitable for urban green infrastructure analysis and to see if any significant difference can be observed evaluating the same site by these methods. Our research sites are in Budapest and their sizes vary between 2,5-8 acres. The most important aspects of site analysis are the following: size and boundaries of the park, existence or lack of water features, the characteristics of their surfaces and the complexity of vegetation. We summarize the data of the site analysis in tables, make a summarizing diagram for visual representation and draw conclusions from the results. As a final step, we evaluate how these two evaluation systems relate to urban open space developments.


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The change of ambient temperature plays a key role in determining the run of the annual Lyme season. Our aim was to explain the apparent contradiction between the annual unimodal Lyme borreliosis incidence and the bimodal Ixodes ricinus tick activity run – both observed in Hungary – by distinguishing the temperaturedependent seasonal human and tick activity, the temperature-independent factors, and the multiplicative effect of human outdoor activity in summer holiday, using data from Hungary in the period of 1998–2012. This separation was verified by modeling the Lyme incidence based on the separated factors, and comparing the run of the observed and modeled incidence. We demonstrated the bimodality of tick season by using the originally unimodal Lyme incidence data. To model the outdoor human activity, the amount of camping guest nights was used, which showed an irregular run from mid-June to September. The human outdoor activity showed a similar exponential correlation with ambient temperature to that what the relative incidence did. It was proved that summer holiday has great influence on Lyme incidence.


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A cikkben egy nemesnyárültetvény őszi lombszíneződésének kutatását összegezzük, mellyel előkészítjük egy – a 21. században várható éghajlatváltozás hatására bekövetkező lombszíneződés-változást elemző – fenológiai modell építését. Bemutatjuk a kutatásba vont taxon (Populus X canadensis) kiválasztásának szempontjait, valamint a vizsgálati helyszín (Tiszaroff) kijelölésének fontosabb ismérveit. Áttekintjük a szabadon hozzáférhető adatokat szolgáltató szenzorokat és a lombszínre vonatkozó, korábban publikált, különböző mérőszámokat. A MODIS-szenzor három kiválaszott színcsatornájára építve újabb lombszíneződési mérőszámokat alkotunk, és ezeket kiértékeljük abból a szempontból, hogy várhatóan mennyire alkalmazhatóak az őszi lombszíneződés jövőbeli fenológiai eltolódásának és megváltozásának modellezése során.


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Background & Objective: The most northern populations of two sand fly species (Phlebotomus mascittii and Phlebotomus neclectus) in the Carpathian Basin are known from Central Hungary. The most important limiting factor of the distribution of Phlebotomus species in the region is the annual minimum temperature which may be positively affected by the urban heat island and the climate change in the future. Method: Based on the latest case reports of the species, Climate Envelope Model was done for the period 1961-1990 and 2025-2050 to project the potential urban distribution of the species. The climatic data were obtained from RegCM regional climate model and MODIS satellite images. Results: The recent occurrence of the species in Central Hungary indicates that Phlebotomus species can overwinter in non-heated shelters in the built environment. Interpretation & Conclusion: Jointly heat island and future climate change seem to be able to provide suitable environment for the studied species in urban areas in a great extent.


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Climate change highly impacts on tree growth and also threatens the forest of the karstic terrains. From the 1980s the frequency of decay events of the Pinus nigra Arnold forests showed a marked increase in Hungary. To understanding the vulnerability of Pinus nigra forests to climate change on shallow karstic soils in continental-sub Mediterranean climatic conditions we developed the study of three sampled population in the typical karstic landscape of Veszprém in North Transdanubia. We built our model on non-invasive approach using the annual growth of the individuals. MPI Echam5 climate model and as aridity index the Thornthwaite Agrometeorological Index were used. Our results indicate that soil thickness up to 11 cm has a major influence on the main growth intensity, however, aridity determines the annual growth rate. Our model results showed that the increasing decay frequency in the last decades was a parallel change to the decreasing growth rate of pines. The climate model predicts the similar, increased decay frequency to the presents. Our results can be valid for a wider areas of the periphery of Mediterranean climate zone while the annual-growth based model is a cost-effective and simple method to study the vitality of pine trees in a given area.


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Stylization is a common method of ornamental plant use that imitates nature and evokes the scenery. This paper discloses a not yet proposed aspect of stylization, since the method offers the possibility of preserving the physiognomy of those habitats that seem to vanish due to future climate change. In addition, novelty of the method is founded also on that vulnerability of the Hungarian habitats has been examined by the researchers only from the botanical and ecological point of view so far and not in terms of its landscape design value. In Hungary, acidofrequent mixed forests appear to be highly sensitive to climate change according to ecological models. We are going to discuss the methodology of stylization of climate sensitive habitats and briefly refer to acidofrequent mixed forests as a case study. Those coniferous and deciduous tree species of the studied habitat that are water demanding are proposed to be substituted by drought tolerant ones with similar characteristics, and an optionally expandable list of these taxa is presented. Based on this the authors suggest experimental investigations of those of the proposed taxa for which the higher drought tolerance is based on observations only.


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Ebben a tanulmányban a Natura 2000 erdők közgazdasági kérdéseit jártuk körül az ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatások koncepciójának segítségével, nemzetközi és hazai szakirodalomra építve. Emellett a természetközeli erdőgazdálkodás fogalomkörét, s azon belül a folyamatos erdőborítást szolgáló erdőgazdálkodást vettük alapul. A következőkben néhány összegző megállapítást teszünk, és kijelölünk további kutatási irányokat. _____ This study has been prepared within the LIFEinFORESTS – Improved communication, cooperation and capacity building for preserving biodiversity in Natura 2000 forests (B2 action, LIFE13 INF/HU/001163) – project in the framework of LIFE+ Information and Communication under the contract signed with the Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate. The main aim of the study is to summarize the international and Hungarian economic and environmental economic literature related to the Natura 2000 forests, and serve as a background study for the communication with and training of forest owners and users operating at Natura 2000 sites. The concept of ecosystem services (ESs) is used as an overall framework for the study. In our opinion it is able to show all the benefits provided by forests and can also help to reveal that the benefits of nature-oriented, continuous cover forest management (CCF) can exceed the benefits of traditional rotation forest management (RFM). The definition and the classification of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2003, 2005) is used throughout the study, so provisioning, cultural, regulating and supporting services are distinguished.


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This dissertation develops an image processing framework with unique feature extraction and similarity measurements for human face recognition in the thermal mid-wave infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The goals of this research is to design specialized algorithms that would extract facial vasculature information, create a thermal facial signature and identify the individual. The objective is to use such findings in support of a biometrics system for human identification with a high degree of accuracy and a high degree of reliability. This last assertion is due to the minimal to no risk for potential alteration of the intrinsic physiological characteristics seen through thermal infrared imaging. The proposed thermal facial signature recognition is fully integrated and consolidates the main and critical steps of feature extraction, registration, matching through similarity measures, and validation through testing our algorithm on a database, referred to as C-X1, provided by the Computer Vision Research Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame. Feature extraction was accomplished by first registering the infrared images to a reference image using the functional MRI of the Brain’s (FMRIB’s) Linear Image Registration Tool (FLIRT) modified to suit thermal infrared images. This was followed by segmentation of the facial region using an advanced localized contouring algorithm applied on anisotropically diffused thermal images. Thermal feature extraction from facial images was attained by performing morphological operations such as opening and top-hat segmentation to yield thermal signatures for each subject. Four thermal images taken over a period of six months were used to generate thermal signatures and a thermal template for each subject, the thermal template contains only the most prevalent and consistent features. Finally a similarity measure technique was used to match signatures to templates and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to validate the results of the matching process. Thirteen subjects were used for testing the developed technique on an in-house thermal imaging system. The matching using an Euclidean-based similarity measure showed 88% accuracy in the case of skeletonized signatures and templates, we obtained 90% accuracy for anisotropically diffused signatures and templates. We also employed the Manhattan-based similarity measure and obtained an accuracy of 90.39% for skeletonized and diffused templates and signatures. It was found that an average 18.9% improvement in the similarity measure was obtained when using diffused templates. The Euclidean- and Manhattan-based similarity measure was also applied to skeletonized signatures and templates of 25 subjects in the C-X1 database. The highly accurate results obtained in the matching process along with the generalized design process clearly demonstrate the ability of the thermal infrared system to be used on other thermal imaging based systems and related databases. A novel user-initialization registration of thermal facial images has been successfully implemented. Furthermore, the novel approach at developing a thermal signature template using four images taken at various times ensured that unforeseen changes in the vasculature did not affect the biometric matching process as it relied on consistent thermal features.


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The primary purpose of this thesis was to present a theoretical large-signal analysis to study the power gain and efficiency of a microwave power amplifier for LS-band communications using software simulation. Power gain, efficiency, reliability, and stability are important characteristics in the power amplifier design process. These characteristics affect advance wireless systems, which require low-cost device amplification without sacrificing system performance. Large-signal modeling and input and output matching components are used for this thesis. Motorola's Electro Thermal LDMOS model is a new transistor model that includes self-heating affects and is capable of small-large signal simulations. It allows for most of the design considerations to be on stability, power gain, bandwidth, and DC requirements. The matching technique allows for the gain to be maximized at a specific target frequency. Calculations and simulations for the microwave power amplifier design were performed using Matlab and Microwave Office respectively. Microwave Office is the simulation software used in this thesis. The study demonstrated that Motorola's Electro Thermal LDMOS transistor in microwave power amplifier design process is a viable solution for common-source amplifier applications in high power base stations. The MET-LDMOS met the stability requirements for the specified frequency range without a stability-improvement model. The power gain of the amplifier circuit was improved through proper microwave matching design using input/output-matching techniques. The gain and efficiency of the amplifier improve approximately 4dB and 7.27% respectively. The gain value is roughly .89 dB higher than the maximum gain specified by the MRF21010 data sheet specifications. This work can lead to efficient modeling and development of high power LDMOS transistor implementations in commercial and industry applications.


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This work describes the design process of a small recreational gated community in Pium, Nísia Floresta/RN, from concept to final design stages, with emphasis on low environmental impact, thermal comfort and the spatial quality of housing. The process consisted in a review of the literature and relevant standards, studies of design references and architectural programming. The project development was initially focused on the project’s feasibility, with the definition of the number of units, implantation, size and location of the dwellings and the common areas of the development. Two types of houses (four low rise and five duplex units) have been proposed in order to attend the premises of architectural programming. The conception of the architectural design began with the rooms’ zoning according to the lots. This resulted in the pre-selection of three alternatives that were evaluated in terms of spatial quality and environmental performance. The development of sketches focused on the envelope consistent with the bioclimatic guidelines and on the language of the compatible proposal with the lowest possible environmental impact of the building system, which resulted in the selection of the eucalyptus wood type. During the working drawings, the Quality Technical Regulation for the Level of Energy Efficiency Residential Buildings (RTQ -R) was adopted for the evaluation of the envelope, which resulted in "B" level of efficiency for the first case. After minor adjustments, mainly in frames, the efficiency level rose to "A", demonstrating that early project decisions contributed to the envelope energy performance. Besides the design of the two types of units, the final proposal of the gated community includes the design of the equipment for the common areas (entrance, multipurpose room and support and service sector), and the descriptive texts explaining the project and construction’s details.


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With the intention of studying and developing the design process based on a specific methodology, the object of this work is to present the design of a gated condominium community in Natal based on the application of principles of shape grammar, used in their design process. The shape grammar is a design method developed in the 1970s by George Stiny and James Gips. It is used for the analysis of the project as well as for its synthesis, with the goal of creating a "formal vocabulary" through mathematical and/or geometrical operations. Here, the methodology was used in the synthesis of the design process, through the relationship between formal subtractions and the houses’ architectural planning. As a result, five dwellings configurations were proposed, each one different from the other with respect to their shape and architectural programming, distributed in three twin groups, which are repeated until the final total of nine architectural volumes. In addition to studies of the condominium’s ventilation and the buildings’ shading simulations, studies of spatial flexibility and acoustic performance were also performed. The mapping of the design process, one of the specific objectives of the dissertation, was composed not only by the record of formal constraints (the preparation and application of rules), but also by physical, environmental, legal and sustainability aspects in relation to, on one hand, the optimization of the shading and passive ventilation for hot and humid climates, and, on the other hand, the modulation and rationalization of the construction.