954 resultados para LOW COST HOUSING


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The modern stopped-flow reaction analyzer has shown high efficiency and flexibility, which provides outstanding sample economy with a dead-time of less than 1 ms. However the cost of the equipment imposes a serious restriction to many Brazilian scientists and teachers. In this work we describe the construction of a low-cost stopped-flow system coupled to a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The performance of the system was checked by monitoring the kinetics of two reactions: the fading of phenolphthalein in aqueous alkaline solution and the chlorophyll a demetallation in acid medium. The apparatus showed reasonable efficiency with a dead-time of 0.3 to 0.5 s. The very good results obtained in these two illustrative processes show that the system is satisfactory for determining rate constants with mean reaction times ranging from seconds to minutes.


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Gravimetric and Bailey-Andrew methods are tedious and provide inflated results. Spectrofotometry is adequate for caffeine analysis but is lengthy. Gas chromatography also is applied to the caffeine analysis but derivatization is needed. High performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV) and reversed phase is simple and rapid for xanthine multianalysis. In HPLC-UV-gel permeation, organic solvents are not used. HPLC-mass spectrometry provides an unequivocal structural identification of xanthines. Capillary electrophoresis is fast and the solvent consumption is smaller than in HPLC. Chemometric methods offer an effective means for chemical data handling in multivariate analysis. Infrared spectroscopy alone or associated with chemometries could predict the caffeine content in a very accurate form. Electroanalytical methods are considered of low cost and easy application in caffeine analysis.


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A new procedure to find the limiting range of the photomultiplier linear response of a low-cost, digital oscilloscope-based time-resolved laser-induced luminescence spectrometer (TRLS), is presented. A systematic investigation on the instrument response function with different signal input terminations, and the relationship between the luminescence intensity reaching the photomultiplier and the measured decay time are described. These investigations establish that setting the maximum intensity of the luminescence signal below 0.3V guarantees, for signal input terminations equal or higher than 99.7 ohm, a linear photomultiplier response.


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In this work, we describe a new method for obtaining [Fe(CO)2[(eta5-C5H5)Cl] employing simple techniques and low-cost reagents. It is worth mentioning that this method is faster than others reported in the literature. It was applied in laboratory classes for undergraduate students, exploring different concepts in organometallic chemistry and discussing the steps involved in the synthetic route.


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In terms of soil fertility, zinc is a micronutrient that is very important in the culture of soy, maize, rice and coffee, because it is a structural and functional component of a great number of enzymes. Therefore, diverse methods have been used to determine zinc in soil. In this work we use colorimetry as a methods of zinc determination in soil using two methodologies of sample digesting, H2SO4/H2O2 and HNO3/H2O2. In order to compare the results, atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) was used. Results show that colorimetric methods can be used due to good sensitivity and reproducibility, since the zinc calibration curve showed good linearity. Comparing colorimetric methods with AAS we observed that the results were equivalent, as proven by the statistical values of the F and t of Student tests. Furthermore, both methods of soil digesting can be used, leading to a flexible methodology of low-cost for routine zinc analyses in soil.


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Photodynamic Therapy uses photosensitive dyes and visible light that, combined in the presence of oxygen, produce cytotoxic species that cause tumor death. Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, yeasts and viruses (including HIV) can also be inactivated by visible light after treatment with an appropriate photosensitizer as an alternative low cost treatment for localized infections, viral lesions such as acnes, and fungical skin lesions for example. Besides, Photodynamic Inactivation can be used for sterilization of blood and its subproducts for clinical use, in the treatment of drinking water as well as in antimicrobial detoxification of foods.


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The aim of this work is to obtain, purify and characterize biochemically a peroxidase from Copaifera langsdorffii leaves (COP). COP was obtained by acetone precipitation followed by ion-exchange chromatography. Purification yielded 3.5% of peroxidase with the purification factor of 46.86. The COP optimum pH is 6.0 and the temperature is 35 ºC. COP was stable in the pH range of 4.5 to 9.3 and at temperatures below 50.0 ºC. The apparent Michaelis-Menten constants (Km) for guaiacol and H2O2 were 0.04 mM and 0.39 mM respectively. Enzyme turnover was 0.075 s-1 for guaiacol and 0.28 s-1 for hydrogen peroxide. Copaifera langsdorffii leaves showed to be a rich source of active peroxidase (COP) during the whole year. COP could replace HRP, the most used peroxidase, in analytical determinations and treatment of industrial effluents at low cost.


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The supply of drinking water in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo City has been a great and serious challenge in the latest years. This work demonstrates the viability of the evaluation of the degree of contamination of the water reservoirs using analytical procedures, which allow the analysis of several compounds at relatively low cost: stripping square wave voltammetry (SSWV) and capillary zone electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection (CZE-CCD). The results of ionic composition indicated significant contamination of the Guarapiranga water system by human activities on the reservoir banks. In fact, the Guavirutuba and Itupu streams presented high concentrations of phosphate and ammonium ions. This can be directly related to misuse and unruled occupation of the soil and precarious sanitary infrastructure.


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The analytical method of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for the assay of benznidazole in tablets was developed and validated following the requirements of regulatory agencies. The method used as mobile phase acetonitrile:wather 1:1, a C18 column of 12.5 cm length x 4 mm id, 5 mm particles and lambda=316 nm. The statistical analysis of the results demonstrated that the method satisfies all parameters so as to be considered a safe and efficient analytical alternative of low cost for laboratory routine.


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Chromatography is a means of separating mixtures into their several components. TLC, mainly a liquid/solid process, is one of the separation techniques most often used. It is indispensable in laboratories dealing with natural products, organic and analytical chemistry. Commercial chromatography plates are offered at relatively high cost. In this work the construction of a hand-operated plate coater of stationary phases of low cost and good reproducibility is described to be used in teaching laboratories and research.


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Vivim en una era digital on cada vegada més les persones estem connectades a la xarxa, ja sigui a través del mòbil, ordinadors o altres dispositius. Actualment internet és un gran aparador i des de fa temps, les empreses han vist en aquest una manera de treure’n profit. És per això, junt amb el seu baix cost, que fa que qualsevol empresa disposi del seu propi espai a la xarxa. D’aquestes idees sorgeix el projecte de fer la web per AutoSuministres Motor. La principal funció de la web es donar-se a conèixer i ensenyar els seus productes, que en aquest cas, són autocaravanes i caravanes. Tot i així, la pàgina web contindrà un espai de reportatges on l’usuari podrà conèixer més a fons un model concret d’autocaravana o caravana i on també podrà demanar més informació mitjançant un formulari de contacte. Per tant, la pàgina web serà totalment administrable perquè els comercials puguin introduir els vehicles corresponents i l’usuari final pugui consultarlos correctament d’una manera fàcil i senzilla. Per tal de dur a terme aquesta web s’ha tingut en compte utilitzar eines de programació de distribució lliure com és el llenguatge PHP, la base de dades MySQL i jQuery.


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In this work, the efficiency of some homogeneous advanced oxidation processes (UVC/H2O2, Fe2+/H2O2, UVC/Fe2+/H2O2, UVA/Fe2+/H2O2, solar/Fe2+/H2O2) was investigated toward the degradation of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB). The effect of relevant experimental parameters (ie. pH, Fe2+ and H2O2 concentration) was first investigated by factorial design, using camphor as a model substrate. In the geosmin and 2-MIB degradation studies the Fenton processes assisted by solar and UVA radiation offered the most promising results, mainly on account of high degradation capacity (higher than 80% at a reaction time of 60 min), high operational simplicity and low cost.


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Experiments simple, short and efficient for experimental disciplines in undergraduate courses in Chemistry are an excellent opportunity for students to consolidate the learning of theoretical concepts in classical chemical transformations. The use of a safe reagent, of low cost and easy access is the motivation for this communication, that describes the use of trichloroisocyanuric acid - a chlorinating agent used in the treatment of swimming pool water - for the chlorination of acetanilide, an intermediate in the preparation of para-chloroaniline.


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Considered the best substitute for diesel, biodiesel can be blended with diesel in any ratio, bringing lots of environmental, economic and social advantages. Brazilian law Nº 11097/2005, proposes the introduction of biodiesel in to the Brazilian energy matrix, mixed with diesel at a minimum percentage of 2%. For consumers and sellers to be sure that the commercialized mixture of biodiesel:diesel contains the correct percentage, it is necessary to develop analytical methodologies to quantify the amount of biodiesel added. This work presents a fast, low-cost and simple methodology to determine the biodiesel proportion in mixtures of biodiesel:diesel, based on infrared spectroscopy.


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A simple and low-cost flow cell with 30 cm optical path for spectrophotometric measurements is described. It presents desirable characteristics such as low attenuation of the radiation beam and internal volume (75 µL) comparable to that of a 1-cm conventional cell (80 µL). Despite the increase in optical path, the effect on sample dispersion was also similar to that attained in the commercial cell. The performance of the cell was assessed by the determination of phosphate based on the molybdenum blue method, yielding a linear response range between 0.05 and 0.8 mg L-1 phosphorus (r=0.999). The increase in sensitivity (30.4-fold) in comparison with that obtained with a conventional 1-cm flow cell agreed with that estimated by the Lambert-Beer law.