980 resultados para LA PROTEIN BINDS


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A number of cycling mammalian cells, such as NIH 3T3, contain abundant subsets of cold-stable microtubules. The origin of such microtubule stabilization in nonneuronal cells is unknown. We have previously described a neuronal protein, stable tubule-only polypeptide (STOP), that binds to microtubules and induces cold stability. We find that NIH 3T3 fibroblasts contain a major 42-kDa isoform of STOP (fibroblastic STOP, F-STOP). F-STOP contains the central repeats characteristic of brain STOP but shows extensive deletions of N- and C-terminal protein domains that are present in brain STOP. These deletions arise from differences in STOP RNA splicing. Despite such deletions, F-STOP has full microtubule stabilizing activity. F-STOP accumulates on cold-stable microtubules of interphase arrays and is present on stable microtubules within the mitotic spindle of NIH 3T3 cells. STOP inhibition by microinjection of affinity-purified STOP central repeat antibodies into NIH 3T3 cells abolishes both interphase and spindle microtubule cold stability. Similar results were obtained with Rat2 cells. These results show that STOP proteins have nonneuronal isoforms that are responsible for the microtubule cold stability observed in mammalian fibroblasts.


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Sec7 domains (Sec7d) catalyze the exchange of guanine nucleotide on ARFs. Recent studies indicated that brefeldin A (BFA) inhibits Sec7d-catalyzed nucleotide exchange on ARF1 in an uncompetitive manner by trapping an early intermediate of the reaction: a complex between GDP-bound ARF1 and Sec7d. Using 3H-labeled BFA, we show that BFA binds to neither isolated Sec7d nor isolated ARF1–GDP, but binds to the transitory Sec7d–ARF1–GDP complex and stabilizes it. Two pairs of residues at positions 190–191 and 198–208 (Arno numbering) in Sec7d contribute equally to the stability of BFA binding, which is also sensitive to mutation of H80 in ARF1. The catalytic glutamic (E156) residue of Sec7d is not necessary for BFA binding. In contrast, BFA does not bind to the intermediate catalytic complex between nucleotide-free ARF1 and Sec7d. These results suggest that, on initial docking steps between ARF1–GDP and Sec7d, BFA inserts like a wedge between the switch II region of ARF1–GDP and a surface encompassing residues 190–208, at the border of the characteristic hydrophobic groove of Sec7d. Bound BFA would prevent the switch regions of ARF1–GDP from reorganizing and forming tighter contacts with Sec7d and thereby would maintain the bound GDP of ARF1 at a distance from the catalytic glutamic finger of Sec7d.


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The Enterococcus faecalis conjugative plasmid pAD1 (60 kb) encodes a mating response to the recipient-produced peptide sex pheromone cAD1. The response involves two key plasmid-encoded regulatory proteins: TraE1, which positively regulates all or most structural genes relating to conjugation, and TraA, which binds DNA and negatively regulates expression of traE1. In vitro studies that included development of a DNA-associated protein-tag affinity chromatography technique showed that TraA (37.9 kDa) binds directly to cAD1 near its carboxyl-terminal end and, as a consequence, loses its affinity for DNA. Analyses of genetically modified TraA proteins indicated that truncations within the carboxyl-terminal 9 residues significantly affected the specificity of peptide-directed association/dissociation of DNA. The data support earlier observations that transposon insertions near the 3′ end of traA eliminated the ability of cells to respond to cAD1.


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The protein component of ribonuclease P (RNase P) binds to the RNA subunit, forming a functional ribonucleoprotein complex in vivo and enhancing the affinity of the precursor tRNA (pre-tRNA) substrate. Photocrosslinking experiments with pre-tRNA bound to RNase P reconstituted with the protein component of Bacillus subtilis ribonuclease P (P protein) site specifically modified with a crosslinking reagent indicate that: (i) the central cleft of P protein directly interacts with the single-stranded 5′ leader sequence of pre-tRNA, and (ii) the orientation and register of the pre-tRNA leader sequence in the central cleft places the protein component in close proximity to the active site. This unique mode of interaction suggests that the catalytic active site in RNase P occurs near the interface of RNA and protein. In contrast to other ribonucleoprotein complexes where the protein mainly stabilizes the active tertiary fold of the RNA, a critical function of the protein component of RNase P is to alter substrate specificity and enhance catalytic efficiency.


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The small GTP-binding protein Cdc42 is thought to induce filopodium formation by regulating actin polymerization at the cell cortex. Although several Cdc42-binding proteins have been identified and some of them have been implicated in filopodium formation, the precise role of Cdc42 in modulating actin polymerization has not been defined. To understand the biochemical pathways that link Cdc42 to the actin cytoskeleton, we have reconstituted Cdc42-induced actin polymerization in Xenopus egg extracts. Using this cell-free system, we have developed a rapid and specific assay that has allowed us to fractionate the extract and isolate factors involved in this activity. We report here that at least two biochemically distinct components are required, based on their chromatographic behavior and affinity for Cdc42. One component is purified to homogeneity and is identified as the Arp2/3 complex, a protein complex that has been shown to nucleate actin polymerization. However, the purified complex alone is not sufficient to mediate the activity; a second component that binds Cdc42 directly and mediates the interaction between Cdc42 and the complex also is required. These results establish an important link between a signaling molecule, Cdc42, and a complex that can directly modulate actin networks in vitro. We propose that activation of the Arp2/3 complex by Cdc42 and other signaling molecules plays a central role in stimulating actin polymerization at the cell surface.


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Kss1, a yeast mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), in its unphosphorylated (unactivated) state binds directly to and represses Ste12, a transcription factor necessary for expression of genes whose promoters contain filamentous response elements (FREs) and genes whose promoters contain pheromone response elements (PREs). Herein we show that two nuclear proteins, Dig1 and Dig2, are required cofactors in Kss1-imposed repression. Dig1 and Dig2 cooperate with Kss1 to repress Ste12 action at FREs and regulate invasive growth in a naturally invasive strain. Kss1-imposed Dig-dependent repression of Ste12 also occurs at PREs. However, maintenance of repression at PREs is more dependent on Dig1 and/or Dig2 and less dependent on Kss1 than repression at FREs. In addition, derepression at PREs is more dependent on MAPK-mediated phosphorylation than is derepression at FREs. Differential utilization of two types of MAPK-mediated regulation (binding-imposed repression and phosphorylation-dependent activation), in combination with distinct Ste12-containing complexes, contributes to the mechanisms by which separate extracellular stimuli that use the same MAPK cascade can elicit two different transcriptional responses.


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The structure of the catalytically inactive mutant (C215S) of the human protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) has been solved to high resolution in two complexes. In the first, crystals were grown in the presence of bis-(para-phosphophenyl) methane (BPPM), a synthetic high-affinity low-molecular weight nonpeptidic substrate (Km = 16 μM), and the structure was refined to an R-factor of 18.2% at 1.9 Å resolution. In the second, crystals were grown in a saturating concentration of phosphotyrosine (pTyr), and the structure was refined to an R-factor of 18.1% at 1.85 Å. Difference Fourier maps showed that BPPM binds PTP1B in two mutually exclusive modes, one in which it occupies the canonical pTyr-binding site (the active site), and another in which a phosphophenyl moiety interacts with a set of residues not previously observed to bind aryl phosphates. The identification of a second pTyr molecule at the same site in the PTP1B/C215S–pTyr complex confirms that these residues constitute a low-affinity noncatalytic aryl phosphate-binding site. Identification of a second aryl phosphate binding site adjacent to the active site provides a paradigm for the design of tight-binding, highly specific PTP1B inhibitors that can span both the active site and the adjacent noncatalytic site. This design can be achieved by tethering together two small ligands that are individually targeted to the active site and the proximal noncatalytic site.


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By selective attachment of a DNA cleavage agent to specific residues in the yeast TATA box binding protein (yTBP), we demonstrate that, in solution, yTBP binds to the TATA boxes of both the adenovirus major late promoter and the yeast CYC1 promoter with only a modest preference in orientation and binds well to several overlapping binding sites. The general factors TFIIA and TFIIB each increase the rotational and translational selectivity of yTBP but are not sufficient, at least individually, to confer a unique polarity to the preinitiation complex. We conclude that TBP alone cannot define the productive orientation of general factor assembly on a promoter.


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During adipocyte differentiation, the expression of C/EBPα is activated, which in turn serves to transcriptionally activate numerous adipocyte genes. A previous search for cis elements that regulate transcription of the C/EBPα gene led to the identification of a potential repressive element within the proximal 5′ flanking region of the gene. Nuclear extracts from 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, but not adipocytes, were found to contain a factor, CUP (C/EBPα undifferentiated protein), that binds to this site (the CUP-1 site). In the present investigation, we show that C/EBPα promoter-luciferase constructs containing both the proximal 5′ flanking and the entire 5′ untranslated regions of the gene exhibit an expression pattern during adipocyte differentiation comparable to that of the endogenous C/EBPα gene. Mutation of the CUP-1 site in these constructs had little effect on reporter gene expression; however, when this mutation was combined with deletion of the 5′ untranslated region, reporter gene expression by preadipocytes was dramatically up-regulated. Consistent with this finding, a second CUP binding site (the CUP-2 site) was identified in the 5′ untranslated region. Although mutation of either CUP element in constructs containing both the 5′ flanking and 5′ untranslated region had little effect on reporter gene transcription, mutation of both CUP elements markedly activated transcription. Thus, it appears that dual CUP regulatory elements repress transcription of the C/EBPα gene prior to induction of the adipocyte differentiation program.


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ASH1 encodes a protein that is localized specifically to the daughter cell nucleus, where it has been proposed to repress transcription of the HO gene. Using Ash1p purified from baculovirus-infected insect cells, we have shown that Ash1p binds specific DNA sequences in the HO promoter. DNase I protection analyses showed that Ash1p recognizes a consensus sequence, YTGAT. Mutation of this consensus abolishes Ash1p DNA binding in vitro. We have shown that Ash1p requires an intact zinc-binding domain in its C terminus for repression of HO in vivo and that this domain may be involved in DNA binding. A heterologous DNA-binding domain fused to an N-terminal segment of Ash1p functions as an active repressor of transcription. Our studies indicate that Ash1p is a DNA-binding protein of the GATA family with a separable transcriptional repression domain.


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There is still a lack of information on the specific characteristics of DNA-binding proteins from hyperthermophiles. Here we report on the product of the gene orf56 from plasmid pRN1 of the acidophilic and thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus. orf56 has not been characterised yet but low sequence similarily to several eubacterial plasmid-encoded genes suggests that this 6.5 kDa protein is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. The DNA-binding properties of ORF56, expressed in Escherichia coli, have been investigated by EMSA experiments and by fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Recombinant ORF56 binds to double-stranded DNA, specifically to an inverted repeat located within the promoter of orf56. Binding to this site could down-regulate transcription of the orf56 gene and also of the overlapping orf904 gene, encoding the putative initiator protein of plasmid replication. By gel filtration and chemical crosslinking we have shown that ORF56 is a dimeric protein. Stoichiometric fluorescence anisotropy titrations further indicate that ORF56 binds as a tetramer to the inverted repeat of its target binding site. CD spectroscopy points to a significant increase in ordered secondary structure of ORF56 upon binding DNA. ORF56 binds without apparent cooperativity to its target DNA with a dissociation constant in the nanomolar range. Quantitative analysis of binding isotherms performed at various salt concentrations and at different temperatures indicates that approximately seven ions are released upon complex formation and that complex formation is accompanied by a change in heat capacity of –6.2 kJ/mol. Furthermore, recombinant ORF56 proved to be highly thermostable and is able to bind DNA up to 85°C.


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Cbf1p is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromatin protein belonging to the basic region helix–loop–helix leucine zipper (bHLHzip) family of DNA binding proteins. Cbf1p binds to a conserved element in the 5′-flanking region of methionine biosynthetic genes and to centromere DNA element I (CDEI) of S.cerevisiae centromeric DNA. We have determined the apparent equilibrium dissociation constants of Cbf1p binding to all 16 CDEI DNAs in gel retardation assays. Binding constants of full-length Cbf1p vary between 1.7 and 3.8 nM. However, the dissociation constants of a Cbf1p deletion variant that has been shown to be fully sufficient for Cbf1p function in vivo vary in a range between 3.2 and 12 nM. In addition, native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed distinct changes in the 3D structure of the Cbf1p/CEN complexes. We also show that the previously reported DNA binding stimulation activity of the centromere protein p64 functions on both the Cbf1 full-length protein and a deletion variant containing only the bHLHzip domain of Cbf1p. Our results suggest that centromeric DNA outside the consensus CDEI sequence and interaction of Cbf1p with adjacent centromere proteins contribute to the complex formation between Cbf1p and CEN DNA.


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We have previously isolated the hpttg proto-oncogene, which is expressed in normal tissues containing proliferating cells and in several kinds of tumors. In fact, expression of hPTTG correlates with cell proliferation in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Recently it was reported that PTTG is a vertebrate analog of the yeast securins Pds1 and Cut2, which are involved in sister chromatid separation. Here we show that hPTTG binds to Ku, the regulatory subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). hPTTG and Ku associate both in vitro and in vivo and the DNA-PK catalytic subunit phosphorylates hPTTG in vitro. Furthermore, DNA double-strand breaks prevent hPTTG–Ku association and disrupt the hPTTG–Ku complexes, indicating that genome damaging events, which result in the induction of pathways that activate DNA repair mechanisms and halt cell cycle progression, might inhibit hPTTG–Ku interaction in vivo. We propose that hPTTG might connect DNA damage-response pathways with sister chromatid separation, delaying the onset of mitosis while DNA repair occurs.


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Here we show that presenilin-1 (PS1), a protein involved in Alzheimer's disease, binds directly to epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin). This binding is mediated by the large cytoplasmic loop of PS1 and requires the membrane-proximal cytoplasmic sequence 604–615 of mature E-cadherin. This sequence is also required for E-cadherin binding of protein p120, a known regulator of cadherin-mediated cell adhesion. Using wild-type and PS1 knockout cells, we found that increasing PS1 levels suppresses p120/E-cadherin binding, and increasing p120 levels suppresses PS1/E-cadherin binding. Thus PS1 and p120 bind to and mutually compete for cellular E-cadherin. Furthermore, PS1 stimulates E-cadherin binding to β- and γ-catenin, promotes cytoskeletal association of the cadherin/catenin complexes, and increases Ca2+-dependent cell–cell aggregation. Remarkably, PS1 familial Alzheimer disease mutant ΔE9 increased neither the levels of cadherin/catenin complexes nor cell aggregation, suggesting that this familial Alzheimer disease mutation interferes with cadherin-based cell–cell adhesion. These data identify PS1 as an E-cadherin-binding protein and a regulator of E-cadherin function in vivo.


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FKBP12, the 12-kDa FK506-binding protein, is a ubiquitous abundant protein that acts as a receptor for the immunosuppressant drug FK506, binds tightly to intracellular calcium release channels and to the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) type I receptor. We now demonstrate that cells from FKBP12-deficient (FKBP12−/−) mice manifest cell cycle arrest in G1 phase and that these cells can be rescued by FKBP12 transfection. This arrest is mediated by marked augmentation of p21(WAF1/CIP1) levels, which cannot be further augmented by TGF-β1. The p21 up-regulation and cell cycle arrest derive from the overactivity of TGF-β receptor signaling, which is normally inhibited by FKBP12. Cell cycle arrest is prevented by transfection with a dominant-negative TGF-β receptor construct. TGF-β receptor signaling to gene expression can be mediated by SMAD, p38, and ERK/MAP kinase (extracellular signal-regulated kinase/mitogen-activated protein kinase) pathways. SMAD signaling is down-regulated in FKBP12−/− cells. Inhibition of ERK/MAP kinase fails to affect p21 up-regulation. By contrast, activated phosphorylated p38 is markedly augmented in FKBP12−/− cells and the p21 up-regulation is prevented by an inhibitor of p38. Thus, FKBP12 is a physiologic regulator of cell cycle acting by normally down-regulating TGF-β receptor signaling.