907 resultados para Knowledge developing
This Country Background Report (CBR) on the teaching career in Ireland forms part of the major OECD study “Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers.” Similar reports are being submitted from twenty six other countries. Nine of these countries are also engaged on ‘thematic’ studies of the teaching career, involving site visits by external reviewers appointed by the OECD. The format of the CBRs follows a common pattern, set out by the OECD in its Design and Implementation Plan. This is to facilitate comparative analysis of sub-themes of the reports. Thus, each CBR involves six chapters. The first two – “the national context” and “school system and the teaching force”– are intended to provide succinct overviews of these themes in line with queries posed in the OECD documentation. Each of the other four chapters is designed on a common format – identification of policy concerns; data, trends and factors; policy initiatives and their impact. Specific questions are posed regarding data, trends and factors. The same questions may be posed in relation to more than one sub-theme which gives rise to some repetition in the report, but is important for the comparative analysis.
A monthly survey of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus immatures in discarded tires at a site in metropolitan Rio de Janeiro showed that Ae. albopictus was much more abundant in the rainy season, but Ae. aegypti abundance showed a less clear seasonal pattern. Pupal masses for Ae. albopictus showed a seasonal trend. In contrast, Ae. aegypti pupae did not show any clear trend in weight. Large Ae. albopictus pupae were found in the warmer months, when water volume was higher, pH lower, and larval abundance lower. Further studies should be carried out to assess how seasonal variations in body size may impact vector competence of these species in Brazil.
SUMMARY : The traditional medical advice for pregnant women has been to reduce their physical activity (PA) levels. The advice was based on concerns that exercise could affect pregnancy outcomes by increasing core body temperature, by increasing the risk of maternal musculoskeletal injury and by altering the transplacental transport of oxygen and nutrients to maternal skeletal muscle rather than to the developing foetus. In the meantime, several studies have provided new information on adaptation of the pregnant woman and her foetus to moderate PA. New investigations have shown no adverse maternal or neonatal outcomes, abnormal foetal growth, increase in early pregnancy loss, or late pregnancy complications. Moreover, enrolment in moderate PA has proven to result in marked health benefits including improved maternal cardiovascular function, reduction of excessive weight gain and fat retention, less complicated labour, improved foetal stress tolerance and neurobehavioral maturation. In view of the beneficial effects, current recommendations encourage healthy pregnant women to engage in 30 minutes of moderate PA on most, if not all, days of the week. This thesis work addressed several questions. Firstly, it examined whether compliance with the recommended levels of PA during pregnancy results in better preparedness for the sudden physical exertion of labour and delivery. Secondly, it measured PA during pregnancy as compared to postpartum. Lastly, it assessed the influence of pre-pregnancy body mass index on gestational resting metabolic rate. Data collection was conducted on healthy women living in Switzerland during the third trimester of pregnancy and postpartum. Total and activity energy expenditure was assessed through 24-hour heart rate and accelerations recordings, and cardiovascular fitness through an individual step-test. Information related to pregnancy, labour and delivery was collected from medical records. The results indicate that a minimum 30 min of moderate PA per day during pregnancy are associated with better cardiovascular fitness and lower risk of operative delivery with no negative effects on maternal and foetal conditions (study 1). Despite these benefits, a substantial proportion of pregnant women (39%) living in Switzerland do not meet the PA recommendations. The decrease in activity related energy expenditure during pregnancy compared to postpartum was measured to be around 100 kcal/day (~13%), whereas the total energy expenditure was found to increase by 300 kcal/day (study 2). Thus, the energy cost of late pregnancy in Switzerland corresponds to 200 kca/day. These findings are based on average values of the study group. It should be noted, however, that large variations in individual energy expenditure may occur depending on the pre-pregnancy body mass index (study 3). When adjusted to body weight, gestational resting metabolic rate is significantly lower among women of high pre-pregnancy body mass index compared to women of normal or low pre-pregnancy body mass index. This can be explained by the fact that resting metabolic rate is primarily a function of fat-free mass, and when expressed per kg body weight, it decreases as the percentage of body fat increases. If energy intake is not modified appropriately in order to match lower energy cost per kg body weight in overweight and obese women it will result in positive energy balance, thus contributing to the current trend towards increasing adiposity in affluent society. The results of these studies go beyond the current state of knowledge on PA and pregnancy (study 4) and provide valid evidence to guide clinical practice. In view of the current epidemic of sedentary behaviour and obesity related pathology, the findings contribute new and reliable information to public health policies regarding the effects of PA in pregnancy, an important period of life for both mother and infant.
This article examines the extent and limits of non-state forms of authority in international relations. It analyses how the information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure for the tradability of services in a global knowledge-based economy relies on informal regulatory practices for adjustment of ICT-related skills. Companies and associations provide training and certification programmes as part of a growing market for educational services setting their own standards. The existing literature on non-conventional forms of authority in the global political economy has emphasised that the consent of actors subject to informal rules and explicit or implicit state recognition remains crucial for the effectiveness of those new forms of power. However, analyses based on a limited sample of actors tend toward a narrow understanding of the issues and fail to fully explore the differentiated space in which non-state authority is emerging. This paper examines the form of authority underpinning the global knowledge-based economy within the broader perspective of the issues likely to be standardised by technical ICT specification, the wide range of actors involved, and the highly differentiated space where standards become authoritative. The empirical findings highlight the role of different private actors in establishing international educational norms in this field. They also pinpoint the limits of profit-oriented standard-settings, notably with regard to generic norms.
Whereas previous studies have shown that opening of the mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K(+) (mitoK(ATP)) channel protects the adult heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury, it remains to be established whether this mechanism also operates in the developing heart. Isolated spontaneously beating hearts from 4-day-old chick embryos were subjected to 30 min of anoxia followed by 60 min of reoxygenation. The chrono-, dromo-, and inotropic disturbances, as well as alterations of the electromechanical delay (EMD), reflecting excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling, were investigated. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the ventricle was determined using the intracellular fluorescent probe 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin (DCFH). Effects of the specific mitoK(ATP) channel opener diazoxide (Diazo, 50 microM) or the blocker 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD, 500 microM), the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 50 microM), the antioxidant N-(2-mercaptopropionyl)glycine (MPG, 1 mM), and the PKC inhibitor chelerythrine (Chel, 5 microM) on oxidative stress and postanoxic functional recovery were determined. Under normoxia, the baseline parameters were not altered by any of these pharmacological agents, alone or in combination. During the first 20 min of postanoxic reoxygenation, Diazo doubled the peak of ROS production and, interestingly, accelerated recovery of ventricular EMD and the PR interval. Diazo-induced ROS production was suppressed by 5-HD, MPG, or L-NAME, but not by Chel. Protection of ventricular EMD by Diazo was abolished by 5-HD, MPG, L-NAME, or Chel, whereas protection of the PR interval was abolished by L-NAME exclusively. Thus pharmacological opening of the mitoK(ATP) channel selectively improves postanoxic recovery of cell-to-cell communication and ventricular E-C coupling. Although the NO-, ROS-, and PKC-dependent pathways also seem to be involved in this cardioprotection, their interrelation in the developing heart can differ markedly from that in the adult myocardium.
The objective of this study was to analyse the effect of using two health education approaches on knowledge of transmission and prevention of schistosomiasis of school children living in a rural endemic area in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The 87 children participating in the study were divided into three groups based on gender, age and presence or absence of Schistosoma mansoni infection. In the first group the social representation model and illness experience was used. In the second group, we used the cognitive model based on the transmission of information. The third group, the control group, did not receive any information related to schistosomiasis. Ten meetings were held with all three groups that received a pre-test prior to the beginning of the educational intervention and a post-test after the completion of the program. The results showed that knowledge levels in Group 1 increased significantly during the program in regard to transmission (p = 0.038) and prevention (p = 0.001) of schistosomiasis. Groups 2 and 3 did not show significant increase in knowledge between the two tests. These results indicate that health education models need to consider social representation and illness experience besides scientific knowledge in order to increase knowledge of schistosomiasis transmission and prevention.
Treball de Final de Carrera que consisteix en el desenvolupament d'una aplicació amb arquitectura J2EE. Els bastiments escollits són JSF 2.0, Spring 3 i Hibernate 3. Aquests tres bastiments cobreixen les necessitats de desenvolupament d'una aplicació web. L'objecte del TFC ha estat el desenvolupament d'una aplicació per poder executar tests i així poder avaluar els coneixements dels alumnes.