948 resultados para Just-in-time (manufacturing system)


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A quasi-biotic model of knowledge evolution has been applied to manufacturing technology capability development which includes product design and development and manufacturing process/workflow improvement. The concepts of “knowledge genes” and “knowledge body” are introduced to explain the evolution of technological capability. It is shown that knowledge development within the enterprise happens as a result of interactions between an enterprise’s internal knowledge and that acquired from external sources catalysed by: (a) internal mechanisms, recources and incentives, and (b) actions and policies of external agencies. A matrix specifying factors contributing to knowledge development and types of manufacturing capabilities (product design, equipment development or use, and workflow) is developed to explain technological knowledge development. The case studies of Tianjin Pipe Corporation (TPCO) and Tianjin Tianduan Press Co. are presented to illustrate the application of the matrix.


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Membrane lipid composition is an important correlate of the rate of aging of animals. Dietary methionine restriction (MetR) increases lifespan in rodents. The underlying mechanisms have not been elucidated but could include changes in tissue lipidomes. In this work, we demonstrate that 80% MetR in mice induces marked changes in the brain, spinal cord, and liver lipidomes. Further, at least 50% of the lipids changed are common in the brain and spinal cord but not in the liver, suggesting a nervous system-specific lipidomic profile of MetR. The differentially expressed lipids includes (a) specific phospholipid species, which could reflect adaptive membrane responses, (b) sphingolipids, which could lead to changes in ceramide signaling pathways, and (c) the physiologically redox-relevant ubiquinone 9, indicating adaptations in phase II antioxidant response metabolism. In addition, specific oxidation products derived from cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine were significantly decreased in the brain, spinal cord, and liver from MetR mice. These results demonstrate the importance of adaptive responses of membrane lipids leading to increased stress resistance as a major mechanistic contributor to the lowered rate of aging in MetR mice. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Small indigenous manufacturers of electronic equipment are coming under increasingly severe pressure to adopt a strong defensive position against large multinational and Far Eastern companies. A common response to this threat has been for these firms to adopt a 'market driven' business strategy based on quality and customer service, rather than a 'technology led' strategy which uses technical specification and price to compete. To successfully implement this type of strategy there is a need for production systems to be redesigned to suit the new demands of marketing. Increased range and fast response require economy of scope rather t ban economy or scale while the organisation's culture must promote quality and process consciousness. This paper describes the 'Modular Assembly Cascade' concept which addresses these needs by applying the principles of flexible manufacturing (FMS) and just in time (,JlT) to electronics assembly. A methodology for executing the concept is also outlined. This is called DRAMA (Design Houtirw !'or· Adopting Modular Assembly).


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Information technology companies are having to broaden their overall strategic view in deference to the premise that it is better to be market-driven than technology-led. Cost and technical performance are no longer the only considerations, as quality and service now demand equal recognition. The production of a high volume single item has given way to that of low volume multiple items, which in turn requires some modification of production systems and brings flexible manufacturing, Just-in-Time production and total quality control into sharper focus for the achievement of corporate objectives.


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In this work, we analyzed by means of numerical and laboratory experiments the resilience of 40 Gb/s amplitude shift keying modulation formats to transmission impairments in standard single-mode fiber lines as well as to optical filtering introduced by the optical add/drop multiplexer cascade. Our study is a pre-requisite to assess the implementation of cost-effective 40 Gb/s modulation technology in next generation high bit-rate robust optical transport networks.


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The accumulation and transport of solutes are hallmarks of osmoadaptation. In this study we have employed the inability of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gpd1Δ gpd2Δ mutant both to produce glycerol and to adapt to high osmolarity to study solute transport through aquaglyceroporins and the control of osmostress-induced signaling. High levels of different polyols, including glycerol, inhibited growth of the gpd1Δ gpd2Δ mutant. This growth inhibition was suppressed by expression of the hyperactive allele Fps1-AΔ of the osmogated yeast aquaglyceroporin, Fps1. The degree of suppression correlated with the relative rate of transport of the different polyols tested. Transport studies in secretory vesicles confirmed that Fps1-Δ1 transports polyols at increased rates compared with wild type Fps1. Importantly, wild type Fps1 and Fps1-Δ1 showed similarly low permeability for water. The growth defect on polyols in the gpd1Δ gpd2Δ mutant was also suppressed by expression of a heterologous aquaglyceroporin, rat AQP9. We surmised that this suppression was due to polyol influx, causing the cells to passively adapt to the stress. Indeed, when aquaglyceroporin-expressing gpd1Δ gpd2Δ mutants were treated with glycerol, xylitol, or sorbitol, the osmosensing HOG pathway was activated, and the period of activation correlated with the apparent rate of polyol uptake. This observation supports the notion that deactivation of the HOG pathway is closely coupled to osmotic adaptation. Taken together, our "conditional" osmotic stress system facilitates studies on aquaglyceroporin function and reveals features of the osmosensing and signaling system. © 2005 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.


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If humans monitor streams of rapidly presented (approximately 100-ms intervals) visual stimuli, which are typically specific single letters of the alphabet, for two targets (T1 and T2), they often miss T2 if it follows T1 within an interval of 200-500 ms. If T2 follows T1 directly (within 100 ms; described as occurring at 'Lag 1'), however, performance is often excellent: the so-called 'Lag-1 sparing' phenomenon. Lag-1 sparing might result from the integration of the two targets into the same 'event representation', which fits with the observation that sparing is often accompanied by a loss of T1-T2 order information. Alternatively, this might point to competition between the two targets (implying a trade-off between performance on T1 and T2) and Lag-1 sparing might solely emerge from conditional data analysis (i.e. T2 performance given T1 correct). We investigated the neural correlates of Lag-1 sparing by carrying out magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings during an attentional blink (AB) task, by presenting two targets with a temporal lag of either 1 or 2 and, in the case of Lag 2, with a nontarget or a blank intervening between T1 and T2. In contrast to Lag 2, where two distinct neural responses were observed, at Lag 1 the two targets produced one common neural response in the left temporo-parieto-frontal (TPF) area but not in the right TPF or prefrontal areas. We discuss the implications of this result with respect to competition and integration hypotheses, and with respect to the different functional roles of the cortical areas considered. We suggest that more than one target can be identified in parallel in left TPF, at least in the absence of intervening nontarget information (i.e. masks), yet identified targets are processed and consolidated as two separate events by other cortical areas (right TPF and PFC, respectively).


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We experimentally investigate the robustness of OOK modulation formats at 40 Gbit/s versus transmission impairments and optical filtering. This study is a pre-requisite for the implementation of robust transparent networks.


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A possibility of a strong change of an electromagnetic signal by a short sequence of time cycles of pulses that modulate the medium parameters is shown. The backward wave is demonstrated to be an inevitable result of the medium time change. Dependence of the relation between backward and forward waves on the parameters of the medium modulation is investigated. The finite statistical complexity of the electromagnetic signal transformed by a finite sequence of modulating cycles is calculated. Increase of the complexity with the number of cycles is shown.


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In this work, we analyzed by means of numerical and laboratory experiments the resilience of 40 Gb/s amplitude shift keying modulation formats to transmission impairments in standard single-mode fiber lines as well as to optical filtering introduced by the optical add/drop multiplexer cascade. Our study is a pre-requisite to assess the implementation of cost-effective 40 Gb/s modulation technology in next generation high bit-rate robust optical transport networks. © 2006 Optical Society of America.