977 resultados para Jeune Nietzsche


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La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu delimitar, descriure i analitzar el discurs ideològic, en clau interna, de l'anarquisme individualista, una de les tendències minoritàries i més mal conegudes de l'anarquisme a Espanya entre 1923 i 1938. A la part preliminar de la investigació es tracta d'acotar les bases epistemològiques del subjecte d'investigació. I en aquest sentit, es realitza un esforç per tractar d'arribar a una definició sobre l'anarquisme individualista. També s'analitzen els antecedents historiogràfics, es duu a terme un estat historiogràfic de la qüestió i s'exposen els criteris metodològics emprats. La primera part de la investigació tracta d'analitzar, en capítols successius, els fonaments teòrics de l'individualisme anarquista, ressegueix i descriu els processos de penetració a l'estat espanyol i exposa i analitza la trajectòria de les principals vies de debat i difusió a l'entorn de la teoria individualsta. En el primer cas, l'autor es remunta als orígens ideològics, fonamentats en l'obra fundacional de L'Ego i la seva propietat, del filòsof bavarès Max Stirner. Posteriorment es comenta el substrat filosòfic individualista de procedència nord-americana, amb autors com Henry David Thoreau, Josiah Warren o Benjamin Tucker i es destaca la influència de l'individualisme d'arrel francesa, de finals de segle XIX, amb el rol jugat per anarcoindividualistes com Émile Armand o Han Ryner. En el següent capítol s'exposa l'absència d'un individualisme espanyol autòcton i la dependència ideològica dels corrents foranis, en especial del francès, donats els estrets contactes a banda i banda del Pirineu. També es planteja la qüestió de la diferent intensitat de la presència d'individualisme entre diferents sectors pertanyents al complex univers individualista. També es realitza una descripció de la trajectòria cronològica d'aquest corrent, remuntant-se des de finals del segle XIX, amb la irrupció de la filosofia de Nietzsche, fins a l'acabament de la guerra civil espanyola. El quart capítol enumera els diferents òrgans de propaganda des del qual s'expressa aquest pensament i es descriu breument les tendències individualistes de cadascun d'ells. La segona part de la investigació analitza, en clau interna, el pensament individualista, a partir del seu material imprès i publicat. Així es descriuen els principis generals, els intens associacionistes, o es comenta el paper dels individualisme al llarg de la guerra civil. Posteriorment es comenten aspectes més concrets, com ara la filosofia educativa del moviment, la extraordinària importància que té la qüestió de l'amor lliure i l'emancipació sexual per als seus seguidors, i altres aspectes complementaris que tindran una extraordinària presència i importància en l'anarquisme individualista com serà l'annacionalisme, l'antimilitarisme i el naturisme. Es conclou la tesi destacant les aportacions al panorama historiogràfic i a l'esforç realitzat pel seu autor per recuperar la memòria col·lectiva.


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Neste artigo, revisitamos a reforma de 1905 ao nível das inovações curriculares e dos dispositivos pedagógicos que a singularizaram. Como enfoques metodológicos, assumimos o currículo enquanto construção social, e estabelecemos uma conexão entre pedagogia do poder e do saber, na linha de Nietzsche e de Foucault de que, por detrás de todo o saber, o que está em jogo é uma luta de poder, estando o poder político intrinsecamente correlacionado com o saber. Abordamos, num primeiro momento, a nova configuração curricular proposta por este diploma - elaborado pelo director geral de Instrução Pública, Abel Andrade, e promulgado pelo ministro do Reino, Eduardo José Coelho - e colocamos em evidência, por um lado, os mecanismos que fizeram com que a educação física integrasse definitivamente o currículo dos alunos do liceu e, por outro, a forma como abriu caminho para um novo conhecimento e para uma nova construção do corpo. Num segundo momento, relevamos a importância do que designamos por novos mecanismos de regulação onde incluímos o caderno diário, o incentivo à prática pedagógica de arquivar e expor os trabalhos dos alunos e a cooperação entre o liceu e a família. Por fim, concluímos que esta reforma deve ser vista em articulação com a reforma anterior de Jaime Moniz e que ambas acabam por corresponder a duas peças fundamentais do movimento reformista cuja aposta, em última análise, era a formação da futura elite governante.


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Tendo como prerrogativa o desmascaramento da pretensão, inserida em qualquer essência fenoménica e psicológica, de afirmar-se como uma entidade autónoma, isolada e independente, como puro “em si”, e à revelação de como, contrariamente, qualquer realidade empírica tenha de tal forma uma natureza impermanente subentendendo-se como uma rede de relações e de interligações, a teoria da anatta-, juntamente com a da anicca, representam no âmbito do ensinamento budista talvez o que mais se assemelha ao conceito de askesis filosófica formulado no Ocidente por uma certa tradição de pensamento tendo como raízes Heraclito, Platão, Hegel e Nietzsche e que descobre dois de entre os mais originais intérpretes em Novalis e Pessoa. De facto, quer no primeiro quer no segundo, o filosofar configura-se como uma arte de compor e recompor- se a si mesmo, um percurso de iniciação a si que passa inexoravelmente pelo abandono da posição da própria auto-referencialidade e da aceitação ontognoseológica do outro no seio do idêntico. Mediante esta operação de descentralização, que em Pessoa começa e se dissolve no interior da estratégia estética da heteronímia, onde a palavra poética transfigura-se no interstício, na abdicação e fingimento, o sujeito descobre-se diferença e relação e é-lhe finalmente possível reconhecer-se como totalidade e de reflectir-se nela.


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Em sintonia com o espírito do sapere aude kantiano (ouse ou atreva-se a saber), mas tendo em Nietzsche e Heidegger a ausência de um centro absoluto ou o lieu vide que o iluminismo foi incapaz de domesticar, reconhecer e incarnar, este breve texto procura explicar o regresso do religioso, o seu significado e algumas das suas mais imediatas implicações políticas, sócio-económicas e teológicas, depois que este começou a ser debatido há cerca de duas décadas em Capri (Itália), e com uma constante referência ao pensamento de Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, e a alguns dos seus mais importante intérpretes, nestas áreas, como John D. Caputo, Jeremy Carrette e outros. Sem poder negar ou afirmar a possibilidade de Deus, o artigo sugere uma nova forma de conceber e de corporizar uma relação pós-moderna entre o humano e o divino, livre de qualquer dualismo, e manifesta numa constante afirmação e subversão de nós mesmos, pela prática do diálogo livre e aberto com o tout autre em cada rosto.


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The institutions that work with the preservation and diffusion of cultural heritage - be them archive, libraries, museums, art galleries or cultural centres - present a certain discourse about reality. To understand this discourse, composed by sound and silence, by fullness and emptiness, by presence and absence, by remembrance and forgetting, an operation is implied, not only with the enunciation of speech and its gaps, but also the comprehension of that which causes to speak, of who is speaking and of the point whence one speaks. Preservation and destruction, or, in another way, conservation and loss, walk hand in hand in the arteries of life. As suggested by Nietzsche (1999, p.273), it is impossible to live without loss, it is entirely impossible to live avoiding destruction to play its game and drive the dynamics of life on. However, by means of a kind of tautological argument, one often justifies preservation by the imminence of loss and memory by the threat of forgetting. Thus, one ceases to consider that the game and the rules of the game between forgetting and memory are not fed by themselves and that preservation and destruction are not opposed in a deadly duel, but instead they complement one another and are always at the service of subjects that build themselves and are built through social practices. To indicate that memories and forgettings can be sown and cultivated corroborates the importance of working towards the denaturalisation of these concepts and towards the understanding that they result from a construction process also involving other forces, such as: power. Power is a sower, a promoter of memories and forgettings.


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El presente trabajo tiene como centro fundamental el tema de la caída y su relación con la muerte y el lenguaje. Al conjunto de estos elementos hemos dado en denominar Poética de lo Icárico tomando dicho nombre del mito griego de Ícaro. El trabajo de exposición de esta poética aparece configurado en tres capítulos. En el primero se postula un plano para la génesis y el concepto de lo icárico a partir de los tres héroes míticos de la caída: Ícaro, Lucifer y Cristo; el objetivo aquí es identificar y desarrollar los elementos que estructuran esta poética. El segundo capítulo avanza hacia la manifestación de lo icárico en la modernidad, principalmente en autores como Charles Baudelaire, Friedrich Nietzsche, pero, sobre todo, a partir de Baudelaire se analiza una cuarta encarnación del héroe mítico de lo icárico en la figura del poeta moderno; la presencia de Nietzsche está directamente relacionada con la crítica y desmonte de este héroe tal y como llega a Baudelaire, desde el espacio del mito, pero así mismo son importante autores como Lewis Carroll y Carlos Castaneda, quienes preludian ya el desarrollo de la relación de la caída con el lenguaje. La plenitud de este desarrollo se lleva a cabo en el tercer capítulo con el análisis del poema Altazor, del poeta chileno Vicente Huidobro. La tesis que sustenta este capítulo y culmina el trabajo de exposición, plantea el poema de Huidobro como la puesta en plenitud de la poética de lo icárico que se resuelve precisamente en el momento en que Huidobro logra que la caída funcione dentro del poema como su esencia misma, en la medida en que lo determina o determina de manera absoluta el lenguaje con el cual está escrito, y, de este modo, con Huidobro, la relación inicial entre la caída, la muerte y el lenguaje termina siendo la totalidad misma de un poema que, en cuanto a lo icárico, abre para la poesía hispanoamericana nuevas posibilidades de lo poético.


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Le passage du Merlin propre à sa Suite Vulgate, espace de suture entre le texte et sa continuation est dans la tradition manuscrite l'objet de variances et de déplacements. A la paix annoncée à la fin du Merlin succède en effet le conflit qui oppose le jeune roi Arthur à ses barons. Les passages de rubrication et d'entrelacement sont le lieu privilégié de variations formelles gommées par l'adoption et la reprise de moules stylistiques attendus. Ceux-ci exhibent tout en les masquant de subtiles divergences relevant de partis pris à la fois narratifs, interprétatifs et idéologiques.


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In order to explicate Murakami's version of the official culture, I have analyzed the novel with the works of several different theorists. Primarily, I drew my own understanding of the official culture from Raymond Williams's examination of culture in Marxism and Literature. His terminology became helpful in writing about the operation of the System and the Town, though it did not define that operation precisely. Williams's work also introduced me to the theory behind the official culture's manipulation and exclusion of historical aspects in order to create their "official" version of history, from which the official culture draws its identity. For further analysis of the treatment of history, I turned to Friedrich Nietzsche's On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life. Though it examines the official culture's manipulation of history in a much more in-depth manner, it seems to have influenced Murakami's treatment of individual memories and cultural histories. For instance, the herd ofunicoms in the End of the World resembles Nietzsche's description of the ''unhistorical herd," or has the potential to resemble it. With these theories I was able to access the mechanisms of cultural control that Murakami depicts in the form of the System and the Town, and from there I was able to develop a model for how the narrator struggles to subvert that control. Both sides of that struggle are depicted and re-imagined many times throughout Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World.


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The Aesthetic Dimensions of Educational Administration and Leadership provides an aesthetic critique of educational administration and leadership. It demonstrates the importance of aesthetics on all aspects of the administrative and leadership world: the ways ideas and ideals are created, how their expression is conveyed, the impact they have on interpersonal relationships and the organizational environment that carries and reinforces them, and the moral boundaries or limits that can be established or exceeded.

The book is divided into three sections.
Section I examines various philosophical traditions in aesthetics as they inform administrative life, focussing on major modern traditions arising from Kant, romanticism and Nietzsche, Collingwood, the pragmatic school, and critical theory.
Section II explores four aesthetic sources for administrative critique - architecture, literature, film, and movement - as they serve both to understand the social construction of administration and leadership and provide a critique of values, roles, power and authority.
Section III examines more topical and applied problems of charisma, heroism, and authority in practice, concluding with a discussion of the aesthetic analysis of politics and power within the context of contemporary educational administration and leadership theory.

While presenting a significant departure from conventional studies in the field, the international contributors reflect a continuity of thought on the creation, use and abuse of administrative and leadership authority from the writings of Plato through to contemporary theory. This book should appeal to school administrators and leaders and those aspiring to these roles.


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My paintings emerge from within a context best explained by reference to Nietzsche's perspectivism. That is an intellectual attitude that deprivileges rationalism and accommodates scepticism or unknowing as an acceptable starting point From this standpoint art/language can be seen as being in a state of becoming rather than as representing a state of being. This thesis aims to demonstrate, not only by a philosophical encounter with Giorgio de Chirico's work: ie. his use of myth, his Nietzschean perspectivism and his enigmatic interpretation of figuration, that the most helpful context and understanding of my work can be realied. De Chirico's art, like Nietzsche's philosophy seeks in its processes to explore the possible unity of Dionysian aesthetic force with the Apollonian. Neither Nietzsche nor de Chirico considered within a post-Socratic world that this unity was realizable. Nevertheless they both share in their respective art forms a need to represent the relentless struggle to enact the disjunction of the two aesthetic forces in a secular world. The artist’s enigmatic imagery is characterized by a consideration of appearance and reality and it is for this reason that the work was selected as a model for investigating the nature of enigma. His use of seemingly straightforward, ordinary images suggests a sense of accessibility, yet at the same time they are irreducible to knowing and my own image-making was greatly expanded by investigating these concerns. I am not arguing that de Chirico was influenced by Nietzsche but instead that Nietzsche's philosophical point of view and his use of poetic language to express these views lay in discovering the qualities and substance of the Dionysian spirit As well as working within a Nietzschean world-view set out in The Birth of Tragedy, de Chirico has also drawn on the Italian unification, specifically the Risorgimento and the lineage of these political and mythical figures were endemic to his art and they interface the with his use of the Apollonian-Dionysian disunity first explored by Nietzsche. The focus of the exegesis will be to present the poetic and philosophical use made of the latter in de Chirico’s art It is anticipated that this philosophical encounter with the aesthetic, social and political world of de Chirico will, not only assist in interpreting his life's work anew, but will also provide a context in which my paintings of enigma might be interpreted.


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The thesis combines a novel and a critical essay. The novel tells of a group of people in Melbourne, some of whom write, party, have sex, take drugs, go climbing and die. The essay discusses four aspects of the novel: climbing fiction, Nietzsche in literature, place and fiction and character as hero.


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Our desire to be creative and the need for ethics in life can come together in excellent business practices. Ideas from Hegel and Nietzsche show that the intrinsic worth of these practices depends upon the stakeholder life-work ethic (motivation), business ethics (relationships) and responsible corporate governance (authority for decision-making)


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It is generally accepted that some of the unsettling scenes of the Italian metaphysical painter Giorgio de Chirico, arose from his response to the northern Italian city of Turin, a city he claimed a great affinity with. While de Chirico’s paintings and commentary of this period abound with references to Turin, there has been little investigation into how genuine these citied locations really are. We know that de Chirico’s preference for Turin arose from his passionate engagement with the writings of the philosopher
Friedrich Nietzsche and Nietzsche’s fondness for the city. Yet there is much evidence to suggest that Munich, the city of de Chirico’s early art school days permeated his imagery more completely; whereas Turin reflected his philosophical and aesthetic concerns. This article examines how cities have operated for the artist and how using iconography from both the world of the real and imagined produced powerful enigmatic images that evoked a profound mood of illusion and revelation.