975 resultados para Isolamento sismico, HDRB, isolatori elastomerici
Grande parte das florestas sofreu o processo de fragmentação em áreas de diversos tamanhos, próximas ou isoladas de outros fragmentos florestais. A diminuição do habitat original, o grau de isolamento, e as influencias das bordas e da matriz trouxeram uma série de conseqüências negativas para os animais. Entretanto, já foi observado que enquanto algumas espécies são extremamente prejudicadas, sendo muitas vezes levadas à ext inção, outras conseguem se beneficiar com a alteração ambiental. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi compilar os dados extraídos de levantamentos e disponíveis na literatura sobre riqueza e abundância de aves em ambientes afetados pela perturbação antrópica em contraste com aqueles realizados em florestas intactas, com a finalidade de responder à seguinte questão: quais são as famílias e guildas tróficas de aves que são prejudicadas ou beneficiadas pela perturbação e alteração do seu habitat? Para tanto foi realizado uma análise por meio de um ranking em ordem decrescente das famílias e guildas mais abundantes para as menos abundantes em cada área de estudo com a posterior aplicação do teste de Mann-Whitney. Foi perceptível que trabalhos com censos quantitativos são relativamente novos e ainda pouco explorados. A escassez de levantamentos quantitativos em praticamente todos os biomas com exceção da Mata Atlântica foi uma realidade com a qual a equipe se deparou. Logo, apenas foi possível realizar análises para os biomas Mata Atlântica e Cerrado. Verificou-se que um grande número de famílias se comporta de maneira diferente em áreas preservadas e perturbadas na Mata Atlântica e Cerrado (p<0,05). Porém, isto não significa que estas famílias estão sendo beneficiadas ou prejudicadas pela fragmentação, uma vez que não representam dados diretos de abundância, apenas pode-se comparar o nível de contribuição... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Introdução: O bullying é um termo em inglês utilizado para descrever atos de violência física e psicológica, praticados por um individuo ou um grupo de indivíduos com a intenção de intimidar ou agredir outro individuo (ou grupo de indivíduos) incapaz de se defender. O bullying pode ser dividido em duas categorias: o direto e o indireto; o primeiro é causado e praticado majoritariamente, por agressores do sexo masculino, enquanto o segundo é realizado por bullys ( aquele que pratica o bullying, que faz a ação) do sexo feminino e crianças pequenas. Deliberadamente diversas atitudes podem ser caracterizadas como pratica de bullying, agressões físicas, agressões verbais, isolamento social, mensagens enviadas e disponibilizadas através da internet (cyberbullying). Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os efeitos causados pelo bullying, sua relação com a atividade física e a educação física, a atuação do professor de educação física e suas problemáticas perante esse novo atenuante educacional, pois há carência de estudos voltados para esse assunto na literatura. Método: Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental com reportagens, artigos científicos, de revistas e jornais e sites da web, que serão analisados por blocos de conteúdo. Conclusão: No decorrer do projeto, o estudo apontou que a negligencia diante da agressividade escolar tem permitido o desenvolvimento de atitudes pouco recomendáveis ou não-sociais que interferem no desenvolvimento das relações humanas. Isto tem provocado alguns deslocamentos sócio-psicológico que gerará atitudes de inibição e medo, originando comportamentos patológicos no agredido e recompensando grosseiramente o agressor
O presente trabalho foi elaborado e realizado a fim de se demonstrar a importância da lavagem das mãos no cotidiano, uma vez que mãos humanas podem ser consideradas fonte de diversos agentes etiológicos de doenças que podem comprometer a saúde principalmente de pacientes debilitados. Para tanto, foram aplicados testes de sensibilidade a sabonetes utilizando-se métodos normatizados e validados pelo CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standartds Institute) e, por fim, foi verificado o efeito dos mesmos sobre biofilmes formados a partir de espécies e cepas fúngicas conseguidas por meio de lavagens das mãos de voluntários. As amostras utilizadas foram sabonetes em barra adquiridos do comércio, um de formulação bactericida (com adição de extrato de própolis) e outro de formulação comum. Foram realizadas lavagens com os sabonetes-amostra e água destilada, dentro de fluxo laminar, onde foi possível recolher a água usada no enxágüe. A partir do plaqueamento (em meio Sabouraud-dextrose com cloranfenicol 0,05%) das mãos voluntárias sem assepsia prévia, da água de lavagem e das mãos lavadas foram obtidas culturas fúngicas. Essas culturas foram selecionadas de acordo com a viabilidade de isolamento, e então foi feita a identificação das espécies. Através da triagem pelo método de identificação por ChromagarTM Candida, foi possível identificar que duas colônias obtidas das lavagens das mãos foram identificadas como C. krusei e C. albicans. C. albicans ainda pôde ser confirmada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O Brasil possui cerca de 8.000 quilômetros de costa litorânea, a segunda maior do mundo depois da Austrália. Apesar do território marítimo brasileiro apresentar 3,6 milhões de quilômetros quadrados de extensão, as pesquisas relacionadas ao levantamento de potenciais recursos brasileiros obtidos a partir de espécies marinhas ainda são incipientes. O interesse de empresas farmacêuticas por compostos isolados de microrganismos vem crescendo lentamente devido às dificuldades até então encontradas para o isolamento e cultivo dos mesmos. No entanto, com o avanço destas técnicas, recentes estudos demonstram que compostos isolados de microrganismos marinhos representam uma rica e ainda pouco explorada fonte de novos compostos bioativos (estima-se que apenas 1% dos microrganismos marinhos foram cultivados e identificados). Recentes estudos que apontam para o potencial farmacológico de compostos isolados de microrganismos nos instigaram à busca de novos fármacos com potencial imunoestimulador não apenas a partir de invertebrados, mas também de microrganismos marinhos e seus metabólitos secundários bioativos. Neste trabalho, após avaliação do potencial imunomodulador de extratos brutos derivados de microrganismos marinhos, obteve-se a substância pura Pirenocine A, isolada do fungo Penicillium paxilli, que mostrou-se promissora devido sua capacidade de diminuir a produção de óxido nítrico e citocinas pró-inflamatórias em macrófagos estimulados com LPS tanto no protocolo profilático quanto terapêutico ...
A China têm se destacado entre os países emergentes desde sua abertura comercial, no ano de 1978, pelas altas taxas de crescimento econômico, o que permitiu que o país chegasse a segunda maior economia mundial em 2011. Apesar de ter tido um passado pautado, majoritariamente, na agricultura e no isolamento econômico, com um regime político comunista, no final da década de 1970, a China desenvolveu estratégias de modernização, atraindo Investimento Direto Estrangeiro, seguindo com uma moeda desvalorizada, além do baixo custo de mão de obra que permitiu ao país o desenvolvimento de indústrias, se tornando grande exportador de produtos de alta tecnologia
The area chosen for this study is the island of Trinidade, which is located 1167 km off the Brazilian coast, in parallel Victory at 20 ° 30'S and 29 º 19'W, being the most easterly point of our continent. The isolation of oceanic island of Trinidade leaves no noticeable that she is part of a large submarine volcanic chain oriented east-west lineament known as Vitória- Trindade. Along with the island of Martin Vaz, who is Federal Territory is administered by the Navy of Brazil. Both correspond to Source alkaline volcanic islands. The area of the island of Trinidad has approximately 10 km2. Geologically consisting ankaratritic spills, spills tannbuschiticos, volcanic tuff spills analcite-ankaratrite, phonolite spills, spills nefelinite, pyroclastics, spills grazinite, tinguaitos, olivine-analcitito, calcarenite dunes and wind according to Almeida (1961). The island has its base on the ocean floor, at 5,800 m depth. It is the only place still recognizes preserved volcanic necks and plugs, as well as remnants of a volcano in Brazil. Magmatism occurred here a sodium alkali-silica subsaturated where his wrist was last 50,000 years according to Almeida (1961). It is a place with restricted access due to their distance from the coast, his contribution and hard to be an exclusive area of the Navy. On the island with peaks occur up to 620 meters high, and its rugged mountainous terrain and difficult access to very specific points, as the peak of Desire, peak Fazendinha, Monument and other points on the island. Because of its location far from the coast, its small infrastructure, difficulty of landing and restricted access by sea, the island of Trinidad offers no possibility of tourism, being a military outpost, and scientific basis of great importance, which conduct research in area of marine biology, oceanography, geology and others
The yeast Cryptococcus neoformans is the etiologic agent of cryptococcosis, an infectious cosmopolitan disease that affects humans. Although rare, this disease is potentially fatal, especially for immunocompromised hosts. This pathogen is frequently isolated from excrements of pigeons and parrots, with many environmental sources such as birds, pigeon droppings, eucalyptus leaves, decaying trees, towers, churches and places of storage of grain (the port area). The isolation of this microorganism has been obtained also from the aquatic environment. The identification of environmental sources is needed to protect human health, especially susceptible populations such as immunocompromised. Therefore, this study investigated the presence of Cryptococcus neoformans in yeast isolates obtained from samples of sea water and sand from three regions of São Paulo: São Sebastião Channel, Santos and Ubatuba. Isolates were analyzed according to micro-and macroscopic characteristics and biochemical tests: microculture, urease, ink nankin, auxanograma, zymogram and phenol. We analyzed 199 isolates, 175 of which had features suggestive for Cryptococcus spp. in microculture. All these 175 isolates were sown in the Christensen urea middle to verify the production of urease and submitted to the technique nankin ink to visualize the capsule. Of these, only 24 were selected for the next test that was the auxanograma (assimilation of carbohydrate and nitrogen). Of the 24, 10 were tested in zymograms (fermented sugar), from which 5 were selected for the phenoloxidase test in medium containing dopamine. None of the 5 isolates tested had black or brown color characteristic of Cryptococcus neoformans. According to these tests, we arrived at 5 isolates identified to the genus Cryptococcus, but not the neoformans specie
Study the semi-quantitative and quantitative technique in the diagnosis of catheter-related infections in newborns and to determine oxacillin resistance in Staphylococcus isolated. It was analyzed 353 catheter tips from 273 newborns in the Neonatal Unit of Hospital FMB. To confirm the diagnosis of infection, were analyzed the clinical data of newborns, the presence of at least one positive blood culture and growth of ≥ 1000 CFU/mL on quantitative culture and/or ³15 UFC on semiquantitative culture, with the same microorganism isolation (species and drug sensitivity) in blood culture and no other focus of infection except the catheter. The disk diffusion technique was used to check similarity of strains and resistance to oxacillin. Of the 353 tips analyzed, 39 were included in this study as the inclusion criteria. The semiquantitative culture was positive in 26 (66.7%) catheters and quantitative culture was positive in 24 (61.5%). Of 273 patients, 19 (6.9%) had a diagnosis of catheter-related bloodstream Infection (CR-BSI). Of the 19 episodes of CR-BSI, S. epidermidis was the predominant etiological agent (84.2%). The resistance to the antibiotic methicillin was found in 14 (73.7%) strains of Staphylococcus. The semiquantitative method was more sensitive (79%) compared with the quantitative method (63%). The use of antibiotics may have influenced the sensitivity of the quantitative method as the microorganisms present in the lumen are exposed to higher concentrations of antibiotics administered via the catheter
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Atlantic Forest and Cerrado are between the biological richest areas in the world, for that are considered top conservation priorities. Those ecosystems are found at Botucatu region, where it´s extremely fragmented by routes, agricultural areas and urban centres. This fragmentation causes restrictions on animals populations, in particular to medium and large mammals, that needs larger areas to live and also are often hunted. Even isolated and suffering anthropic influences the fragments are fundamental for local biodiversity conservation. We realized a mammal survey on two forest fragments of Atlantic forest transition to Cerrado of Rubião Júnior – Botucatu – SP – Brazil: Santo Antônio Church and Parque das Cascatas forests. The Santo Antônio church munt is considered a turistic point and its forest receive many visitants, Parque das Cascatas forest is inside of a residential condominium. Both areas are classify as semidecidual stational forest and are disconected by Domingos Sartori route, that connect Botucatu centre to Rubião Júnior district. Around both fragments can be found residences, plantations and pastures. The utilized method included: recognition of tracks on the forests, interviews with next residents and sand plots mounting. The interviews indicated 29 mammals species, and 19 was validated for animal traces, overruns or visualization. Other 3 species found were not mentioned on interviews. Totally, was found 22 small and medium mammals presence evidences on both forest fragments. Parque das Cascatas forest showed more diversity (19) then Santo Antônio Church forest (11), and species like Eira barbara, Procyon cancrivorus, Mazama americana, Shiggurus villosus, Dasypus novemcinctus, Didelphis albiventris, Lutreolina crassicaudata and Lepus europaeus looked for other areas once that was verifyed overruns of individuals... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Staphylococcus is one of the more important causes of the called Foodborne Disease(FD), being that from the 40 species described from genus, the more important is Staphylococcus aureus. During years believed that the S. aureus was the only specie from genus able to produce enterotoxins, responsable for the clinical frame in humans, but latest studies report the isolation of other species both positive coagulase (PC) as negative with enterotoxigenic potential. The symptoms of this intoxication appear after a short period of incubation (2-6 hours) and usually characterized by nausea, vomits, abdominal ache, diarrhea, and rarely is fatal. For the toxin to be formed in food is necessary that bacteria population to be at least 105 UFC/g, being that such toxins characterized by presenting great resistance front of gastrointestinal proteases and of homemade termical treatment. Among the main foods that might carry the microorganism, the milk and its derivatives have highlights. The contamination of the product might happen as from the milk from cows with clinical and/or subclinical mastitis, as the Staphylococcus genus is one of the main agents etiologic from this disease, equipments utensils badly sanitized equipments and utensils and from the manipulators. The control of these factors configures as fundamental condition for the achievement of a safe, quality product, which doesn’t offer risk to the consumers
The 131I (radioactive iodine) is one of the most used radionuclides in nuclear medicine for diagnosis and treatment. The present study evaluates the dosimetric aspects related to radioiodine therapy after thyroidectomy in patients with thyroid cancer. The samples were studied with 50 patients undergoing treatment, by assessing the exposures of workers (nursing assistants, staff hygiene, medical and physical), the general public (accompanying and family members) and on the environment. To evaluate the workers, was made a survey of the environmental conditions of the room radioiodine and routines adopted by them during the treatment period. Estimating the dose equivalent per month for each employee, we observed that the maximum levels obtained for nursing assistants, the team of hygiene, medical and physicians were considered low in relation to the extent permitted by law. In order to assess the public, some situations have been suggested for the calculation of equivalent doses in which it was possible to verify the fundamental importance of isolating the patient in the 2 days first. Regarding the environment, the radioactive waste generated by patient had volume of 1.0 m3 and activity estimated at 0.91 mCi, taking a decay time for eliminating them about 75 days to reach the allowable value of 2 μCi / kg system of collecting garbage. Therefore, all radioactive waste removed from the patient's room should be sent to the warehouse for temporary storage of radioactive waste, located away from normal work areas
This work presents an intervention at the Guaratinguetá Railway Station and its surroundings, including this area in the urban context, at this moment isolated of the activities and citizen attentions, offering new activities on this commercial area. The selected area finds itself in a state of neglect and forgetfulness from the urban relations. Located between the periphery of the commercial center and the Paraiba do Sul River, the correlation is tension between the advancement of shops, the railway line, and the natural barrier of the Paraiba River. On the context of these limits, the railroad and the river stand as barriers for the center expansion and the flows that connect the old part of the town with the new part, which is growing and is called “post-city river”. These barriers have relegating properties around them to isolation, despite being located in the center. The area choice and this intervention seeks to break this isolation and the barrier flow, linking areas of opposite sides to form a leak through the barrier of the railway line. The pedestrian flow is prioritized in the project, this flow will be attracted by the program offered and by the new created areas, increasing the space utilization by users and breaking the isolation of urban activities. And entering the area in the context of life of city residents. The attraction of these new flows will be through the implementation of a Cultural Center, supplying a lack of city by spaces that offer this type of activity. Its implementation aims to attract and modify the activities of these spaces and the surrounding areas, one side facing the commercial center, and another facing the river, linking this two sides at the same time that this link provides the expansion of distance traveled and known