999 resultados para Isótopos de Sr


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The use of stable isotopes in Brazil is being improved, mainly through research conducted at main universities in the country. Some applications in health allow to studying, for example, processes involving synthesis and protein degradation, energy expenditure, body composition, kinetics of vitamins, mineral absorption and diagnose diseases related to Helicobacter pylori. The big motivation is to encourage the growth of investments in health in the few centers that have mass spectrometers in Brazil, as the technique is harmless to humans, in other words, no has problems to use it like when you use radioactive isotopes


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The AA356 alloy is an alloy widely used in the automotive industry and aerospace due to its excellent mechanical properties. Refining the structure of eutectic silicon aluminum alloys is a fairly common practice in the foundry through treatment known as modification. This can be achieved by modifying agent adding chemicals such as contained in groups I and IIa of the periodic table and rare earths (europium, céreioi, praseodymium, neodymium, etc.). Has the ability to modify the structure of the eutectic, but only sodium and strontium produce an action modifier strong when used in low concentrations. The modifying effect of the shafts turn silicon into a fibrous form and branched surrounded by metallic matrix in the form of a composite structure that has the highest limit of tensile strength, ductility and machinability. In this work will be obtained ingots with and without the modifier type Al-10% Sr, made in sand molds and are generated and analyzed cooling curves and also the study of the macrostructure and microstructure of the solidified material. It was found that by adding the Al-Sr made shorten the solidification time and lower the grain size


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This study aimed to analyze the cooling curves, micro and macrograph alloy Al-1 %Si without the addition of strontium modifier and with the addition of the same. One of the ways of improving mechanical properties of alloy Al -Si is through the modification process. For the experiments two billets of the alloy Al-1%Si cast iron mold in a billet with addition of 0.02% strontium by weight, and the other billet without the addition of modifier were fused. In the solidification process of billet temperature was monitored and recorded every second for later plotting in Origin 8 program and analyzes the cooling curves obtained. The billets were cut and passed by grinding and polishing to perform the macrograph and micrographs. The results concerning the macrograph indicated that billet without the addition of Strontium particle size obtained was more refined than the billet where the strontium modifier was added. Regarding the micrograph, photos stemmed from the optical microscope didn´t show the expected modification effect by the addition of Strontium. This suggests that the low amount of silicon (1 %) present in the alloy used in this study interfered in the change process, because according to the literature review, Strontium 0.022 % by weight is sufficient to fully modify an alloy with 7% Silicon. The results from the cooling curve showed that both the eutectic temperature and the solidification time remained unchanged with the addition of strontium


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Devido a grande demanda do uso da energia atômica, as pesquisas sobre o processo de separação de isótopos tornam-se cada vez mais importantes. Neste trabalho mostramos uma técnica de separação de isótopos usando o efeito da ressonância.


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This research examines the merits of hallucinogenic plants considered and/or psychoactive substances, such as Cannabis sativa and Ipomoea violacea, using the isotope rates of stable isotope of oxygen (18O) and nitrogen (15N), continuing projects already developed by the research group at the Center for Stable Isotope (CIE), which evaluated the isotopes carbon-13. This paper helps in creating a database that we intent to use in evaluation of each plant merit. Through the IRMS (Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry) technique, it has shown that some of the 24 samples of marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) evaluated were similar to those grown in the regions of Fairbanks and Tanacross Alaska, USA. In turn, the 50 samples of Ipomoea violacea, coming from Botucatu (SP) and Três Lagoas (MS), got their differences detected, in order to clearly identify the discrepancies between their growing regions. Thus, it was possible not only to track the geographical differences between marijuana samples collected from different regions, but also evaluate the isotopic variation of leaf, flower and seed of Ipomoea violacea. With this database, it was possible to determine the origin region of the drug and/or detect where the cultivation was carried out, aiding in the search of the traffic control agencies, such as the Federal Police in Brazil


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Objectives: the aim of this work was to define the range of possible values for each isotope of carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 for cocaine and marijuana seized in Botucatu-SP, with the intention of distinguishing the geographical origin of the drug. Materials and Methods: samples of marijuana and cocaine were collected at the time of incineration. Then, at the Stable Isotope Center from São Paulo State University in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, samples of marijuana were subjected to the drying process and subsequent grinding. Samples of cocaine were not submitted to the processes of drying and grinding because they were already in adequate granulometry. Subsequently, the samples of both drugs were weighed in accordance with the standards for carbon-13 and nitrogen-15. Lastly, CO2 and N2 gases were obtained from the samples through the elemental analyzer. They were then analyzed in a mass spectrometer to obtain values of δ13C and δ15N in ‰. Results and Discussion: the results of marijuana allowed for comparison with regions of Queensland, Australia, according to the range of δ13C between -29.9 ‰ and -29.3 ‰ and δ15N range from 4.1 ‰ to 5.8 ‰. The results were also consistent with those of the state of Pará, Brazil, where the values of δ13C and δ15N were -30.3 ± 0.7 ‰ and 5.0 ± 1.3 ‰, respectively. Also the results were in accordance with those from the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, in which δ13C values varied by -28.7 ± 1.3 ‰, and δ15N values varied by 6.6 ± 1.1 ‰, respectively. In both regions, the samples identified as being from Pará and Mato Grosso do Sul showed an overlap. In addition, the results fitted with data from the state of Maranhão, in which the values of δ13C and δ15 N were -28.8 ± 1.6 ‰ and 2.9 ± 2.5 ‰, respectively. In the case of cocaine, the present study could not be related to the results from the literature. One possible explanation may be related to the non-purification of ...


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A study was conducted to determine the optimal time for collecting the breath examination urea breath marked with the stable isotope 13C. We selected patients before undergoing the examination of endoscopy at the Endoscopy Section of the University Hospital of Botucatu - SP. A screening was performed to determine which patients wanted and could participate. Before performing endoscopy basal sample was collected from the patient and then the labeled urea ingested. The blows were collected in double every 2.5 minutes until an interval of 30.0 minutes after were collected every 5.0 minutes until the time of 45.0 minutes . The samples were analyzed in a mass spectrometer for isotope ratio, located in the center of Stable Isotopes, Institute of Biosciences, UNESP - Botucatu campus. The data were studied and arranged in the form of graphics to better interpretation of results. Based on the obtained results it was determined that a standby time of 15.0 minutes to collect the wind is sufficient for accurate diagnosis and effective


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Since the discovery of YBaCuO, experiments have shown that its superconducting properties are strongly affected by the oxygen content. More recently, anelastic relaxation measurements in La2CuO4+δ, showed that the decrease in the oxygen content can be related to two events. One is the decrease in mobility between two adjacent CuO planes, and the other is the increase in the number of tilting patterns of the CuO6 octahedra. In the case of the bismuth-based ceramic, it is known that the oxygen content, within some limits, does not affect its superconducting properties. In order to evaluate the mobility and the effect of the oxygen content on this material we have prepared BSCCO ceramic and tested regarding its internal friction and electrical resistivity as a function of the temperature while the oxygen content was being reduced by a sequence of vacuum annelaing at 620 K. The samples were prepared in the Bi:Sr:Ca:Cu = 2212 and 2223 proportion, using powder obtained by the sol-gel route and conventional solid state reaction. The anelastic relaxation measurements were performed using a torsion pendulum operating with frequency about 15-35 Hz between 77 to 700 K. The diffraction pattern of the as sintered and the vacuum annealed material were also presented. The results have shown complex anelastic relaxation structures that were associated to the jump of interstitial oxygen atoms between two adjacent CuO planes. The vacuum annealing showed to be deleterious to the critical temperature of the superconducting ceramic.


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Many researchers became interested in the discovery of Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8+delta) oxides with critical temperature of around 80 K. It is known that the critical temperature is related to the CuO2 planes of the material. For this reason, the study of the interstitial oxygen in these oxides is of great relevance. The samples were prepared by means of conventional solid state reactions, through the stoichiometric mixture of precursory powders. After the sinterization, the samples were submitted to measurements of density, electrical resistivity, x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersion spectroscopy, with the objective of performing their characterization. The measurements of mechanical spectroscopy were performed by a torsion pendulum. The results show three relaxation processes in the temperature range of 200 and 700 K, with activation energy of approximately 0.9 eV, which has been attributed to the dynamics of the interstitial oxygen present in the material.


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Ba1-xCaxTiO3, Ba1-xSrxTiO3 and Sr1-xCaxTiO3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1) nanoparticles were synthesized using the microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. Samples were prepared for 40 minutes at 140°C under a pressure of 3 MPa using an adapted domestic microwave oven. The samples were characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and Raman, photoluminescence (PL) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopies. XRD data show that ceramic powders have crystalline phases associated with a short-range structural disorder. This structural disorder is confirmed by Raman spectral bands indicating multi-phonon processes and the presence of defects or impurities. Such defects account for a broad band in the photoluminescence spectrum in the green light (460 nm) region for all samples. Gap energy variation, obtained from UV-Vis spectra, suggest a non-uniform band structure of these titanates in accordance with the PL results. The morphology of each sample is changed with doping and varies from a spherical to cubic appearance for energy minimization.


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The early phase of post-collisional granitic magmatism in the Camboriu region, south Brazil, is represented by the porphyritic biotite +/- hornblende Rio Pequeno Granite (RPG; 630-620 Ma) and the younger (similar to 610 Ma), equigranular, biotite +/- muscovite Serra dos Macacos Granite (SMG). The two granite types share some geochemical characteristics, but the more felsic SMG constitutes a distinctive group not related to RPG by simple fractionation processes, as indicated by its lower FeOt, TiO2, K2O/Na2O and higher Zr Al2O3, Na2O, Ba and Sr when compared to RPG of similar SiO2 range. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes require different sources. The SMG derives from old crustal sources, possibly related to the Paleoproterozoic protoliths of the Camboriu Complex, as indicated by strongly negative epsilon Nd-t (-23 to -24) and unradiogenic Pb (e.g., Pb-206/Pb-204 = 16.0-16.3; Pb-207/Pb-204 = 15.3-15.4) and confirmed by previous LA-MC-ICPMS data showing dominant zircon inheritance of Archean to Paleoproterozoic age. In contrast, the RPG shows less negative epsilon Nd-t (-12 to -15) and a distinctive zircon inheritance pattern with no traces of post-1.6 Ga sources. This is indicative of younger sources whose significance in the regional context is still unclear; some contribution of mantle-derived magmas is indicated by coeval mafic dykes and may account for some of the geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the least differentiated varieties of the RPG. The transcurrent tectonics seems to have played an essential role in the generation of mantle-derived magmas despite their emplacement within a low-strain zone. It may have facilitated their interaction with crustal melts which seem to be to a large extent the products of reworking of Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses from the Camboriu Complex. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Whole-rock geochemistry, combined with Sr-Nd isotopic composition of pelitic sedimentary rocks, have been considered to be useful parameters to estimate not only their provenance but also to make inferences about their depositional environment as well as the weathering processes they have been through. The basal sedimentary units of the basins of the northeastern Brazilian continental margin, particularly those of the pre-rift sequence, have been subject of interest of studies based on chemical and isotopic data, since they lack fossil content to establish their age and, therefore, stratigraphic correlations are difficult. The major and trace element contents as well as Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of whole-rock shale samples from five outcrops attributed to the pre-rift supersequence of the Camamu Basin were analyzed with the purpose of characterizing and obtaining further information that would allow a better correlation between the sites studied. The geochemical data suggest that the rocks exposed in the studied outcrops are part of the same sedimentary unit and that they might be correlated to the Capianga Member of the Alianca Formation of the Reconcavo Basin, exposed to the north of the Camamu Basin. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) suggests conditions associated with a humid tropical/subtropical climate at the time of deposition. Nd isotopic compositions indicate provenance from the Paleoproterozoic rocks of the Sao Francisco craton. The results presented here, therefore, show that the combined use of chemical and isotopic analyses may be of great interest to characterize and correlate lithologically homogeneous clastic sedimentary sequences. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Neoproterozoic post-collisional period in southern Brazil (650-580 Ma) is characterized by substantial volumes of magma emplaced along the active shear zones that compose the Southern Brazilian Shear Belt. The early-phase syntectonic magmatism (630-610 Ma) is represented by the porphyritic, high-K, metaluminous to peraluminous Quatro Ilhas Granitoids and the younger heterogranular, slightly peraluminous Mariscal Granite. Quatro II has Granitoids include three main petrographic varieties (muscovite-biotite granodiorite mbg; biotite monzogranite - bmz: and leucogranite - lcg) that, although sharing some significant geochemical characteristics, are not strictly comagmatic, as shown by chemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data. The most primitive muscovite-biotite granodiorite was produced by contamination of more mafic melts (possibly with some mantle component) with peraluminous crustal melts; the biotite monzogranite, although more felsic, has higher Ca, MgO,TiO2 and Ba, and lower K2O, FeOt, Sr and Rb contents, possibly reflecting some mixing with coeval mafic magmas of tholeiitic affinity; the leucogranite may be derived from pure crustal melts. The Mariscal Granite is formed by two main granite types which occur intimately associated in the same pluton, one with higher K (5-6.5 wt.% K2O) high Rb and lower CaO, Na2O, Ba and Zr as compared to the other (3-5 wt.% of K2O). The two Mariscal Granite varieties have compositional correspondence with fine-grained granites (fgg) that occur as tabular bodies which intruded the Quatro Ilhas Granoitoids before they were fully crystallized, and are inferred to correspond to the Mariscal Granite feeders, an interpretation that is reinforced by similar U-Pb zircon crystallization ages. The initial evolution of the post-collisional magmatism, marked by the emplacement of the Quatro Ilhas Granitoids varieties, activated sources that produced mantle and crustal magmas whose emplacement was controlled both by flat-lying and transcurrent structures. The transition from thrust to transcurrent-related tectonics coincides with the increase in the proportion of crustal-derived melts. The transcurrent tectonics seems to have played an essential role in the generation of mantle-derived magmas and may have facilitated their interaction with crustal melts which seem to be to a large extent the products of reworking of orthogneiss protoliths. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.