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The transition from magmatic crystallization to high-temperature metamorphism in deep magma chambers (or lenses) beneath spreading ridges has not been fully described. High-temperature microscopic veins found in olivine gabbros, recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B on the Southwest Indian Ridge during Leg 176, yield information on the magmatic-hydrothermal transition beneath spreading ridges. The microscopic veins are composed of high-temperature minerals, (i.e., clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, brown amphibole, and plagioclase). An important feature of these veins is the 'along-vein variation' in mineralogy, which is correlated with the magmatic minerals that they penetrate. Within grains of magmatic plagioclase, the veins are composed of less calcic plagioclase. In grains of olivine, the veins are composed of orthopyroxene + brown amphibole + plagioclase. In clinopyroxene grains, the veins consist of plagioclase + brown amphibole and are accompanied by an intergrowth of brown amphibole + orthopyroxene. The mode of occurrence of the veins cannot be explained if these veins were crystallized from silicate melts. Consequently, these veins and nearby intergrowths were most likely formed by the reaction of magmatic minerals with fluid phases under the conditions of low fluid/rock ratios. Very similar intergrowths of brown amphibole + orthopyroxene are observed in clinopyroxene grains with 'interfingering' textures. It is believed, in general, that the penetration of seawater does not predate the ductile deformation within Layer 3 gabbros of the slow-spreading ridges. If this is the case, the fluid responsible for the veins did not originate from seawater because the formation of the veins and the interfingering textures preceded ductile deformation and, perhaps, complete solidification of the gabbroic crystal mush. It has been proposed, based on fluid inclusion data, that the exsolution of fluid from the latest-stage magma took place at temperatures >700°C in the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the Kane Fracture Zone (MARK) area. No obvious mineralogical evidence, however, has been found for these magmatic fluids. The calculated temperatures for the veins and nearby intergrowths found in Hole 735B gabbros are up to 1000°C, and these veins are the most plausible candidate for the mineralogical expression of the migrating magmatic fluids.


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A ridge of strongly serpentinized, plagioclase-bearing peridotite crops out at the boundary between the Atlantic oceanic crust and the Galicia continental margin (western Spain). These peridotites, cored at Hole 637A (ODP Leg 103) have been mylonitized at high-temperature, low-pressure conditions and under large deviatoric stress during their uplift (Girardeau et al., 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.103.135.1988). After this main ductile deformation event, the peridotite underwent a polyphase metamorphic static episode in the presence of water, with the crystallization of Ti- and Cr-rich pargasites at high-temperature (800°-900°C) interaction with a metasomatic fluid or alkaline magma. Introduction of water produced destabilization of the pyroxenes and the subsequent development of hornblendes and tremolite at temperatures decreasing from 750° to 350°C. The main serpentinization of the peridotite occurred at a temperature below 300°C, and possibly around 50°C, as a consequence of the introduction of a large amount of seawater, which is suggested by stable isotope (d18O and SD) data. Finally, calcite derived from seawater precipitated in late-formed fractures or locally pervasively impregnated the peridotite at low temperature (~10°C).


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An investigation of ~1-m.y.-old dikes and lavas from the north wall of the Hess Deep Rift (2°15'N, 101°30'W) collected during Alvin expeditions provides a detailed view of the evolution of fast spreading oceanic crust. The study area encompasses 25 km of an east-west flow line, representing ~370,000 years of crustal accretion at the East Pacific Rise. Samples analyzed exhibit depleted incompatible trace element abundances and ratios [(La/Sm)N < 1]. Indices of fractionation (MgO), and incompatible element ratios (La/Sm, Nb/Ti) show no systematic trends along flow line. Rather, over short (<4 m) and long (~25 km) distances, significant variations are observed in major and trace element concentrations and ratios. Modeling of these variations attests to the juxtaposition of dikes of distinct parental magma compositions. These findings, combined with studies of segmentation of the subaxial magma chamber and lateral magma transport in dikes along rift-dominated systems, suggest a more realistic model of the magmatic system underlying the East Pacific Rise relative to the commonly assumed twodimensional model. In this model, melts from a heterogeneous mantle feed distinct portions of a segmented axial magma reservoir. Dikes emanating from these distinct reservoirs transport magma along axis, resulting in interleaved dikes and host lavas with different evolutionary histories. This model suggests the use of axial or flow line lava compositions to infer the evolution of axial magma chambers should be approached with caution because dikes may never erupt lava or may transport magma significant distances along axis and erupt lavas far from their axial magma chamber of origin.


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Four chemically distinct basalts were cored in 44 m of basement penetration at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 543, in Upper Cretaceous crust just seaward of the deformation front of the Barbados Ridge and north of the Tiburon Rise. All four types are moderately fractionated abyssal tholeiites. The four types have different magnetic inclinations, all of reversed polarity, suggesting eruption at different times which recorded secular variation of the earth's magnetic field. Extensive replacement of Plagioclase by K-feldspar has occurred at the top of the basalts, giving analyses with K2O contents up to 5 %. The earliest stages of alteration were dominantly oxidative, resulting in fractures lined with celadonite and dioctahedral smectite, and pervasive replacement of olivine and most intersertal glass with iron hydroxides and green clay minerals. Latef, non-oxidative alteration resulted in formation of olive-green clays and pyrite veins in a portion of the rocks. Basalts affected by this alteration actually lost K2O (to abundances lower than in adjacent fresh basalt glasses), and gained MgO (to abundances higher than in the glasses). Finally, fractures and interpillow voids were lined with calcite, sealing in much fresh glass. Oxygen-isotope measurements on the calcite indicate that this occurred at 12 to 25C. Either altering fluids were warm or the basalts had become buried with a considerable thickness of sediments, such that temperatures increased until a conductive thermal gradient was established, when the veining occurred.


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DSDP Hole 504B is the deepest section drilled into oceanic basement, penetrating through a 571.5-m lava pile and a 209-m transition zone of lavas and dikes into 295 m of a sheeted dike complex. To define the basement composition 194 samples of least altered basalts, representing all lithologic units, were analyzed for their major and 26 trace elements. As is evident from the alteration-sensitive indicators H2O+, CO2, S, K, Mn, Zn, Cu, and the iron oxidation ratio, all rocks recovered are chemically altered to some extent. Downhole variation in these parameters enables us to distinguish five depth-related alteration zones that closely correlate with changes in alteration mineralogy. Alteration in the uppermost basement portion is characterized by pronounced K-uptake, sulfur loss, and iron oxidation and clearly demonstrates low-temperature seawater interaction. A very spectacular type of alteration is confined to the depth range from 910 to 1059 m below seafloor (BSF). Rocks from this basement portion exhibit the lowest iron oxidation, the highest H2O+ contents, and a considerable enrichment in Mn, S, Zn, and Cu. At the top of this zone a stockwork-like sulfide mineralization occurs. The chemical data suggest that this basement portion was at one time within a hydrothermal upflow zone. The steep gradient in alteration chemistry above this zone and the ore precipitation are interpreted as the result of mixing of the upflowing hydrothermal fluids with lower-temperature solutions circulating in the lava pile. Despite the chemical alteration the primary composition and variation of the rocks can be reliably established. All data demonstrate that the pillow lavas and the dikes are remarkably uniform and display almost the same range of variation. A general characteristic of the rocks that classify as olivine tholeiites is their high MgO contents (up to 10.5 wt.%) and their low K abundances (-200 ppm). According to their mg-values, which range from 0.60 to 0.74, most basalts appear to have undergone some high-level crystal fractionation. Despite the overall similarity in composition, there are two major basalt groups that have significantly different abundances and ratios of incompatible elements at similar mg-values. The majority of the basalts from the pillow lava and dike sections are chemically closely related, and most probably represent differentiation products of a common parental magma. They are low in Na2O, TiO2, and P2O5, and very low in the more hygromagmaphile elements. Interdigitated with this basalt group is a very rarely occurring basalt that is higher in Na2O, TiO2, P2O5, much less depleted in hygromagmaphile elements, and similar to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). The latter is restricted to Lithologic Units 5 and 36 of the pillow lava section and Lithologic Unit 83 of the dike section. The two basalt groups cannot be related by differentiation processes but have to be regarded as products of two different parental magmas. The compositional uniformity of the majority of the basalts suggests that the magma chamber beneath the Costa Rica Rift reached nearly steady-state conditions. However, the presence of lavas and dikes that crystallized from a different parental magma requires the existence of a separate conduit-magma chamber system for these melts. Occasionally mixing between the two magma types appears to have occurred. The chemical characteristics of the two magma types imply some heterogeneity in the mantle source underlying the Costa Rica Rift. The predominant magma type represents an extremely depleted source, whereas the rare magma type presumably originated from regions of less depleted mantle material (relict or affected by metasomatism).


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Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and its biological conversion in marine sediments, largely controlled by anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), is a crucial part of the global carbon cycle. However, little is known about the role of iron oxides as an oxidant for AOM. Here we provide the first field evidence for iron-dependent AOM in brackish coastal surface sediments and show that methane produced in Bothnian Sea sediments is oxidized in distinct zones of iron- and sulfate-dependent AOM. At our study site, anthropogenic eutrophication over recent decades has led to an upward migration of the sulfate/methane transition zone in the sediment. Abundant iron oxides and high dissolved ferrous iron indicate iron reduction in the methanogenic sediments below the newly established sulfate/methane transition. Laboratory incubation studies of these sediments strongly suggest that the in situ microbial community is capable of linking methane oxidation to iron oxide reduction. Eutrophication of coastal environments may therefore create geochemical conditions favorable for iron-mediated AOM and thus increase the relevance of iron-dependent methane oxidation in the future. Besides its role in mitigating methane emissions, iron-dependent AOM strongly impacts sedimentary iron cycling and related biogeochemical processes through the reduction of large quantities of iron oxides.


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Igneous rocks recovered from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 Sites 827, 829, and 830 at the toe of the forearc slope of New Hebrides Island Arc were investigated, using petrography, mineral chemistry, major and trace element, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic analyses. Basaltic and andesitic clasts, together with detrital crystals of plagioclase, pyroxenes, and amphiboles embedded in sed-lithic conglomerate or volcanic siltstone and sandstone of Pleistocene age, were recovered from Sites 827 and 830. Petrological features of these lava clasts suggest a provenance from the Western Belt of New Hebrides Island Arc; igneous constituents were incorporated into breccias and sandstones, which were in turn reworked into a second generation breccia. Drilling at Site 829 recovered a variety of igneous rocks including basalts and probably comagmatic dolerites and gabbros, plus rare ultramafic rocks. Geochemical features, including Pb isotopic ratios, of the mafic rocks are intermediate between midocean ridge basalts and island arc tholeiites, and these rocks are interpreted to be backarc basin basalts. No correlates of these mafic rocks are known from Espiritu Santo and Malakula islands, nor do they occur in the Pleistocene volcanic breccias at Sites 827 and 830. However, basalts with very similar trace element and isotopic compositions have been recovered from the northern flank of North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge at Site 828. It is proposed that igneous rocks drilled at Site 829 represent material from the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge accreted onto the over-riding Pacific Plate during collision. An original depleted mantle harzburgitic composition is inferred for a serpentinite clast recovered at 407 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in Hole 829A. Its provenance is a matter of speculation. It could have been brought up along a deep thrust fault affecting the Pacific Plate at the colliding margin, or analogous to the Site 829 basaltic lavas, it may represent material accreted from the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge.