933 resultados para Involuntary commitment


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[ES] Este artículo se centra en el estudio de las políticas familiares que se han implantado en los países de nuestro entorno europeo y sus consecuencias sobre las mujeres en términos de bienestar y de igualdad. La paulatina e irreversible incorporación de las mujeres al mercado de trabajo no solo ha modificado la estructura familiar sino que también ha puesto de manifiesto la estrecha relación entre el trabajo remunerado y el trabajo no remunerado, es decir, el trabajo doméstico y el trabajo de cuidados tanto de la infancia como de las personas dependientes. El objetivo que se persigue es examinar y comparar el grado de compromiso que tienen estos países tanto con el bienestar de la infancia como con la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres, a través de los instrumentos que permiten articular la vida familiar con la vida laboral fomentando la participación masculina en el trabajo de cuidados así como la participación femenina en el empleo remunerado.


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Since May 2012 Paul Cocker, Operation Executive and the Senior Management Team of Alliance Learning have introduced an online learner management system for every learner, requiring significant investment in systems, hardware, acceptance by staff and above all, time and commitment from the management team. This organisation has taken the radical step to overcome one of the major barriers to achieve its goal by dedicating three periods of two weeks where the business has closed for staff CPD training. A total of 500 man hours were invested to implement the online system. This is an excellent model of how to make these major changes effective in the shortest time.


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Harmful Algal Research and Response: A Human Dimensions Strategy (HARR-HD) justifies and guides a coordinated national commitment to human dimensions research critical to prevent and respond to impacts of harmful algal blooms (HABs). Beyond HABs, it serves as a framework for developing hu-man dimensions research as a cross-cutting priority of ecosystem science supporting coastal and ocean management, including hazard research and mitigation planning. Measuring and promoting commu-nity resilience to hazards require human dimensions research outcomes such as effective risk commu-nication strategies; assessment of community vulnerability; identification of susceptible populations; comprehensive assessment of environmental, sociocultural, and economic impacts; development of effective decision support tools; and improved coordination among agencies and stakeholders. HARR-HD charts a course for human dimensions research to achieve these and other priorities through co-ordinated implementation by the Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (JSOST) In-teragency Working Group on HABs, Hypoxia and Human Health (IWG-4H); national HAB funding programs; national research and response programs; and state research and monitoring programs. (PDF contains 72 pages)


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Scientific research revolves around the production, analysis, storage, management, and re-use of data. Data sharing offers important benefits for scientific progress and advancement of knowledge. However, several limitations and barriers in the general adoption of data sharing are still in place. Probably the most important challenge is that data sharing is not yet very common among scholars and is not yet seen as a regular activity among scientists, although important efforts are being invested in promoting data sharing. In addition, there is a relatively low commitment of scholars to cite data. The most important problems and challenges regarding data metrics are closely tied to the more general problems related to data sharing. The development of data metrics is dependent on the growth of data sharing practices, after all it is nothing more than the registration of researchers’ behaviour. At the same time, the availability of proper metrics can help researchers to make their data work more visible. This may subsequently act as an incentive for more data sharing and in this way a virtuous circle may be set in motion. This report seeks to further explore the possibilities of metrics for datasets (i.e. the creation of reliable data metrics) and an effective reward system that aligns the main interests of the main stakeholders involved in the process. The report reviews the current literature on data sharing and data metrics. It presents interviews with the main stakeholders on data sharing and data metrics. It also analyses the existing repositories and tools in the field of data sharing that have special relevance for the promotion and development of data metrics. On the basis of these three pillars, the report presents a number of solutions and necessary developments, as well as a set of recommendations regarding data metrics. The most important recommendations include the general adoption of data sharing and data publication among scholars; the development of a reward system for scientists that includes data metrics; reducing the costs of data publication; reducing existing negative cultural perceptions of researchers regarding data publication; developing standards for preservation, publication, identification and citation of datasets; more coordination of data repository initiatives; and further development of interoperability protocols across different actors.


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Since the early years of the 21st century, and in particular since 2007, the U.S. has been awakening rapidly to the fact that climate change is underway and that even if stringent efforts are undertaken to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to the unavoidable impacts from the existing commitment to climate change is still needed and needs to be begun now. This report provides an historical overview of the public, political, and scientific concern with adaptation in the United States. It begins by briefly distinguishing ongoing, historical adaptation to environmental circumstances from deliberate adaptation to human‐induced climate change. It then describes the shift from the early concerns with climate change and adaptation to the more recent awakening to the need for a comprehensive approach to managing the risks from climate change. Ranging from the treatment of the topic in the news media to the drafting of bills in Congress, to state and local government activities with considerable engagement of NGOs, scientists and consultants, it is apparent that adaptation has finally, and explosively, emerged on the political agenda as a legitimate and needed subject for debate. At the same time, the current policy rush is not underlain by widespread public engagement and mobilization nor does it rest on a solid research foundation. Funding for vulnerability and adaptation research, establishing adequate decision support institutions, as well as the building of the necessary capacity in science, the consulting world, and in government agencies, lags far behind the need. (PDF contains 42 pages)


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Despite being the most effective treatment for Parkinson's disease, L-DOPA causes a development of dyskinetic movements in the majority of treated patients. L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia is attributed to a dysregulated dopamine transmission within the basal ganglia, but serotonergic and noradrenergic systems are believed to play an important modulatory role. In this study, we have addressed the role of the locus coeruleus nucleus (LC) in a rat model of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia. Single-unit extracellular recordings in vivo and behavioural and immunohistochemical approaches were applied in rats rendered dyskinetic by the destruction of the nigrostriatal dopamine neurons followed by chronic treatment with L-DOPA. The results showed that L-DOPA treatment reversed the change induced by 6-hydroxydopamine lesions on LC neuronal activity. The severity of the abnormal involuntary movements induced by L-DOPA correlated with the basal firing parameters of LC neuronal activity. Systemic administration of the LC-selective noradrenergic neurotoxin N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine did not modify axial, limb, and orolingual dyskinesia, whereas chemical destruction of the LC with ibotenic acid significantly increased the abnormal involuntary movement scores. These results are the first to demonstrate altered LC neuronal activity in 6-OHDA lesioned rats treated with L-DOPA, and indicate that an intact noradrenergic system may limit the severity of this movement disorder.


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[EUS] Experitentzia, Eukal Autonomi Erkideko nekazal zonaldeen garapeneko metodologiaren oinarria. Nekazal zonaldeen garapenerako legearen onarpenaren hamarkada baten ondoren, non administrazioaren artean eta Eskualde Planaren bitartez ekiteko eredua definitzen zen, programen gauzapenean hutsune haundiak antzematen dira. Planak berritzeko helburuarekin egindako akatzen inguruan gogoeta bat burutzen da eta metodologi proposamen ezberdinak planteatzen dira. Hauen artean aurreko planen zehaztapen eta konpromesuz kale egin zuten izaera partizipatibo eta irikiaren aurrean asmo induktiboak, erabilgarriak eta ejekutagarriak proposatzen dira orain.


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Ejemplar monográfico titulado: "De poesía y crítica"


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[ES]Los cambios sociodemográficos y el aumento de la esperanza de vida han dado lugar a un aumento de algunas enfermedades, incluyendo la enfermedad de Alzheimer. La enfermedad de Alzheimer no sólo afecta a la persona que padece dicha enfermedad, sino que también repercute en la familia. Los cuidadores familiares son los que, de manera mayoritaria, se hacen cargo de la atención de estos pacientes con un compromiso de 24 horas, con lo que implica hacer cambios en sus estilos de vida. Los objetivos de este estudio son describir las características socio-demográficas, determinar la sobrecarga de los cuidadores informales y evaluar la calidad de sueño de los cuidadores. Se realizará un estudio transversal que incluirá a 40 cuidadores de enfermos de Alzheimer, seleccionados por un muestreo no probabilístico de selección por cuotas. Los participantes serán los cuidadores informales de pacientes con la enfermedad de Alzheimer que estén en el estadío III o IV de dicha enfermedad. Nuestra variable dependiente será el sueño y como variable independiente la sobrecarga. El estudio se realizará en la asociación de familiares de Alzheimer de Bilbao (A.F.A - Bizkaia), dónde se captará a la muestra de estudio y donde se procederá a aplicar los cuestionarios pertinentes para dicho estudio. Para participar en el estudio es necesario que firmen el consentimiento informado. Los instrumentos que se utilizarán son el cuestionario de Pittsburg que evalúa la calidad de sueño y la escala de carga de Zarit. Para el análisis de datos se utilizará el programa SPSS 15.0. Palabras clave: enfermedad de Alzheimer, cuidadores, cuidadores familiares, demencia, sobrecarga, sueño.


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Interleukin-2 is one of the lymphokines secreted by T helper type 1 cells upon activation mediated by T-cell receptor (TCR) and accessory molecules. The ability to express IL-2 is correlated with T-lineage commitment and is regulated during T cell development and differentiation. Understanding the molecular mechanism of how IL-2 gene inducibility is controlled at each transition and each differentiation process of T-cell development is to understand one aspect of T-cell development. In the present study, we first attempted to elucidate the molecular basis for the developmental changes of IL-2 gene inducibility. We showed that IL-2 gene inducibility is acquired early in immature CD4- CD8-TCR- thymocytes prior to TCR gene rearrangement. Similar to mature T cells, a complete set of transcription factors can be induced at this early stage to activate IL-2 gene expression. The progression of these cells to cortical CD4^+CD8^+TCR^(1o) cells is accompanied by the loss of IL-2 gene inducibility. We demonstrated that DNA binding activities of two transcription factors AP-1 and NF-AT are reduced in cells at this stage. Further, the loss of factor binding, especially AP-1, is attributable to the reduced ability to activate expression of three potential components of AP-1 and NF-AT, including c-Fos, FosB, and Fra-2. We next examined the interaction of transcription factors and the IL-2 promoter in vivo by using the EL4 T cell line and two non-T cell lines. We showed an all-or-none phenomenon regarding the factor-DNA interaction, i.e., in activated T cells, the IL-2 promoter is occupied by sequence-specific transcription factors when all the transcription factors are available; in resting T cells or non-T cells, no specific protein-DNA interaction is observed when only a subset of factors are present in the nuclei. Purposefully reducing a particular set of factor binding activities in stimulated T cells using pharmacological agents cyclosporin A or forskolin also abolished all interactions. The results suggest that a combinatorial and coordinated protein-DNA interaction is required for IL-2 gene activation. The thymocyte experiments clearly illustrated that multiple transcription factors are regulated during intrathymic T-cell development, and this regulation in tum controls the inducibility of the lineage-specific IL-2 gene. The in vivo study of protein-DNA interaction stressed the combinatorial action of transcription factors to stably occupy the IL-2 promoter and to initiate its transcription, and provided a molecular mechanism for changes in IL-2 gene inducibility in T cells undergoing integration of multiple environmental signals.


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This paper analyzes the path of the international expansion of Grupo Arcor, an Argentine multinational company specializing in confectionery. The objective is to entify corporate strategies and business learning that led this Latin American firm to establish itself as one of the leading manufacturers in confectionery industry ,particularly in the 21st Century. The analysis is primarily qualitative in order to identify the economic dimension as a determinant in the internationalization process; a processbased approach from the Uppsala Model is used for this. However, the study is also complemented with a regression analysis to test if the firm was driven to expand internationally by the expectations on the degree of globalization of the industry and the accumulation of experience in foreign markets, and if the company was influenced by psychic distance in choosing the location of its investment; given the influence of these variables in Grupo Arcor business strategies. Our findings suggest that Grupo Arcor, was able to become global due to strategies such as vertical integration, diversification of products and geographical markets (based on psychic distance) and indeed some strategies were consequence of the globalization of the sector and the accumulation of experience in foreign markets.


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[EN] This study presents an applied experience which takes part of a program on prevention of the violence in soccer in school age. The aim was the acquisition of the commitment of the trainers involved in matches considered as non sportive, in the fulfillment of sportive behavior guidelines. To achieve this aim, a meeting was carried out by the trainers of the equipments that led violent incidents in the first round of the league, with the presidents of these equipments, with representatives of the local football Federation and with representatives of the Committee of referees. From this meeting it was intended: 1) to reduce the probability of aggressive and violent incidents; 2) to promote a relation of cooperation between the entities of the teams that led non sportive incidents, and the referee group; and 3) Make the sports context be a protector to prevent non sportive behaviors. The results of this study reflect that the participation had a positive effect in the improvement of the sportsmanship in the return football matches of the league.


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Pattern formation during animal development involves at least three processes: establishment of the competence of precursor cells to respond to intercellular signals, formation of a pattern of different cell fates adopted by precursor cells, and execution of the cell fate by generating a pattern of distinct descendants from precursor cells. I have analyzed the fundamental mechanisms of pattern formation by studying the development of Caenorhabditis elegans vulva.

In C. elegans, six multipotential vulval precursor cells (VPCs) are competent to respond to an inductive signal LIN-3 (EGF) mediated by LET- 23 (RTK) and a lateral signal via LIN-12 (Notch) to form a fixed pattern of 3°-3°-2°-1°-2°-3°. Results from expressing LIN-3 as a function of time in animals lacking endogenous LIN-3 indicate that both VPCs and VPC daughters are competent to respond to LIN-3. Although the daughters of VPCs specified to be 2° or 3° can be redirected to adopt the 1°fate, the decision to adopt the 1° fate is irreversible. Coupling of VPC competence to cell cycle progression reveals that VPC competence may be periodic during each cell cycle and involve LIN-39 (HOM-C). These mechanisms are essential to ensure a bias towards the 1° fate, while preventing an excessive response.

After adopting the 1° fate, the VPC executes its fate by dividing three rounds to form a fixed pattern of four inner vulF and four outer vulE descendants. These two types of descendants can be distinguished by a molecular marker zmp-1::GFP. A short-range signal from the anchor cell (AC), along with signaling between the inner and outer 1° VPC descendants and intrinsic polarity of 1° VPC daughters, patterns the 1° lineage. The Ras and the Wnt signaling pathways may be involved in these mechanisms.

The temporal expression pattern of egl-17::GFP, another marker ofthe 1° fate, correlates with three different steps of 1° fate execution: the commitment to the 1° fate, as well as later steps before and after establishment of the uterine-vulval connection. Six transcription factors, including LIN-1(ETS), LIN-39 (HOM-C), LIN-11(LIM), LIN-29 (zinc finger), COG-1 (homeobox) and EGL-38 (PAX2/5/8), are involved in different steps during 1° fate execution.