927 resultados para Interventions in Oral Healthcare


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BACKGROUND: Long-term outcome and complications of diode laser cyclophotocoagulation (DCPC) may be important, since eyes, once treated with DCPC, are less likely to be subjected to other types of interventions in the further follow-up. METHODS: Retrospective review of 131 eyes of 127 patients treated from 2000 through 2004. Success was defined as intraocular pressure (IOP) at last visit 6-21 mm Hg; hypotony: IOP ing 1 or 2 sessions; overall re-treatment rate: 38.9%. Mean total laser energy delivered per eye: 133.9 (73.7) J; mean energy per treatment episode: 86.8 (22.0) J. Eyes with 3 or more treatments (11%) had a significantly larger proportion of post-traumatic glaucoma, and patients were significantly younger. All eyes had refractory glaucomas on maximal medication, neovascular glaucoma (NVG) representing the largest subgroup (61%). IOP decreased from 36.9 (10.7) mm Hg pretreatment to 15.3 (10.4) mm Hg at the end of FU. Success was noted in 69.5% (91 eyes), failure (non-response) in 13%. Hypotony occurred in 17.6% eyes, of which 74% had NVG. Hypotony developed after mean 19.3 (11.0) months, range 6 to 36; with 96% of these eyes having received only 1 or 2 treatments; delivered energy did not differ from that in the successful eyes. CONCLUSIONS: DCPC is an efficient treatment for refractory glaucoma. Hypotony, the most common complication, may develop as late as 36 months post-treatment. Diagnostic category and age seem to influence the outcome stronger than laser protocol and delivered energy.


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The refeeding syndrome is a potentially lethal complication of refeeding in patients who are severely malnourished from whatever cause. Too rapid refeeding, particularly with carbohydrate may precipitate a number of metabolic and pathophysiological complications, which may adversely affect the cardiac, respiratory, haematological, hepatic and neuromuscular systems leading to clinical complications and even death. We aimed to review the development of the refeeding syndrome in a variety of situations and, from this and the literature, devise guidelines to prevent and treat the condition. We report seven cases illustrating different aspects of the refeeding syndrome and the measures used to treat it. The specific complications encountered, their physiological mechanisms, identification of patients at risk, and prevention and treatment are discussed. Each case developed one or more of the features of the refeeding syndrome including deficiencies and low plasma levels of potassium, phosphate, magnesium and thiamine combined with salt and water retention. These responded to specific interventions. In most cases, these abnormalities could have been anticipated and prevented. The main features of the refeeding syndrome are described with a protocol to anticipate, prevent and treat the condition in adults.


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Drawing on theories of technical communication, rhetoric, literacy, language and culture, and medical anthropology, this dissertation explores how local culture and traditions can be incorporated into health-risk-communication-program design and implementation, including the design and dissemination of health-risk messages. In a modern world with increasing global economic partnerships, mounting health and environmental risks, and cross-cultural collaborations, those who interact with people of different cultures have “a moral obligation to take those cultures seriously, including their social organization and values” (Hahn and Inhorn 10). Paradoxically, at the same time as we must carefully adapt health, safety, and environmental-risk messages to diverse cultures and populations, we must also recognize the increasing extent to which we are all becoming part of one, vast, interrelated global village. This, too, has a significant impact on the ways in which healthcare plans should be designed, communicated, and implemented. Because communicating across diverse cultures requires a system for “bridging the gap between individual differences and negotiating individual realities” (Kim and Gudykunst 50), both administrators and beneficiaries of malaria-treatment-and-control programs (MTCPs) in Liberia were targeted to participate in this study. A total of 105 people participated in this study: 21 MTCP administrators (including designers and implementers) completed survey questionnaires on program design, implementation, and outcomes; and 84 MTCP beneficiaries (e.g., traditional leaders and young adults) were interviewed about their knowledge of malaria and methods for communicating health risks in their tribe or culture. All participants showed a tremendous sense of courage, commitment, resilience, and pragmatism, especially in light of the fact that many of them live and work under dire socioeconomic conditions (e.g., no electricity and poor communication networks). Although many MTCP beneficiaries interviewed for this study had bed nets in their homes, a majority (46.34 percent) used a combination of traditional herbal medicine and Western medicine to treat malaria. MTCP administrators who participated in this study rated the impacts of their programs on reducing malaria in Liberia as moderately successful (61.90 percent) or greatly successful (38.10 percent), and they offered a variety of insights on what they might do differently in the future to incorporate local culture and traditions into program design and implementation. Participating MTCP administrators and beneficiaries differed in their understanding of what “cultural incorporation” meant, but they agreed that using local indigenous languages to communicate health-risk messages was essential for effective health-risk communication. They also suggested that understanding the literacy practices and linguistic cultures of the local people is essential to communicating health risks across diverse cultures and populations.


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OBJECTIVES: Spousal caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, possibly via sympathetic response to stressors and subsequent catecholamine surge. Personal mastery (i.e., belief that one can manage life's obstacles) may decrease psychological and physiological response to stressors. This study examines the relationship between mastery and sympathetic arousal in elderly caregivers, as measured by norepinephrine (NE) reactivity to an acute psychological stressor. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Data were collected by a research nurse in each caregiver's home. PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-nine elderly spousal Alzheimer caregivers (mean age: 72.8 years) who were not taking beta-blocking medication. INTERVENTION: After assessment for mastery and objective caregiving stressors, caregivers underwent an experimental speech task designed to induce sympathetic arousal. MEASUREMENTS: Mastery was assessed using Pearlin's Personal Mastery scale and Alzheimer patient functioning was assessed using the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale, Problem Behaviors Scale, and Activities of Daily Living Scale. Plasma NE assays were conducted using pre- and postspeech blood draws. RESULTS: Multiple regression analyses revealed that mastery was significantly and negatively associated with NE reactivity (B = -9.86, t (61) = -2.03, p = 0.046) independent of factors theoretically and empirically linked to NE reactivity. CONCLUSIONS: Caregivers with higher mastery had less NE reactivity to the stressor task. Mastery may exert a protective influence that mitigates the physiological effects of acute stress, and may be an important target for psychosocial interventions in order to reduce sympathetic arousal and cardiovascular stress among dementia caregivers.


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To minimize the risk of intraoperative complications, a comprehensive radiological diagnostic work-up should be a routine procedure in oral surgery. This is especially true concerning possible damage to the inferior alveolar nerve during surgical removal of the third molars. The course and location of the nerve are best assessed when evaluating panoramic view images or cone beam CTs. The following case report demonstrates and discusses the importance of a thorough radiological evaluation before surgery, the problems raised by an interradicular course of the inferior alveolar nerve, and the finding of a monostotic fibrous dyplasia in the same patient.


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BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to systematically review the diagnostic criteria, indications, and need for treatment of ankyloglossia (tongue-tie), as well as the various treatment options for patients in different age groups. METHODS: The MEDLINE databases and the Cochrane Library were searched according to well-defined criteria, resulting in 64 included articles. The evidence regarding the classifications of tongue-tie, epidemiologic data, inheritance, breastfeeding problems, impaired tongue mobility, speech disorders, malocclusion, gingival recessions, therapy, and complications due to surgery was analyzed in detail. RESULTS: Different classifications for ankyloglossia have been proposed but not uniformly accepted. Breastfeeding problems in neonates could be associated with a tongue-tie, but not enough controlled trials have been performed to identify an ideal treatment option. In children and adults with ankyloglossia, limitations in tongue mobility are present, but the individual degree of discomfort, as well as the severity of an associated speech problem, are subjective and difficult to categorize. There is no evidence supporting the development of gingival recessions because of ankyloglossia. Frenotomy, frenectomy, and frenuloplasty are the main surgical treatment options to release/remove an ankyloglossia. Because of the limited evidence available, no specific surgical method can be favored. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of an accepted definition and classification of ankyloglossia makes comparisons between studies almost impossible. Because almost no controlled prospective trials for surgical interventions in patients with tongue-ties are present in the literature, no conclusive suggestions regarding the method of choice can be made. It also remains controversial which tongue-ties need to be surgically removed and which can be left to observation.


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The patent nasopalatine duct is a rare anomaly in the anterior maxilla. During the early fetal period, a bilateral and epithelium-lined duct is formed within the primary palatal process as an oro-nasal communication. However, the duct obliterates and degenerates before birth. A persisting patent or through-and-through nasoplatine duct is therefore considered a developmental anomaly. A patent nasopalatine duct normally presents as one (or two) tiny openings lateral or posterior to the incisive papilla. In such a case, the ducts can be partially or completely probed with gutta-percha points with subsequent radiographic imaging. The patients report strange sensations such as squeaking noise, palatal drainage, nasal regurgitation, or airway communication between nasal and oral cavities; however, patients rarely complain about pain. About 40 cases have been documented in the literature. We describe two patients who have been referred to our department for evaluation of "sinus tracts" in the anterior palate. Since a patent nasopalatine duct can become a diagnostic pitfall, a thorough inspection of the mucosa around the incisive papilla is essential to avoid unnecessary endodontic or surgical interventions in the area of the central maxillary incisors.


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Oral jewelry is popular. One of the most widely spread types are so-called tooth diamonds made of composite materials which are applied to the teeth with an adhesive. Note that parents are required to sign a release form for under-aged patients in Switzerland. Tooth cap grills and gold teeth are considered status symbols within the Hip-Hop fashion scene. However, tooth ornaments favour the accumulation of plaque and can diminish the ability to articulate. With respect to jewelry in oral soft tissue especially tongue and lip piercings are of significance to dentists. Besides the systemic complications, which are mostly caused by a lack of hygiene or the failure of noting medical contraindications by the piercer, local complications occur frequently. After surgery, pain, swelling, infections as well as hemorrhages or hematomas can be observed. Long-term effects can be problematic: gingival recession can be discernes mainly in the case of lip piercings the loss of hard tooth substance in the case of tongue piercings. Because of that, conservation therapies can become indespensable. Patients wearing dental jewelry have to be aware of risks of tooth damage, and they regularly have to undergo dental check-ups. Information campaigns--for dentists as well as patients--are necessary.


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Dental undertreatment is often seen in the older population. This is particularly true for the elderly living in nursing homes and geriatric hospitals. The progression of chronic diseases results in loss of their independence. They rely on daily support and care due to physical or mental impairment. The visit of a dentist in private praxis becomes difficult or impossible and is a logistic problem. These elderly patients are often not aware of oral and dental problems or these are not addressed. The geriatric hospital Bern, Ziegler, has integrated dental care in the concept of physical rehabilitation of geriatric patients. A total of 139 patients received dental treatment in the years 2005/2006. Their mean age was 83 years, but the segment with > 85 years of age amounted to 46%. The general health examinations reveald multiple and complex disorders. The ASA classification (American Society of Anesthesiologists, Physical Status Classification System) was applied and resulted in 15% = P2 (mild systemic disease, no functional limitation), 47% = P3 (severe systemic disease, definite functional limitations) and 38% = P4 (severe systemic disease, constant threat to life). Eighty-seven of the patients exhibited 3 or more chronic diseases with a prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, musculoskelettal disorders and dementia. Overall the differences between men and women were small, but broncho-pulmonary dieseases were significantly more frequent in women, while men were more often diagnosed with dementia and depression. Verbal communication was limited or not possible with 60% of the patients due to cognitive impairment or aphasia after a stroke. Although the objective treatment need is high, providing dentistry for frail and geriatric patients is characterized by risks due to poor general health conditions, difficulties in communication, limitations in feasibility and lack of adequate aftercare. In order to prevent the problem of undertreatment, elderly independently living people should undergo dental treatment regularly and in time. Training of nurses and doctors of geriatric hospitals in oral hygiene should improve the awareness. A multidisciplinary assessment of geriatric patients should include the oral and dental aspect if they enter the hospital.


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In Europe and the United States, the recreational use of gamma-hydroxy butyric acid (GHB) at dance clubs and "rave" parties has increased substantially. In addition, GHB is used to assist in the commission of sexual assaults. The aim of this controlled clinical study was to acquire pharmacokinetic profiles, detection times, and excretion rates in human subjects. Eight GHB-naïve volunteers were administered a single 25-mg/kg body weight oral dose of GHB, and plasma, urine, and oral fluid specimens were analyzed by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Liquid-liquid extraction was performed after acid conversion of GHB to gamma-butyrolactone. Limits of quantitation of 0.1 (oral fluid), 0.2 (urine), and 0.5 microg/mL (plasma) could be achieved in the selected ion monitoring mode. GHB plasma peaks of 39.4 +/- 25.2 microg/mL (mean +/- SEM) occurred 20-45 min after administration. The terminal plasma elimination half-life was 30.4 +/- 2.45 min, the distribution volume 52.7 +/- 15.0 L, and the total clearance 1228 +/- 233 microL/min. In oral fluid, GHB could be detected up to 360 min, with peak concentrations of 203 +/- 92.4 microg/mL in the 10-min samples. In urine, 200 +/- 71.8 and 230 +/- 86.3 microg/mL, were the highest GHB levels measured at 30 and 60 min, respectively. Only 1.2 +/- 0.2% of the dose was excreted, resulting in a detection window of 720 min. Common side-effects were confusion, sleepiness, and dizziness; euphoria and change of vital functions were not observed. GHB is extensively metabolized and rapidly eliminated in urine and oral fluid. Consequently, samples should be collected as soon as possible after ingestion.


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What makes helping relationships - or social interventions in general - so sensitive to abuse? These problems are directly related to the nature of the helping relationship. The core of this relationship is the inequality, the asymmetry, between the helper and the person being helped, and the dependence of the latter. Asymmetry is the driving force behind every social intervention and at the same time its weakest point. Handling asymmetry in an appropriate manner constitutes a major part of the work of the intervening party. This asymmetry makes heavy demands on the professional attitude of the intervening party i.e. the helper. Is s/he capable of dealing with dependence in an acceptable way? Is s/he well-versed in her/his profession? This article contains a comprehensive sketch of many of the possible dangers and pitfalls which beset asymmetric intervention relations. At the end it will be argued that, for a better understanding, the proximity of helping and power has to be taken into account.


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BACKGROUND Critical incidents in clinical medicine can have far-reaching consequences on patient health. In cases of severe medical errors they can seriously harm the patient or even lead to death. The involvement in such an event can result in a stress reaction, a so-called acute posttraumatic stress disorder in the healthcare provider, the so-called second victim of an adverse event. Psychological distress may not only have a long lasting impact on quality of life of the physician or caregiver involved but it may also affect the ability to provide safe patient care in the aftermath of adverse events. METHODS A literature review was performed to obtain information on care giver responses to medical errors and to determine possible supportive strategies to mitigate negative consequences of an adverse event on the second victim. An internet search and a search in Medline/Pubmed for scientific studies were conducted using the key words "second victim, "medical error", "critical incident stress management" (CISM) and "critical incident stress reporting system" (CIRS). Sources from academic medical societies and public institutions which offer crisis management programs where analyzed. The data were sorted by main categories and relevance for hospitals. Analysis was carried out using descriptive measures. RESULTS In disaster medicine and aviation navigation services the implementation of a CISM program is an efficient intervention to help staff to recover after a traumatic event and to return to normal functioning and behavior. Several other concepts for a clinical crisis management plan were identified. CONCLUSIONS The integration of CISM and CISM-related programs in a clinical setting may provide efficient support in an acute crisis and may help the caregiver to deal effectively with future error events and employee safety.


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Dyslipidemia is one of the main modifiable cardiovascular risk factors. There is strong evidence for the efficacy of lipid-lowering drugs in secondary prevention, as well as in primary prevention for patients at high cardiovascular risk. In primary prevention, indication for lipid-lowering interventions should be based on an individual assessment of the cardiovascular risk and on the LDL cholesterol level, despite less strong evidence for the efficacy of drug-based interventions in low risk patients. Treatment consists of statins, as well as lifestyle modifications such as body weight control and increased physical exercise. The latter constitute the primary intervention in patients at low cardiovascular risk. Secondary dyslipidemias due to an underlying medical condition and familial dyslipidemias such as Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia should be identified and treated accordingly, taking into account that the risk scoring systems are not appropriate in these situations.


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CONTEXT The necessity of specific intervention components for the successful treatment of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder is the subject of controversy. OBJECTIVE To investigate the complexity of clinical problems as a moderator of relative effects between specific and nonspecific psychological interventions. METHODS We included 18 randomized controlled trials, directly comparing specific and nonspecific psychological interventions. We conducted moderator analyses, including the complexity of clinical problems as predictor. RESULTS Our results have confirmed the moderate superiority of specific over nonspecific psychological interventions; however, the superiority was small in studies with complex clinical problems and large in studies with noncomplex clinical problems. CONCLUSIONS For patients with complex clinical problems, our results suggest that particular nonspecific psychological interventions may be offered as an alternative to specific psychological interventions. In contrast, for patients with noncomplex clinical problems, specific psychological interventions are the best treatment option.